“Right,” Stas agreed to him merrily. “She needs it! Otherwise she will be blown by the wind! Especially after the dolphins shook her last kilocalories.”
   The guys laughed again. However Nikolai Andreevich like a careful parent went on insisting that the guys would eat something “serious”. In reply Victor responded for all of them in jest, “No, no, doctor, don’t insist, I mean, force us. We don’t want at all! Yesterday we arimaned so much that today food evokes the same response like Eugene felt in the story with crawfish.”
   “What?!” Eugene roused himself and touched his back probably as he hasn’t heard well the words. That made all of us roll with laughter.
   “I’m telling about the story with crawfish”, Victor repeated distinctly with a smile while explaining the guy what had just happened.
   “Ah,” Eugene calmed down a bit. “And I thought you are talking about my Achilles’ heel! What a cruel fiend, I thought! It ached the whole night and now he is jeering at it with his emanations.”
   While the guys were exchanging phrases, Stas told Sensei with sympathy, “Well, after yesterday sparrings… Ariman stroke him so well, now he’s got such a big bruise!..”
   “You should put an ointment to it,” Nikolai Andreevich gave an advice immediately.
   Eugene have seen how Stas bent towards Sensei and called him in a comic and pretension way, “Hey, you, why are you betraying all military secrets?! You are a spy!”
   “Me? A spy?! You see, I try to help him, appeal to all the medic and rescue service of our good team! And he calls me a spy…”
   Victor who sat near Stas, pushed him to the side with an elbow and asked with a humour, “And how come, you know about the size of his “military secret”?”
   “How? I’m his friend!” Stas said. And looking at him grinning he added with a smile, shaking his finger, “Just a friend, nothing more.”
   When everybody laughed enough, Volodya said in a bass voice, “Well, it were cool arimanic Olympic games in the cross-country yesterday for our brains.”
   “Aha,” Eugene hurried up to share his impressions. “My tunnels are still suffering from labyrinth complex.”
   “That’s true! A real cool championship,” Stas agreed with Volodya.
   “Don’t say it,” Victor smirked and nodded. “As they say, illusions of pleasures scheduled by the couch Ariman leave just a reality of total defeats…”
   “Yes… and a lot of diseases, not to mention bruises,” in a plaintive voice uttered Eugene. And counting on fingers he started to enlist industriously, “First of all, indigestion, second, thoughts attack. And in general… total lowering of spirit under the ground! Third!”
   Eugene interrupted himself with a loud laughter. In reply Sensei remarked with a grin, “These are typical symptoms for a person with hesitating nature who like a pendulum rushes between his Animal and Spiritual nature.”
   Volodya nodded.
   “Like in a joke «What makes the tattler and the pendulum similar to each other? Both are needed to be stopped from time to time”.”
   “Need to be stopped?!” repeated Victor. “Hem, in our case you will get tired to push the brake and emergency brake.”
   “Right!” confirmed Stas.
   Sensei glanced at the guys and uttered, “Alright, stop criticize yourselves. That’s the human nature to make mistakes.”
   “Yes,” agreed Eugene, “but it’s ill luck of my homo sapiens even-toed nature: I do it often and with pleasure!” On saying that the guy was surprised by his words himself. “Ah! That’s the place where my mean little gall-and-kidney stone is located and rubs outgoing tracts of my purest Conscience!”
   These Eugene’s reasonings made our company sincerely laugh. Sensei and Nikolai Andreevich laughed louder than the others.
   “Eugene! Gall-and-kidney stone doesn’t exist,” uttered Nikolai Andreevich wiping tears caused by laugh. “Gall-bladder and kidney are two different organs, therefore stones may be both in the gall-bladder and in kidneys, but separately.”
   “Really?” Eugene was surprised but immediately found an “explanation” to his words. “But it’s with normal people so… which don’t possess conscience. However I’m fed up with this arimanic syndrome with its symptoms.”
   Sensei and Nikolai Andreevich exchanges surprised gazes. And Eugene went on arguing. “Eh, life is life! Yesterday I have felt myself on my own back that sometimes it’s better to bit my tongue than later to bit other parts of my body escaping flies… in the head.”
   Stas pretended to get surprised, “Have you seen that! Sensei, look, it’s a miracle! Eugene saw the light!”
   The guys began to joke about that. Having laughed enough the company turned in the further conversation to discuss impressions received yesterday.
   “We believed the fairy-tales of Ariman like little kids,” uttered Volodya.
   In reply Nikolai Andreevich reacted with humour, “Well, but fairy-tales bring also a certain experience. What are fairy-tales in fact? They are scary stories which carefully prepare kids to read the modern press.”
   “That’s true!” grinned Sensei.
   “And he nicely described us “the society of equal opportunities”,” not without humour said Volodya.
   “When people take everything from the life!” added Victor.
   “It means, all are equal in their opportunities but some are more equal than the others,” summarized Stas.
   “What did you want?” Volodya said again in a bass voice. “Ariman gave us a right of choice. His elections have the only motto: “The rich get the real power! The poor only arguments and facts!””
   “Aha,” hemmed Stas. “And the only candidate during these elections is Ariman! Just try to vote against, you will immediately sing in falsetto voice.”
   The guys laughed again but then gradually calmed down, probably thinking about something personal. Their jokes induced my thoughts about the duality structure of this world. But as soon as I deepened into them Victor again uttered with a sad smile, “I have thought that nobody and nothing may divert me from the spiritual way. But this case…”
   “Ariman entrapped us so cunningly,” Stas agreed with him.
   “How did I get entrapped, I can’t understand?!”
   “Me, too,” Eugene assented to Victor. “I listened to him, it seemed that he takes care about our spiritual development. So I, the dunderhead, opened my mouth.”
   “If you were the only dunderhead,” Stas said friendly, “then no problem. But now after Ariman there is a true jungle in my head.”
   “Right,” Volodya nodded with a grin. “Impassable jungle!”
   “So why do you need to neglect your thoughts till the state of impassable jungle?” half in jest said Sensei. “Take the instruments and change this jungle to the noble garden. Put your thoughts into order. Since that’s you who decide whether you will lose you way in impassable jungle like monkeys in search of bananas or you will pass the life like wisemen walking around the cultivated garden. Since this jungle only seem to be impassable as it’s your Animal nature presented it to you so, for whom Ariman is a Master, therefore he is a king of this jungle. But if you evaluate the events from the spiritual point of view bringing your thoughts to the order, you will reveal a very precious lesson in the yesterday’s visit, where the lecturer was the most merciless and hard-edged teacher. Only mature pure souls may overcome all his hinders, pass final exams and completely leave the circle of reincarnations if they are full of sincere stable desire to come back home.”
   We quietened, thinking over the words of Sensei. Meanwhile Ruslan who together with Yura before didn’t take part in the conversation but just listened and laughed with all of us also made up his mind to speak out.
   “On the one side that’s true… But I have also thought that Ariman takes care about our spiritual development. In the beginning he was also talking about achieving happiness, success, spiritual development. It’s the same what you, Sense, were talking to us about.”
   “Never, it’s not the same,” Victor objected to him. “I have also thought about it yesterday. But then I fixed it out! There is a serious cheating!”
   Sensei only smiled to the guy’s conversation and uttered, “And you get surprised why pure knowledge has been lost. This is a clear example for you how the pure knowledge is turned into religion, how its true sense is substituted, how the spiritual strives are changed by the wishes of the Animal nature.”
   “It means that Ariman is guilty in all of this!” Ruslan made a conclusion declaring it with some inflection of aggression and discontent.
   “What has Ariman to do with that?” said Volodya in a thoughtful way. “He has just done his job well. Ariman only advised us, he didn’t press on us. We listened to him deliberately and made our choice.”
   Sensei nodded agreeing with his answer, “The problem is that people want what Ariman was talking about. They want to become significant in this material world in front of other people, to satisfy the ambitions of their Animal nature, but not to prove God that they are worth to be called Human, to strive to Him and to take care of their soul. They want to become here and now superrich, famous, coming over all possible boundaries for the sake of their stupid dreams, no matter in which way, just to achieve their goal. They live to be not worse than others, and if it’s possible to be much better than others. Many of them try to become leaders. Almost everybody assumes that if he’s got a chance to be born in this world he should certainly live better that others and achieve certain peaks in career, society rank, material wealth.”
   Nikolai Andreevich looked at Sensei as if he intended to ask him something obviously connected with his last statement. But he refrained from that and kept silence.
   “Eh,” Victor sighed. “That’s right. You should be always vigilant regarding your thoughts and be careful in choosing your wishes.”
   “Well, I agree, it’s good when you are just vigilant and careful,” uttered Stas. “But if you are attacked by such slogans as “freedom” and “equal opportunities”, if you are suggested by that from all sides, but in fact you are just used as a slave?”
   Sensei replied, “‘Freedom’ and ‘equality’ are the most seducing trap words of Ariman, since a person reacts on them depending on his spiritual needs but then due to the shrewd interpretation of the Ariman’s ‘democracy’…”
   “…He steps into the full… material,” Volodya added with a grin.
   “Right you are.”
   “Is it something like ‘the democracy is the way to choose you slave owner?’” joked Victor.
   “Something like that,” nodded Sensei. “As Ariman manipulating with a word ‘freedom’ leads a human to the understanding that he can achieve it only through money, when he has enough of it. Richness and power is the main weapon of managing the consciousness of people. But the true freedom is when a human becomes higher than this world, higher than material wishes, when a human lives each day, each hour for the sake of his soul, enriching its treasury with good doings, thoughts, help to surrounding people. When a human doesn’t live for the sake of his egoism and significance, but for the sake of other people, in the name of God.
   “These are golden words!” Eugene nodded seriously. “I’m, for example, with all my hands and other extremities “pro” good doings, and thoughts, and help. But what can I do if I can’t manage my thoughts? Frankly speaking, I’m fed up with them! I can’t bear all of that.
   The guy was saying this so sincerely that I even felt sorry for him. In certain sense he got it in the neck by Ariman more than most of us. And nevertheless taking into account his internal struggle and sufferings about it, he behaved worthy of respect, didn’t complain or show aggression towards others as some of us because of the internal conflict, he even didn’t complain about the physical pain, though the day before he got a lot of serious grazes in sparrings. But it was obvious that the guy was on the verge and let splash out his “indignation” only through the prism of his endless humour, as they say, without detriment to other people.
   Looking at him I sincerely offered, “Eugene, try a new meditation of Lotus flower. I’ve done it today. It’s so nice! My bad thoughts disappeared and my mood became perfect!”
   In reply Eugene said, “I’ve tried this method not once.” And already addressing to Sensei he asked, “By the way, Sensei, I don’t understand what is the matter? However hard I tried with this meditation it doesn’t work and that’s al. Everything stays at the level of bare imagination.”
   “It’s really a complicated meditation,” Sensei replied to him. “And in order to achieve much success in it, you should be persistent, hard-working and have a special state of will. Then your “resistance” will disappear and you will see a completely different reality.”
   “It’s a bright perspective,” smiled the guy. “But I seem to have a growth problem. All my attempts don’t let me achieve another level, I have only after-effects caused by excessive pressure. Maybe there is some complementary additional “device” for such dummies like me?” As always, Eugene could avoid humour even in such delicate issues. Having heavily sighed the guy added with a supplication in his voice, “Sensei, throw me to this ocean of turbulent elements of my Animal nature a little straw to catch! As my Buyan isle was washed away together with a palace and a squirrel with golden nuts. I don’t care about the palace, but Sensei, help to save at least a squirrel!”
   We couldn’t stop laughing hearing this sincere confession of the guy. Sensei uttered with a smile, “Well, I feel pity about the animal. Alright, let’s help it. We will throw it a straw, maybe it will become a Human with the time.” And having considered for a while, he uttered slowly, “You say, a straw… There is one.” And he added more seriously, “this meditation also belongs to the Lotus ones. It’s very helpful and effective in such cases. And the main thing, it’s easy for every “drowning” man in the ocean of the Animal nature. It’s like this. First, as usual, you concentrate on the solar plexus, show there a lotus flower and concentrate all your love on its growing, that is, you practice the meditation of Lotus flower. When you more or less calm down your thoughts and concentrate on positive side, you start imagining that your body consists of many little balls, or atoms, or cells, in general, as many as you have imagination. It’s very important to see the structure of your body, to visualize each cell. Having seen all this conglomeration of cells you take each ball or cell, as you wish, and visually write on it, as if writing carefully each letter, a very strong spiritual formula which consists of two simple words, “Love and Gratitude”. The language, you are writing these words on, does not matter, because that’s the essence which is important. This formula works the same way as the Grail. Since Love and Gratitude are the only two things that a human being is able to give God.
   Thus during this meditation, you gradually fill billions of your cells with these inscriptions, and as a result your thoughts are concentrated on this powerful formula and improve both your physical and spiritual health. The cell, on which you leave such an inscription, will forever stay under the protection of this effective and strong formula, like under protection of a talisman or tamga. When you fill yourself with this formula, you don’t only cleanse yourself from the dirt of negative thoughts, but you also reveal the inner light coming from these cells. It’s as if you light up a lot of tiny light bulbs, and it becomes so bright inside of you that even shadows disappear… It’s important also that you concentrate during this meditation only on these words and switch off all the other, irrelevant thoughts.
   “Irrelevant?!” Ruslan said, either answering himself, or asking Sensei… though, Sensei was talking directly to Eugene.
   “Of course. When we are just thinking about something, even then a few thoughts simultaneously teem in us, jumping from one subject to another. During the meditation this process is surely decelerated but we all are different. Sometimes, because of poor concentration, it happens that uncontrolled thoughts emerge in the background. So, while meditating, you can unwittingly switch to thinking about something else. But, exactly in this meditation it is extremely important to purposefully concentrate, without any needless thoughts.”
   “Got it,” said Eugene contentedly. “So, I have simply to properly concentrate and imagine.”
   Ruslan shrugged his shoulders, probably being not fully able to catch the essence of the meditation, “Hmmm… Is everything so simple? Use your imagination, that’s all?”
   Sensei replied, “Though, at first glance, this meditation may seem too simple and kind of naïve, as Ruslan says “use your imagination, that’s all”, but… it is far from being simple… Because apart from the influence of this powerful formula, a person also involves the power of his thought. And, the power of the thought serves as a stimulus to realize the program defined by an individual. Results of this program are later reflected both in his physical and spiritual health. As the majority of people are constantly tuned to the wave of their animal nature, a large quantity of their both psychological and physical problems are, first of all, the results of their negative thoughts. This meditation is good not only for those people who want to establish an internal order, but also for those who already suffer from different illnesses. Because almost 80% of the illness depends on mind. The more a person thinks about the illness, the more he suffers from it.”
   “That’s right,” agreed our psychotherapist. “Sometimes it happens that a person imagines his disease so well, that he can not get rid of it just because he routed in himself the thought that exactly in his case this illness is incurable. At this point, Sensei, I absolutely agree with you. For people who experience problems with their nerves, this meditation will be indeed much a better cure that all the modern pills altogether. Because drug therapy is incapable of curing human thought. Drug therapy is good only as an emergency for the body.” He made a short pause and continued, “Indeed, human brain still remains a quite mysterious substance and is far from being explored.” And, with a smile, he added. “It’s amazing that even in the very ancient times people, in certain questions, knew a little bit more then present-day mankind.”
   “And you can not even imagine how significant, in reality, was this “a little bit”!” – Sensei specified.
   For a while we kept silence sitting around the table. It was Volodya who broke the silence.
   “Well, it’s an interesting meditation. An intriguing formula… By the way, I recalled about formulas. Ariman has also mentioned about some golden formula which transform with a certain sound a thought through ezoosmos to reality. Supposedly it was used by the very Agapit. Is it true?”
   “Yes, it’s true,” Sensei confirmed.
   “And did Agapit bring the Grail to the world?”
   “Yes, it was so, indeed.”
   The guys became more vivid and started to talk all together.
   “Oh! And why did Ariman say that the Grail is the power over the power?”
   “Sensei, tell us!”
   “Yes, about the Grail…”
   “And what is that?”
   Sensei looked at the arousen interest of the group to this issue and suggested, “Guys, let’s talk about it a bit later.”
   Everybody calmed down. Only Ruslan said gladly, “It means that not everything what Ariman talked about was lie!”
   In reply Sensei answered in a tired voice, “Ariman possess very serious knowledge, indeed. But taking in account the peculiarities of his work he gives this knowledge in the whole handful of tares. So only a pure mature soul can distinguish where truth or lie is, where spiritual or material is. The others who are obsessed by the matter, take everything on faith, and having eaten too much of tares get into an arimanic trap. But the true seekers, picking up even from his hands true grains, will be able to get saturated.”
   Nevertheless Ruslan began to share excitedly his “remembrances” and to jabber non-stop, “Besides Ariman told us about some formula which, according to him, is used to destroy megapolises. It seems to me that it sounds like that, “IED SUEM SULAM”,” pronounced Ruslan with difficulties and added boastfully, “It seems to be an ancient one… the words are so difficult.”
   Sensei grinned.
   “You say, difficult? Turn this phrase vice versa.”
   While Ruslan was making every effort to do it, Nikolai Andreevich easily fulfilled this task, “MALUS MEUS DEI?! It means in Latin, if I’m not wrong, “Devil is my god”.
   “You aren’t wrong,” confirmed Sensei.
   “How come it is… devil? And that’s all?” Ruslan uttered confused.
   The guy had such a disappointed expression on his face that the other guys involuntarily began to laugh.
   “What have you expected?!” hemmed Yura.
   Victor offered Ruslan in a friendly manner, “That’s it, Ruslan-boy, you should learn Latin if you decided to plunge into antiquity.”
   “Nice deal,” said Eugene, waving away flies again. “I’m not sure about this Latin but the very moment Ariman pronounced it, I was as if shaken from inside, as if the earth-quake happened in reality.”
   “And, of course, he mentioned some real example,” said Sensei as if he knew this Ariman’s trick long before.
   “Right, he told something about the Atlantic ocean,” recollected Eugene frowning. “And some city…”
   “New Orly?” Yura interrupted him. “New Orleans!” And addressing already to Sensei he hurried to state his information. “And the main thing he explained in such details how it would happen, how everything would be destroyed there…”
   “He spoke about Japan, too,” recollected Volodya. “I was surprised by the fact, that he mentioned not only the magnitude of the earthquake on the Richter scale, but also the precise date when it would happen.
   “Well, I see,” uttered Sensei.
   “What do you mean?” cautiously inquired Victor.
   “If Ariman said so, then, it has already happened.”
   “In which sense?” Ruslan didn’t get it. “How? It’s the future!”
   Sensei only sighed heavily, obviously because of such a naivety of the guy and replied, “You see, those who possess the power perceive this world in a different way than ordinary people. What you felt the moment he was talking about it, it was the power put in this event. That is this event, though it is distanced by the future, it has already happened. Especially if it concerned the natural element.”
   “How can it be?” the guys were surprised.
   Sensei smiled sadly and said, “A thought is able to move planets, not just influence natural elements.” And in a while he added, “Well, if he said it, it means, the millions will get to know about that.”
   “Sensei, I hear it from you not for the first time,” Nikolai Andreevich uttered with a smile. “How can these millions get to know if we don’t tell it anybody?”
   “It’s doesn’t concern you, the main thing is that he uttered it aloud. Make no nevermind about the functioning of this mechanism. What is going to be, will be.”
   “Right, the most difficult thing in this world is not to listen to Ariman,” Victor made his conclusions.
   “The most difficult thing in this world for a human is not to fall under his Animal nature. And the most important is to win a victory over himself,” remarked Sensei.
   “It seems, Ariman also spoke about that,” Ruslan expressed his bewilderment.
   Sensei just shook his head and explained, “ ’A victory over yourself’ in interpretation of Ariman means to live for the sake of accumulation of material things, to give up everything for the sake of money, stepping over the lives of other people in order to get power and leadership. But this is a substitution, a deceit, an illusion of the welfare which turns to the total defeat of your soul. Since a human following the way of Ariman wants to be a king of this world. And he even doesn’t think of what is awaiting for him after death. For him the other world, the world of soul is somewhere there, he doesn’t know where. “Does that higher world exist at all?” due to Ariman’s attempts it turns to a big question for a human. And this material world, it’s right here, here and now. It seems to be real for him. And all this substitution happens as a human doesn’t remember the beauty of the higher world, the world of God. He can recollect it only reaching Nirvana, that is the highest spiritual state. But as far as a human doesn’t achieve it, as far as he doesn’t step over his Animal, he will spend this life in illusions, in dreams of his significance in this world, in fact in vain, as whatever peaks does he reach in this world, with the time these achievements turn into nothing.
   “And the real victory over yourself is to win an egoist in yourself, the desire to be a “king” of this world. This world is just a trap for stupid people who take the illusion for reality and in this way bringing tortures and sufferings to their soul.”
   “And is that true about the Archons?” asked Stas.
   “Yes,” answered Sensei.
   “That is they are shaman, witch-doctors, pagan priests?”
   “No, they were like that before, in ancient times, and moreover not all of them. And now they are those people who bind together in their lodges and secret societies world capital, politics and religion.”
   “You mean world bankers or what?” Volodya was surprised about his guess.
   “I mean those who control them,” specified Sensei.
   Eugene even whistled after this message.
   “I wonder what kind of secret societies are there?” inquired Volodya.
   “In different times they were known under different names. For example, one of the first powerful circles of the Archons was known since ancient times as “Freemasons”. Many branches originate from this trunk. There are the so called “Brotherhood of the Snake”, the “Brotherhood of the Dragon”, “Illuminati”, “Masons” and other secret societies. Till now historians try to clear out which originated from which. But they get confused more and more. Why? Because the goal of the Archons is to mix up everything and to confuse so that nobody would be able to find out and to get at the roots of the true essence of all of these secret societies. And their essence is simple. The uppermost majority of secret societies are just pawns in hands of the Archons for manipulations of Ariman.
   “Ariman just plays on weaknesses of people. One of these weaknesses is the subconscious inclination of people to secrets. And this way they touch upon not only the spiritual strive of a human, his desire to break the chains of reincarnation with the help of secret knowledge, but mostly his primitive egoistic ambitions to possess this knowledge for the sake of power over other people. That’s why the uppermost majority of secret societies flourish under the Archons. And taking into account that people not only want to possess secret knowledge but to create their own “empire” around them, we see that today practically the whole world is ruled by the secret world government – the Archons.”
   Sensei became silent and Volodya pondering for a while said, “Frankly speaking, even taking into account all my knowledge and experience of the army officer, I have never heard about that, especially about secret societies of such a level. Would you be so kind to elucidate a bit on this issue,” and seeing doubts of Sensei he added, “As people say, it’s better to know the enemy than to be unaware of it.”
   In reply Sensei said, “The Archons aren’t enemies. They are miserable people who by mistake chose dust and temporary values instead of eternal ones. Their choice was made towards the matter, or to be more precise, in favour of Ariman. A human always invents some enemies as for the most part he can’t solve the internal conflict between his Animal and Spiritual natures. And relations between the groups of people and the countries are just the enlarged overblown copy of this conflict. However in reality the most cruel enemy for a human is he himself, or to be more precise, his own Animal nature. You can’t fight with it in usual ways as the bigger the confrontation will be, the stronger will be aggression from the side of the Animal, as you draw your attention to this conflict. You can win it only due with you unwillingness to get provoked and tempted by the Animal nature, and by concentration on spiritual and useful for you soul things. Then, if you take such an internal position and will follow it sincerely, you won’t have in external world enemies, and your life will turn to a fascinating game. After all, we live here temporarily, let’s say, we are guests here.”
   “Right, but this world is a trap of Ariman, isn’t it?! How can you live in it if you want to become Free?” asked Yura with agitation.
   “Whatever conditions you are in, whichever obstacles you destiny brings you, you should live the way as it befits a Human. That is you should become a Human and help people around you. The main thing in this life is to be free spiritually inside, free from this material world, to strive to God without turning aside from this way. Then you will be able to be maximally useful to people and to live the life worth of Human. And that’s the great secret! Be a human here and now in this egoistic, material world. Be like a Lotus which grows up in the dirty swamp but despite of it becomes ideally pure! You are a Human and you have His grain!
   Our group held our breath and listened to these words of Sensei.
   “Well, in order to become a Human in this world you have to possess really a great will-power and courage so that to keep thoughts pure, not stained by the dirt of this swamp,” agreed Nikolai Andreevich. “A human is mainly attracted to live the same way like most of the people in this world. That’s why he is often inclined to made egoistic deeds, that’s why we swim in dirt and quiet our Conscience by phrases “everybody does this way”, “everybody lives like that”.” And in a while he added, “What is the Archons concerned… Frankly speaking, it would be also quite interesting for me listen to the information about these secret societies. Not by temptation but because I want to make it clear for myself, to learn how to separate seeds from tares.”
   “Well, if you have such a wish,” smiled Sensei, “alright. But this story is too grave. That’s why I suggest you first before we get dip into its reality, we’d better finish our breakfast, freshen in the sea and then dive deep into the world history.”
* * *
   Our group supported eagerly this proposal, especially those who ate nothing at the table. They went to swim at once. I stayed alone to clean the table a little. Volodya and Sensei also were delayed finishing drinking their tea. But as soon as Sensei wanted to stand up, Volodya proposed him for fun, “Swimming is cool! But let’s for the end of the end and in the beginning of the begin finish this rasp-p-berry jam,” laughing he hardly pronounced the name of this sweet delight. “Otherwise this delicacy will get out of order!”
   With these words Volodya pointed out to the remained half-jar of jam which alluringly stood out on the table with all its appetizing air.
   “You say, raspberry jam?!” Sensei stopped and looked with pleasure at the jar. He sat back to his place. “Well, I guess, it’s a right moment to try this nice jam.”
   He took the jar to his hand, at the same time suggesting me to take part in this jam-fans “plot”.
   “Join us!”
   “Oh no, thank you! I have eaten enough of sweeties,” I rejected with laugh and continued to clean dishes.
   “As you wish,” Sensei shrugged his shoulders and stretched out to take a spoon.
   Meanwhile Volodya, during the time when Sensei was distracted by suggesting me to take part, managed to take this instrument and to dig up the first portion of jam from the jar which was held by Sensei.
   Sensei didn’t even have time to dip it into the raspberry jam when Andrew and Kostya came to him arguing about something.
   “Sensei, settle a dispute between us,” Andrew started talking with emotions. “When we practice meditations, it means that we work with our subconsciousness as well, as you told us. And in martial arts, as you explained, subconsciousness is also used on the Master’s level. But at the same time Ariman told a lot about the work of subconsciousness. Does it mean that subconsciousness and its power is an evil thing?! Does it mean that it all, they can say, originates from Ariman?! It means that our subconsciousness is evil!”
   “Why is subconsciousness evil?” Sensei was surprised. “Subconsciousness is just an instrument. Let’s say it in a more precise way. Subconsciousness is a matter from which they make an instrument. And what a person would like to create from this matter and how he will use this instrument is a personal matter of everybody, a matter of his own choice. You can make, for example, if you wish a weapon in order to use it for destruction of other people like you. Or you can make from it, for example, a spoon, that is a quite necessary item for usage in household.” On saying it he showed his spoon to the guys. Meanwhile Volodya again dug stealthily a jam from the jar which was still in the hands of Sensei. “A spoon from this metal was invented and made for satiation of body with a life vital and sometimes very delicious food.”
   “Right,” echoed Volodya and ate at once the contents of his spoon. After that he waited a little when Sensei starts talking again and stealthily stretched to take another portion.
   “… Kalashnikov gun is made also from metal but its purpose is to kill people. You can’t sup with it and it’s not comfortable to eat with it.”
   “Aha,” Volodya again nodded with satisfied air and finished successfully his next “secret operation”.
   “The same thing is with the subconsciousness. All depends on intentions and desires of a human,” concluded Sensei.
   “Well but Ariman also told us quite earnestly that the subconsciousness may be used for spiritual development,” Andrew couldn’t stop himself and gesticulated with his hands. “He even gave examples with meditations! It means that he also used a spoon but not a Kalashnikov gun.” And he proclaimed almost with pretension. “What is the difference then?!”
   “You say, what is the difference?” Sensei uttered in a tired way, probably feeling fatigue to explain obvious things.
   At this moment Sensei sitting at the table and holding a jam jar in one of his hands and a spoon in another suddenly took Andrew sharply down so that the guy’s legs flew upwards. And immediately as soon as the scared guy landed on the sand, delivered an imitating blow to the eye, such a flash-like one that Sensei’s hand with spoon’s handle froze almost in one millimeter from Andrew’s eye. Everything happened so swiftly that the shocked guy didn’t even manage to react. He just closed his eyes tight out of fear. And with all his “battle experience” it was the only defence from such an unexpected attack.
   Sensei pronounced very distinctly addressing to Andrew, “What do you think, if I put some force of thirty kilogram and don’t change the trajectory of this item, what will happen?”
   Me and Kostya stood frozen embarassed by this event and didn’t know what to think, not to mention Andrew. The guy’s face was distorted at once with panic fear of such words of Sensei, he even sweated, evidently out of deep emotion. Volodya used this moment, took the jar with jam from Sensei and as if nothing happened said in a bass and calm voice quickly eating the jam, “The spoon will freely go through the orbit of the right eye and damage frontoparietal part of the cerebrum. The conclusion: a lethal outcome is guaranteed.”
   “Right,” said Sensei and didn’t turn aside his gaze from Andrew as if it were his answer.
   Then he tapped him on the shoulder and helped to get up from the sand. Andrew, apparently being shocked by this unexpected event, looked like a plaster monument. Sensei sat at the table, as if nothing happened, and uttered, “A spoon is just an instrument. But even such a noble instrument can be transformed into a quite dangerous weapon.” He sighed heavily and looked with a pity at the jar which was empty due to Volodya’s prompt attack. “Is there no jam anymore?”
   “No,” grinned Volodya and licked clean his spoon. “It’s not my fault that you distract your attention by every trifle. And the jam is a “perishable” goods, hardly you open it, the flies appear quickly around and start spoil it. So, the one who was in time, ate it.”
   Sensei smiled and uttered, “Volodya, and how is about “share a crust of bread with your ‘neighbour’?”
   “We have to share bread with neighbours. But in a big family, eh…” and quickly having glanced at me he corrected himself, “Well, don’t lag behind, I meant, don’t look aside when you eat.”
   “Ah,” Sensei laughed sincerely and having put the spoon for jam which he didn’t use, he waved with his hand, “If we have finished with jam, let’s go swimming.”
   Sensei and Volodya directed to the sea mocking at each other on their way about the quickly emptied jam jar. Kostya and Andrew, on the contrary, sat embarassed at the table.
   “Cool!” Andrew could hardly speak it out, wiping sweat from his forehead. And in a while he added, “Have you seen how Sensei spoke straight from the shoulder! Ugh, I have even sweated!”
   “Don’t tell me that, my pants are almost wet,” said Kostya, to my surprise, without his usual pathetic mask. “How does Sensei manage to do it? Just a few seconds of his attention and the mind gets so clear! And we argued the whole hour who is right and who is wrong.”
   “Well,” nodded Andrew agreeing with him. “And here we cleared out in two seconds that both of us are fools!”
   “It’s good that you were the first to ask and I didn’t have time to ask my question,” Kostya sighed with relief.
   “It’s not too late, go and ask!” Andrew smiled inertly.
   “Aha, so that I will learn run on the water with the help of Volodya’s heel?! No, thanks a lot for this nice proposal. I will fix myself my brakes in my mind. Because Sensei explained in a quite clear way. So, as is said, there is no need in this question anymore.”
   “Right,” smiled Andrew, “If to take into account your wet pants…”
   The guys laughed quietly. Then Tatyana came together with Slava and began to inquire what was a result of their dispute. In reply Andrew waved with his hand and said, “Result?! Excessive discharge of liquid and realization of our own stupidity!” And in order not to specify the details he called everybody, “Let’s go swimming with others!”
   The guys laughed and ran together to the water. Tatyana remained to help me clean the table and started to inquire what happened here that turned back Kostya and Andrew to old good friends who almost had fought against each other because of their dispute as each of them was sure that his view was a “true” one.
   This case made me think that sometimes we are wrong when we argue with somebody too emotionally. And then we suffer day and night after that as we think over this dispute in our mind again and again, inventing new answers to our opponent, sharper, “smarter” and more convincing, and wait for a moment when we can speak it out to his face when we meet each other. And in order not to forget our “brilliant” thoughts and proves, we begin to scroll again our future meeting and recollect anew our old conversation. Although in reality we don’t know whether we will meet again each other and in general which new surprises we will face tomorrow.
   If we look at this dispute from the side and evaluate it humanly, is it worth of proving somebody’s “truth”, if it leads to growing of the bunch of non-stop rage and affects the most stinking part of our Animal nature – the egoism. Is it worth of paying the force of our attention so that to suffer later from it?! Though mostly we suffer not because somebody is “bad”, in our opinion, as he affected our egoism. In fact, it’s our soul which suffers as in the first place we did wrong and directed the force of our attention not on Love but on Hatred. That might beget in this case mental anguish. And on its base the empty insult of our egocentrism flourishes which doesn’t let us understand the depth and the true sense of this pain. That’s why we become cruel dashing about in a flap, argue till we rouse to fury. And it doesn’t matter what is the main issue of our dispute, whether it’s Ariman, relations between people, philosophy, religion, politics. The main thing is how a human treats this dispute.
   If someone like Ariman thrusts his opinion to two friends, but is governed by his secret goals, and friends fly into a rage towards each other because of that and overfilled with hatred, so first of all they should cool down and think whether both of them are right. And what did really become a reason of their discord and lies in the core of this hatred? Is it their Animal nature with its megalomania which sticks out like a hardened cake? Could it be that a spiritual man isn’t able to forgive his neighbour?
   And in fact why should we, people, argue with each other if this entire world belongs to Ariman and we live here only temporarily, we came as guests? In this position we can only establish noticed facts and render each other at least a moral support. Since sooner or later all of us will have to go beyond the boundary of this world! And this indisputable fact unites all of us and turns every issue of our dispute into an empty thing. Since in front of the eternity only your spiritual part strengthened by good doings makes sense. And all other negative garbage which we acquire with years due to our own stupidity just burdens our soul pushing it to new circles of earthly hell. So is it worth starting any dispute if its consequences are so dreadful?!
* * *
   My reflections were interrupted by Tatyana who dragged me to swim as soon as our improvised table shone with its former cleanness. The guys were splashing for long. They launched a game with real acrobatic feats called “who will jump farther”. For doing this two guys linked the hands under the water and the third one got on this improvised “hand” jumping-off place and holding the guys’ shoulders was thrown by them jumping this way to the water. Whereas such “shy” guys like Kostya and Yura just flew away enjoying the process of flight, the others, like venturesome Andrew, Eugene and Stas tried meanwhile to make some acrobatic feats in the air. Of course, there was plenty of splashes and loud laughter! Looking at them me and Tatyana also wished to “play heroes”. First, our “jumping-off place” were Kostya and Andrew. But then looking how far other guys flew due to tall and strong Stas and Eugene, we decided also to test this distance flight.
   I was first who climbed on this mighty “jumping-off place”.
   “Just push off strongly,” Stas advised to me.
   “Right! And when you will be flying, bend your legs, group yourself and turn around in the air, thus you will make a somersault,” jabbered Eugene from another side.
   “And don’t stop on the half-way, turn around immediately,” added Victor getting ready to the next “start” after me.
   “So, did you get it? When I count “three”, push off! And go ahead!” reminded Stas.
   Briefly saying, after I have heard all the advices of the “experienced” guys, I climbed on the cross-linked hands of the guys and got ready to the jump, holding by their shoulders so that not to fall down. Swinging me in the water up and down, the guys started to count all together, “One! Two! Three-e-e!”