Изд: Сборник сказок, 1958г. М., Детгиз
Перевод: Ю.Н.Щербаков (strog@etel.ru)
Origin: http://m3.easyspace.com/yurasch/
- http://m3.easyspace.com/yurasch/
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В усадьбе жила барыня - и до того сердитая, никому житья не было! Староста придет спросить что - она его не отпустит, пока не отхлещет. А мужикам-то житья не было никакого: драла, как собак. | Once there was a land baron's wife. She lived on an estate and she was so crotchety and bad-natured that she bullied everyone around. Every time the head peasant came to her for orders the baron's wife would not dismiss him until she had given him a hand whipping. Her male peasants suffered the most - she beat them like dogs. |
Вот раз приходит солдат на побывку домой. Рассказали ему про барыню, а он и говорит: "Я ее проучу". | One day a soldier came home on furlough and the country folks told him about the baroness, and he said, 'I'll teach her a lesson.' |
Настала ночь, барыня уснула. Велел солдат лошадей запрячь. Подъехал к усадьбе, тихонько вынес барыню и отвез в избу к сапожнику. А сапожникову жену отвез в усадьбу. | Night fell and the baroness went to sleep. The soldier ordered that his horses be harnessed and he rode to the estate. Carefully, he carried the sleeping baroness out of the mansion and brought her to a shoemaker's house and then switched her with the shoemaker's wife who he then carried to the estate. |
Пробудилась на заре жена сапожника, видит - дом преотличный. Тотчас служанки к ней подбежали, подают умываться. Помылась - подали полотенце, вытерлась. Подают самовар. | At daybreak, the shoemaker's wife woke up and was amazed to find herself in a splendid house. Immediately, maidservants came running to her with some bath water; she then washed and her servants, at once, gave her towels with which to dry; she patted herself dry while a samovar was brought to her. |
Села она чай пить. Староста - Тебе, - говорит, - что надо? | She sat at the table to have tea, when the head peasant, 'What do you want?' she asked. |
- Я, барыня, пришел спросить, - Нешто вы не знаете? Что вчера делали, то | 'I am here, mistress, to receive your work order for today', said the head peasant. The shoemaker's wife, using her wits, knew what to say in reply, 'Don't you know yourself? Do the same job today that you did yesterday.' |
Староста вышел на кухню - Сегодня барыня добрая, просто отроду | The headman left her and said to the servants in the kitchen, 'Never in my life have I seen our mistress so kind as she is today!' |
Живет сапожникова жена в - Слуги! | The shoemaker's wife remained on the estate for one month and again another. The peasants, pleased with their "new" baroness, told everyone around that there was no mistress better than she in the countryside. Also that morning, the baron's wife woke up. She found herself in the shoemaker's house and called for her servants. |
Сапожник сидит и шьет: - Подымайся, баба, пора печь топить! - А ты кто такой! Подавай умываться! | Sitting and working with his sewing awl, the shoemaker 'Who on earth are you? Bring me my bath water, man' |
- Ах ты, барыня! Сама поди по воду: солнышко давно встало. - Вскочил со стула, сдернул ремень и давай ее хлестать. - Ты нешто не знаешь своей должности? Ты должна вставать и печь затоплять! | 'Oh, you lazy thing, you! Go to the well and fetch your own water - it's already late in the morning.' He jumped up from his chair, whipped his belt off his pants and began to beat the baron's wife, saying, 'Don't you know your duties? You must get up and light the fire when the cock crows!' |
И до того хлестал ее, пока не устал. Барыня взмолилась. Побрела по воду, потом за дровами, затопила печь, кое-чего сварила. | He continued strapping her until he became exhausted. The baroness begged for mercy and pleaded with him to stop the beating. She shuffled off to the well, fetched some wood, lit the fire in the stove and cooked something to eat |
И так жила она месяца два. За что ни возьмется, ничего у нее не выходит, все из рук валится: то щи недоварит, то воду разольет. Сапожник ее не раз колотил. И сделалась барыня добрая, работящая. | She existed like this for two months or so. When she tried anything, she was all thumbs... either she undercooked her cabbage soup or she spilled water onto the floor. The shoemaker beat the baroness more than once until she finally became kind and hard-working. |
Как услыхал об этом солдат, переменил ночью барыню и сапожникову жену. | When the soldier learned about this, he again, one night, switched the women back . |
Утром встает барыня Спросила служанок: - Служанки! Как же я | The following morning the baroness got up and quietly 'Maids, how did I get here?' she asked. |
- Ты, барыня, нигде и не бывала! И | 'You've been here all the time, mistress', came their answer. Thereafter, the land baron's wife became kindness itself. And the shoemaker's wife again lived her usual life in her own house. |
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По записи Б.и Редакторы Rex Rickard и Steve Stringfellow. |