For the old beast you 'll need at least this (read for things what I've missed):

    1.rm /usr/bin/sendmail and install something more secure in place
    2.rm /usr/bin/ncftp and install more appropriate version than 1.xx (in which rubbish pile
    Patrick found it?)
    3.or do same thing with regular ftp client - at least, it may be compiled with libreadline (you 'll need
    libreadline sources for this and also for ncftp)
    4.replace /bin/mount, /bin/smbmount, /bin/smbumount or remove setuid bit
    5.remove setuid from /usr/X11/bin/SuperProbe
    6.replace misconfigured /usr/sbin/wu.ftpd with patched version
    7.replace lpd stuff with LPRng (you may find it on in 'patches' for 3.1, if it not already
    included in your version)
    8.replace outdated proc-ps package by proc-101 suite
    9.if you are 'lucky' owner of the very early version, go to /dev, ls tty[0-9]* and rm all that curiosity
    'block' tty's. Create enough number of normal ttys with mknod /dev/ttyNN 4 NN
    10.modify permissions on /dev/null (to 666), /dev/zero (the same), /dev/tty (at least 662)
    11.find latest sources for, make and install - it contains security bug and misses dlfcn.h (Don't
    try to use anything except for this include file from 'official' ldso.tgs patch, or you 'll got also
    "massive filesystem corruption problems" as free bonus - seems like it compiled with wrong gcc
    12.find latest sources for gdbm library and install gdbm.h from it
    13.rm /usr/sbin/pppd-2.1 and /usr/sbin/pppd (it just wastes space), rename /usr/sbin/pppd-2.2 to
    14.consider about removing /usr/sbin/ppp-on|off |on-dialer - this is the complete shit and this scripts
    are bad even as examples
    (you may look here for some better secured dialing scripts or look for diald daemon and forget it all)
    15.(optional) grab pppd-2.0.0f sources and remake pppd and chat. Slackware version had strange
    syslog facility - I can't figure it for chat (just not logged anything on my system) and don't like
    'daemon' facility for pppd - it runs too often and 'll quickly fill logfiles with unwanted messages.
    (And it logs to 'local2' on many commercial unices, why not to do same on linux?)
    16.go to /etc/securetty and remove all, except for first six virtual consoles
    17.rm /usr/sbin/in.telnetsnoopd - snooping is the bad thing, if you want to know. (May be you will
    prefer to know what it have security hole? Not bad for such kind of software :)

    It must be enough to work, but I also like to
    mv /etc/rc.d/rc.cdrom to /etc/rc.d/rc.nocdrom (it should stop this
    boring CD mounting on system startup - newer versions of this
    distributive already do this, but seems likely all
    CD's created with much earlier version) into /etc/fstab something like

    /dev/cdrom /cdrom iso9660 noauto,user,ro,exec,nosuid,nodev 0 0

      What to fix in just installed linux

    Date: 12 Feb 1999

    Here is my script I use to fix something in Red Hat after installation.
    your comments are welcome.

    # This is an update script . It should update my linux configuration
    # files from backup.
    # It perform next steps:
    # 0) If any arguments are given - print help.
    # 1) Ask user should it proceed
    # 2) make shure that all commands inside it are avaliable.
    # 3) ask user what to do when errors (stop|continue|retry)
    # ) Print possible choices & descriptions & ask 4 user choice:
    # ) prompt for all files or assume yes on overwriting & creating
    # ) should it be quet or verbose
    # ) what user should be oner of updated files?
    # (same UID:GUID or current user or any existing user)
    # ) Make shure that it has enough privilegies to do such chown.
    # ) Ask what to do if insufficient ----"----- (stop|continue|retry)
    # 4) Ask user should it install additional packets.
    #echo "making mount points.."
    #mkdir /dsk
    #mkdir /dsk/hda1
    #mkdir /dsk/hda2
    #mkdir /dsk/hda3
    #mkdir /dsk/hda4
    #mkdir /dsk/hda5
    #mkdir /dsk/hda6
    #mkdir /dsk/hda7
    #mkdir /dsk/hda8
    #mkdir /dsk/cd
    #mkdir /dsk/hdb1
    #mkdir /dsk/hdb2
    #mkdir /dsk/hdb3
    #mkdir /dsk/hdb4
    #mkdir /dsk/hdb5
    #mkdir /dsk/hdb6
    #mkdir /dsk/hdb7
    #mkdir /dsk/hdb8
    #mkdir /dsk/hdc1
    #mkdir /dsk/hdc2
    #mkdir /dsk/hdc3
    #mkdir /dsk/hdc4
    #mkdir /dsk/hdc5
    #mkdir /dsk/hdc6
    #mkdir /dsk/hdc7
    #mkdir /dsk/hdc8
    echo "Making inbound dir.."
    mkdir /inbound
    chmod 700 /inbound
    echo "making ~/bin.."
    mkdir /root/bin
    echo "Done."
    echo "Making additional device files. Beware that 4 work kernel need 2 B reconfigured. "
    echo "Making watchdog device file "
    echo "(U need enable watchdog support in the kernel to use this future.)"
    mknod /dev/watchdog c 10 130
    echo "Making network-route device file "
    echo "(U need to enable network-routing messsages support in the kernel to use this future.)"
    mknod /dev/route c 36 0
    mknod /dev/rtc c 10 135
    echo "Updating Ur modem configuration."
    echo "Run minicom to dial,minicom -s to configure Ur modem"
    echo "Making modem device file.."
    #mknod /dev/modem c 5 64
    ln -s /dev/ttyS0 /dev/modem
    mkdir /root/modem ; mkdir /root/modem/inbound ; mkdir /root/modem/outbound
    mkdir /root/modem/script
    echo "Updating Ur aliases & startup files."
    echo -e "\n#Thees lines are added by update script:\n" >> /root/.bashrc
    echo -e "alias mail='mail -v'" >> /root/.bashrc
    echo -e "alias mail='mail -v'" >> /etc/skel/.bashrc
    echo -e "alias ls='ls -akFAqL --color=auto'\n" >> /root/.bashrc
    echo -e "alias ls='ls -akFAqL --color=auto'\n" >> /etc/skel/.bashrc
    echo -e "alias ps='ps aux | less'" >> /root/.bashrc
    echo -e "alias ps='ps aux | less'" >> /etc/skel/.bashrc
    echo -e "alias mc='mc -c'" >> /root/.bashrc
    echo -e "alias df='df -h'" >> /root/.bashrc
    echo -e "alias df='df -h'" >> /etc/skel/.bashrc
    echo -e "alias man='man -a'" >> /root/.bashrc
    echo -e "alias man='man -a'" >> /etc/skel/.bashrc
    echo -e "alias cls='clear'" >> /etc/skel/.bashrc
    echo -e "alias cls='clear'" >> /root/.bashrc
    echo -e "alias startx='startx & logout'" >> /root/.bashrc
    echo -e "alias startx='startx & logout'" >> /etc/skel/.bashrc
    echo -e "alias X='startx & logout'" >> /root/.bashrc
    echo -e "alias last='last|less'" >> /root/.bashrc
    echo -e "alias null='cat /dev/null > '" >> /root/.bashrc
    echo -e "alias null='cat /dev/null > '" >> /etc/skel/.bashrc
    echo -e "mesg n\n" >> /root/.bashrc
    echo -e "mesg y\n" >> /etc/skel/.bashrc
    echo "echo -ne '\033(K' " >> /root/.bash_profile
    echo -e "\n" >> /root/.bashrc
    echo -e "LANG=koi8-r\n" >> /root/.bashrc
    echo -e "export LANG\n" >> /root/.bashrc
    echo -e "######## These messages are displayed after logon ############" >> /root/.bashrc
    echo -e "echo \"\"" >> /root/.bashrc
    echo -e "echo \"\"" >> /root/.bashrc
    echo -e "echo Logged in at \`tty\`.\n" >> /root/.bashrc
    echo -e "echo \"\"" >> /root/.bashrc
    echo -e "echo \" NOTES: \"" >> /root/.bashrc
    echo -e "echo \" 1) Verify Ur last login information!\"" >> /root/.bashrc
    echo -e "echo \" 2) Aliases are defined. Use full command-path to override .\"" >> /root/.bashrc
    echo -e "echo -e \"At this moment these users are logged in:\"\n" >> /root/.bashrc
    echo -e "who\n" >> /root/.bashrc
    echo -e "echo \"The following alerts happend:\"\n" >> /root/.bashrc
    echo "cat /var/log/alert" >> /root/.bashrc
    echo "Configuring Ur telnet.."
    echo -e "#.telnetrc\nDEFAULT set outbinary" >> /inbound/.telnetrc
    cp /inbound/.telnetrc /root
    cp /inbound/.telnetrc /etc/skel
    echo Configuring Ur mc colors.
    mkdir /root/.mc
    mkdir /etc/skel/.mc
    mkdir /etc/skel/bin
    echo -e "\n[Colors]\nbase_color=normal=green,black:xterm=menu=cyan,gray:marked=,black:directory=lightgray,black:link=gray,black:device=,black:special=red,black:execute=cyan,black:viewunderline=,black:color_terminals=linux,xterm\n" >> /root/.mc/ini
    echo -e "\n[Colors]\nbase_color=normal=green,black:xterm=menu=cyan,gray:marked=,black:directory=lightgray,black:link=gray,black:device=,black:special=red,black:execute=cyan,black:viewunderline=,black:color_terminals=linux,xterm\n" >> /etc/skel/.mc/ini
    mkdir /root/nethack_save
    mkdir /root/txt
    echo "Making files U'll needed if U'll install qmail.."
    echo "But then U should also recompile & reconfigure some mail progs & dirs/files."
    touch /etc/skel/Mailbox
    touch /root/Mailbox
    echo Setting some permissions..
    chmod 700 /root
    #echo "#!/bin/sh" > /root/bin/koi8
    #echo "/usr/bin/setfont /usr/lib/kbd/consolefonts/Cyr_a8x16" >> /root/bin/koi8
    #echo "/usr/bin/loadkeys /usr/lib/kbd/keytables/" >> /root/bin/koi8
    #echo "/usr/bin/mapscrn /usr/lib/kbd/consoletrans/koi2alt" >> /root/bin/koi8
    #echo "echo -ne \"\n\033(K"\" >> /root/bin/koi8
    #echo "echo \"To load KOI8-RU support run $HOME/bin/koi8\""
    echo "Removing some strange permissions.."
    chmod -s /usr/bin/lpr
    chmod -s /sbin/dump
    chmod -s /usr/bin/dos
    chmod -s /usr/bin/dip
    chmod -s /usr/bin/minicom
    chmod -s /usr/bin/zgv
    chmod -s /usr/X11R6/bin/seyon
    chmod go-rwx /usr/bin/resizecons
    chmod o-x /bin/sync
    chown root.wheel /bin/su
    chmod u+s /bin/su
    chmod -x /usr/man/man1/*.1
    chmod -x /usr/man/man2/*.2
    chmod -x /usr/man/man3/*.3
    chmod -x /usr/man/man4/*.4
    chmod -x /usr/man/man5/*.5
    chmod -x /usr/man/man6/*.6
    chmod -x /usr/man/man7/*.7
    chmod -x /usr/man/man8/*.8
    chmod -x /usr/man/man9/*.9
    chmod 400 /boot/vmlinuz*
    echo "Don't forget to chmod 400 all new kernels in /boot."
    chmod o-rwx /sbin/ifconfig
    chmod o-rwx /sbin/route
    echo "Also U may wish to do chmod -s for: elm , xlock. & chmod o-x for rpm."
    echo "& it could be a good idea to chmod o-x mount"

    echo "Turning on user command execution logs."
    /sbin/accton /var/log/pacct

    # This file was made & modified by Olli .