Lyubov Talimonova
The Happiness of the Tuata
The tale
Translated from the Russian original by David Parfitt
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher.
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Somewhere in the wide blue ocean was an island. An island with mountains, hills, rivers and green valleys. At first glance it looked just like the hundreds of other islands in the ocean. But there was something unusual about it, because it was called the Island of Happiness. It was called this because among the green hills of the island lived the cheerful and good-natured people known as the Tuata. It was no good looking for magnificent palaces and impressive buildings on the Island of Happiness though: the Tuata lived in simple but comfortable houses, made do with basic earthenware crockery, did not use gold cups and had no interest in glittering jewels. The palace of King Kin and Queen Iza only differed from the other houses by standing a little taller than them and being located in the centre of the island on the greenest hill. The Tuata considered their real treasures to be their knowledge, love of hard work, kindness and cheerful nature.
On the island one would often see people sitting outside their houses for long periods of time. The Tuata sat in the sun and seemed to do nothing, but this was only the way it looked. In fact the Tuata were thinking deeply. But what were they thinking about? They thought about everything in the world: their island, the sea, life, how the flowers and trees grow, how the clouds sail across the sky, the Sun and Moon, the stars and many other things. In their thoughts the Tuata travelled across the boundless expanses of the universe and visited the Great Land beyond the sea. In the Great Land they unfortunately saw endless wars and people’s cruelty, envy and greed, and so the happy inhabitants of the island did not like it at all beyond the sea.
The Tuata had a good understanding of the different sciences such as mathematics and physics; they also knew about medicine and treated those who were ill with special herbs. And this is why some houses had unusual structures around them: these were drying racks for herbs.
The Tuata had made several important discoveries in their Houses of Knowledge. They had discovered the laws of motion of the Sun, Moon and stars across the heavens, and over the whole island they had placed stones of different sizes to help them observe exactly where and when the heavenly bodies rose above the Earth and then hid themselves beyond the horizon.
All of the houses on the Island of Happiness were surrounded by large gardens, where the caring Tuata grew not only fruit and vegetables, but also flowers. The people of the island liked roses more than anything else in the world because in the mornings dew-drops would sparkle magically on their petals. The Tuata often waited in their gardens for sunrise just to watch the morning dew appear on their beloved flowers. And the Tuata believed that the dew-drops themselves were notes of beautiful music that had fallen from the sky. The Tuata also believed that rainbows brought a special, magical music to the Earth, and they liked to dance in the rain when they saw a bright rainbow in the sky.
The people of the Island of Happiness loved to gather together and enjoy themselves: to sing and dance, and to tell each other true stories and also tales of magic. For this reason there were many festivals on the island, and it was usually the most learned Tuata who would calculate the special dates for these festivals.
Each summer, when the day was longest and the Sun shone high above the horizon, the people of the Island of Happiness celebrated the beautiful and joyful Festival of Light and the Sun. On this particular day the Tuata always woke up very early and went up to the hilltops or into the mountains, to make sure that they were ready to greet the sunrise. The Tuata loved to see how the first rays of the Sun painted the tops of the mountains and hills in shades of pink, gold and emerald; how the sunlight made the water in the rivers and lakes begin to sparkle; and how the stones that were wet from the morning dew suddenly came to life. From their high position, it seemed to the Tuata that everything on the island was singing and dancing on this festival day, and they really enjoyed themselves: they danced and sang with the flowers, birds, trees, lakes and rivers, hills and stones in the rays of the rising Sun.
Another important festival that the Tuata always liked to celebrate was the Festival of the Moon, which took place one night every autumn. As evening drew in they would put on their long woollen cloaks with hoods, climb slowly to the tops of the hills and light large bonfires. The Tuata would sit around the warm fires, wrapped up in their cloaks, and tell each other various stories, legends and tales, and wait patiently for the large round Moon to rise above the Island of Happiness. The surrounding darkness was so thick that it seemed as if you could almost reach out and touch it, but when the bluish glow of the Moon appeared over the mountains and the gloom receded, everyone fell silent, rose to their feet, stood motionless for a long time and gazed with delight at a world that was flooded with silvery moonlight. Then they all sat down once more around the bonfires that were still warm and began to chant the old magic spells and sing the soft ancient songs.
And so, day after day and year after year the people of the Island of Happiness lived a carefree life. They dreamed, grew flowers, fruit and vegetables, studied the sciences, observed the bright stars, greeted the dawn and the rising of the Sun and Moon, admired the beauty of the world, told each other stories and enjoyed life to the full.
The Tuata were a kind and peaceful people: they never quarrelled about anything and there were no cruel, senseless wars on the island. And all of this was because very long ago, so long ago in fact that none of the Tuata knew exactly when and how it had happened, the ruler of the distant Land of the Sun had given the inhabitants of the island a miraculous green stone. This stone was neither large nor small, and it glistened beautifully in the Sun and shone with every shade of green, but most importantly it was blessed with the ability to bring people peace, joy and happiness. It was no ordinary stone – in fact, it was a magic stone. Since ancient times it had stood on a large boulder in the centre of the island and had protected the Tuata without fail from any kind of evil or misfortune.
The people of the island became used to the magic green stone, to a peaceful, calm and happy life, and as the years passed they began to neglect it. Sometimes they forgot to wipe the dust from it for long periods of time, and thought that their happiness would last forever, but one day on the island everything suddenly changed for the worse.
It happened in the summer, while the Sun was blessing the people of the island particularly generously with its light and warmth, the hills and valleys were covered with green, and the fruit were ripening and beautiful roses blooming in the Tuata’s gardens.
After waking up one morning the inhabitants of the Island of Happiness suddenly felt a strange and unpleasant chill in their houses. The usual bright summer Sun was not shining into their windows that morning. A strong wind was blowing low grey clouds in from the sea and a fine, cold, autumnal rain was falling continuously; in fact, it felt as though a deep and dreary autumn had suddenly arrived in the middle of summer. Why this had happened no-one knew, but all the Tuata from every part of the island rushed to the magic stone and then froze with amazement and terror when they saw that the stone which had brought them so much happiness was broken. On the large boulder, darkened by rain, lay its glittering green fragments. The magic stone could have been smashed accidentally, or shattered of its own accord into tiny pieces due to the cold or with the passing of time. However, the people gathered around the broken stone began to eye one another spitefully and mistrustfully and then went silently back to their houses. From this time onwards, each of the Tuata began to suspect the others of evil deeds and so they stopped talking to one another. No-one came out of their house any more to sit on their bench and make new discoveries. There were no more festivals on the island. Eventually the smart and tidy houses of the Tuata began to fall into disrepair, the shutters on the windows became crooked, the gardens became overgrown with weeds, the wonderful roses wilted out of grief and sadness for the people, and the whole population of the island divided into two hostile groups that were on the verge of going to war.
The king of the island was very worried by this turn of events and the queen was very sad. “Our island has turned from the Island of Happiness into the most unhappy island in the world! What can we do?” she said one day, and so the wise king decided to call a meeting of all the inhabitants of the once-happy island. The next day all of the Tuata gathered in the royal palace. Although the people of the island had started to quarrel amongst themselves, in their hearts the Tuata deeply regretted losing their happiness and they all wanted to be as happy again as they were before. The people of the island waited with heavy hearts and hoped that the king would tell them something wise and helpful.
The king started to speak: “Dear people of this once-happy island! We were truly happy when we possessed the magic stone. Now this wonderful green stone is broken and we are close to war. Hostility and anger have settled on our island; suspiciousness and all those other vices that thrive in the land beyond the sea. What is more, since the magic stone was broken it has rained continuously on the island and we have not seen the Sun at all. Dear Tuata, surely you must be unhappy with this? I believe that you are. Every one of us wants peace, happiness and quiet, just as we had before. But how can we bring happiness back to the island? It came to us before along with the wonderful stone from the Land of the Sun. The stone was given to use by its ruler, the kind Lugus. I have thought long and hard, and now I am sure that to bring happiness back to our island, one of us must travel to the distant Land of the Sun and return with a new magic stone. In that land there are many magic green stones, and I know that Lugus will certainly give us another to bring back happiness and joy to the island. But who will agree to travel to the Land of the Sun? The journey is long and no-one knows the way there for sure. What should we do? I would like to ask you this, dear Tuata”. The people of the island, gathered inside the palace and all around it, became agitated; they all began to speak at once and then started to argue, but suddenly they fell silent and a tall, grey-haired and wise Tuata stepped forward.
“My dear king, all of our people consider your decision to be the right one and fully approve of it. Seven of our bravest Tuata have already volunteered to leave immediately in search of the magic stone. They are all prepared for a long and hazardous journey, for my grandmother has told me that many obstacles and ordeals await those who travel to the Land of the Sun. These seven are: Bradag the Nimble, Krudlakh the Sturdy, Gaire the Wise, Anun the Resourceful, Ebor the Judicious, Kana the Fair and Ruta of the Sun. But, wise king, what can we expect on our journey to the land of Lugus? None of us really knows. But I have heard many times from my grandmother that whenever our ancestors had any kind of problem, they always went for help or advice to the good fairy Beta, who still lives in a house on a high cliff not far from the blue ocean. In the past, this wise, kind fairy has never refused to help anyone, and so I think that the first thing we should do is go to her. She may be the only one who knows the way to the Land of the Sun and who can suggest how to avoid the dangers and difficulties on the way. Without her help we will not be able to make this journey and happiness will never return to the island”, said the old and wise Tuata, and the king raised no objections. From all around came cries of approval, and then the king and queen proposed to everyone that they would accompany the seven brave Tuata to the cliff where the fairy Beta lived.
The path to this cliff was not an easy one. They had to climb many hills, force their way through tangled undergrowth and wade across several rivers and streams before reaching it. Many of the islanders who had come to lend support soon fell by the wayside, but the seven brave, determined and persistent Tuata completed the journey to the Beta’s house without too many problems. Each of them knew only too well that ahead of them lay even greater hardships, and this gave them strength and courage.
The king and queen accompanied the seven Tuata as far as the cliff where the fairy Beta lived, and then set off without delay on the return trip, wishing the travellers every success and a safe journey.
The first to begin climbing the steps was golden-haired Ruta, who looked like a little ray of sunshine. She was the granddaughter of the very same Tuata who had given the king and all the people of the island the wise advice to go and seek help from the fairy Beta. He had also taught his granddaughter a little magic, so Ruta went first so that her friends could follow her safely up the unfamiliar steps.
It must be said that the brave Tuata were still rather afraid of arriving at the magic fairy’s house without an invitation. Although Beta was kind, like most fairies she probably did not like uninvited guests. And what is more, Beta had not left her home for a hundred years, and during that time no-one had seen her. Time may have aged her and made her less kind and helpful. She may even have forgotten all her secrets and spells. The friends were very worried about this. Without Beta, who could possibly help them to bring back happiness to their island? With these thoughts in their minds the seven friends climbed higher and higher up the steps and their hearts beat anxiously.
When Ruta reached the last step, the door of the fairy’s house opened unexpectedly. On the threshold stood the fairy herself. Young and beautiful, with long black hair and huge dark eyes, she looked inquiringly at her guests. The Tuata froze at the sudden appearance of the fairy and did not know what they should do, but Beta began to speak first and invited them all into the house. Beta was a magic fairy, and so she had known in advance about the arrival of her guests and already knew all their names and their reason for coming, but she gave no indication of this. She greeted them in a very polite and friendly manner and introduced herself to each of the Tuata in turn, before treating them to an unexpectedly delicious and fragrant tea made from herbs. After the first cup of this wonderful tea the friends felt completely relaxed and began to tell Beta about how the Tuata had lived so contentedly on the Island of Happiness until their magic green stone had been broken, and how the life of the people since then had changed terribly, and how the wise king had decided that a new magic stone should be sought in order to return the lost happiness to the island. The seven Tuata told the fairy that they themselves had volunteered to set off on the long journey to bring back a new green stone and were not afraid of any dangers or difficulties; however, they did not know the route to the Land of the Sun, and so had decided to ask for the kind fairy’s help. The Tuata said that they were relying on her advice and support for the journey that lay ahead.
Beta listened to the friends silently and attentively. When they had finished their story she leaned back thoughtfully in her armchair, closed her eyes and sat for some time without moving. The Tuata began to worry that the kind fairy had perhaps fallen asleep. But Beta was certainly not asleep. She was thinking deeply about how to help the brave Tuata and bring back happiness to all the people of the island. Beta suddenly opened her eyes again, got up quickly from the armchair and went over to the large carved wooden cupboard where she kept her various herbs, jars, crystal balls, old books and other things that the Tuata were not familiar with. She then picked up a dark blue sapphire ball, went over to the window and asked the friends to let her think for a little while longer in complete silence. The fairy peered intently into the ball, and in its depths pictures began to appear and then disappear as soon as they had come. After several minutes sparks flashed around the blue ball and then vanished. Without looking at anyone, Beta then began to speak softly:
“However, I must accompany you to the Land of the Sun. Wait here for a few minutes as I need to prepare for the journey and I don’t want to forget anything”, said Beta as she was about to leave the room. The Tuata tried to persuade the magic fairy not to attempt the long and difficult journey as they did not want to tear her away from what she was doing, tire her or most of all put her in danger. However, they did not know how determined Beta was: she did not like to change her mind about things, especially when she was in such a decisive mood.
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Somewhere in the wide blue ocean was an island. An island with mountains, hills, rivers and green valleys. At first glance it looked just like the hundreds of other islands in the ocean. But there was something unusual about it, because it was called the Island of Happiness. It was called this because among the green hills of the island lived the cheerful and good-natured people known as the Tuata. It was no good looking for magnificent palaces and impressive buildings on the Island of Happiness though: the Tuata lived in simple but comfortable houses, made do with basic earthenware crockery, did not use gold cups and had no interest in glittering jewels. The palace of King Kin and Queen Iza only differed from the other houses by standing a little taller than them and being located in the centre of the island on the greenest hill. The Tuata considered their real treasures to be their knowledge, love of hard work, kindness and cheerful nature.
On the island one would often see people sitting outside their houses for long periods of time. The Tuata sat in the sun and seemed to do nothing, but this was only the way it looked. In fact the Tuata were thinking deeply. But what were they thinking about? They thought about everything in the world: their island, the sea, life, how the flowers and trees grow, how the clouds sail across the sky, the Sun and Moon, the stars and many other things. In their thoughts the Tuata travelled across the boundless expanses of the universe and visited the Great Land beyond the sea. In the Great Land they unfortunately saw endless wars and people’s cruelty, envy and greed, and so the happy inhabitants of the island did not like it at all beyond the sea.
The Tuata had a good understanding of the different sciences such as mathematics and physics; they also knew about medicine and treated those who were ill with special herbs. And this is why some houses had unusual structures around them: these were drying racks for herbs.
The Tuata had made several important discoveries in their Houses of Knowledge. They had discovered the laws of motion of the Sun, Moon and stars across the heavens, and over the whole island they had placed stones of different sizes to help them observe exactly where and when the heavenly bodies rose above the Earth and then hid themselves beyond the horizon.
All of the houses on the Island of Happiness were surrounded by large gardens, where the caring Tuata grew not only fruit and vegetables, but also flowers. The people of the island liked roses more than anything else in the world because in the mornings dew-drops would sparkle magically on their petals. The Tuata often waited in their gardens for sunrise just to watch the morning dew appear on their beloved flowers. And the Tuata believed that the dew-drops themselves were notes of beautiful music that had fallen from the sky. The Tuata also believed that rainbows brought a special, magical music to the Earth, and they liked to dance in the rain when they saw a bright rainbow in the sky.

The people of the Island of Happiness loved to gather together and enjoy themselves: to sing and dance, and to tell each other true stories and also tales of magic. For this reason there were many festivals on the island, and it was usually the most learned Tuata who would calculate the special dates for these festivals.
Each summer, when the day was longest and the Sun shone high above the horizon, the people of the Island of Happiness celebrated the beautiful and joyful Festival of Light and the Sun. On this particular day the Tuata always woke up very early and went up to the hilltops or into the mountains, to make sure that they were ready to greet the sunrise. The Tuata loved to see how the first rays of the Sun painted the tops of the mountains and hills in shades of pink, gold and emerald; how the sunlight made the water in the rivers and lakes begin to sparkle; and how the stones that were wet from the morning dew suddenly came to life. From their high position, it seemed to the Tuata that everything on the island was singing and dancing on this festival day, and they really enjoyed themselves: they danced and sang with the flowers, birds, trees, lakes and rivers, hills and stones in the rays of the rising Sun.
Another important festival that the Tuata always liked to celebrate was the Festival of the Moon, which took place one night every autumn. As evening drew in they would put on their long woollen cloaks with hoods, climb slowly to the tops of the hills and light large bonfires. The Tuata would sit around the warm fires, wrapped up in their cloaks, and tell each other various stories, legends and tales, and wait patiently for the large round Moon to rise above the Island of Happiness. The surrounding darkness was so thick that it seemed as if you could almost reach out and touch it, but when the bluish glow of the Moon appeared over the mountains and the gloom receded, everyone fell silent, rose to their feet, stood motionless for a long time and gazed with delight at a world that was flooded with silvery moonlight. Then they all sat down once more around the bonfires that were still warm and began to chant the old magic spells and sing the soft ancient songs.
And so, day after day and year after year the people of the Island of Happiness lived a carefree life. They dreamed, grew flowers, fruit and vegetables, studied the sciences, observed the bright stars, greeted the dawn and the rising of the Sun and Moon, admired the beauty of the world, told each other stories and enjoyed life to the full.
The Tuata were a kind and peaceful people: they never quarrelled about anything and there were no cruel, senseless wars on the island. And all of this was because very long ago, so long ago in fact that none of the Tuata knew exactly when and how it had happened, the ruler of the distant Land of the Sun had given the inhabitants of the island a miraculous green stone. This stone was neither large nor small, and it glistened beautifully in the Sun and shone with every shade of green, but most importantly it was blessed with the ability to bring people peace, joy and happiness. It was no ordinary stone – in fact, it was a magic stone. Since ancient times it had stood on a large boulder in the centre of the island and had protected the Tuata without fail from any kind of evil or misfortune.
The people of the island became used to the magic green stone, to a peaceful, calm and happy life, and as the years passed they began to neglect it. Sometimes they forgot to wipe the dust from it for long periods of time, and thought that their happiness would last forever, but one day on the island everything suddenly changed for the worse.
It happened in the summer, while the Sun was blessing the people of the island particularly generously with its light and warmth, the hills and valleys were covered with green, and the fruit were ripening and beautiful roses blooming in the Tuata’s gardens.
After waking up one morning the inhabitants of the Island of Happiness suddenly felt a strange and unpleasant chill in their houses. The usual bright summer Sun was not shining into their windows that morning. A strong wind was blowing low grey clouds in from the sea and a fine, cold, autumnal rain was falling continuously; in fact, it felt as though a deep and dreary autumn had suddenly arrived in the middle of summer. Why this had happened no-one knew, but all the Tuata from every part of the island rushed to the magic stone and then froze with amazement and terror when they saw that the stone which had brought them so much happiness was broken. On the large boulder, darkened by rain, lay its glittering green fragments. The magic stone could have been smashed accidentally, or shattered of its own accord into tiny pieces due to the cold or with the passing of time. However, the people gathered around the broken stone began to eye one another spitefully and mistrustfully and then went silently back to their houses. From this time onwards, each of the Tuata began to suspect the others of evil deeds and so they stopped talking to one another. No-one came out of their house any more to sit on their bench and make new discoveries. There were no more festivals on the island. Eventually the smart and tidy houses of the Tuata began to fall into disrepair, the shutters on the windows became crooked, the gardens became overgrown with weeds, the wonderful roses wilted out of grief and sadness for the people, and the whole population of the island divided into two hostile groups that were on the verge of going to war.
The king of the island was very worried by this turn of events and the queen was very sad. “Our island has turned from the Island of Happiness into the most unhappy island in the world! What can we do?” she said one day, and so the wise king decided to call a meeting of all the inhabitants of the once-happy island. The next day all of the Tuata gathered in the royal palace. Although the people of the island had started to quarrel amongst themselves, in their hearts the Tuata deeply regretted losing their happiness and they all wanted to be as happy again as they were before. The people of the island waited with heavy hearts and hoped that the king would tell them something wise and helpful.
The king started to speak: “Dear people of this once-happy island! We were truly happy when we possessed the magic stone. Now this wonderful green stone is broken and we are close to war. Hostility and anger have settled on our island; suspiciousness and all those other vices that thrive in the land beyond the sea. What is more, since the magic stone was broken it has rained continuously on the island and we have not seen the Sun at all. Dear Tuata, surely you must be unhappy with this? I believe that you are. Every one of us wants peace, happiness and quiet, just as we had before. But how can we bring happiness back to the island? It came to us before along with the wonderful stone from the Land of the Sun. The stone was given to use by its ruler, the kind Lugus. I have thought long and hard, and now I am sure that to bring happiness back to our island, one of us must travel to the distant Land of the Sun and return with a new magic stone. In that land there are many magic green stones, and I know that Lugus will certainly give us another to bring back happiness and joy to the island. But who will agree to travel to the Land of the Sun? The journey is long and no-one knows the way there for sure. What should we do? I would like to ask you this, dear Tuata”. The people of the island, gathered inside the palace and all around it, became agitated; they all began to speak at once and then started to argue, but suddenly they fell silent and a tall, grey-haired and wise Tuata stepped forward.
“My dear king, all of our people consider your decision to be the right one and fully approve of it. Seven of our bravest Tuata have already volunteered to leave immediately in search of the magic stone. They are all prepared for a long and hazardous journey, for my grandmother has told me that many obstacles and ordeals await those who travel to the Land of the Sun. These seven are: Bradag the Nimble, Krudlakh the Sturdy, Gaire the Wise, Anun the Resourceful, Ebor the Judicious, Kana the Fair and Ruta of the Sun. But, wise king, what can we expect on our journey to the land of Lugus? None of us really knows. But I have heard many times from my grandmother that whenever our ancestors had any kind of problem, they always went for help or advice to the good fairy Beta, who still lives in a house on a high cliff not far from the blue ocean. In the past, this wise, kind fairy has never refused to help anyone, and so I think that the first thing we should do is go to her. She may be the only one who knows the way to the Land of the Sun and who can suggest how to avoid the dangers and difficulties on the way. Without her help we will not be able to make this journey and happiness will never return to the island”, said the old and wise Tuata, and the king raised no objections. From all around came cries of approval, and then the king and queen proposed to everyone that they would accompany the seven brave Tuata to the cliff where the fairy Beta lived.
The path to this cliff was not an easy one. They had to climb many hills, force their way through tangled undergrowth and wade across several rivers and streams before reaching it. Many of the islanders who had come to lend support soon fell by the wayside, but the seven brave, determined and persistent Tuata completed the journey to the Beta’s house without too many problems. Each of them knew only too well that ahead of them lay even greater hardships, and this gave them strength and courage.
The king and queen accompanied the seven Tuata as far as the cliff where the fairy Beta lived, and then set off without delay on the return trip, wishing the travellers every success and a safe journey.
* * *
Bradag, Krudlakh, Gaire, Anun, Ebor, Kana and Ruta now stood alone before the high cliff. They could see the fairy’s house near the top of the cliff, but there were no steps leading to it and it seemed completely inaccessible. How could they possibly reach it? The Tuata grew sad, and in despair Bradag even threw a small stone at the cliff. And then a miracle occurred! The huge steep wall began to stir and slowly parted. The Tuata had discovered an entrance into the cliff; and once inside they saw steps leading upwards which gave them fresh hope. A huge stone door then slid back into place behind them, but in the darkness lights suddenly flared up around them, they began to hear welcoming little bells somewhere in the distance and the steps were now lit with a bluish-green light.The first to begin climbing the steps was golden-haired Ruta, who looked like a little ray of sunshine. She was the granddaughter of the very same Tuata who had given the king and all the people of the island the wise advice to go and seek help from the fairy Beta. He had also taught his granddaughter a little magic, so Ruta went first so that her friends could follow her safely up the unfamiliar steps.
It must be said that the brave Tuata were still rather afraid of arriving at the magic fairy’s house without an invitation. Although Beta was kind, like most fairies she probably did not like uninvited guests. And what is more, Beta had not left her home for a hundred years, and during that time no-one had seen her. Time may have aged her and made her less kind and helpful. She may even have forgotten all her secrets and spells. The friends were very worried about this. Without Beta, who could possibly help them to bring back happiness to their island? With these thoughts in their minds the seven friends climbed higher and higher up the steps and their hearts beat anxiously.

When Ruta reached the last step, the door of the fairy’s house opened unexpectedly. On the threshold stood the fairy herself. Young and beautiful, with long black hair and huge dark eyes, she looked inquiringly at her guests. The Tuata froze at the sudden appearance of the fairy and did not know what they should do, but Beta began to speak first and invited them all into the house. Beta was a magic fairy, and so she had known in advance about the arrival of her guests and already knew all their names and their reason for coming, but she gave no indication of this. She greeted them in a very polite and friendly manner and introduced herself to each of the Tuata in turn, before treating them to an unexpectedly delicious and fragrant tea made from herbs. After the first cup of this wonderful tea the friends felt completely relaxed and began to tell Beta about how the Tuata had lived so contentedly on the Island of Happiness until their magic green stone had been broken, and how the life of the people since then had changed terribly, and how the wise king had decided that a new magic stone should be sought in order to return the lost happiness to the island. The seven Tuata told the fairy that they themselves had volunteered to set off on the long journey to bring back a new green stone and were not afraid of any dangers or difficulties; however, they did not know the route to the Land of the Sun, and so had decided to ask for the kind fairy’s help. The Tuata said that they were relying on her advice and support for the journey that lay ahead.
Beta listened to the friends silently and attentively. When they had finished their story she leaned back thoughtfully in her armchair, closed her eyes and sat for some time without moving. The Tuata began to worry that the kind fairy had perhaps fallen asleep. But Beta was certainly not asleep. She was thinking deeply about how to help the brave Tuata and bring back happiness to all the people of the island. Beta suddenly opened her eyes again, got up quickly from the armchair and went over to the large carved wooden cupboard where she kept her various herbs, jars, crystal balls, old books and other things that the Tuata were not familiar with. She then picked up a dark blue sapphire ball, went over to the window and asked the friends to let her think for a little while longer in complete silence. The fairy peered intently into the ball, and in its depths pictures began to appear and then disappear as soon as they had come. After several minutes sparks flashed around the blue ball and then vanished. Without looking at anyone, Beta then began to speak softly:
After this Beta placed the blue ball to one side, took from the cupboard a huge ancient book filled with mysterious symbols and letters, and began to read. The Tuata had never seen such symbols and letters before, and they fell completely silent to allow the fairy to concentrate on the mysterious ancient texts. Finally Beta slammed the book shut and announced happily to the friends that they would reach the Land of the Sun safely, obtain another magic stone as a gift from Lugus and bring happiness back to the island.
You will have to travel far to find happiness,
Oceans, ravines and fiery rivers
Lie before you. Many ordeals await you.
But courage and friendship will help you along the way,
And happiness will return to the island.
“However, I must accompany you to the Land of the Sun. Wait here for a few minutes as I need to prepare for the journey and I don’t want to forget anything”, said Beta as she was about to leave the room. The Tuata tried to persuade the magic fairy not to attempt the long and difficult journey as they did not want to tear her away from what she was doing, tire her or most of all put her in danger. However, they did not know how determined Beta was: she did not like to change her mind about things, especially when she was in such a decisive mood.
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