having is but an illusion in regard to things. It is only what we can be
with that we really possess-that is, what is of our kind, from God to the
lowest animal partaking of humanity."

[ 357 ] The Lobster Pot
She had not learned that the look of things as you go, is not their
look when you turn to go back; that with your attitude their mood will have
altered. Nature is like a lobster pot: she lets you easily go on, but not
easily return.

[ 358 ] The First Meeting
And all the time it was God near her that was making her unhappy. For
as the Son of Man came not to send peace on the earth but a sword, so the
first visit of God to the human soul is generally in a cloud of fear and
doubt, rising from the soul itself at His approach. The sun is the cloud
dispeller, yet often he must look through a fog if he would visit the earth
at all.

[ 359 ] Reminder
Complaint against God is far nearer to God than indifference about Him.

[ 360 ] The Wrong Way with Anxiety
All the morning he was busy . . . with his heart in trying to content
himself beforehand with whatever fate the Lord might intend for him. As yet
he was more of a Christian philosopher than a philosophical Christian. The
thing most disappointing to him he would treat as the will of God for him,
and try to make up his mind to it, persuading himself it was the right and
best thing-as if he knew it (to be) the will of God. He was thus working in
the region of supposition and not of revealed duty: in his own imagination,
and not in the will of God. . . . There is something in the very presence
and actuality of a thing to make one able to bear it; but a man may weaken
himself for bearing what God intends him to bear, by trying to bear what God
does not intend him to bear. . . . We have no right to school ourselves to
an imaginary duty. When we do not know, then what he lays upon us is not to

[ 361 ] Deadlock
We are often unable to tell people what they need to know, because they
want to know something else.

[ 362 ] Solitude
I began to learn that it was impossible to live for oneself even, save
in the presence of others-then, alas, fearfully possible. Evil was only
through good; selfishness but a parasite on the tree of life.

[ 363 ] Death
You will be dead so long as you refuse to die.

[ 364 ] Tbe Mystery of Evil
The darkness knows neither the light nor itself; only the light knows
itself and the darkness also. None but God hates evil and understands it.

[ 365 ] The Last Resource
"Lilith," said Mara, "you will not sleep, if you lie there a thousand
years, until you have opened your hand and yielded that which is not yours
to give or to withhold." "I cannot," she answered, "I would if I could, for
I am weary, and the shadows of death are gathering about me."-"They will
gather and gather, but they cannot infold you while yet your hand remains
unopened. You may think you are dead, but it will only be a dream; you may
think you have come awake, but it will still be only a dream. Open your
hand, and you will sleep indeed- then wake indeed."-"I am trying hard, but
the fingers have grown together and into the palm."-"I pray you put forth
the strength of your will. For the love of life, draw together your forces
and break its bonds!"
The princess turned her eyes upon Eve, beseechingly. "There was a sword
I once saw in your husband's hands," she murmured. "I fled when I saw it. I
heard him who bore it say it would divide whatever was not one and
"I have the sword," said Adam. "The angel gave it me when he left the
"Bring it, Adam," pleaded Lilith, "and cut me off this hand that I may
"I will," he answered.


1 UNSPOKEN SERMONS, First Series, The Child in the Mist
2-9 UNSPOKEN SERMONS, First Series, The Consuming Fire
10 UNSPOKEN SERMONS, First Series, The Higher Faith
11-13 UNSPOKEN SERMONS, First Series, // Shall Not be Forgiven
14-21 UNSPOKEN SERMONS, First Series, The New Name
22-24 UNSPOKEN SERMONS, First Series, The Heart with the Treasure
25-30 UNSPOKEN SERMONS, First Series, The Temptation in the Wilderness
31-39 UNSPOKEN SERMONS, First Series, The Eloi
40-42 UNSPOKEN SERMONS, First Series, The Hands of the Father
43-49 UNSPOKEN SERMONS, First Series, Love Thy Neighbor
50-51 UNSPOKEN SERMONS, First Series, Love Thine Enemy
52 UNSPOKEN SERMONS, First Series, The God of the Living
53-62 UNSPOKEN SERMONS, Second Series, The Way
63-71 UNSPOKEN SERMONS, Second Series, The Hardness of the Way
72-84 UNSPOKEN SERMONS, Second Series, The Cause of Spiritual

85-95 UNSPOKEN SERMONS, Second Series, The Word of Jesus on Prayer
96-107 UNSPOKEN SERMONS, Second Series, Man's Difficulty Concerning

108-118 UNSPOKEN SERMONS, Second Series, The Last Farthing
119-126 UNSPOKEN SERMONS, Second Series, Abba, Father
127-141 UNSPOKEN SERMONS, Second Series, Life
142-147 UNSPOKEN SERMONS, Second Series, The Fear of God
148-154 UNSPOKEN SERMONS, Second Series, The Voice of Job
155-164 UNSPOKEN SERMONS, Second Series, Self-Denial
165-167 UNSPOKEN SERMONS, Second Series, The Truth in Jesus
168-177 UNSPOKEN SERMONS, Third Series, The Creation in Christ
178-180 UNSPOKEN SERMONS, Third Series, The Knowing of the Son
181-183 UNSPOKEN SERMONS, Third Series, The Mirrors of the Lord
184-199 UNSPOKEN SERMONS, Third Series, The Truth
200-202 UNSPOKEN SERMONS, Third Series, Freedom
203-206 UNSPOKEN SERMONS, Third Series, King-ship
207-215 UNSPOKEN SERMONS, Third Series, Justice
216-219 UNSPOKEN SERMONS, Third Series, Light
220-223 UNSPOKEN SERMONS, Third Series, The Displeasure of Jesus
224-238 UNSPOKEN SERMONS, Third Series, Righteousness
239-249 UNSPOKEN SERMONS, Third Series, The Final Unmasking
250-257 UNSPOKEN SERMONS, Third Series, The Inheritance
258 Phantasies, Chapter 22
259 Phantasies, Chapter 23
260 Alec Forbes, Volume I, Chapter 32
261 Alec Forbes, Volume I, Chapter 33
262 Alec Forbes, Volume II, Chapter I
263 Alec Forbes, Volume II, Chapter 10
264 Alec Forbes, Volume II, Chapter 12
265 Alec Forbes, Volume III, Chapter 4
266 Alec Forbes, Volume III, Chapter 26
267-268 Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood, Chapter I
269 Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood, Chapter 3
270-271 Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood, Chapter 5
272 Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood, Chapter 7
273 Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood, Chapter 9
274 Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood, Chapter n
275 Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood, Chapter 15
276 Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood, Chapter 28
277-278 Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood, Chapter 30
279-280 The Golden Key
281 The Shadows
282 The Seaboard Parish, Chapter 2
283 The Seaboard Parish, Chapter 3
284 The Seaboard Parish, Chapter 13
285 The Seaboard Parish, Chapter 19
286 The Seaboard Parish, Chapter 23
287 The Seaboard Parish, Chapter 32
288 The Princess and the Goblin, Chapter 5
289 The Princess and the Goblin, Chapter 27
290 Wilfred Cumbermede, Chapter n
291 Wilfred Cumbermede, Chapter 17
292 Wilfred Cumbermede, Chapter 18
293 Wilfred, Cumbermede, Chapter 22
294 Wilfred Cumbermede, Chapter 42
295 Wilfred Cumbermede, Chapter 48
296 Wilfred Cumbermede, Chapter 55
297 Wilfred Cumbermede, Chapter 57
298 Wilfred Cumbermede, Chapter 58
299-300 Wilfred Cumbermede, Chapter 59
301 Wilfred Cumbermede, Chapter 60
302-303 Thomas Wingfold, Curate, Chapter 7
304 Thomas Wingfold, Curate, Chapter 17
305-306 Thomas Wingfold, Curate, Chapter 36
307 Thomas Wingfold, Curate, Chapter 39
308 Thomas Wingfold, Curate, Chapter 54
309 Thomas Wingfold, Curate, Chapter 66
310 Thomas Wingfold, Curate, Chapter 67
311 Thomas Wingfold, Curate, Chapter 74
312 Thomas Wingfold, Curate, Chapter 76
313 Thomas Wingfold, Curate, Chapter 94
314-315 Sir Gibbie, Chapter 2
316 Sir Gibbie, Chapter 6
317 Sir Gibbie, Chapter 7
318 Sir Gibbie, Chapter 8
319 Sir Gibbie, Chapter 23
320 Sir Gibbie, Chapter 24
321 Sir Gibbie, Chapter 25
322 Sir Gibbie, Chapter 29
323 Sir Gibbie, Chapter 37
324 Sir Gibbie, Chapter 39
325 Sir Gibbie, Chapter 40
326 Sir Gibbie, Chapter 41
327-328 Sir Gibbie, Chapter 44
329-330 Sir Gibbie, Chapter 47
331 Sir Gibbie, Chapter 50
332 Sir Gibbie, Chapter 59
333 Diary of an Old Soul, January 31
334 Diary of an Old Soul, May 16
335 Diary of an Old Soul, May 26
336 Diary of an Old Soul, July 16
337 Diary of an Old Soul, August 7
338 Diary of an Old Soul, October 10
339 Diary of an Old Soul, November 3
340 Diary of an Old Soul, November 9
341 The Princess and the Curdie, Chapter I
342 The Princess and the Curdie, Chapter 3
343 The Princess and the Curdie, Chapter 7
344 The Princess and the Curdie, Chapter 8
345 What's Mine's Mine, Chapter 5
346 What's Mine's Mine, Chapter 7
347 What's Mine's Mine, Chapter 9
348-349 What's Mine's Mine, Chapter n
350 What's Mine's Mine, Chapter 15
351-352 What's Mine's Mine, Chapter 16
353 What's Mine's Mine, Chapter 17
354 What's Mine's Mine, Chapter 22
355 What's Mine's Mine, Chapter 30
356 What's Mine's Mine, Chapter 32
357-358 What's Mine's Mine, Chapter 33
359 What's Mine's Mine, Chapter 39
360 What's Mine's Mine, Chapter 41
361 Lilith, Chapter 9
362 Lilith, Chapter 16
363 Lilith, Chapter 31
364 Lilith, Chapter 39
365 Lilith, Chapter 40

Within and Without, a Poem 1855
Poems 1857
Phantastes: a Faerie Romance for Men and Women 1858
David Elginbrod. 3 vols. 1863
Adela Cathcart. 3 vols. 1864
The Portent: a story of the Inner Vision of the
Highlanders commonly called the Second Sight 1864
Alec Forbes of Howglen. 3 vols. 1865
Annals of a Quiet Neighbourhood. 3 vols. 1867
Dealings with the Fairies 1867
The Disciple and other Poems 1867
Unspoken Sermons, 1st Series 1867
2nd Series 1885
3rd Series 1889
Guild Court. 3 vols. 1868
Robert Falconer. 3 vols. 1868
The Seaboard Parish. 3 vols. 1868
The Miracles of our Lord. 1 vol. 1870
At the Back of the North Wind 1871
Ranald Bannerman's Boyhood 1871
Works of Fancy and Imagination (chiefly reprints)
10 vols 1871
The Princess and the Goblin 1872
The Vicar's Daughter. 3 vols. 1872
Wilfrid Cumbermede. 3 vols. 1872
Gutta Percha Willie: the Working Genius 1873
England's Antiphon 1874
Malcolm. 3 vols. 1875
The Wise Woman, a Parable 1875
Thomas Wingfold, Curate. 3 vols. 1876
St. George and St. Michael. 3 vols. 1876
Exotics: a Translation (in verse) of the Spiritual
Songs of Novalis, the Hymn Book of Luther and
other Poems from the German and Italian 1876
The Marquis of Lossie. 3 vols. 1877
Sir Gibbie. 3 vols. 1879
Paul Faber, Surgeon. 3 vols. 1879
A Book of Strife, in the form of the Diary of an
Old Soul 1880
Mary Marston. 3 vols. 1881
Castle Warlock, a homely romance. 3 vols. 1882
Weighed and Wanting. 3 vols. 1882
The Gifts of the Christ Child, and other Tales.
2 vols. 1882
Afterwards published with title of Stephen Archer
and Other Tales. 1 vol. n.d.
Orts 1882
Donal Grant. 3 vols. 1883
A Threefold Cord. Poems by Three Friends,
edited by George MacDonald 1883
The Princess and Curdie 1883
The Tragedie of Hamlet-with a study of the
text of the Folio of 1623 1885
What's Mine's Mine. 3 vols. 1886
Home Again, a Tale. 1 vol. 1887
The Elect Lady, 1 vol. 1888
Cross Purposes, and The Shadows: Two Fairy
Stories (reprinted from Dealings with the
Fairies) 1886
A Rough Shaking, a Tale 1890
The Light Princess and other Fairy Stories
(reprinted from Dealings with the Fairies) 1890
There and Back. 3 vols. 1891
The Flight of the Shadow. 1 vol. 1891
A Cabinet of Gems, cut and polished by Sir Philip
Sidney, now for their more radiance presented
without their setting by George MacDonald 1891
The Hope of the Gospel 1892
Heather and Snow. 2 vols. 1893
Lilith, a Romance, 1 vol. 1895
Rampolli: Growths from a Long-planted Root,
being translations chiefly from the German,
along with A Year's Diary of an Old Soul
(Poems) 1897
Salted with Fire, a Tale, 1 vol. 1897
Poetical Works of George MacDonald. 2 vols. 1893
The Portent and Other Stories (reprints) n.d.
Fairy Tales of George MacDonald (reprints) 1904
Scotch Songs and Ballads (reprints) 1893