Turing chimes in. "And since we have broken Enigma, we can compose any message we want, and encrypt it just as U-691 would have."
"Splendid. Splendid!" says one of the Broadway Buildings guys.
"We cannot prevent U-691 from sending out her own, legitimate messages," Chattan cautions, "short of sinking her. Which we are making every effort to do. But we can muddy the waters considerably. Rabbi?"
Once again, the rabbi rises to his feet, drawing everyone's attention as they wait for him to fall down. But he doesn't. "I have composed a message in German naval jargon. Translated into English, it says, roughly, 'Interrogation of prisoners proceeding slowly request permission to use torture' and then there are several Xs in a row and then is added the words WARNING AMBUSH U-691 HAS BEEN CAPTURED BY BRITISH COMMANDOS'"
Sharp intakes of breath all around the room.
"Is contemporary German naval jargon a normal part of Talmudic studies?" asks the don.
"Mr. Kahn has spent a year and a half analyzing naval decrypts in Hut 4," Chattan says. "He has the lingo down pat." He goes on: "we have encrypted Mr. Kahn's message using today's naval Enigma key, and passed it on to Mr. Shales, who has been practicing."
Miss Lord rises to her feet, like a child reciting her lessons in a Victorian school, and says, "I am satisfied that Mr. Shales's rendition is indistinguishable from U-691's."
All eyes turn towards Chattan, who turns towards the old farts from the Broadway Buildings, who even now are on the phone relaying all this to someone of whom they are clearly terrified.
"Don't the Jerrys have huffduff?" asks the Don, as if probing a flaw in a student's dissertation.
"Their huffduff network is not nearly so well developed as ours," responds one of the young analysts. "It is most unlikely that they would bother to triangulate a transmission that appeared to come from one of their own U-boats, so they probably won't figure out the message originated in Buckinghamshire, rather than the Atlantic."
"However, we have anticipated your objection," Chattan says, "and made arrangements for several of our own ships, as well as various aeroplanes and ground units, to flood the air with transmissions. Their huffduff network will have its hands full at the time of our fake U-691 transmission."
"Very well," mutters the don.
Everyone sits there in churchly silence while the most senior of the Broadway Buildings contingent winds up his conversation with Who Is at the Other End. Elmer hanging up the phone, he intones solemnly, "You are directed to proceed."
Chattan nods at some of the younger men, who dash across the room, pick up telephones, and begin to talk in calm, clinical voices about cricket scores. Chattan looks at his watch. "It will take a few minutes for the huffduff smokescreen to develop. Miss Lord, you will notify us when the traffic has risen to a suitably feverish pitch?"
Miss Lord makes a little curtsey and sits down at her radio.
"FUNKSPIEL!" shouts Elmer, scaring everyone half out of their skins, "We already done sent out some other messages. Made 'em look like Royal Navy traffic. Used a code the Krauts just broke a few weeks ago. These messages have to do with an operation-a fictitious operation, y'know-in which a German U-boat was supposedly boarded and seized by our commandos."
There is a whole lot of tinny shouting from the telephone. The gentle man who has the bad luck to be holding it translates into what is probably more polite English: "What if Mr. Shales's performance is not convincing to the radio operators at Charlottenburg? What if they do not succeed in decrypting Mr. Elmer's false messages?"
Chattan fields that one. He steps over to a map that has been set up on an easel at the end of the room. The map depicts a swath of the Central Atlantic bordered on the east by France and Spain. "U-691's last reported position was here," he says, pointing to a pin stuck in the lower left corner of the map. "She has been ordered back to Wllhelmshaven with her prisoners. She will go this way," he says, indicating a length of red yarn stretched in a north-northeasterly direction, "assuming she avoids the Straits of Dover."[17]
"There happens to be another milchcow here," Chattan continues, indicating another pin. "One of our own submarines should be able to reach it within twenty-four hours, at which point it will approach at periscope depth and engage it with torpedoes. Chances are excellent that the milchcow will be destroyed immediately. If she has time to send out any transmissions, she will merely state that she is being attacked by a submarine. Once we have destroyed this milchcow, we will call once again upon the skills of Mr. Shales, who will transmit a fake distress call that will appear to originate from the milchcow, stating that they have come under attack from none other than U-691."
"Splendid!" someone proclaims.
"By the time the sun rises tomorrow," Chattan concludes, "we will have one of our very best submarine-hunting task forces on the scene. A light carrier with several antisubmarine planes will comb the ocean night and day, using radar, visual reconnaissance, huffduff, and Leigh lights to hunt for U-691. The chances are excellent that she will be found and sunk long before she can approach the Continent. But should she find her way past this formidable barrier she will find the German Kriegsmarine no less eager to hunt her down and destroy her. Any information she may transmit to Admiral D
"So," Waterhouse says, "the plan, in a nutshell, is to render all information from U-691 unbelievable, and subsequently to destroy her, and everyone on her, before she can reach Germany."
"Yes," Chattan says, "and the former task will be greatly simplified by the fact that U-691's skipper is already known to be mentally unstable."
"So it seems likely that our guys, Shaftoe and Root, will not survive," Waterhouse says slowly.
There is a long, frozen silence, as if Waterhouse had interrupted high tea by making farting sounds with his armpit.
Chattan responds in a precise, arch tone that indicates he's really pissed off. "There is the possibility that when U-691 is engaged by our forces, she will be forced to the surface and will surrender."
Waterhouse studies the grain of the tabletop. His face is hot and his chest is burning.
Miss Lord rises to her feet and speaks. Several important heads turn toward Mr. Shales, who excuses himself and goes to a table in the corner of the room. He fiddles with the controls on a radio transmitter for a few moments, spreads the encrypted message out in front of himself, and takes a deep breath, as though preparing for a big solo. Finally he reaches out, rests one hand lightly on the radio key, and begins to tap out the message, rocking from side to side and cocking his head this way and that. Mrs. Lord listens with her eyes closed, concentrating intensely.
Mr. Shales stops. "Finished," he announces in a quiet voice, and looks nervously at Mrs. Lord, who smiles. Then there is polite applause around the library, as if they had just finished listening to a harpsichord concerto. Lawrence Pritchard Waterhouse keeps his hands folded in his lap. He has just heard the death warrant of Enoch Root and Bobby Shaftoe.
Chapter 46 HEAP
To: root@eruditorum.org
From: dwarf@siblings.net
Subject: Re(8) Why?
Let me just take stock of what I know so far: you say that asking "why?" is part of what you do for a living; you're not an academic; and you are in the surveillance business. I am having trouble forming a clear picture.
To: dwarf@siblings.net
From: root@eruditorum.org
Subject: Re(9) Why?
Randy, I never said that I, myself, am in the surveillance business. But I know people who are. Formerly public— and now private-sector. We stay in touch. The grapevine and all that. Nowadays, my involvement in such things is limited to noodling around with novel cryptosystems, as a sort of hobby.
Now, to get back to what I would consider to be the main thread of our conversation. You guessed that I was an academic. Were you being sincere, or was this purely an attempt to "gotcha" me?
The reason I ask is that I am, in fact, a man of the cloth, so naturally I consider it my job to ask "why?" I assumed this would be fairly obvious to you. But I should have taken into account that you are not the churchy type. This is my fault.
It is conventional now to think of clerics simply as presiders over funerals and weddings. Even people who routinely go to church (or synagogue or whatever) sleep through the sermons. That is because the arts of rhetoric and oratory have fallen on hard times, and so the sermons tend not to be very interesting.
But there was a time when places like Oxford and Cambridge existed almost solely to train ministers, and their job was not just to preside over weddings and funerals but also to say something thought-provoking to large numbers of people several times a week. They were the retail outlets of the profession of philosophy.
I still think of this as the priest's highest calling-or at least the most interesting part of the job-hence my question to you, which I cannot fail to notice, remains unanswered.
"Randy, what is the worst thing that ever happened?"
This is never a difficult question to answer when you are hanging around with Avi. "The Holocaust," Randy says dutifully.
Even if he didn't know Avi, their surroundings would give him a hint. The rest of Epiphyte Corp. have gone back to the Foote Mansion to prepare for hostilities with the Dentist. Randy and Avi are sitting on a black obsidian bench planted atop the mass grave of thousands of Nipponese in downtown Kinakuta, watching the tour buses come and go.
Avi pulls a small GPS receiver out of his attache case, turns it on, and sets it out on a boulder in front of them where it will have a clear view of the sky. "Correct! And what is the highest and best purpose to which we can devote our allotted lifespans?"
"Uh . . . enhancing shareholder value?"
"Very funny." Avi is annoyed. He is baring his soul, which he does rarely. Also, he's in the midst of cataloging another small-h holocaust site, adding it to his archives. It is clear he would appreciate some fucking solemnity here. "I visited Mexico a few weeks ago," Avi continues.
"Looking for a site where the Spanish killed a bunch of Aztecs?" Randy asks.
"This is exactly the kind of thing I'm fighting," Avi says, even more irritated. "No, I was not looking for a place where a bunch of Aztecs were massacred. The Aztecs can go fuck themselves, Randy! Repeat after me: the Aztecs can go fuck themselves,"
"The Aztecs can go fuck themselves," Randy says cheerfully, drawing a baffled look from an approaching Nipponese tour guide.
"To begin with, I was hundreds of miles from Mexico City, the former Aztec capital. I was on the outer fringes of the territory that the Aztecs controlled." Avi scoops his GPS off the boulder and begins to punch keys on its pad, telling it to store the latitude and longitude in its memory. "I was looking," Avi continues, "for the site of a Nahuatl city that was raided by the Aztecs hundreds of years before the Spanish even showed up. You know what those fucking Aztecs did, Randy?"
Randy uses his hands to squeegee away sweat from his face. "Something unspeakable?"
"I hate that word 'unspeakable.' We must speak of it."
"Speak then."
"The Aztecs took twenty-five thousand Nahuatl captives, brought them back to Tenochtitlan, and killed them all in a couple of days."
"Some kind of festival. Super Bowl weekend or something. I don't know. The point is, they did that kind of shit all the time. But now, Randy, when I talk about Holocaust-type stuff happening in Mexico, you give me this shit about the mean nasty old Spaniards! Why? Because history has been distorted, that's why."
"Don't tell me you're about to come down on the side of the Spaniards."
"As the descendant of people who were expelled from Spain by the Inquisition, I have no illusions about them," Avi says, "but, at their worst, the Spaniards were a million times better than the Aztecs. I mean, it really says something about how bad the Aztecswere that, when the Spaniards,showed up and raped the place, things actually got a lot betteraround there."
"We are sitting here in the Sultanate of Kinakuta, trying to build a data haven while fending off an oral surgeon-turned-hostile-take-over-maven. I have pressing responsibilities in the Philippines. Why are we discussing the Aztecs?"
"I'm giving you a pep talk," Avi says. "You are bored. Dangerously so. The Pinoy-gram thing was cool for a while, but now it's up and running, there's no new technology there."
"But the Crypt is amazingly cool. Tom and John and Eb are going nuts, and every Secret Admirer in the world is spamming me with resumes. The Crypt is exactly what you would like to be doing right now."
"Again, true."
"Even if you were working on the Crypt, though, philosophical issues would be gnawing at you-issues based on the types of people who you see getting involved, who may be our first customers."
"I cannot deny that I have philosophical issues," Randy says. Suddenly he has come up with a new hypothesis: Aviis actually root@eruditorum.org.
"Instead, you are laying cable in the Philippines. This is a job that-because of changes we just became aware of yesterday-is basically irrelevant to our corporate mission. But it's a lingering contractual obligation, and if we put anyone less important than you on it, the Dentist will be able to prove to the most half-witted jury of tofu-brained Californians that we are malingering."
"Well, thank you for making it so clear why I should be miserable," Randy says forbearingly.
"So," Avi continues, "I wanted to let you know that you aren't necessarily just making license plates here. And furthermore that the Crypt is not a morally bankrupt endeavor. Actually, you are playing a big role in the most important thing in the world."
Randy says, "You asked me earlier what is the highest and best purpose to which we could dedicate our lives. And the obvious answer is 'to prevent future Holocausts.'"
Avi laughs darkly. "I'm glad it's obvious to you,my friend. I was beginning to think I was the only one."
"What!? Get over yourself, Avi. People are commemorating the Holocaust all the time."
"Commemorating the Holocaust is not,not not not not not,the same thing as fighting to prevent future holocausts. Most of the commemorationists are just whiners. They think that if everyone feels bad about past holocausts, human nature will magically transform, and no one will want to commit genocide in the future."
"I take it you do not share this view, Avi?"
"Look at Bosnia!" Avi scoffs. "Human nature doesn't change, Randy. Education is hopeless. The most educated people in the world can turn into Aztecs or Nazis just like that." He snaps his fingers.
"So what hope is there?"
"Instead of trying to educate the potential perpetratorsof holocausts, we try to educate the potential victims. Theywill at least pay some fucking attention."
"Educate them in what way?"
Avi closes his eyes and shakes his head. "Oh, shit, Randy, I could go on for hours-I have drawn up a whole curriculum."
"Okay, we'll get into that later."
"Definitely later. For now, the key point is that the Crypt is all-important. I can take all of my ideas and put them into a single pod of information, but almost every government in the world would prevent distribution to its citizens. It is essential to build the Crypt so that the HEAP can be freely distributed throughout the world."
"Holocaust Education and Avoidance Pod."
"Oh, Jesus Christ!"
"Thisis the true meaning of what you are working on," Avi says, "and so I urge you not to lose heart. Whenever you are about to get bored stamping out those license plates in the Philippines, think of the HEAP. Think of what those Nahuatl villagers could have done to those fucking Aztecs if they'd had a holocaust prevention manual-a handbook on guerilla warfare tactics."
Randy sits and ponders for a while. "We have to go and buy some water," he finally says. "I've sweated away a few liters just sitting here."
"We can just go back to the hotel," Avi says, "I'm basically finished."
"You're finished. I haven't even started," Randy says.
"Started what?"
"Telling you why there's no chance I'm going to be bored in the Philippines."
Avi blinks. "You met a girl?"
"No!" Randy says testily, meaning Yes,of course. "Come on, let's go."
They go to a nearby 24 Jam and purchase bluish plastic bottles of water the size of cinderblocks. Then they wander around through streets crowded with unbearably savory-smelling food carts, guzzling the water.
"I got e-mail from Doug Shaftoe a few days ago," Randy says. "From his boat, via satellite phone."
"In the clear?"
"Yeah. I keep bothering him to get Ordo and encrypt his e-mail, but he won't."
"That is really unprofessional," Avi grumbles. "He needs to be more paranoid."
"He's so paranoid that he doesn't even trust Ordo." Avi's scowl eases. "Oh. That's okay then."
"His e-mail contained a stupid joke about Imelda Marcos."
"You took me on this walk to tell me a joke?"
"No, no, no," Randy says. "The joke was a prearranged signal. Doug told me that he would send me e-mail containing an Imelda joke if a certain thing happened."
"What certain thing?"
Randy takes a big swig of water, draws a deep breath, and composes himself. "More than a year ago, I had a conversation with Doug Shaftoe during that big party that the Dentist threw on board the Rui Faleiro.He wanted us to hire his company, Semper Marine Services, to do the survey work on all future cable lays. In return he offered to cut us in on any sunken treasure he found while performing the survey."
Avi skids to a stop and clutches his water bottle in both hands as if he's afraid he might drop it. "Sunken treasure, like, yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum? Pieces of six? That kind of thing?"
"Pieces of eight.Same basic idea," Randy says. "The Shaftoes are treasure hunters. Doug is obsessed with the idea that there are vast hoards of treasure in and around the Philippines."
"From where? Those Spanish galleons?"
"No. Well, yes,actually. But that's not what Doug's after." He and Avi have begun walking again. "Most of it is either much older than that-pottery from sunken Chinese junks-or much more recent-Japanese war gold."
As Randy had expected, the mention of Japanese war gold makes a huge impact on Avi. Randy keeps talking. "Rumor has it that the Nipponese left a lot of gold in the area. Supposedly, Marcos recovered a big stash buried in a tunnel somewhere-that's where he got all his money. Most people think Marcos was worth something like five, six billion dollars, but a lot of people in the Philippines think he recovered more like sixty billion."
"Sixty billion!" Avi's spine stiffens. "Impossible."
"Look, you can believe the rumors or not, I don't care," Randy says. "But since it looks like one of Marcos's bag men is going to be a founding depositor in the Crypt, it is the kind of thing you should know."
"Keep talking," Avi says, suddenly ravenous for data.
"Okay. So people have been running all over the Philippines ever since the war, digging holes and dredging the seafloor, trying to find the legendary Nipponese war gold. Doug Shaftoe is one of those people. Problem is, making a thorough sidescan sonar survey of the whole area is quite expensive-you can't just go out and do it on spec. He saw an opportunity when we came along."
"I see. Very smart," Avi says approvingly. "He would do the survey work that we needed anyway, in order to lay the cables."
"Perhaps a bit more than was strictly necessary, as long as he was out there."
"Right. Now I remember some angry mail from the Dentist's due diligence harpies because the survey was costing too much and taking too long. They felt we could have hired a different company and gotten the same results quicker and cheaper."
"They were probably right," Randy admits. "Anyway, Doug wanted to cut a deal that gave us ten percent of whatever he found. More, if we wanted to underwrite recovery operations."
All of a sudden Avi's eyes go wide and he swallows a big gulp of air. "Oh, shit," he says. "He wanted to keep the whole thing a secret from the Dentist."
"Exactly. Because the Dentist would end up taking all of it. And because of the Dentist's peculiar domestic situation, that means that the Bolobolos would know everything about it too. These guys would happily kill to get their hands on gold."
"Wow!" Avi says, shaking his head. "Y'know, I don't want to seem like one of those hackneyed Jews that you see in heartwarming movies. But at times like this, all I can say is 'Oy, gevalt!' "
"I never told you about this deal, Avi, for two reasons. One of them is just our general policy of not blabbing about things. The other reason is that we decided to hire Semper Marine Services anyway-just on their own merits-so Doug Shaftoe's proposition was irrelevant."
Avi thinks this one over. "Correction. It was irrelevant, as long as Doug Shaftoe didn't find any sunken treasure."
"Right. And I assumed that he wouldn't."
"Youassumed wrong."
"I assumed wrong," Randy admits. "Shaftoe has found the remains of an old Nipponese submarine."
"How do you know that?"
"If he found a Chinese junk he was going to send me a joke about Ferdinand Marcos. If he found World War II stuff, it was going to be Imelda. If it was a surface ship, it was going to be about Imelda's shoes. If it was a submarine, her sexual habits. He sent me a joke about Imelda's sexual habits."
"Now, did you ever formally respond to Doug Shaftoe's proposition?" Avi says.
"No. Like I said, it wasn't relevant, we were going to hire him any way. But then, after the contracts were all signed and we were drawing up the survey schedule, he told me about this code involving the Marcos jokes. I realized then he believed that by hiring him, we had implicitly said yes to his proposition."
"It's a funny way to do business," Avi says, wrinkling his nose. "You'd think he would have been more explicit."
"He is the kind of guy who does deals on a handshake. On personal honor," Randy says. "Once he had made the proposition, he would never withdraw it."
"The problem with those honorable men," Avi says, "is that they expect everyone else to be honorable in the same way."
"It is true."
"So he believes, now, that we are accomplices in this plan to hide the existence of this sunken treasure from the Dentist and the Bolobolos," Avi says.
"Unless we come clean to them right away."
"In which case we are betraying Doug Shaftoe," Avi says.
"Cravenly backstabbing the ex-SEAL who served six years of combat duty in Vietnam, and who has scary and well-connected friends all over the world," Randy adds.
"Damn, Randy! I thought I was going to freak you out by telling you about the HEAP."
"You did."
"And then you spring this on me!"
"Life's rich pageant. And all that," Randy says.
Avi thinks for a minute. "Well, I guess it comes down to whom would we rather have on our side in a bar fight."
"The answer can only be Douglas MacArthur Shaftoe," Randy says. "But that doesn't mean we'll make it out of the bar alive."
Chapter 47 SEEKY
They have stuffed him into the narrow gap between the U-boat's slotted outer hull and the pressure hull within, so that bitterly cold, black water streams through with the bludgeoning force of a firehose and wracks him with malarial chills: bones cracking, joints freezing, muscles knotting. He is wedged in tightly between uneven surfaces of hard rough steel, bending him in ways he's not supposed to bend, and punishing him when he tries to move. Barnacles are beginning to grow on him: sort of like lice but bigger and capable of burrowing deeper into the flesh. Somehow he is able to fight for breath anyway, just enough to stay alive and really savor just how unpleasant the situation is. He's been breathing cold seawater for a long time, it has made his windpipe raw, and he suspects that plankton or something are eating his lungs from the inside out. He pounds on the pressure hull but the impact makes no noise. He can sense the warmth and heat inside, and he would like to get in and enjoy both of them. Finally some kind of dream-logic thing happens and he finds a hatch. The current sweeps Shaftoe out, leaving him suspended alone in the watery cosmos, and the U-boat hisses away and abandons him. Shaftoe is lost now. He cannot tell up from down. Something bashes him on the head. He sees a few black drumlike things moving inexorably through the water with parallel comet-trails of bubbles behind them. Depth charges.
Then Shaftoe comes awake and knows that this was all just his body desiring morphine. He is certain for a moment that he is back in Oakland and that Lieutenant Reagan is looming over him, preparing for Phase 2 of the interview.
"Good afternoon, Sergeant Shaftoe," Reagan says. He has adopted a heavy German accent for some reason. A joke. These actors! Shaftoe smells meat, and other things not so inviting. Something heavy, but not especially hard, thuds into his face. Then it draws back. Then it hits him again.
"Your companion is morphium-seeky?" says Beck.
Enoch Root is a bit taken aback; they've only been on the boat for eight hours. "Is he already making a nuisance of himself?"
"He is semiconscious," Beck says, "and has a great deal to say about giant lizards-among other subjects."
"Oh, that's normal for him," Root says, relieved. "What makes you think he is morphium-seeky?"
"The morphium bottle and hypodermic syringe that were in his pocket," Beck says with that deadpan Teutonic irony, "and the needle marks in his arms."
Root observes that the U-boat is like a tunnel bored out of the sea and lined with hardware. This cabin (if that's not too grand a word for it) is by far the largest open space Root has seen, meaning that he can almost stretch his arms out without hitting someone or inadvertently tripping a switch or a valve. It even sports some wooden cabinetry, and has been sealed off from the corridor by a leather curtain. When they first brought Root in here, he thought it was a storage closet. But as he looks around the place, he begins to realize that it's the nicest place on the whole boat: the captain's private cabin. This is confirmed when Beck unlocks a desk drawer and produces a bottle of Armagnac.
"Conquering France hath its privileges," Beck says.
"Yeah," Root says, "you blokes really know how to sack a place."
Lieutenant Reagan is back again, molesting Bobby Shaftoe with a stethoscope that appears to have been kept in a bath of liquid nitrogen until ready for use. "Cough, cough, cough!" he keeps saying. Finally he takes the instrument away.
Something is fucking with Shaftoe's ankles. He tries to get up on his elbows to look, and smashes his face into a blistering hot pipe. When he's recovered from that, he peeks carefully down the length of his body and sees a goddamn hardware store down there. The bastards have put him in leg irons!
He lies back down and gets slugged in the face by a dangling ham. Above him is a firmament of pipes and cables. Where has he seen this before? On the Dutch-Hammer, that's where. Except the lights are on in this U-boat, and it doesn't appear to be sinking, and it's full of Germans. The Germans are calm and relaxed. None of them is bleeding or screaming. Damn! The boat rocks sideways, and a giant Blutwurst socks him in the belly.
He begins looking around, trying to get his bearings. There's not much else to see except hanging meat. This cabin is a six-foot-long slice of U-boat, with a narrow gangway down the center, hemmed in by bunks. Or maybe they are bunks. The one directly across from him is occupied by a dirty canvas sack.
Fuck that. Where is the box with the purple bottles?
"It is amusing to read my communications from Charlottenburg," Beck says to Root, changing the subject to the message decrypts on his table. "They were perhaps written by that Jew Kafka."
"How so?"
"It seems that they do not expect that we will ever make it home alive."
"What makes you say that?" Root says, trying not to savor the Armagnac too much. When he brings it up to his nose and inhales, its perfume nearly obliterates the reek of urine, vomit, rotten food, and diesel that suffuses everything on the U-boat down to the atomic level.
"They are pressing us for information about our prisoners. They are very interested in you guys," Beck says.
"In other words," Root says carefully, "they want you to question us now."
"And send the results in by radio?"
"Yes," Beck says. "But I really should be concentrating on how to keep us alive-the sun will be up soon, and then we are in for some very bad trouble. You'll remember that your ship radioed our coordinates before I sunk it. Every allied plane and ship is now out looking for us."
"So, if I cooperate," Root says, "you can get back to the business of keeping us all alive."
Beck tries to control a smile. His little tactic was crude and obvious to begin with, and Root has already seen through it. Beck is, if any thing, more uncomfortable than Root with this whole interrogation business.
"Suppose I tell you everything I know," Root says. "If you send it all back to Charlottenburg, you'll be running your radio, on the surface, for hours. Huffduff will pick you out in a few seconds and then every destroyer and bomber within a thousand miles will jump on you."
"On us," Beck corrects him.
"Yes. So if I really want to stay alive, it's best if I shut up," Root says.
"Are you looking for this?" says the German with the stethoscope, who (Shaftoe has learned) is not a real doctor-just the guy who happens to be in charge of the box of medical stuff. Anyway, he is holding up just the thing. The very thing.
"Gimme that!" Shaftoe says, making a weak grab for it. "That's mine!"
"Actually, it's mine," the medic says. "Yours is with the captain. I might share some of mine with you, if you are cooperative."
"Fuck you," Shaftoe says.
"Very well then," the medic says, "I will by-leave it." He puts the syringe full of morphine on the bunk opposite and one level below Shaftoe's, so that Shaftoe, by peering between a couple of Knockwursts, can see it. But he can't reach it. Then the medic leaves.
"Why was Sergeant Shaftoe carrying a German morphine bottle and a German syringe?" says Beck quizzically, doing his best to make it sound conversational and not interrogational. But the effort is too much for him and that smile tries to seize control of his lips again. It is the smile of a whipped dog. Root finds this somewhat alarming, since Beck's the guy in charge of keeping everyone on the boat alive.
"That's news to me," Root says.
"Morphine is closely regulated," Beck says. "Each bottle has a number. We have already radioed the number on Sergeant Shaftoe's bottle to Charlottenburg, and soon they'll know where it came from. Even though they may not tell us."
"Good work. That should keep them busy for a while. Why don't you go back to running the ship?" Root suggests.
"We are in the calm before the storm," Beck says, "and I have not so much to do. So I try to satisfy my own curiosity about you."
"We're fucked, aren't we!?" says a German voice.
"Huh?" Shaftoe says.
"I said, we're fucked! You guys broke the Enigma!"
"What's the Enigma?"
"Don't play stupid," says the German.
Shaftoe feels prickly on the back of his neck. That sounds exactly like the kind of thing a German would say before commencing torture.
Shaftoe composes his face into the cool, heavy-lidded, dopey expression that he always uses when he's trying to irritate an officer. As best he can when his legs are bolted down, he rolls over on his side, towards the sound of the voice. He is expecting to see an aquiline SS officer in a black uniform, jackboots, death's-head insignia, and riding crop, perhaps twiddling a pair of thumbscrews in his black leather gloves.
Instead he sees no one at all. Shit! Hallucinations again!
Then the dirty canvas sail bag in the bunk opposite him begins to move around. Shaftoe blinks and resolves a head sticking out of one end: straw-blond but prematurely half bald, contrasting black beard, catlike pale green eyes. The man's canvas garment is not exactly a bag, but a voluminous overcoat. He has his arms crossed over his body.
"Oh, well," the German mutters, "I was just trying to make conversation." He turns his head and scratches his nose by nuzzling his pillow for a while. "You can tell me any secret you want," he says. "See, I've already notified D
A mate pulls the leather curtain aside, nods apologetically, and hands Beck a fresh message decrypt. Beck reads it, raises his eyebrows, and blinks tiredly. He sets it down on the table and stares at the wall for fifteen seconds. Then he picks it up and reads it again, carefully.
"It says that I am not to ask you any more questions."
"Under no circumstances," Beck says, "am I to extract any more information from you."
"What the hell does that mean?"
"Probably that you know something I am not authorized to know," Beck says.
It has been about two hundred years, now, since Bobby Shaftoe had a trace of morphine in his system. Without it, he cannot know pleasure or even comfort.
The syringe gleams like a cold star on the shelf underneath the crazy German in the straitjacket. He'd rather that they just tore his fingernails out or something.
He knows he's going to crack. He tries to think of a way to crack that won't kill any Marines.
"I could bring you the syringe in my teeth," suggests the man, who has introduced himself as Bischoff.
Shaftoe mulls it over. "In exchange for?"
"You tell me whether the Enigma has been decrypted."
"Oh." Shaftoe's relieved; he was afraid maybe Bischoff was going to demand a blow job. "That's the code machine thingamajig you were telling me about?" He and Bischoff have had a lot of time to shoot the breeze.
Shaftoe's desperate. But he's also highly irritable, which serves him well now. "You expect me to believe that you are just a crazy guy who is curious about Enigma, and not a German naval officer who's dressed up in a straitjacket to trick me?"
Bischoff is exasperated. "I already said that I've told D
"Let me ask you a question, then," Root says.
"Yes?"Beck says, making a visible effort to raise his eyebrows and look like he cares.
"What have you told Charlottenburg about us?"
"Names, ranks, serial numbers, circumstances of capture."
"But you told them that yesterday."
"What have you told them recently?"
"Nothing. Except for the serial number on the morphium bottle."
"And how long after you told them that did they send you the message to stop extracting information from us?"
"About forty-five minutes," Beck says. "So, yes, I would very much like to ask you where that bottle came from. But it is against orders."
"I might consider answering your question about Enigma," Shaftoe says, "if you tell me whether this pipe bomb is carrying any gold."
Bischoff's brow furrows; he's having translation problems. "You mean money? Geld?"
"No. Gold. The expensive yellow metal."
"A little, maybe," Bischoff says.
"Not petty cash," Shaftoe says. "Tons and tons."
"No. U-boats don't carry tons of gold," Bischoff says flatly.
"I'm sorry you said that, Bischoff. Because I thought you and I were starting a good relationship. Then you went and lied to me-you fuck!"
To Shaftoe's surprise and mounting irritation, Bischoff thinks that it's absolutely hilarious to be called a fuck. "Why the hell should I lie to you? For god's sake, Shaftoe! Since you bastards broke Enigma and put radar on everything that moves, virtually every U-boat that's put to sea has been sunk! Why would the Kriegsmarine load tons of gold onto a ship that they know is doomed! ?"
"Why don't you ask the guys who loaded it on board U-553?"
"Ha! This only proves you are full of shit!" Bischoff says. "U-553 was sunk a year ago, during a convoy attack."
"Not so. I was on board it just a couple of months ago," Shaftoe says, "off Qwghlm. It was full of gold."
"Bullshit," Bischoff says. "What was painted on its conning tower?"
"A polar bear holding a beer stein."
Long silence.
"You want to know more? I went into the captain's cabin," Shaftoe said, "and there was a photo of him with some other guys, and now that I think of it, one of them looked like you."
"What were we doing?"
"You were all in swimming trunks. You all had whores on your laps!" Shaftoe shouts. "Unless those were your wives-in which case I'm sorry your wife is a whore!"
"Oh, ho ho ho ho ho!" Bischoff says. He rolls onto his back and stares up into the plumbing for a while, considering this, and then continues. "Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!"
"What, did I just say something secret? Fuck you and your mother if I did," Shaftoe says.
"Beck!" Bischoff screams. "Achtung!"
"What're you doing?" Shaftoe asks.
"Getting you your morphine."
"Oh. Thank you."
Half an hour later, the skipper's there. Pretty punctual by officer standards. He and Bischoff talk for a while in German. Shaftoe hears the word morphium several times. Finally, the skipper summons the medic, who pokes the needle into Shaftoe's arm and injects about half of it.
"You have something to say?" the skipper asks Shaftoe. Seems like a nice enough guy. They all seem like pretty nice guys, now.
First, Shaftoe addresses Bischoff. "Sir! I'm sorry I used harsh language on you, sir!"
"It's okay," Bischoff replied, "she was a whore, like you said."
The skipper clears his throat impatiently.
"Yeah. I was just wondering," Shaftoe says turning to the skipper, "you have any gold on this U-boat?"
"The yellow metal?"
"Yeah. Bars of it."
The captain is still nonplussed. Shaftoe is beginning to feel a certain mischievous satisfaction. Playing with officers' minds isn't as good as having a brain saturated with highly refined opiates, but it will do in a pinch. "I thought all these U-boats carried it," he says.
Beck dismisses the medic. Then he and Bischoff talk about Shaftoe for a while in German. In the middle of this conversation, Beck drops some kind of a bomb on Bischoff. Bischoff is stunned, and refuses to believe it for a while, and Beck keeps telling him it's true. Then Bischoff goes back into that strange ho-ho-ho thing.
"He can't ask you questions," Bischoff says. "Orders from Berlin. Ho, ho! But I can."
"Shoot," Shaftoe says.
"Tell us more about gold."
"Give me more morphine."
Beck summons the medic again, and the medic gives him the rest of the syringe. Shaftoe's never felt better. What a fucking deal! He's getting morphine out of the Germans in exchange for telling them Germanmilitary secrets.
Bischoff starts interrogating Shaftoe in depth, while Beck watches. Shaftoe tells the whole story of U-553 about three times over. Bischoff is fascinated, Beck looks sad and scared.
When Shaftoe mentions that the gold bars had Chinese characters stamped on them, both Beck and Bischoff are floored. Their faces come aglow, as if lit up by the scanning beam of a Leigh light on a moonless night. Beck begins to sniffle, as if he's caught a cold, and Shaftoe's startled to realize that he's actually crying. He is crying tears of shame. But Bischoff is still fascinated and focused.
Then a mate bursts in and hands Beck a message. The mate is clearly shocked and scared out of his wits. He keeps looking, not at Beck, but at Bischoff.
Beck gets a grip on himself and reads the message. Bischoff lunges out of his bunk, hooks his chin over Beck's shoulder, and reads it at the same time. They look like a two-headed circus geek who hasn't bathed since the Hoover Administration. Neither speaks for at least a minute. Bischoff is silent because his mental wheels are spinning like the gyroscope of a torpedo. Beck is silent because he's on the verge of blacking out. Outside the cabin, Shaftoe can hear the news, whatever it is, traveling up and down the length of the U-boat with the speed of sound.
Some of the men are shouting in rage, some sobbing, some laughing hysterically. Shaftoe figures a big battle must have been won, or lost. Maybe Hitler's been assassinated. Maybe Berlin's been sacked.
Beck is now visibly terrified.
The medic enters. He has adopted an erect military posture-the first time Shaftoe's seen such formality on the U-boat. He addresses Beck briefly in German. Beck nods continuously while the medic is talking. Then he helps the doctor get Bischoff out of his straitjacket.
Bischoff's a bit stiff, a bit unsteady, but he limbers up fast. He's shorter than average, with a strong frame and a trim waist, and as he pounces from bunk to deck, he reminds Shaftoe of a jaguar deploying itself from a tree. He shakes hands heartily with the medic, and with the miserable Beck. Then he opens the hatch that leads towards the control room. Half the crew is jammed into the gangway, watching that door, and when they see Bischoff, ecstasy floods over their faces and they erupt into wild cheering. Bischoff accepts handshakes from all of them, making his way towards his duty station like a politician through an adoring crowd. Beck slinks out the other hatch and loses himself among the hammering diesels.
Shaftoe has no idea what the fuck's going on until Root shows up a quarter of an hour later. Root picks the message up off the deck and reads it. His perpetually bemused affect, normally so annoying, serves him well at times like this. "This is a broadcast to all ships at sea from German supreme naval command, Tirpitzufer, Berlin. It says that U-691-which is this boat we're on, Bobby-has been boarded and captured by Allied commandos, and has already attacked and sunk a milchcow in the Atlantic. Now it appears to be on its way towards continental Europe where it will presumably try to infiltrate German naval bases and sink more ships. All German naval and air forces are ordered to be on the lookout for U-691 and to destroy it on sight."
"Shit," Shaftoe says.
"We are on the wrong boat at the wrong time," Root says.
"What's the deal with that Bischoff character?"
"He was relieved of command earlier. Now he's back."
"That maniac's running the boat?"
"He is the captain,"Root says.
"Well, where's he going to take us?"
"I'm not sure if even he knows that."
Bischoff goes to his cabin and pours himself a slug of that Armagnac. Then he goes to the chart room, which he's always preferred to his cabin. The chart room is the only civilized place on the whole boat. It's got a beautiful sextant in a polished wooden box, for example. Speaking tubes converge here from all over the boat, and even though no one is speaking into them directly, he can hear snatches of conversation from them, the distant clamor of the diesels, the zap of a deck of cards being shuffled, the hiss of fresh eggs hitting the griddle. Fresh eggs! Thank god they managed to rendezvous with the milchcow before she was sunk.