England 1485-1603) is the variant of Byzantine name Theodore.
William accedes to the English throne as a result of the
war. The story of Theodore Lascaris is similar - he accedes the
Byzantine throne during the violent epoch of 4th crusade. It
turns out that in the beginning of written political biography of
William I were also inserted the facts from the life of
Villehardouin - the well-known person of crusade's epoch, who
acts in the beginning of the political biography of Theodore
10. William the Conqueror - as 10. Villehardouin - the head of
enemy of Harold - begins the crusaders Council - the enemy of
campaign against Harold to take Isaac II Angelus. Villehardouin
the power and throne. He invaded is, of course, the Conqueror, who
into England from outside as the invades from outside in Byzantine
"enemy force" with great army empire with a great army (with
others leaders of crusaders)
Let us comment the possible similarity and identification of
the names of these historical personages. It is quite clear that
impossible to expect and to find here the EXACT identity of the
names. (In the case of exact identity, the traditional historians
certainly can identify the corresponding events). But here, in
our case, we compare two groups of chronicles, which were written
about the same event, but in different languages, inside
different historical schools, and, possible, in different
geographical regions. It is likely, that the authors of both
versions (created in 15-16th cc.) were not the eyewitnesses of
this war. Each of them was based on some old documents surviving
from the 13th century. These documents were written in a brief
manner, without vowels, in primitive old language and it was
extremely complicated to understand their sense and meaning. The
later chroniclers of 15-17th cc. tried to reconstruct the real
picture of ancient events basing on these old texts. During this
restoration the individual fragments of the ancient names
sometimes were mixed, sometimes go from one name to another an so
In our case we have: William the Conqueror and Anglo-Sax
(Saxon) Harold II from one side, and Villehardouin and Angelus
Isaac II, from another side (in Byzantine version). It is clear,
that William is similar to Ville, and Harold - to Hardouin. As`a
result, we obtain the following table:
William --- Villi
Conqueror --- Conqueror
Normandy --- Roman (?)
Harold --- Hardouin
number II --- number II
Anglo-Sax --- Angel Isaac.

It is hard to doubt that here we see the reflection and
duplication of the same real ancient names, but distorted after
filtration through the language of different chroniclers (of
different historical schools). Of course, these "linguistic
parallels" cannot serve as serious arguments. Nevertheless, the
simultaneous appearance of extremely similar names in the left
and in the right columns of the table points out on some
important effect, because (let us recall) we compare two
historical streams using the rigid chronological shift, and the
discovered parallel lasts already several hundreds years!
11. The war begins from the 11. Crusaders arrived in Byzantine
invasion of large military fleet empire on the fleet and landed
and from the landing of the army on the coast of empire
on the coast of the country
12. Roman pope supported the 12. Roman pope agreed with crusade
invasion (but wordly, "asked to spare" the
Christian relics
13. Appeal of William to the 13. Appeal of Villehardouin to
kings of Europe for the help. As the ambassadors of different
a result, his army was collected European countries ([25],p.160).
from the people of different 4th crusade was an "international
nations (see above) and is action": the army was consisted
characterized as "the crowd of of French, Germans, Italians and
adventurers" many others
Commentary. By the way, the medieval sources of 4th crusade
constantly repeat that it was "march on the Babylon" ([25],p.161)
(!). But, according to conjecture of traditional historians
(belonging to the Scaliger's chronological school), the Babylon
was completely destroyed many hundreds years ago and was not
restored after this fall. Contradiction! The modern commentators
try to find "the solution" (of this unpleasant problem) in the
following way: "Here is meant (by the name of Babylon - Auth.)
the Egyptian town Cairo, which was called in the West as Babylon"
([25],p.161). From the other hand, as we already know, Cairo -
Cair = CR (without vowels) means simply "city", "town" in Britts
language and is the evident variation of the name "King Town" =
"Tzar Town" = "ZR Town" = "CR Town", i.e. CONSTANTINOPLE, which
was called (it is well known !) also as Tzar-Grad = Tzar-Town =
CR-Town. But it is exactly the goal of crusaders - to capture
Constantinople. Thus, we see that medieval chronicles called
Constantinople also as Babylon! The another confirmation of this
identification see in [1].
14. Death of Harold II in this 14. Death of Isaac II the Angelus
war during the war ([15],p.164)
In the end of our analysis, let us note one interesting
identification. Morozov in [19] obtained an astronomical dating
for the horoscope described in the well-known biblical book
Revelation (Apocalypse). See details in [19] or [24]. He obtained
two astronomical solutions: 395 A.D. and 1249 A.D. Several
arguments show that the second solution 1249 A.D. is better (from
astronomical point of view) than the first one. It is supposed
today that this book predicts the Doomsday, Day of Judgment, and
was written by John - the pupil of Jesus Christ - somewhere in
Roman Empire. This book effected the great impression among the
population of empire.
Now let us note that the date 1249 A.D. is sufficiently
close to the beginning of Byzantine empire No.3. Consequently, it
is natural to expect that in old English chronicles, which (as we
see) reflect the events from Byzantine empire, will be mentioned
some "book about Doomsday, Day of Judgment", possible, in the
epoch of William I.
It is remarkable, that this our prediction is confirmed in a
very clear form. In any textbook in English history of this epoch
you can find the separate chapter or section with the title
something like: "The Book of Doomsday". For example, the chapter
with exactly this title exists in the textbook [11]. In the
monograph [7] you also can see the section with the title
"Domesday Book". Of course, today historians try to assure us
that this is not the Apocalypse Book, but quite different,
another book - the general land-book which registered the land
property in the medieval England of this time and was created as
a result of general census in 1086 A.D. But nevertheless, the
same historians indicate the parallel between this "Domesday
Book" and Apocalypse = "Doomsday Book". They tell us the
following: "All people have in Domesday Book an open account, as
in the Great Doomsbook, the Great Book of Day of Judgment"
([7],p.345). Under chronological 100- or 120-year shift the
astronomical date of creating the biblical Doomsday Book =
Apocalypse is transported from 1249 A.D. approximately in 1129
A.D., which is close to 1086 A.D. - to the date of "Domesday
census of people in England".
Thus, we can add one more item in our table of historical
15. The Domesday Book in England 15. Apocalypse = Doomsday Book in
in 1086 A.D. 1249 A.D. (Rome, Byzantine empire)

In the end of our analysis we can say, that written history
of island Anglia = England (we mean here documents which survived
to our time) starts in reality not from the brief and dim records
about some small tribes (as it was supposed in traditional
history), but from the fundamental events in the life of great
nations of medieval world on the territory of Byzantine
empire, Europe and Asia. In particular, the old English
chronicles tell us not about some unknown kings , but about great
rulers and emperors of large empires, which sometimes were at
violent wars and enriched each others in a peaceful time.

5.16. Medieval Russia from the point of view of English
chronicles. When did apostle Paul write his message to
galats and who they were?

The following important corollary follows from these
results. Now we need to look in a different way on the role of
medieval Russia in the history of Europe and Asia. After
chronological transport of events described in the old English
chronicles from the "deep antiquity" into the medieval epoch of
10-14th cc. A.D., we see with some surprise that these chronicle
very often speak about medieval Russia, about Scyths, about wars
with Russian armies and so on. A lot of new information is added
to the history of medieval Russia. Before this moment these data
were artificially referred to another epochs, to another nations,
to another geographical regions.
The reader who is acquainted with the paper of A.T.Fomenko
and G.V.Nosovskij "Chronology and general concept of Russian
history", should realize that our analysis of English history
adds many new arguments to the ideas developed in this our work.
Let us recall briefly, that the basic idea of our "Russian
paper" is as follows. In traditional history the so called
Mongolian-Tatarian invasion is considered as the period when the
Russia was conquered by foreign Mongols-Tatars (who came from the
East and Asia to Russia). In our opinion "Mongolian-Tatarian
epoch" (or "Mongols-Tatars-yoke") was simply specific period in
the history of Russian state without any foreign invasion, when
several different Russian regions were united (sometimes with
wars) under the rule of one Russian dynasty (which was later
called as Mongols-Tatars dynasty and was wrongly declared as
"foreign dynasty of invaders"). In this specific epoch the
country was ruled by Russian-Horde dynasty. In the base of this
rule was military Horde - the professional Cossacks army, which
guarded the state and controlled the order inside the country.
Besides the military Horde, there was also the civil
administration (princes, dukes). They leaned on Horde as on the
military force to protect the order. The name "Mongolia" is in
reality a little distorted Greek word "Megalion" which means
"great" ("Great empire", "Great state"). Among the population of
empire were, of course, Tatars (as it is today).
Then, in the epoch of great disturbance and civil war of
16th century, the old Horde-Mongolian dynasty ("great dynasty")
was defeated by new pretenders on the throne. As a result, the
new Romanovs' dynasty was appeared on Russian throne. Their rule
was based on quite another political principles. Then the
previous Russian history was distorted by historians of Romanovs'
epoch. The goal was clear - to ground and justify the
non-legitimate usurpation of the throne by Romanovs. In
particular, the epoch of Russian-"Megalion"-Horde dynasty was
declared as the "epoch of bad foreign invasion", when, allegedly,
the power was taken by "bad Mongol-Tatars".
The details of this concept see in the work of Fomenko and
From this new point of view, we can conclude, that the
reports of many Western chroniclers speaking about Mongols-Tatars
are in reality the reports about medieval Megalion-Russian state
and about its Megalion-Russian army which sometimes was at war
with western neighbors.
As we have noted, Russia often appeared in old English (and
many others) chronicles as Ruthenia, or Rutenia, or Rusia (see
above and [10]). "The interest to Russia in Anglia (England) was
also induced by the event which deeply shocked the medieval
Europe - by the invasion of Mongolian-Tatarian hordes... These
records about the appearance of some unknown, terrible, violent
and godless nation induced to the medieval chroniclers the idea
about God's punishment for the human sins. The name of this
nation interpreted as "the people from Tartar" "([10],p.10).
It is supposed today that "the Mongolian-Tatarian yoke cutted
Russia from another European nations for many years. And only in
16th century the relations between Russia and Anglia was restored
again and these country "discovered each other"
afresh...Practically all records about Russia, which were
collected in English documentary sources before the end of 13th
century, were forgotten... In geographical chronicle of Rodger
Barlou (written about 1540-1541 A.D.), the location of Russia is
described extremely dim and unclear, somewhere near "Sarmatian
mountains" and "Gircania mountains" "([10],p.12).
In our opinion, this "the wall of silence" can be at least
partially explained by the deep difference between European
principles of organization of the states and Russian structure of
Megalion-Horde state at this epoch. This difference determined
also the military confrontation between Russia and the West.
Besides this, there are arguments showing that all these stories
of English chronicles about "bad Mongols-Tatars who invaded in
Russia and threaten to the West", are of very late origin and are
dated, most likely, by 16-17th centuries. At this time the
distorted version of Russian history was already established and
was appeared "the theory" which declared the epoch of Russian
Megalion-Horde dynasty as "foreign yoke".
Let us take the medieval English chronicles and read them.
What they tell us about Russia = Ruthenia? For example,
Bartholomaeus Anglicus writes as follows (our translation):
Ruthia, or Ruthena is the province of Moesia (Mesiae) and is
located on the boundary of Asia Minor, then it is bounded by
Roman area in the East, by Gothia in the North, by Pannonia in the
West, and by Greece in the South. The land is huge, and the
language is the same as for Bohemians and Slavs. One part of this
land is called Galacia (Galatia) and its people were called in
the past as Galats (Galaths). One speaks that Apostle Paul sent
to them his message ([28]; see also [10],p.85).
Here the original Latin text:
"Ruthia, sive Ruthena, quae et Mesiae est provincia, in
Minoris Asiae confinio constituta Romanorum terminos est habens
ab oriente, Gothiam a septentrione, Pannoniam ab occidente,
Graeciam vero a meridie. Terra quidem est maxima concordans cum
Bohemis et Sclavis in ideomate et lingua. Haec autem quadam parte
sui Galacia est vocata et eius incolae quandam Galathae
vocabantur, quibus dicitur Paulus Apostolus direxisse epistolam.
Quaere supra Galacia." ([28]; also [10],p.77).
This well-known medieval texts was commented by many
scientists. It is supposed today that Mesia - Moesia is the
medieval Germany ([10],p.93), and that Ruthia - Ruthena is the
Russia (see above). Besides this, it is known that "under the
name Galacia (Gallacia) Bartholomaeus Anglicus means
Galicko-Volynsko-Russia" ([10],p.91). But, the report of this old
chronicle about the message Apostle Paul to these Russian Galats
living in the Galicko-Volynsko-Russia (Galaths), immediately
induces the explosion of a fair indignation of the modern
historian. And it is quite clear! About one thousand years
(according to traditional Scaliger's chronology) separates the
evangelic Apostle Paul from these medieval events (described by
Bartholomaeus Anglicus). As the strong verdict (without any
hesitations) sounds the following formula-sentence:
"New Testament really contains the "Message to the
Galatians" of Apostle Paul, but of course this message has no
relation with Galicko-Volynsko-Russia" ([10],p.93).
In our short statistical chronology this situation becomes
very natural. The epoch of Jesus Christ is 11th century A.D..
Consequently, the Galatians of the New Testament, i.e., the
addressees of Apostle Paul, certainly can be the inhabitant of
The next record of 13th century in the Annales Melrosenses
(South Scotland) is considered today as most earlier (in English
sources) report about "Mongols-Tatars-invasion": "Now at first
time the rumor appeared in our Land, that the godless horde of
Tartari many countries ruined..." ([29]; see also [10],p.98-99).
Here is the original Latin text:
"Hic primo auditur in terra nostra, quod nefandus exercitus
Tartareorum multas terras vastavit..." ([29]; also [10],p.98-99).
By the way, we see again, that some English chronicles of
13th century (for example, the Chronica Monasterii Sancti
Edmundi) are sure that Russia is an ISLAND: "The godless tribe,
which is called Tartarins, and which was rushed up from an
ISLANDS, filled the whole surface of the earth, ruined Hungary
with neighboring areas" ([30]; see also [10],p.101).
Here is the original Latin text:
"Gens nafanda dicta Tartarins que nuper de insulis ebulliens
superficiem terre impleuerat Hungariam cum adiacentibus
regionibus deuastat" ([30]; also [10],p.101).
But we discussed above the idea that most likely the
chronicles mean here simply Asia-Land. This name certainly can be
applied to the Russia (from the point of view of western
chroniclers). By the way, the name ASIA is possibly the variant
of the name Jesus = Isa. In this case Asia-Land means simply
Jesus-Land = Isa-Land.
What we can think about the following records in English and
European chronicles, devoted to well-known Mongolian ruler -
Chingiz-Khan: "Under the name Chirkam (in Latin text -
Cliyrcam...) ... was mentioned Chingiz-Khan, called in Russian
chronicles as Chanogiz and Chigizakon, and in another European
sources called also as Gurgatan, Cecarcarus, Zingiton, Ingischam,
Tharsis, DAVID, PRESBYTER IOHANNES and so on ([10],p.185).
This is the commentary to the English chronicle: Annales de
Burton (13th century A.D.).
We hope that our reader will think about this really strange
(in the frame of traditional chronology) fact that old chronicles
named famous Chingiz-Khan as DAVID and PRESBYTER IOANNES !
It is impossible to quote here all fragments from many old
English chronicles speaking about menacing danger which arose over
the Europe from the side of Mongols-Tatars-Horde [10].
Let us restrict ourselves by the following final fragment.
Aethicus = Ethicus Istricus, who lived in 3rd c.A.D. (according
to conjecture of modern historians), "tells us about the godless
nation which was originated by Gog and Magog. And Alexander the
Great Macedonian fight ed with Gog and Magog. "This nation, -
continues Aethicus, - will produce a great destruction in the
epoch of Antichrist and will call him as the god of the gods" "
([10],p.221). Aethicus stated that this nation "was locked behind
the Caspian gates".
Let us now the reader: Thus, when lived Ethicus Istricus?
Is it really 3rd century A.D.? And also, the second question:
When lived Alexander the Great Macedonian if he fights with Gog
and Magog, i.e. - with Mongols, Goths and Tatars?


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