7. That play is very long and boring.
8. I can meet you in front of the house.
9. My wife can’t work at night.
10. This place is great.
2. Now write and speak about these people.
Напишите и расскажите об этих людях.
At work in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening
Can work at night
A busy man
Would like to buy a new flat
A lovely woman
Can cook well
At home in the evening
Can’t drive
Would like to have three children
Example: The husband is at work ......................................................
3. Put these word combinations in the logical order. Then, speak about the day of these people.
Поставьте словосочетания в логическом порядке. Расскажите о том, как проводят свой рабочий день эти люди.
Meet the clients in the afternoon
Go to work
Help children with their homework
Be at work at the office
Get up
Come home
Have toasts for breakfast
Meet friends at home
Have lunch in a cafe
Have dinner
Go to bed
Finish work
Listen to music and relax
David and Clair.........................................
4. Now speak about your workday and your weekend. Use the ideas in the table. Add your own ideas.
Расскажите о том, как проходит Ваш рабочий день и о том, как Вы проводите выходные. Используйте слова таблицы и добавляйте свои идеи.
On Workday
Finish work
Start work
Work on the computer
Do English homework
Have lunch at work
Meet your boss
Come home in the evening
Cook dinner
Get up at 6 o’clock
At the Weekend
Meet friends in a bar
Listen to music
Go to the rock-concert
Play football
Play with children
Go to the restaurant
Help children with homework
Read newspapers
5. Make up dialogues putting the sentences in the right order.
Составьте диалоги, расставив предложения в логическом порядке.
It’s O.K.
Good morning, Mr. Lester.
And how about the meeting with Mr. Chakai?
Good morning, David. How is our work?
Oh, it s very difficult to work with him.
Oh. These documents on your desk?
Yes. They are very long and difficult to read.
Could you help me, Mary?
Yes, Susie. What is it?
I can’t understand these documents.
Is she in the office?
Can I see her in the evening?
Could I speak to Fanny, please?
I think, yes.
Yes, Fanny and her husband come home at 8 o’clock.
Yes, please.
Can I come at 9 o’clock, then?
No, I’m sorry. She is not at home.
Here. In front of the window.
Is this your new office, Jane?
Nice. Are these computers new?
There, near the desk.
Yes. Is it lovely?
Yes, they are new. They work very well.
Oh, yes. It is very nice. Where is your desk?
And where is your chair?
6. Read the dialogues and try to remember them.
Прочитайте диалоги и постарайтесь их выучить.
Debora: Excuse me?
Jack: Yes?
Debora: Could you help me, please.
Jack: Of course.
Debora: Can you tell me the way to a shop?
Jack: Yes. We have two shops in this street.
Debora: Are they good?
Jack: They are expensive, but very good.
Debora: That’s O.K. Thank you very much.
Jack: Not at all.
Sam: Alice, could you help me?
Alice: Yes. What is it?
Sam: I would like to go to the theatre with my wife. Where can we see a good play?
Alice: At the Marlow Theatre.
Sam: Is it a new theatre?
Alice: Yes, it is new. But you can see classical plays.
Sam: Great! Is it expensive?
Alice: Not very. But it is a lovely place.
Sam: Thank you, Alice.
Alice: Not at all.
7. Read this text.
Work in David’s life.
My wife and my children don’t understand me. It is very bad, because I understand myself very well. Work is all my life. I work for a TV company. I meet many people and I like them. I’m a TV operator. I start work at seven o’clock in the morning. I work with a camera and three computers. I buy very expensive computer programmes for my camera and my films. It is very interesting. We make computer films about lovely places, foreign countries, cities, towns, that sort of thing.
We have lunch with our TV group in cafes and sandwich bars. For lunch we have cheese sandwiches and coffee. It is cheap.
My workday is long but not boring. I come home from work at nine o’clock in the evening. On my way home I buy a newspaper. I read it after dinner.
My job can’t give me much money. But it is nice because my friends at work are nice.
Are the sentences true or false?
Верны или не верны данные предложения?
1. David would like to get a new job.
2. His workday is long.
3. He can’t work on the computer.
4. He is a TV actor.
5. He can have lunch in cafes and bars.
6. He can get much money.
Lesson 4. Meeting people
She is a receptionist.
2. art – искусство
3. artist – художник
4. design – дизайн
The design of the car is very interesting.
5. custom – традиция
Tell me about British customs.
6. guest – гость
7. luggage – багаж
8. reason – причина
the reason for his absence – причина его отсутствия
9. sight – достопримечательность
London has many sights.
10. museum – музей
11. church – церковь
12. exhibition – выставка
I’d like to see the exhibition of flowers.
13. bridge – мост
14. city centre – центр города
I live in the city centre.
15. Underground – метро
16. shop – магазин
Limited company
2. various – разнообразный
3. strange – странный, незнакомый
4. friendly – дружелюбный
People there are friendly.
5. modern – современный
It is a modern programme.
6. simple – простой
The text is very simple.
to carry luggage – нести багаж
2. to get to the cinema / place – добираться до
3. to show – показывать
He can show various sights.
4. to study – учиться, изучать
I study at school.
5. to travel – путешествовать
I like to travel to various countries.
6. to send – посылать (письмо)
I send letters to my sister.
7. to sleep – спать
8. to call – звонить, звать
Call me Susan.
9. to go to bed – ложиться спать
I’d like you to meet my wife.
2. Nice to meet you.
Приятно Вас встретить / с Вами познакомиться
3. Pleased to meet you.
Приятно Вас встретить / с Вами познакомиться
4. over there – вон там
5. Would you like me to help you? Хотите, чтобы я Вам помог?
1. Match the word with the translation.
Найдите соответствие между словом и переводом.
2. Make word combinations.
Составьте словосочетания.
3. Complete the sentences with the words.
Впишите подходящие по смыслу слова.
Sights, exhibition, show, modern, Underground, friendly, churches, artist, travel, carry, study, reason, customs, simple, call, design.
1. People in this town are very..............................................
2. Could you show me the lovely............................................of this city?
3. I don’t like the.......................................of this office.
4. I know many..........................................of this country.
5. My friends......................................in University.
6. I can’t......................................that luggage.
7. What is the..................................for your behaviour (поведение)?
8. The......................................system is new in this city.
9. These texts are very.................................. We can read them.
10. I don’t know this....................................... Where is he from?
11. The.................................of old Chinese books is great.
12. I can’t.............................in Europe. It is very expensive.
13. Could you.............................them the way to the city centre?
14. You can see many old...............................in the centre of London.
15. Please, .............................me Susan.
16. I don’t understand this.................................writer.
4. Translate into English.
Переведите на английский язык.
1. Я бы хотел увидеть центр города..........................................................
2. Где я могу получить багаж?.........................................................
3. Мы не можем показать вам современный мост..................................
4. Я бы хотел, чтобы Вы встретились с моей сестрой............................
5. Мои дети учатся утром..........................................................
6. Их гости очень дружелюбные..........................................................
7. Мы посылаем письма каждый день..........................................................
8. Где современная выставка? .........................................................
9. Я не могу путешествовать вместе с ними..............................................
10. Мы встречаемся с различными людьми на работе...............................
5. Write your own sentences with the words given.
Напишите свои предложения с указанными словами.
простой дизайн ..............................................................................
дружелюбные люди .....................................................................
странные традиции ........................................................................
ложиться спать ...............................................................................
старая церковь ..................................................................................
нести багаж .....................................................................................
посылать письма .................................................................................
добраться до музея ............................................................................
книжный магазин ............................................................................
путешествовать в Европе .....................................................................
6. Write one General and one Special question to each sentence.
Напишите общий вопрос и один специальный вопрос к каждому предложению.
Example: The customs are interesting.
Are the customs interesting? Which customs are interesting?
1. I can carry this luggage.......................................................................
2. This museum is lovely.......................................................................
3. I can get there by Underground.......................................................
4. Their guests can study at school..........................................................
5. Those shops are very expensive..........................................................
6. We can see various sights...................................................................
7. That art is very strange...................................................................
8. She is a receptionist in a limited company........................................
9. We can travel at the weekend..........................................................
Предлоги направления
7. Translate the sentences.
1. My children come home from school at two o’clock.
2. I go to my friends by Underground every day.
3. Put these documents into the box, please.
4. Take these books out of the box.
5. We travel from France to Britain every week.
6. Come into the room, Alice.
7. Take our children out of the bath.
8. We get home from the museum by bus.
8. Complete the gaps with a suitable preposition taking it from the Box.
Вставьте пропущенные предлоги, взяв их из таблицы.
Out of, from, to, into, behind, in, on, under, at, with.
1. I can’t see my car in front of the house. Is it...........................the house?
2. I walk......................my children every day.
3. Take the presents................................this box, please.
4. They come home from work.......................... eight o’clock.
5. I like to call various people...........................the evening.
6. Go.....................your grandmother and help her carry luggage.
7. Put this luggage.............................the car, please.
8. Look.........................the bridge. Can you see it in the water?
9. Can you see a modern computer........................the table?
10. This shop is.........................the city centre.
9. Match the word combinations with their translations.
Найдите подходящий перевод.
Глаголы и предлоги
Look at – Смотретьна– Look at the table, look at the window
Look for – Искать (что-либо)– Look for a present, look for friends
Listen to – Слушатьчто-либо, кого-либо– Listen to your friends, listen to music
Speak to / with – Говоритьскем-либо– Speak to the boss, speak with him
Speak – Говорить (на языке)– Speak English, speak French
Show – Показыватькому-либо– Show me your cassette, show them their house
Meet – Встречатьсяскем-либо– Meet me in Paris, meet us there
Get up– Вставать (с кровати)– Get up at seven o’clock, get up in the morning
Get to – Добиратьсядочего-либо– Get to London, get to the museum
Travel to – Путешествоватькуда-либо– Travel to China, travel to the East
Work for (a company) – Работать (в компании)– Work for a big company, work for McHolland
Watch – Смотреть (что-либо)– Watch a TV show, watch a play
Play – Играть (во что-либо, намузыкальныхинструментах)– Play hockey, play football, play the guitar, play the piano
Give – Давать (кому-либо)– Give me your pen, give them the luggage
10. Write your own sentences with the verbs.
Напишите предложения с данными глаголами
Look at
Look for
Listen to
Speak to / with
Get up
Get to
Travel to
Work for
Настоящее простое (неопределенное) время
Настоящее простое (неопределенное) время используется для выражения обычного, периодически повторяющегося действия. Наречия-определители: часто, всегда, никогда, каждый день, каждый год, каждый месяц, иногда. В русском переводе глагол стоит в настоящем времени. Например: Он обычно читает газету по утрам. Она никогда не завтракает.
Утвердительные предложения
В третьем лице единственного числа глагола – окончание «s» / «es». Во всех остальных формах глагол – без изменений.
Если глагол заканчивается на свистящий, шипящий звук, то в третьем лице единственного числа окончание «es», которое произносится [iz]. Также это относится к глаголам do и go, форма третьего лица единственного числа которых does (но произносится она [daz]) и goes [gouz].
Особую форму имеет глагол have. В третьем лице единственного числа используется форма has.
Если глагол заканчивается на «y» с предшествующей согласной, то y меняется на «i», и прибавляется окончание «es»: She carries (to carry). Но: She buys (to buy – перед y – гласная).
3 лицо единств. число
He watches TV every evening.
She does it every day.
She goes to school in the morning.
He lives in Moscow.
It has three legs.
My wife works for this company.
She copies this text every day.
Остальные формы
They watch TV every evening.
Their friends do it every day.
The children go to school in the morning.
I live in Moscow.
The tables have three legs.
We work for this company.
You copy this text every day.
Often – часто
Always – всегда
Never – никогда
Usually – обычно
Seldom – редко
Every year / day / month / week – каждый год / день / месяц / каждую неделю
She goes to work every day.
My brother seldom plays tennis.
My husband usually buys newspapers.
I never speak to them.
He always studies foreign languages.
We travel every month.
1. Write in the verbs in the correct form.
Напишите глаголы в правильной форме.
2. Read and translate the sentences. Pay attention to the forms of the verbs.
Прочитайте и переведите предложения. Обратите особое внимание на произношение окончаний глаголов.
1. She often relaxes in the evening. ...................................................................
2. David cooks dinner every day. ...................................................................
3. It has a big door. ...................................................................
4. Don buys new books every week. ...................................................................
5. She seldom goes to the city centre. ...................................................................
6. He never visits museums. ...................................................................
7. Sally often travels to the South. ...................................................................
8. They meet friends every morning. ...................................................................
9. I seldom watch modern shows. ...................................................................
10. He gets up at seven every day. ...................................................................
11. He always carries her luggage. ...................................................................
12. This receptionist never helps me. ...................................................................
13. We usually have lunch here. ...................................................................
14. She does it every year. ...................................................................
15. He usually goes to work at eight. ...................................................................
3. Complete the sentences. Pay attention to the forms of the verbs.
Закончитепредложения. Обратите особое внимание на написание окончаний глаголов.
Example: She often.....................................
She often cooks dinner.
1. He seldom.....................................................................................................
2. They never....................................................................................................
3. Pat usually....................................................................................................
4. Every year we................................................................................................
5. She................................................................................................every day.
6. It often........................................................................................................
7. My friends always...........................................................................................
8. Every month Cathy..........................................................................................
9. His wife often................................................................................................
10. I never........................................................................................................
4. There is one mistake in each sentence. Find and correct it.
Найдите ошибку в каждом из данных предложений.
1. She buies bananas every week. ................................
2. Their children goe to school every morning. ................................
3. She watchs TV every evening. ................................
4. Your sister relaxees every week. ................................
5. We cook often pizza. ................................
6. Ann go to work every day. ................................
7. My mother haves three children. ................................
8. He studys German at achool. ................................
5. Translate the sentences into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Он путешествует в Египет каждый год. ........................................................
2. Его дети редко ходят в музеи. ........................................................
3. Он всегда несет багаж своей жены. ........................................................
4. Я часто смотрю в окно по вечерам. ........................................................
5. Пэт изучает немецкий в школе. ........................................................
6. Он никогда не ходит на работу по утрам. ........................................................
7. Она любит искусство Востока. ........................................................
8. Он обычно добирается до центра города на машине (by car).........................................
9. Мы редко слушаем современную музыку. ........................................................
General and Special Questions
Настоящее простое (неопределенное) время
Общие и специальные вопросы
Чтобы задать общий вопрос, используется вспомогательный глагол do или does в зависимости от лица. Для третьего лица единственного числа, где глагол имеет окончание «s» / «es», используется вспомогательный глагол does. В вопросе он как бы «съедает» окончание «s» и «es» глагола.
She plays tennis.
Does she play tennis? – Она играет в теннис?
He goes to work every day.
Does he go to work every day? – Он ходит на работу каждый день?
Для всех остальных лиц и чисел (где нет окончания «s» / «es») используется вспомогательный глагол do.
They often listen to modern music.
Do they often listen to modern music?
You travel every year.
Do you travel every year?
Для того чтобы дать краткий утвердительный ответ, используется соответствующий вспомогательный глагол do или does.
Do you travel every year? Yes, I do.
Does she like the museum? Yes, she does.
Для того чтобы дать отрицательный ответ, снова используется соответствующий вспомогательный глагол do или does.
She lives in London. Does she live in London? She doesn’t (does not) live in London.
They meet every week. Do they meet every week? They don’t (do not) meet every week.
Чтобы задать специальный вопрос, используется такая формула:
Вопросительное слово+вспомогательный глагол+подлежащее+основная форма глагола?
Или короче,
7. Ask General Questions. Give negative answers.
Задайте общие вопросы. Дайте отрицательные ответы.
Example: He always gives her presents. Does he always give her presents? He doesn’t always give her presents.
1. They speak French every day.
2. He often studies in the evening.
3. She has a modern computer.
4. My sister calls me Dan.
5. The receptionist usually works with documents.
6. He likes modern art.
7. My friends seldom visit museums.
8. We often send letters to our friends.
8. Complete the questions.
Закончите вопросительные предложения.
1. Does she.....................................................................................................?
2. Does your friend...........................................................................................?
3. Do they......................................................................................................?
4. Do you.......................................................................................................?
5. Do your guests..............................................................................................?
6. Does the artist...............................................................................................?
7. Does your husband.........................................................................................?
8. Do your children...........................................................................................?
9. Match the questions with the answers.
Подберите подходящий ответ к каждому вопросу.
10. Read the questions and translate them. Underline the auxiliary verb.
Прочитайте вопросительные предложения и переведите их. Подчеркните вспомогательный глагол.
1. Where do they buy modern programmes?................................................................
2. Why do they live in the city centre?.......................................................................
3. When does he visit this exhibition? .......................................................................
4. With whom do they study English?........................................................................
5. Do they know various customs?............................................................................
6. When does this shop work? ...............................................................................
7. When does she send letters?................................................................................
8. What does she always show the guests?..................................................................
9. How do you get to that bridge?............................................................................
10. Where does he travel every year?........................................................................
11. Ask one General and one Special question.
Задайте один общий и один специальный вопрос.
Example: My sister travels to the east every year.
Does my sister travel to the east every year?
Where does my sister travel every year?
1. Dan drives a car very well.
2. They often see this bridge.
3. They study simple things.
4. We like this receptionist.
5. Denis Shevchuk calls me every day.
6. I send her letters every week.
7. He shows them the Underground.
12. Give negative answers.
Напишите отрицательные ответы.
1. Can you visit this church?
2. Do you often visit this church?
3. Does she always visit this church?
4. Do they like the modern museum?
5. Is this a modern museum?
6. Are these modern museums?
7. Can you see a modern museum in the city centre?
8. I can meet you in front of the house.
9. My wife can’t work at night.
10. This place is great.
2. Now write and speak about these people.
Напишите и расскажите об этих людях.
At work in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening
Can work at night
A busy man
Would like to buy a new flat
A lovely woman
Can cook well
At home in the evening
Can’t drive
Would like to have three children
Example: The husband is at work ......................................................
3. Put these word combinations in the logical order. Then, speak about the day of these people.
Поставьте словосочетания в логическом порядке. Расскажите о том, как проводят свой рабочий день эти люди.
Meet the clients in the afternoon
Go to work
Help children with their homework
Be at work at the office
Get up
Come home
Have toasts for breakfast
Meet friends at home
Have lunch in a cafe
Have dinner
Go to bed
Finish work
Listen to music and relax
David and Clair.........................................
4. Now speak about your workday and your weekend. Use the ideas in the table. Add your own ideas.
Расскажите о том, как проходит Ваш рабочий день и о том, как Вы проводите выходные. Используйте слова таблицы и добавляйте свои идеи.
On Workday
Finish work
Start work
Work on the computer
Do English homework
Have lunch at work
Meet your boss
Come home in the evening
Cook dinner
Get up at 6 o’clock
At the Weekend
Meet friends in a bar
Listen to music
Go to the rock-concert
Play football
Play with children
Go to the restaurant
Help children with homework
Read newspapers
5. Make up dialogues putting the sentences in the right order.
Составьте диалоги, расставив предложения в логическом порядке.
It’s O.K.
Good morning, Mr. Lester.
And how about the meeting with Mr. Chakai?
Good morning, David. How is our work?
Oh, it s very difficult to work with him.
Oh. These documents on your desk?
Yes. They are very long and difficult to read.
Could you help me, Mary?
Yes, Susie. What is it?
I can’t understand these documents.
Is she in the office?
Can I see her in the evening?
Could I speak to Fanny, please?
I think, yes.
Yes, Fanny and her husband come home at 8 o’clock.
Yes, please.
Can I come at 9 o’clock, then?
No, I’m sorry. She is not at home.
Here. In front of the window.
Is this your new office, Jane?
Nice. Are these computers new?
There, near the desk.
Yes. Is it lovely?
Yes, they are new. They work very well.
Oh, yes. It is very nice. Where is your desk?
And where is your chair?
6. Read the dialogues and try to remember them.
Прочитайте диалоги и постарайтесь их выучить.
Debora: Excuse me?
Jack: Yes?
Debora: Could you help me, please.
Jack: Of course.
Debora: Can you tell me the way to a shop?
Jack: Yes. We have two shops in this street.
Debora: Are they good?
Jack: They are expensive, but very good.
Debora: That’s O.K. Thank you very much.
Jack: Not at all.
Sam: Alice, could you help me?
Alice: Yes. What is it?
Sam: I would like to go to the theatre with my wife. Where can we see a good play?
Alice: At the Marlow Theatre.
Sam: Is it a new theatre?
Alice: Yes, it is new. But you can see classical plays.
Sam: Great! Is it expensive?
Alice: Not very. But it is a lovely place.
Sam: Thank you, Alice.
Alice: Not at all.
7. Read this text.
Work in David’s life.
My wife and my children don’t understand me. It is very bad, because I understand myself very well. Work is all my life. I work for a TV company. I meet many people and I like them. I’m a TV operator. I start work at seven o’clock in the morning. I work with a camera and three computers. I buy very expensive computer programmes for my camera and my films. It is very interesting. We make computer films about lovely places, foreign countries, cities, towns, that sort of thing.
We have lunch with our TV group in cafes and sandwich bars. For lunch we have cheese sandwiches and coffee. It is cheap.
My workday is long but not boring. I come home from work at nine o’clock in the evening. On my way home I buy a newspaper. I read it after dinner.
My job can’t give me much money. But it is nice because my friends at work are nice.
Are the sentences true or false?
Верны или не верны данные предложения?
1. David would like to get a new job.
2. His workday is long.
3. He can’t work on the computer.
4. He is a TV actor.
5. He can have lunch in cafes and bars.
6. He can get much money.
Lesson 4. Meeting people

1. Answer the questions about yourself.
Напишите ответы на вопросы о себе.
1. Where can you meet new friends?
2. Do you like to meet new friends? Why?
3. Can you see many people in your office?
4. Can you meet people from foreign countries?
5. Can you telephone people from foreign countries?
6. What foreign languages can you speak?
7. Would you like to see foreign countries?
8. Are you a good friend?
9. How can you help your friends?
10. Can you write long letters to your friends?
2. Make up questions. Start them with the words given.
Составьте вопросы к данным предложениям, начинающиеся с данных вспомогательных глаголов или вопросительных слов.
1. They can meet you in his office. Can..................................................................?
2. The places are lovely. Are..............................................................................?
3. This job is difficult. Is...................................................................................?
4. Those desks are very expensive. Are..................................................................?
5. I would like to have dinner here. Would...............................................................?
6. The children can go to school. Where..................................................................?
7. This map is on the table. Where.........................................................................?
8. I am in Italy. Where.......................................................................................?
9. They are at home in the evening. When................................................................?
10. He can speak English. What language................................................................?
3. Find one word in each line that shouldn’t be there.The first has been done for you.
Найдите одно лишнее слово в каждой строчке. Первая строка выполнена как пример.
4. Choose the correct variant.
Отметьте правильный вариант.
1. The men .....................at work.
A. are B. is C. can
2. I like to look .....................the map.
A. on B. at C. –
3. I can ........................him in the living room.
A. see B. look C. watch
4. .....................is my husband?
A. When B. Why C. Where
5. My friend is ......................
A. Japan B. to Japan C. Japanese
6. .....................you walk with me in the park?
A. Could B. Are C. Want
7. ........................are under the house.
A. A mouse B. The mouse C. Mice
8. They go ........................school.
A. to B. in C. –
9. These are ........................telephones.
A. our B. him C. them
10. My boss ..............................relax in the office.
A. isn’t B. can’t C. like
Напишите ответы на вопросы о себе.
1. Where can you meet new friends?
2. Do you like to meet new friends? Why?
3. Can you see many people in your office?
4. Can you meet people from foreign countries?
5. Can you telephone people from foreign countries?
6. What foreign languages can you speak?
7. Would you like to see foreign countries?
8. Are you a good friend?
9. How can you help your friends?
10. Can you write long letters to your friends?
2. Make up questions. Start them with the words given.
Составьте вопросы к данным предложениям, начинающиеся с данных вспомогательных глаголов или вопросительных слов.
1. They can meet you in his office. Can..................................................................?
2. The places are lovely. Are..............................................................................?
3. This job is difficult. Is...................................................................................?
4. Those desks are very expensive. Are..................................................................?
5. I would like to have dinner here. Would...............................................................?
6. The children can go to school. Where..................................................................?
7. This map is on the table. Where.........................................................................?
8. I am in Italy. Where.......................................................................................?
9. They are at home in the evening. When................................................................?
10. He can speak English. What language................................................................?
3. Find one word in each line that shouldn’t be there.The first has been done for you.
Найдите одно лишнее слово в каждой строчке. Первая строка выполнена как пример.

Отметьте правильный вариант.
1. The men .....................at work.
A. are B. is C. can
2. I like to look .....................the map.
A. on B. at C. –
3. I can ........................him in the living room.
A. see B. look C. watch
4. .....................is my husband?
A. When B. Why C. Where
5. My friend is ......................
A. Japan B. to Japan C. Japanese
6. .....................you walk with me in the park?
A. Could B. Are C. Want
7. ........................are under the house.
A. A mouse B. The mouse C. Mice
8. They go ........................school.
A. to B. in C. –
9. These are ........................telephones.
A. our B. him C. them
10. My boss ..............................relax in the office.
A. isn’t B. can’t C. like
Активный словарь
1. receptionist – секретарь в приемнойShe is a receptionist.
2. art – искусство
3. artist – художник
4. design – дизайн
The design of the car is very interesting.
5. custom – традиция
Tell me about British customs.
6. guest – гость
7. luggage – багаж
8. reason – причина
the reason for his absence – причина его отсутствия
9. sight – достопримечательность
London has many sights.
10. museum – музей
11. church – церковь
12. exhibition – выставка
I’d like to see the exhibition of flowers.
13. bridge – мост
14. city centre – центр города
I live in the city centre.
15. Underground – метро
16. shop – магазин
1. limited – ограниченныйLimited company
2. various – разнообразный
3. strange – странный, незнакомый
4. friendly – дружелюбный
People there are friendly.
5. modern – современный
It is a modern programme.
6. simple – простой
The text is very simple.
1. to carry – нестиto carry luggage – нести багаж
2. to get to the cinema / place – добираться до
3. to show – показывать
He can show various sights.
4. to study – учиться, изучать
I study at school.
5. to travel – путешествовать
I like to travel to various countries.
6. to send – посылать (письмо)
I send letters to my sister.
7. to sleep – спать
8. to call – звонить, звать
Call me Susan.
9. to go to bed – ложиться спать
Word Combinations
1. I’d like you to meet – Я бы хотел представить ВасI’d like you to meet my wife.
2. Nice to meet you.
Приятно Вас встретить / с Вами познакомиться
3. Pleased to meet you.
Приятно Вас встретить / с Вами познакомиться
4. over there – вон там
5. Would you like me to help you? Хотите, чтобы я Вам помог?
1. Match the word with the translation.
Найдите соответствие между словом и переводом.

Составьте словосочетания.

Впишите подходящие по смыслу слова.
Sights, exhibition, show, modern, Underground, friendly, churches, artist, travel, carry, study, reason, customs, simple, call, design.
1. People in this town are very..............................................
2. Could you show me the lovely............................................of this city?
3. I don’t like the.......................................of this office.
4. I know many..........................................of this country.
5. My friends......................................in University.
6. I can’t......................................that luggage.
7. What is the..................................for your behaviour (поведение)?
8. The......................................system is new in this city.
9. These texts are very.................................. We can read them.
10. I don’t know this....................................... Where is he from?
11. The.................................of old Chinese books is great.
12. I can’t.............................in Europe. It is very expensive.
13. Could you.............................them the way to the city centre?
14. You can see many old...............................in the centre of London.
15. Please, .............................me Susan.
16. I don’t understand this.................................writer.
4. Translate into English.
Переведите на английский язык.
1. Я бы хотел увидеть центр города..........................................................
2. Где я могу получить багаж?.........................................................
3. Мы не можем показать вам современный мост..................................
4. Я бы хотел, чтобы Вы встретились с моей сестрой............................
5. Мои дети учатся утром..........................................................
6. Их гости очень дружелюбные..........................................................
7. Мы посылаем письма каждый день..........................................................
8. Где современная выставка? .........................................................
9. Я не могу путешествовать вместе с ними..............................................
10. Мы встречаемся с различными людьми на работе...............................
5. Write your own sentences with the words given.
Напишите свои предложения с указанными словами.
простой дизайн ..............................................................................
дружелюбные люди .....................................................................
странные традиции ........................................................................
ложиться спать ...............................................................................
старая церковь ..................................................................................
нести багаж .....................................................................................
посылать письма .................................................................................
добраться до музея ............................................................................
книжный магазин ............................................................................
путешествовать в Европе .....................................................................
6. Write one General and one Special question to each sentence.
Напишите общий вопрос и один специальный вопрос к каждому предложению.
Example: The customs are interesting.
Are the customs interesting? Which customs are interesting?
1. I can carry this luggage.......................................................................
2. This museum is lovely.......................................................................
3. I can get there by Underground.......................................................
4. Their guests can study at school..........................................................
5. Those shops are very expensive..........................................................
6. We can see various sights...................................................................
7. That art is very strange...................................................................
8. She is a receptionist in a limited company........................................
9. We can travel at the weekend..........................................................
Language focus 1
Prepositions of directionПредлоги направления

1. My children come home from school at two o’clock.
2. I go to my friends by Underground every day.
3. Put these documents into the box, please.
4. Take these books out of the box.
5. We travel from France to Britain every week.
6. Come into the room, Alice.
7. Take our children out of the bath.
8. We get home from the museum by bus.
8. Complete the gaps with a suitable preposition taking it from the Box.
Вставьте пропущенные предлоги, взяв их из таблицы.
Out of, from, to, into, behind, in, on, under, at, with.
1. I can’t see my car in front of the house. Is it...........................the house?
2. I walk......................my children every day.
3. Take the presents................................this box, please.
4. They come home from work.......................... eight o’clock.
5. I like to call various people...........................the evening.
6. Go.....................your grandmother and help her carry luggage.
7. Put this luggage.............................the car, please.
8. Look.........................the bridge. Can you see it in the water?
9. Can you see a modern computer........................the table?
10. This shop is.........................the city centre.
9. Match the word combinations with their translations.
Найдите подходящий перевод.

Language focus 2
Verbs and prepositionsГлаголы и предлоги
Look at – Смотретьна– Look at the table, look at the window
Look for – Искать (что-либо)– Look for a present, look for friends
Listen to – Слушатьчто-либо, кого-либо– Listen to your friends, listen to music
Speak to / with – Говоритьскем-либо– Speak to the boss, speak with him
Speak – Говорить (на языке)– Speak English, speak French
Show – Показыватькому-либо– Show me your cassette, show them their house
Meet – Встречатьсяскем-либо– Meet me in Paris, meet us there
Get up– Вставать (с кровати)– Get up at seven o’clock, get up in the morning
Get to – Добиратьсядочего-либо– Get to London, get to the museum
Travel to – Путешествоватькуда-либо– Travel to China, travel to the East
Work for (a company) – Работать (в компании)– Work for a big company, work for McHolland
Watch – Смотреть (что-либо)– Watch a TV show, watch a play
Play – Играть (во что-либо, намузыкальныхинструментах)– Play hockey, play football, play the guitar, play the piano
Give – Давать (кому-либо)– Give me your pen, give them the luggage
10. Write your own sentences with the verbs.
Напишите предложения с данными глаголами
Look at
Look for
Listen to
Speak to / with
Get up
Get to
Travel to
Work for
Активная грамматика
Language focus 1
The Present Simple (Indefinite) TenseНастоящее простое (неопределенное) время
Настоящее простое (неопределенное) время используется для выражения обычного, периодически повторяющегося действия. Наречия-определители: часто, всегда, никогда, каждый день, каждый год, каждый месяц, иногда. В русском переводе глагол стоит в настоящем времени. Например: Он обычно читает газету по утрам. Она никогда не завтракает.
Утвердительные предложения

Если глагол заканчивается на свистящий, шипящий звук, то в третьем лице единственного числа окончание «es», которое произносится [iz]. Также это относится к глаголам do и go, форма третьего лица единственного числа которых does (но произносится она [daz]) и goes [gouz].
Особую форму имеет глагол have. В третьем лице единственного числа используется форма has.
Если глагол заканчивается на «y» с предшествующей согласной, то y меняется на «i», и прибавляется окончание «es»: She carries (to carry). Но: She buys (to buy – перед y – гласная).
3 лицо единств. число
He watches TV every evening.
She does it every day.
She goes to school in the morning.
He lives in Moscow.
It has three legs.
My wife works for this company.
She copies this text every day.
Остальные формы
They watch TV every evening.
Their friends do it every day.
The children go to school in the morning.
I live in Moscow.
The tables have three legs.
We work for this company.
You copy this text every day.
Often – часто
Always – всегда
Never – никогда
Usually – обычно
Seldom – редко
Every year / day / month / week – каждый год / день / месяц / каждую неделю
She goes to work every day.
My brother seldom plays tennis.
My husband usually buys newspapers.
I never speak to them.
He always studies foreign languages.
We travel every month.
1. Write in the verbs in the correct form.
Напишите глаголы в правильной форме.

Прочитайте и переведите предложения. Обратите особое внимание на произношение окончаний глаголов.
1. She often relaxes in the evening. ...................................................................
2. David cooks dinner every day. ...................................................................
3. It has a big door. ...................................................................
4. Don buys new books every week. ...................................................................
5. She seldom goes to the city centre. ...................................................................
6. He never visits museums. ...................................................................
7. Sally often travels to the South. ...................................................................
8. They meet friends every morning. ...................................................................
9. I seldom watch modern shows. ...................................................................
10. He gets up at seven every day. ...................................................................
11. He always carries her luggage. ...................................................................
12. This receptionist never helps me. ...................................................................
13. We usually have lunch here. ...................................................................
14. She does it every year. ...................................................................
15. He usually goes to work at eight. ...................................................................
3. Complete the sentences. Pay attention to the forms of the verbs.
Закончитепредложения. Обратите особое внимание на написание окончаний глаголов.
Example: She often.....................................
She often cooks dinner.
1. He seldom.....................................................................................................
2. They never....................................................................................................
3. Pat usually....................................................................................................
4. Every year we................................................................................................
5. She................................................................................................every day.
6. It often........................................................................................................
7. My friends always...........................................................................................
8. Every month Cathy..........................................................................................
9. His wife often................................................................................................
10. I never........................................................................................................
4. There is one mistake in each sentence. Find and correct it.
Найдите ошибку в каждом из данных предложений.
1. She buies bananas every week. ................................
2. Their children goe to school every morning. ................................
3. She watchs TV every evening. ................................
4. Your sister relaxees every week. ................................
5. We cook often pizza. ................................
6. Ann go to work every day. ................................
7. My mother haves three children. ................................
8. He studys German at achool. ................................
5. Translate the sentences into English.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Он путешествует в Египет каждый год. ........................................................
2. Его дети редко ходят в музеи. ........................................................
3. Он всегда несет багаж своей жены. ........................................................
4. Я часто смотрю в окно по вечерам. ........................................................
5. Пэт изучает немецкий в школе. ........................................................
6. Он никогда не ходит на работу по утрам. ........................................................
7. Она любит искусство Востока. ........................................................
8. Он обычно добирается до центра города на машине (by car).........................................
9. Мы редко слушаем современную музыку. ........................................................
Language focus 2
The Present Simple (Indefinite) TenseGeneral and Special Questions
Настоящее простое (неопределенное) время
Общие и специальные вопросы
Чтобы задать общий вопрос, используется вспомогательный глагол do или does в зависимости от лица. Для третьего лица единственного числа, где глагол имеет окончание «s» / «es», используется вспомогательный глагол does. В вопросе он как бы «съедает» окончание «s» и «es» глагола.
She plays tennis.
Does she play tennis? – Она играет в теннис?
He goes to work every day.
Does he go to work every day? – Он ходит на работу каждый день?
Для всех остальных лиц и чисел (где нет окончания «s» / «es») используется вспомогательный глагол do.
They often listen to modern music.
Do they often listen to modern music?
You travel every year.
Do you travel every year?
Для того чтобы дать краткий утвердительный ответ, используется соответствующий вспомогательный глагол do или does.
Do you travel every year? Yes, I do.
Does she like the museum? Yes, she does.
Для того чтобы дать отрицательный ответ, снова используется соответствующий вспомогательный глагол do или does.
She lives in London. Does she live in London? She doesn’t (does not) live in London.
They meet every week. Do they meet every week? They don’t (do not) meet every week.
Чтобы задать специальный вопрос, используется такая формула:
Вопросительное слово+вспомогательный глагол+подлежащее+основная форма глагола?
Или короче,

Задайте общие вопросы. Дайте отрицательные ответы.
Example: He always gives her presents. Does he always give her presents? He doesn’t always give her presents.
1. They speak French every day.
2. He often studies in the evening.
3. She has a modern computer.
4. My sister calls me Dan.
5. The receptionist usually works with documents.
6. He likes modern art.
7. My friends seldom visit museums.
8. We often send letters to our friends.
8. Complete the questions.
Закончите вопросительные предложения.
1. Does she.....................................................................................................?
2. Does your friend...........................................................................................?
3. Do they......................................................................................................?
4. Do you.......................................................................................................?
5. Do your guests..............................................................................................?
6. Does the artist...............................................................................................?
7. Does your husband.........................................................................................?
8. Do your children...........................................................................................?
9. Match the questions with the answers.
Подберите подходящий ответ к каждому вопросу.

Прочитайте вопросительные предложения и переведите их. Подчеркните вспомогательный глагол.
1. Where do they buy modern programmes?................................................................
2. Why do they live in the city centre?.......................................................................
3. When does he visit this exhibition? .......................................................................
4. With whom do they study English?........................................................................
5. Do they know various customs?............................................................................
6. When does this shop work? ...............................................................................
7. When does she send letters?................................................................................
8. What does she always show the guests?..................................................................
9. How do you get to that bridge?............................................................................
10. Where does he travel every year?........................................................................
11. Ask one General and one Special question.
Задайте один общий и один специальный вопрос.
Example: My sister travels to the east every year.
Does my sister travel to the east every year?
Where does my sister travel every year?
1. Dan drives a car very well.
2. They often see this bridge.
3. They study simple things.
4. We like this receptionist.
5. Denis Shevchuk calls me every day.
6. I send her letters every week.
7. He shows them the Underground.
12. Give negative answers.
Напишите отрицательные ответы.
1. Can you visit this church?
2. Do you often visit this church?
3. Does she always visit this church?
4. Do they like the modern museum?
5. Is this a modern museum?
6. Are these modern museums?
7. Can you see a modern museum in the city centre?
1. Answer the questions.
Ответьте на вопросы.
1. Do you live in the city centre?
2. Do you like to travel?
3. Where do you like to travel and why?
4. Do you like to visit museums?
5. What exhibitions do you like?
6. What exhibitions does your wife / husband like?
7. Does your wife / husband like to send letters?
8. Do you often have guests in your house?
9. What sights do you show your guests?
10. Does your wife / husband often call her / his friends?
2. Read about these people. Now speak about them.
Прочитайте информацию об этих людях. Теперь расскажите о них от третьего лица.
Example: Daniel lives in the city centre. He has many friends, etc.
I live in the city centre. It is a lovely place. I have many friends. We meet very seldom because we have much work. But we call each other every day. We speak about our problems and about girlfriends.
Every weekend we go to the cinema or to the theatre. We have lunch in sandwich bars or cafes. I always eat Italian pizza.
In summer we always travel to various countries. It is expensive but we buy cheap tickets. We are very friendly.
I have a family. It is not very big: my husband, our two children and me. I don’t work. I help my children to study at school. My husband works for a big multinational company. He gets much money. We want to buy a house, but now we live in a flat. It is small and simple. But we like it. It is modern. We like to sit in the living room, watch TV and listen to classical music. In the evening my husband John plays the guitar.
At the weekend we go to play tennis.
I study foreign languages at college. It is expensive for my parents. They give me money for my studies. But I study very well. I study French, Japanese and Arabic languages. It is very interesting. I study the customs of these countries. I think I can get a good job.
I don’t have many friends. I have no time to see them. But I call my parents and send letters to them.
3. Think of three questions that you could ask Daniel, Fiona and Samuel. Think of possible answers.
Придумайте по три вопроса Дэниэлу, Фионе и Сэмуэлю. Придумайте ответы на них.
4. Read these sentences. Underline the words from the Active Vocabulary.
Close your eyes. How many sentences can you recollect?
Прочитайте предложения и подчеркните новые слова урока.
Закройте глаза и постарайтесь вспомнить как можно больше из данных предложений.
1. I work as a receptionist in a modern office.
2. He often travels to various countries.
3. We don’t like to listen to pop music.
4. I can show my guests various sights.
5. Those museums are in the city centre.
6. That artist can have an exhibition.
7. Does he work in the shop?
8. When does she call her friends?
9. He would like to carry her luggage.
10. This country has many strange customs.
5. Make up dialogues putting the sentences in the right order.
Составьте диалоги, расставив предложения в логическом порядке.
Over there. To the platform four.
Yes, madam? Would you like me to help you?
Yes, please. Could you help me carry my luggage?
Excuse me?
Yes, madam.
Yes, please. Where to?
It’s nice. How about Saturday?
I think the style is very simple but nice. And I can understand this artist very well.
Do you like the exhibition, Mary?
Would you like to go to the exhibition in Stanford museum? My mother likes it a lot.
Yes. It is very interesting. What about you?
Saturday is O.K. with me.
Would you like to travel in summer?
Do you want to go to Italy or Spain?
In June. The weather is very nice in June in Spain. Are the tickets very expensive?
Yes, they are expensive. But I think our way is very nice.
Yes, I think it is lovely.
To Spain. This country has many interesting customs.
O.K. Can you go in June or in July?
Would you like to see the sights of the square and the park?
What can I see there?
Yes, of course.
We have three old churches, a museum of our city, many old bridges, a modern stadium and of course, many shops.
Yes, I think it is a good idea.
We can do it in the evening or in the afternoon.
Ответьте на вопросы.
1. Do you live in the city centre?
2. Do you like to travel?
3. Where do you like to travel and why?
4. Do you like to visit museums?
5. What exhibitions do you like?
6. What exhibitions does your wife / husband like?
7. Does your wife / husband like to send letters?
8. Do you often have guests in your house?
9. What sights do you show your guests?
10. Does your wife / husband often call her / his friends?
2. Read about these people. Now speak about them.
Прочитайте информацию об этих людях. Теперь расскажите о них от третьего лица.
Example: Daniel lives in the city centre. He has many friends, etc.
I live in the city centre. It is a lovely place. I have many friends. We meet very seldom because we have much work. But we call each other every day. We speak about our problems and about girlfriends.
Every weekend we go to the cinema or to the theatre. We have lunch in sandwich bars or cafes. I always eat Italian pizza.
In summer we always travel to various countries. It is expensive but we buy cheap tickets. We are very friendly.
I have a family. It is not very big: my husband, our two children and me. I don’t work. I help my children to study at school. My husband works for a big multinational company. He gets much money. We want to buy a house, but now we live in a flat. It is small and simple. But we like it. It is modern. We like to sit in the living room, watch TV and listen to classical music. In the evening my husband John plays the guitar.
At the weekend we go to play tennis.
I study foreign languages at college. It is expensive for my parents. They give me money for my studies. But I study very well. I study French, Japanese and Arabic languages. It is very interesting. I study the customs of these countries. I think I can get a good job.
I don’t have many friends. I have no time to see them. But I call my parents and send letters to them.
3. Think of three questions that you could ask Daniel, Fiona and Samuel. Think of possible answers.
Придумайте по три вопроса Дэниэлу, Фионе и Сэмуэлю. Придумайте ответы на них.
4. Read these sentences. Underline the words from the Active Vocabulary.
Close your eyes. How many sentences can you recollect?
Прочитайте предложения и подчеркните новые слова урока.
Закройте глаза и постарайтесь вспомнить как можно больше из данных предложений.
1. I work as a receptionist in a modern office.
2. He often travels to various countries.
3. We don’t like to listen to pop music.
4. I can show my guests various sights.
5. Those museums are in the city centre.
6. That artist can have an exhibition.
7. Does he work in the shop?
8. When does she call her friends?
9. He would like to carry her luggage.
10. This country has many strange customs.
5. Make up dialogues putting the sentences in the right order.
Составьте диалоги, расставив предложения в логическом порядке.
Over there. To the platform four.
Yes, madam? Would you like me to help you?
Yes, please. Could you help me carry my luggage?
Excuse me?
Yes, madam.
Yes, please. Where to?
It’s nice. How about Saturday?
I think the style is very simple but nice. And I can understand this artist very well.
Do you like the exhibition, Mary?
Would you like to go to the exhibition in Stanford museum? My mother likes it a lot.
Yes. It is very interesting. What about you?
Saturday is O.K. with me.
Would you like to travel in summer?
Do you want to go to Italy or Spain?
In June. The weather is very nice in June in Spain. Are the tickets very expensive?
Yes, they are expensive. But I think our way is very nice.
Yes, I think it is lovely.
To Spain. This country has many interesting customs.
O.K. Can you go in June or in July?
Would you like to see the sights of the square and the park?
What can I see there?
Yes, of course.
We have three old churches, a museum of our city, many old bridges, a modern stadium and of course, many shops.
Yes, I think it is a good idea.
We can do it in the evening or in the afternoon.