Jewish organization like Anti-Defamation Ligue, Bnei Brith, so-called Institute
   Against Terrorism, Jewish Congress and others are censoring any material about Israel, Judaism, Holocaust, Jewish criminal activity, human rights violations by Israel and Diaspora Jewish groups, etc. It not only violates basic principles of democracy and free speech, but also gives the world Jewish extremists the total control over media and - indirectly governments of independent countries like USA, Canada, and others. Through an excuse of fighting anti-Semitism Jewish extremists actually controlling vide range of topics, practically any one, not only historical or political, but also cultural, religious, and any other. In many ways they for example suppressed and forbidden Christianity. There are no Christian signs, symbolic, ads, announcements, placards etc. in Canadian cities any more. In the same time there are lots of open Judaism propaganda and missionary placards, signs, ads, etc.
   By forcing Immigration of the variety of countries to prevent people, whose ideas they don't tolerate, from traveling, or to persecute dissidents, Jewish extremists are executing functions of sovereign governments. In Canada they completely seized the control over Immigration Canada, which became a Jewish institution, and this institution is getting more and more power, replacing the government. In reality they control many of the governmental institutions. Little by little we became citizens of a new totalitarian colonial Jewish Empire, which is constantly expanding and already includes Canada, US, and a number of European countries.
   Like any totalitarian colonial power Jewish Extremism is using (against dissidents) legal or conspiratory persecutions, lawsuits, administrative pressure, batteries, imprisonment, devastation of their victims' social, professional, or economic status. Jewish persecutors act very much as the "KGB of the modern western world". (MORE).
   The whole military, political, police, intelligence and public machine of the State of Israel and the powerful Jewish lobbies is used not only against people who deny Jewish genocide of 1930-s-40-s, but against those who would like to discuss the correctness of numbers, facts, or attitude towards the history. Amorality of the Jewish "morality defenders" is first of all their conflict of interests. For the Jewish extremists Holocaust became a busyness, a carnage of vicious vultures on top of millions of dead. They are making a fantastic income on the bones of Auschwiz or Maidanek victims. Jewish writer and human rights activist Gregory SVIRSKY called this carnage the most amoral thing in Jewish history. The next amoral thing is that not the victims of Holocaust and their descendants are benefiting from the fantastic compensation provided by the Western world to the global Jewish community, but mostly Israeli government and the extremist Jewish organizations. There are thousands of financial violations in the process of transferring the contributed money from the Israeli government and "committees" to ordinary people. Here is just a small example. Elisabetha EPSTEIN (Montreal) was issued the German compensation as a person who flied from the German occupation zone. This compensation was frozen by the Israeli authorities because she was the mother of a dissident and a refugee claimant from Israel in Canada. Money, which she had to receive, was consumed by the Israeli government!
   The State of Israel has no moral rights to be a representative of the former genocide (Holocaust) victims also because the Israeli regime itself is guilty in Palestinian and Russian genocide (see MORE).
   Israel as a successor of the Jewish North American and Zionist Jewish politicians of the 1930-s must pay a huge contribution to the victims of Holocaust and their descendants because shares responsibility for the genocide of European Jews. Since the 30-s there was a tendency to wish elimination of European Ashkenazi Jews. North American Jews, Zionists and some Sephardic leaders treated European Jews as degraded and wanted them out of the picture. Zionist leaders did not hide their sympathy to the Nazis because they both ideologically were national socialists. Contacts between Palestinian Jewish "Ishuv" leaders - and the top nazi leaders, and between Zionist - and German leadership in 1930-s-40-s is a well-known historical fact. Actually, Zionists were fought on the German side, against Britain. Notes of loyalty of the Ishuv to German Nazis were also well known. By racism, hatred between different ethnical and sub ethnical groups, fascist ideology and nazi laws Israel is a sole political successor of the Nazi Germany. Zionist leaders did not care to hide their joy about the elimination of the "assimilated" European Jews and the conviction that the Zionist homeland must be rebuild, based on the Catastrophe of European Jews. Israeli orthodox religious leaders pointed many times that European Jews were "punished" by genocide "because of assimilation". Hitler's book "Mein Kampf" was translated to Hebrew and became the most popular among "sabras" (Israel-born natives) youths book. Watching movies like the "List of Schindler", young Israeli neo-nazis are applauding the fascist murderers because they adore Nazis for their "strong will" and "no sentiments". (see MORE).
   The State of Israel has innumerous anti-Christian, anti-European, anti-Western and anti-capitalist laws and practices. A permanent anti-Christian propaganda presents on all levels of political and everyday life in Israel, and became a part of education, ideology, rules and even laws in Israel. New anti missionary (anti-Christian) legislation goes even further, threatening to punish people for possession of a Christian Bible, a picture of a church, a Christmas Tree or a tape of Christian religious music. Classical pieces with a Christian background like passions or messes were almost completely washed out of the repertoire of the Israeli symphonic orchestras. Composers like R. Wagner or R. Schtraus were actually forbidden in Israel because of the ideological reasons. Christians are severely persecuted in Israel, by the state as well as by the crowd - and have no real police protection. Classical music, European literature, any aspect of European culture became hardly accessible in Israel. The Israeli government initiated a grotesque and barbaric project to destroy all European architecture on Israel's territory. They destroyed and continue destroying old cities of Tel Aviv, Haifa, and other urban centers, where European architectural styles like Bauhaus, Ugendstill, neo-gothic, etc. were dominated or at least highly presented. There are legislation to forbid Christians and "assimilated" ("Russians") to reside in Haifa, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and other cities. Israeli solders were entering Armenian, Arab, and other churches - and used to open fire "to kill Christians". Israeli government is stalking Muslim and Christian communities by giving licenses to build new mosques beside the churches. Israeli official ideology prefers tolerance towards Islam, but not Christianity. Israel is ruled by so-called Jewish religious laws, a kind of an "iron curtain", which stops any information about the outside world, European culture, Christian traditions, values and historical background. Israeli political and religious circles are encouraging the puppet Palestinian authority to persecute Christians, close Christian churches and make access for holy Christian objects in Palestine difficult for Christian pilgrims. Christians are victims of various assaults in Israel. Israeli propaganda associates Christians with guilt, crimes, and evil. Ideology highly controls all sides of the social life in Israel, allowing "public watchdogs" monitoring what people eat, what they buy, what they read or cook. In Israel you can not open a restaurant, a store or another busyness without the meeting the requirement of the Jewish religion, what means that Christians are discriminated in theirs basic rights. Jewish Extremists are hypocrites when they talk about anti-Semitism because they know very well that Christians and other minorities are discriminated and persecuted in Israel. (see MORE)
   Since 1960-s Israeli propaganda machine, Israeli embassy in Moscow,
   Sochnut and intelligent services began to provoke Soviet citizens to
   immigrate to Israel. Most of the Russian-speaking people were persecuted
   and discriminated in Israel even by then. However, close to 1990-s this
   tendency has developed in a real "small genocide". In the 1980-s 1990-s
   almost 700 thousands people from USSR (and - later - post USSR) were
   smartly pushed to Israel by deception, provocation, sometimes by force.
   Israelis had plans to turn most of them into servants and slaves to
   replace Arabs, who became too dangerous for "sabras" and "vatikim".
   "Russians" were deprived of any social or translation assistance. Sochnut
   and the Ministry of Absorption (Immigration) only pretended to provide
   some assistance, in reality not giving any. "Russian" puppet organizations
   like Sharansky's Zionist Forum, etc. were founded by the Israeli government
   and provided no real help either. New "Russian" immigrants were left
   one on one with the housing agents (mediators) or landlords, employers,
   etc. Most of them became victims of indescribable frauds and cheating.
   "Russian" immigrants were deprived of real welfare or financial assistance.
   They were forced to pay $500 - 600 a months for 2-3 - room neglected,
   non renovated apartments, and deprived of the social houses. When hundreds
   of thousands of the government-subsidized fresh-constructed apartments
   stood empty, thousands of "Russian" families found themselves on the
   verge of evictions or homeless in the streets. Under International, Jewish
   Diaspora's and internal criticism the Israeli government in a stubborn
   intention not to give "Russians" social houses started to import astronomically
   expensive one-room caravans, which price was higher then a construction
   of a conventional apartment. Caravan villages, intentionally placed
   in wilderness, far from cities, with no schools, cultural facilities
   or clubs, surrounded by barbed wires like prisons, intentionally populated
   not only by "Russians" but also by Hebrew speaking criminals, declassed
   social elements, drug-users, alcoholics, and by new arrivals from underdeveloped
   African countries, became artificially-created first "Russian" ghettoes.
   At summer caravans inhabitants suffered from unbearable heat, at winter
   - from cold. Each caravan was an overcrowded, miserable tiny place,
   never designed as a habitation. Caravan villages were dirty, devastated
   cloaks, where generations of undereducated, non cultural, futureless
   "Russian" kids were raised. Arik SHARON, by then - Minister of Construction,
   - was mostly responsible for that. Israeli media and state propaganda
   was rousing hatred towards Russian speaking people by portraying them
   as enemies, alcoholics, undeveloped, wild people. Crimes against "Russians"
   like assaults, batteries, insults, rapes, fraud, racism, discrimination,
   expropriation of property or vandalism against property, lawfulness
   illegal evictions, and many others, were never stopped or prosecuted. "Russians"
   had no police protection. "Russian" children were discriminated, abused,
   beaten, killed at schools or even pre-schools, tens of thousands of
   "Russian" women have been raped, "Russian" workers were not paid at
   all or paid less then the minimum wage, abused, beaten, and injured
   at work. Two sections of Israeli law - "Kablanut" and "Kviyut" codes
   - enabled to turn many "Russians" into temporary or permanent slaves.
   What we see today as assaults on Arabs was in 1990-s "rehearsed" on
   "Russians". Because there were no labor norms of exploiting "kablan"-hired
   unprotected "Russians", thousands and thousands were injured, killed,
   or became handicapped at work. Assaults on "Russians" and rapes of Russian
   speaking women became a kind of a sport for Hebrew speaking neighbors,
   employers, or supervisors, and the policemen. No killer or rapist was
   never prosecuted! The main excuse for crimes against the Russian speaking
   people in Israel was that Russians are hidden Christians. "Russians"
   were forced to leave biggest Israeli cities, new legislation to restrict
   them from residing in Haifa, Jerusalem, or Tel Aviv. They were moved
   to "developing" cities with no work and law life standards like Afula,
   Ashdod, Kiriat-Gat, Dimona, Beer-Sheva, etc. There artificial secondary
   (after caravans) "Russian" ghettos were created, where new generations
   of "Russians" are raised in poverty, discrimination, futureless and forced
   to the criminal sphere of life. Hundreds of thousands of "Russians"
   fled Israel. Israeli government and the local Jewish organizations like
   Bnei Brith are responsible for persecuting these people in Canada, USA,
   and Europe, influencing or invading immigration institutions in many
   countries to force them back to Israel. (see More)
   Resources about persecutions of the Russian-speaking people in Israel:
   Gregory SVIRSKY, Efraim SEVELA, Efraim MELAMED, Michael DORFMAN,
   Savely KASHNIZKI, Alexander ORLOVSKY, Rivka RABINOVICH, Irma
   ZIKOL, etc. Main works on "small" Russian genocide in Israel: Lev
   GUNIN.GULAG of Palestine. (Editor - Svetlana EPIFANOVA). Lev GUNIN.
   Let's imagine that lobbies of nation X around the world
   made any discussions about X-ish genocide forbidden, and this is when
   the leaders of X-s continue benefiting from enormous compensation almost
   a century after the genocide. Using historically inevitable from time
   to time unfriendly tendencies towards just any minority as an excuse,
   nation's X leaders are using excessive force against any manifestation
   of such unfriendly attitude or even what they wrongly interpreting as
   "unfriendly". Consequently denouncing bloody crimes against
   humanity of the regime of the State of X and local X-s councils (organizations)
   in Diaspora is called "xenophobia". Anybody, who raised deep
   questions about the human rights situation in the State of X and within
   local X-s communities, is severely persecuted. Naturally, such a policy
   would provoke spontaneous anti-X-ers feelings, and the denial of X-ish
   genocide as the most natural automatic reaction. In the same way simple
   as not very simple people will always test extremes of the "Jewish
   power"; and "Jewish conspiracy" by denying Holocaust and
   watching an expected Jewish excessive force in return. Blocking any
   civilized discussion about any topic directly or indirectly involving
   Jews (on historical, philosophical, ethical, religious level), Jewish
   extremists will face more and more dangerous for innocent ordinary Jews
   response on the primitive level. Jewish extremist organizations and
   the government of Israel do not care about safety and wealth of ordinary
   Jews. They represent a mighty totalitarian power, which exist in no
   one interests. Only a small group of bastards benefits from this power.
   This power became a modern inquisition, one of the modern Evils. However,
   only one of Them. Communist regimes, eastern dictatorships, Indian-type
   "democracies" (Israel is just one of them), anti-European
   regimes like Pakistan, Afganistan, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, etc.
   they are the same. We (people who consider themselves as Europeans,
   no matter what skin color or face they have) must understand who are
   enemies and who are friends of Europe. We have already our culture half
   destroyed, our leaders corrupted by the Eastern powers, our countries
   in Northern hemisphere (plus Australia) have been already transformed
   into a "transitional" (remember: Eastern block, Western
   block?) between capitalism (democracy) - and Eastern-type tyranny-slavery.
   Since 1980-s, by eliminating civil freedoms and privacy, Western governments
   slowly but inevitably transforming their countries into societies of
   the eastern type. Jewish extremism is an important player in this process
   of blowing up the European civilization from within. Jewish extremists
   are traditionally anti-democratic reactionaries, who's goals are to destroy
   democracy and progressive thinking everywhere. Their doctrine is to
   take just any rights from the people, turn majority into slaves, and
   eliminate basic human rights and freedoms. Their main allay is not USA
   or Canada - as most of us are thinking - but UK. How comes that Israel,
   a country, where Christians are persecute, beaten and humiliated, became
   the most important "friend" of the Christian world? How comes that the
   most brutal regimes in the world - like India, Israel, Pakistan, or
   Kazakstan, were called democracies? Why and by whom Saudi Arabia, Bahrain,
   South Korea, Kazahstan, Israel and other countries with hatred to European
   culture and anti-European propaganda were considered as allays - and
   Iraq, Lebanon, Iran, or Serbia - not? Tyranny, starvation, exploitation
   of children, numbers of repressed people, scale of poverty and homelessness
   in Iraq, Iran, and some other anti-democracies are several times lower
   then in "great democracies" like India or Israel, where wide number
   of people are treated like cattle. How comes that Israel, a country,
   where Christians are persecute, beaten and humiliated, became the most
   important "friend" of the Christian world? How comes that the most brutal
   regimes in the world - like India, Israel, Pakistan, or Kazakstan, were
   called democracies? Why and by whom Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, South Korea,
   Kazahstan, Israel and other countries with hatred to European culture
   and anti-European propaganda were considered as allays - and Iraq, Lebanon,
   Iran, or Serbia - not? Tyranny, starvation, exploitation of children,
   numbers of repressed people, scale of poverty and homelessness in Iraq,
   Iran, and some other anti-democracies are several times lower then in
   "great democracies" like India or Israel, where wide number of people
   are treated like cattle. Instead of supporting nations, which are historically,
   traditionally, culturally closer to Europeans, our rulers, corrupted
   or threatened by the Eastern regimes like Israel, are supporting our
   most furious enemies. Support, which is given to the Jewish Extremists
   by the governments of the Western world, is not popular. People are
   not supporting it. Sooner or later this situation will resolve in pogroms
   and insults against the ordinary Jews. We all must be awaken before
   it not too late...
   MORE (1)
   1. Demonizing nations
   (Jewish extremists' lie and columniation of the whole nations like Ukrainians and Polish)
   2. Israel-Jewish Diaspora World-Wide criminal activity
   (Jewish extremists lobbism is behind the cover up of the Israel-related criminal activity world wide and money laundering)
   3. Dissidents - victims of the Jewish Extremists' global totalitarian power (Israeli military assault against Western democracy)
   (Thousands or maybe millions of people are persecuted by Jewish totalitarian machine all over the world. Persecutions include kidnapping, executions, assassinations, batteries, and administrative, financial and other terror)
   4. Politically and Criminally Motivated Jewish Medical Mafia
   5. Victor Ostrovsky's "By Way of Deception" extracts
   1. Demonizing nations
   (Jewish extremists' lie and columniation of the whole nations like Ukrainians and Polish)
   HOME DISINFORMATION 60 MINUTES 19628 hits since 26Jan98
   We saw above that an entire Ukrainian family was shot by the Nazis for hiding a Jewish woman,
   but can we find a single instance of an entire Jewish family being shot by the Bolsheviks for hiding
   a Ukrainian woman? We saw above that the Ukrainian mayor of a town was shot by the Nazis for
   helping Jews, but can we find a single instance of a Jewish mayor - and there were many
   Jewish mayors in Ukraine - being shot by the Bolsheviks for helping Ukrainians? We saw above
   Metropolitan Sheptytsky risking his life and the lives of other Ukrainians by hiding Jews on church
   property, but can we find a single instance of a rabbi risking his life and the lives of other Jews by
   hiding Ukrainians on synagogue property?
   The Ugly Face of 60 Minutes
   Lubomyr Prytulak
   Last updated:
   9Feb98 Rudolph Vrba Accusation added to the section on "Paralysis of the Comparative Function"
   24Feb98 Einsatzgruppen quotes added to the section on "What Happened in Lviv?"
   28Mar98 Himmler quote added toward the bottom of "Were Ukrainians Nazis?"
   9Jun98 Link to Shapoval added toward the bottom of "What Happened in Lviv? During the preceding few days"
   13Jun98 Link to Sion-Osnova Controversy added to the bottom of "Quality of Translation"
   13Jun98 Link to discussion of Jewish Ghetto Police added to the bottom of "Collective Guilt"
   24Feb99 Comparison of German SS and Ukrainian Waffen-SS oaths added to "The Galicia Division"
   24Mar99 External link to Symon Petliura page at bottom of "Symon Petliura"
   12Jun99 Elaboration with external link at bottom of "Sol Littman's Mengele Scare"
   13Jun99 Comment on Jewish chain of command within CBS added to "Preface"
   03Jul99 Nine quotes added near bottom of "What Happened in Lviv?"
   The Galicia Division
   Quality of Translation
   Ukrainian Homogeneity
   Were Ukrainians Nazis?
   Simon Wiesenthal
   What Happened in Lviv?
   Nazi Propaganda Film
   Collective Guilt
   Paralysis of the Comparative
   60 Minutes' Cheap Shots
   Ukrainian Anti-Semitism
   Jewish Ukrainophobia
   A Sense of Responsibility
   What 60 Minutes Should Do
   On 23 Oct 1994, CBS television broadcast a twelve-minute segment on its weekly
   investigative-journalism show 60 Minutes titled The Ugly Face of Freedom, produced by Jeffrey
   Fager and hosted by Morley Safer. The program's goal was to indict Ukrainian society and
   history and to discredit the legitimacy of the Ukrainian State. The program's method was to
   pack the broadcast with what may be the most concentrated segment of disinformation, calumny,
   and hatred ever to make its appearance in the mainstream media. The program had been ready for
   over half a year, but was not broadcast until the first official visit to the United States of
   Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma. Whether this timing was by coincidence or design became the
   subject of comment among some program viewers.
   From the beginning of the affair, it could not escape notice that this broadcast was not only an
   attack upon Ukrainians and upon the nation of Ukraine, but that it was a Jewish attack, this
   because every last person bearing responsibility for the broadcast, from the very top of the
   chain of command to the very bottom, was Jewish:
   Laurence Tisch, Chairman and CEO of CBS
   Eric Ober, President of CBS News
   Don Hewitt, Executive Producer of 60 Minutes
   Jeffrey Fager, Producer of The Ugly Face of Freedom
   Morley Safer, Program Host
   Simon Wiesenthal, one of the two featured program witnesses
   Yaakov Bleich, the other of the two featured program witnesses
   That attacks upon Ukraine come overwhelmingly from Jews has been amply documented on the
   Ukrainian Archive (UKAR), as for example in the discussion of Jerzy Kosinski, where it is noted
   that ten out of ten of the leading calumniators of Ukraine are Jews. Possible reasons for this
   phenomenon have been discussed throughout UKAR, with three of the chief reasons being: (1) the
   acceleration of the brain drain from Ukraine to Israel with the help of a partly-magnified and
   partly-incited resentment against Jews, (2) the heightening of Jewish cohesion through the
   inculcation of fear and hatred of Gentiles, as by the Jewish keeping alive of a distorted memory
   of the Khmelnytsky rebellion of 1648, and (3) the need to discredit the historical observation
   that Jews typically victimize Ukrainians by inculcating the opposite image of Ukrainians
   victimizing Jews.
   On 15 Nov 1994, I mailed a letter to then CBS Chairman Laurence A. Tisch which consisted of a
   lengthy critique of the 60 Minutes broadcast. I simultaneously mailed copies of this letter to
   the host of the broadcast, Morley Safer, as well as the co-hosts Ed Bradley, Steve Kroft, Lesley
   Stahl, and Mike Wallace. I received no reply from any of them. On 17 Dec 1994, I mailed a
   covering letter to Laurence Tisch together with an expanded version of my critique (the critique
   was now titled The Ugly Face of 60 Minutes, and was dated 11 Dec 1994), with copies to the same
   host and co-hosts. I again received no reply.
   In an attempt to clarify the accuracy of the 60 Minutes broadcast, other letters were sent,
   among them letters to Michael Jordan, Chairman of Westinghouse, following the Westinghouse
   purchase of CBS in 1995, letters to Simon Wiesenthal, star witness on The Ugly Face of Freedom,
   and letters to Rabbi Yaakov Bleich, supporting witness on the same program. Nor were my letters
   the only ones sent - in fact, CBS received some 16,000 pieces of mail protesting the 60 Minutes
   broadcast. To my knowledge, not a single one of these letters has ever been answered, or even
   acknowledged, the muteness of CBS and others involved leaving the impression that they are
   unable to muster any defense for the 60 Minutes broadcast.
   At that time, and since, I have circulated copies of my critique widely, and have received many
   favorable comments. In a small number of instances, I was grateful for helpful suggestions as
   to minor revisions; however, no one challenged any of my major criticisms or arguments,
   encouraging me to believe that these were fundamentally correct.
   Below you will find the latest version of this same critique, substantially longer and more
   detailed than the original, but basically offering no more than an elaboration of the material
   already long in the hands of CBS. I will not again waste postage mailing this critique to CBS
   with the advent of the internet, there are less costly ways to disseminate information; if CBS
   wants to see this latest version, it will have no trouble finding it.
   The defects of the 60 Minutes broadcast as so multifarious, that it is difficult to capture them
   in one brief statement. If one were to attempt to do so, then the statement might mention that
   60 Minutes misrepresented the historical record, provided mistranslations of statements
   originally made in Ukrainian, suppressed pertinent information concerning Ukrainian-Jewish
   relations during World War II, encouraged retrogressive notions of collective guilt, altered the
   dates on which events were supposed to have occurred, doctored the sound track, accepted dubious
   and implausible statements from sources whose credibility had not been established or whose
   credibility should have been suspect, and generally in numerous instances employed questionable
   evidence to point to conclusions that were untrue, provocative, and inflammatory. There follows
   below an outline of the chief defects of this 60 Minutes broadcast.
   The Galicia Division
   Quality of Translation
   Ukrainian Homogeneity
   Were Ukrainians Nazis?
   Simon Wiesenthal
   What Happened in Lviv?
   Nazi Propaganda Film
   Collective Guilt
   Paralysis of the Comparative
   60 Minutes' Cheap Shots
   Ukrainian Anti-Semitism
   Jewish Ukrainophobia
   A Sense of Responsibility
   What 60 Minutes Should Do
   The Galicia Division
   60 Minutes' chief piece of evidence for Ukrainian anti-Semitism and predilection for Naziism
   seems to be the official celebrations commemorating the Galicia Division. Elderly men in
   civilian dress are shown wearing military insignia in a recent reunion in the city of Lviv,
   Ukraine (Lvov in Russian, Lwow in Polish, formerly Lemberg). Mr. Safer informs us that
   "Thousands of Ukrainians joined the SS and marched off to fight for Naziism," and that "Nowhere,
   not even in Germany, are the SS so openly celebrated," and that "Many of the Ukrainian men of
   Lvov who marched off as members of the SS never returned - killed fighting for Hitler."
   The impression created in the viewer's mind is that these veterans are unanimously guilty of war
   crimes and crimes against humanity, that they were once supporters of and now continue to be
   admirers of Hitler, that they sympathized with Nazi ambitions during World War II, that they are
   the remnants of a much larger group of Ukrainians who shared a similar orientation, and that as
   their reunion was sanctioned by the Lviv City Council and the Ukrainian Catholic Church, similar
   charges must apply to Ukrainians generally. To all this, however, I must echo Cardinal
   Lubachivsky's words: "It is not true!"
   The Galicia Division was recruited by the Germans only well into the war, in the summer and fall
   of 1943 when they were beginning to experience setbacks on their Eastern front. That the
   Galicia Division was considered an "SS" division does not bear the significance given it by 60
   Minutes - it was a Waffen SS division, which is quite a different thing: "Like other German
   volunteer units, the Division Halychyna [Galicia] was included in the 14th Grenadier Division of
   the SS-Waffen." (Ukraine: A Concise Encyclopaedia, Volume 2, p. 1088.)
   Five qualities of the Galicia Division make it a most atypical component of the stereotype of
   the SS: (1) it was strictly a combat unit and so played no role in the management of
   concentration camps or death camps, (2) its Ukrainian members wore a lion rampant instead of an
   "SS" on their right collars during most of the life of the division, (3) it was accompanied by
   Ukrainian chaplains who attended to the spiritual needs of the troops, (4) it was kept separate
   from other German forces, and (5) it was created with the proviso that it never be used against
   the Western Allies, but only against Soviet forces on the Eastern front. These five qualities
   alone render the Galicia Division an entity unlike any that was being conjured up in the minds
   of 60 Minutes viewers.
   Photographs contrasting different insignia of
   German and Ukrainian members of the Galicia
   Of course the members of any military unit will be required to swear oaths of obedience to the
   Commander-in-Chief. No fighting force can function without such an oath, and the members of the
   Galicia Division were unable to avoid swearing one. However, compare the differences in the
   German SS oath and the Ukrainian Waffen-SS oath:
   German SS Oath
   "I swear to you Adolf Hitler, as Leader and Chancellor of the Reich, loyalty
   and valor. I vow to you and all those you place over me obedience until
   death, so help me God."
   Ukrainian Waffen-SS Oath
   "I swear by God this holy oath, that in the struggle against Bolshevism I will
   give the Commander-in-Chief of the German Armed Forces, Adolf Hitler, absolute
   obedience, and if it be his will, as a fearless soldier, I will always be
   prepared to lay down my life for this oath." (Richard Landwehr, Fighting for
   Freedom: The Ukrainian Volunteer Division of the Waffen-SS, Bibliophile Legion
   Books, Silver Spring, Maryland, 1985, p. 45)
   Here are three revealing differences between the above oaths: (1) The German SS oath swears to
   Adolf Hitler who happens to be leader, whereas the Ukrainian Waffen-SS oath swears to the leader
   who happens to be Adolf Hitler. (2) The German SS oath does not restrict the Germans to any
   limited role, but the Ukrainian Waffen-SS oath does restrict the Ukrainian role to the "struggle
   against Bolshevism." (3) In the words "obedience until death," the German SS oath appears to
   imply obedience for the rest of one's life, whereas the Ukrainian Waffen-SS oath limits the
   duration of the obedience to the period of service "as a fearless soldier." These are not
   insignificant differences - they constitute an affirmation that the Ukrainians had their own
   goals, and that these overlapped with German goals only on the matter of opposing the Soviet
   re-occupation of Ukraine. For the Ukrainians to have won an even greater variance from the
   fundamental German SS oath would have been for the Germans to accept into their armed forces
   members who were openly declaring recalcitrance and insubordination.
   The Ukrainian motivation for permitting the formation of the Galicia Division was threefold: (1)
   the existence of the division would serve to improve German treatment of Ukrainians in the
   occupied territories, (2) the Division would form the nucleus of a national army which might
   promote Ukrainian aspirations to statehood, and (3) the Division would be thrown into the fight
   to oppose the Soviet re-occupation of Ukraine.
   Even though both Canada and the U.S. have Nazi-hunting units within their respective Justice
   Departments, not a single member of the Division has ever been convicted of any war crime and
   none has ever been charged. The absence of evidence of any wrongdoing not only of the Division
   as a whole, but also of any member of the Division, during his membership in the Division or
   before or after, is widely recognized. Judge Jules Deschenes, heading Canada's Commission of
   Inquiry on War Criminals, concluded that:
   The members of the Galicia Division were individually screened for security
   purposes before admission to Canada. Charges of war crimes against members of
   the Galicia Division have never been substantiated, neither in 1950 when they
   were first preferred, nor in 1984 when they were renewed, nor before this
   Commission. ... In the absence of evidence of participation in or knowledge of
   specific war crimes, mere membership in the Galicia Division is insufficient to
   justify prosecution. (Jules Deschenes, Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals,
   1986, p. 12)
   Judge Deschenes cites a 1947 report of a British Screening Commission which was filed just prior
   to the Galicia Division being moved from Italy to Britain (note that these are the words of the
   1947 British Screening Commission, not of Judge Deschenes):
   They probably were not, and certainly do not now seem to be at heart
   pro-German, and the fact that they did give aid and comfort to the Germans can
   fairly be considered to have been incidental and not fundamental. (in Jules
   Deschenes, Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals, 1986, p. 253)
   A 1950 British Foreign Office report to the Canadian Department of External Affairs concerning
   the Galicia Division was also cited by Judge Deschenes (note that these are the words of the
   1950 British Foreign Office, not of Judge Deschenes):
   While in Italy these men were screened by Soviet and British missions and
   neither then nor subsequently has any evidence been brought to light which
   would suggest that any of them fought against the Western Allies or engaged in
   crimes against humanity. Their behaviour since they came to this country has
   been good and they have never indicated in any way that they are infected with
   any trace of Nazi ideology. ... From the reports of the special mission set
   up by the War Office to screen these men, it seems clear that they volunteered
   to fight against the Red Army from nationalistic motives which were given
   greater impetus by the behaviour of the Soviet authorities during their earlier
   occupation of the Western Ukraine after the Nazi-Soviet Pact. Although
   Communist propaganda has constantly attempted to depict these, like so many
   other refugees, as "quislings" and "war criminals" it is interesting to note
   that no specific charges of war crimes have been made by the Soviet or any
   other Government against any members of this group. (in Jules Deschenes,
   Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals, 1986, p. 252)
   Judge Deschenes concludes:
   It is an acknowledged fact that the members of the Division were volunteers who
   had enlisted in the spring and summer of 1943, essentially to combat the
   "Bolsheviks"; indeed, they were never used against Western allies. (Jules
   Deschenes, Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals, 1986, p. 255)
   Although as we have just seen "no specific charges of war crimes have been made by the Soviet or
   any other Government against any members of this group," Mr. Safer ventures to do what no one
   has done before - where angels fear to tread, Mr. Safer rushes in to lay a specific crime at the
   feet of the Galicia Division:
   SAFER: Thousands of Ukrainians joined the SS and marched off to fight for
   Naziism. In the process, they helped round up Lvov's Jews, helped march more
   than 140,000 of them to extinction - virtually every Jew in Lvov.
   However, the rounding up of Lviv's Jews was begun in 1941 and was largely completed in 1942, so
   that by 1943 when the Galicia Division was formed, there were not 140,000 Jews left in Lviv to
   round up. In truth, the Galicia Division never participated in the rounding up of Jews in Lviv
   or anywhere else. To repeat: the Galicia Division was a combat unit. More particularly, the
   Galicia Division saw action on only a single occasion - in facing the Soviets in the Battle of
   Brody in July 1944.
   Talk of the Galicia Division Induces Paralysis of the Comparative Function
   The broad topic of "Paralysis of the Comparative Function" is discussed within its own larger
   section below, but such a paralysis becomes evident in other places throughout this essay, as
   for example in discussions of the Galicia Division. In such discussions, the comparison - the
   elementary and obvious comparison - that is not made is that between the Ukrainian contribution
   to German armed forces of Waffen SS troops and the similar contribution made by other peoples.
   Below, I reproduce a quote from an interview by Slavko Nowytski of Professor Norman Davies,
   historian at the University of London, and author of the recent Europe: A History, published by
   Oxford University Press:
   In discussing the question of collaborating with Germany Prof. Davies noted
   that, "A large number of the volunteers for the Waffen SS came from Western
   Europe. The nation which supplied it the largest number of divisions was the
   Netherlands [four]. There were two Belgian divisions, there was a French
   Waffen SS. To my mind, it's rather surprising that Ukraine, which is a much
   larger country [than the Netherlands or Belgium] supplied only one Waffen SS
   Division.... It's surprising that there were so few Ukrainians [in the German
   Army]. Many people don't know, for example, that there were far more Russians
   fighting alongside the Wehrmacht or in the various German armies than there
   were Ukrainians.... Thanks to Soviet propaganda, the Russian contribution to
   the Nazi war effort has been forgotten, whereas the Ukrainian contribution has
   been remembered, I think, too strongly." (Andrew Gregorovich, Forum, No. 95,
   Spring, 1997, p. 34)
   And so the information in the above quotation leads to several questions:
   (1) As the population of The Netherlands is small, and as The Netherlands contributed the
   largest number of Waffen SS divisions, this gives The Netherlands the largest per capita
   contribution to the Waffen SS of any country. Would Mr. Safer conclude from this that the
   people of The Netherlands are the most anti-Semitic in the world? And following the same line
   of reasoning, would he conclude that the people of Belgium are the next most anti-Semitic? And
   also that as the population of France is approximately equal to the population of Ukraine, and
   as each of these contributed one Waffen SS division, that the French are approximately as
   anti-Semitic as the Ukrainians?
   (2) As Mr. Safer attacks the former members of the Galicia Division as war criminals, I wonder
   why he does not attack former members of The Netherlands, Belgium, and French Waffen SS
   divisions in the same way? Why does he single out the Galicia Division? How is the Galicia
   Division different from the other Waffen SS divisions?
   (3) If in comparison to several other countries, Ukraine contributed proportionately fewer
   numbers to the Waffen SS, or to any of the German armed forces, then why didn't Mr. Safer
   commend Ukrainians for their relatively small contribution to the German war effort?
   (4) It would have been instructive of Mr. Safer to inform 60 Minutes viewers whether the Waffen
   SS divisions of other countries were created under the same proviso that they not be used
   against the Western Allies, but only against the Soviets on the Eastern Front? Perhaps
   Ukrainians are to be commended again for limiting the role that their Waffen SS troops played
   within the German military.
   (5) Finally, given that Canada's Deschenes Commission on War Criminals failed to identify even a
   single member of the Galicia Division as calling for further investigation; and given that not a
   single member of the Division has ever been convicted of any crime, or even tried for any crime;
   and, most importantly, given that nobody has ever specified any crime of which the Galicia
   Division as a whole, or any member of the Galicia Division, might have been guilty - given all
   this, it would have been instructive of Mr. Safer to inform 60 Minutes viewers whether the
   Waffen SS divisions of The Netherlands, Belgium, and France have proven to be as free from blame
   as has the Ukrainian Galicia Division.
   Why Did Himmler Want a Waffen SS?
   If the Wehrmacht was the combat arm of the German forces, and Himmler's SS was dedicated to
   running the concentration camps, then why were there combat units within the SS? Why weren't
   non-German combat units such as the Galicia Division considered to be part of the Wehrmacht
   rather than part of the SS? The suspicion in the mind of the impartial observer might readily
   be that any unit that was considered part of the SS may in fact have performed some duties that
   were uniquely SS, and thus was more likely to be guilty of war crimes than a Wehrmacht unit.