usual; odd. * /Linguistics used to be an offbeat field, but nowadays
every self-respecting university has a linguistics department./
[off center] {adv. phr.} Not exactly in the middle. * /Mary hung
the picture off center, because it was more interesting that way./
[off-center] {adj.}, {informal} Different from the usual pattern;
not quite like most others; odd. * /Roger's sense of humor was a bit
off-center./ Compare: OFF-KEY.
[off-color] or [off-colored] {adj.} 1. Not of the proper hue or
shade; not matching a standard color sample. * /The librarian
complained that the painter had used an off-color green on the walls./
2. {informal} Not of the proper kind for polite society; in bad taste;
dirty. * /When Joe finished his off-color story, no one was pleased./
[off day] {n. phr.} A period when one is not functioning at his or
her best; a period of weakness. * /The champion was obviously having
an off day; otherwise she would have been able to defeat her
opponent./ Contrast: DAY OFF.
[off duty] {adj.} Not supposed to be at work; having free time; not
working. * /Sailors like to go sight-seeing, when they are off duty in
a foreign port./ * /It seems that all the taxis in New York are off
duty whenever it rains./ - Often used with hyphens, before a noun. *
/The bank robber was captured by an off-duty policeman./ Contrast: ON
[off feed] or [off one's feed] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Not feeling
well; lacking in vitality; droopy; moody. * /Mary was worried; her
canary was off feed./ * /Jerry seemed to be off his feed; he did not
joke and laugh with the others./
[off (one/he/she/it) goes!] {v. phr.} Said of a person, a vehicle,
or a memorable thing who/which has started leaving or moving, both as
a statement of fact (declarative assertion) or as a command
(imperative). * /When the boat hit the water in the formal launching
ceremony, they cried out simultaneously, "Off she goes!"/
[off guard] {adj.} In a careless attitude; not alert to coming
danger; not watching. * /In the second that the boxer was off guard,
his opponent landed a knockout punch./ * /Timmy s question caught Jean
off guard, and she told him the secret before she knew it./ Contrast:
[offhand] {adj.} 1. Informal; casual; careless. * /Dick found Bob's
offhand manner inappropriate for business./ 2. In an improvised
fashion. * /Offhand, I would guess that at least five thousand people
attended the festival./
[off in a flash] See: IN A FLASH.
[off-key] {adj.}, {informal} 1. Not proper; queer. * /When George
told jokes at the funeral, everyone thought his action was off-key./
2. In a false key. * /John always sings off-key./ Compare: OUT OF
[off limits] See: OUT OF BOUNDS.
[off one's back] {adj. phr.} 1. {informal} Stopped from bothering
one; removed as an annoyance or pest. * /"Having a kid brother always
following me is a nuisance," Mary told her mother. "Can't you get him
off my back?"/ * /The singer was so popular with teenagers that he
took a secret vacation, to keep them off his back./ Contrast: ON ONE'S
[off one's chest] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Told to someone and so
not bothering you anymore; not making you feel worried or upset,
because you have talked about it. * /After Dave told the principal
that he had cheated on the test, he was glad because it was off his
chest./ * /Father felt that Tom wasn't helping enough around the
house, so he got it off his chest by giving Tom a list of things to
do./ Compare: MAKE A CLEAN BREAST OF. Contrast: ON ONE'S CHEST.
[off one's hands] {adv. phr.} No longer in your care or possession.
* /Ginny was glad to have the sick dog taken off her hands by the
doctor./ Contrast: ON ONE'S HANDS.
[off one's head] {adj. phr.} Crazy; mad. * /We had no doubt that
the old man was off his head when we saw him jumping into the lake
with his winter coat on./
[off one's high horse] {adj. phr.}, {informal} 1. Not acting proud
and scornful; humble and agreeable. * /The girls were so kind to Nancy
after her mother died that she came down off her high horse and made
friends with them./ 2. Acting friendly again; not angry and unpleasant
any more; agreeable. * /Sally wouldn't speak to anyone all afternoon
because she couldn't go to the movies, but she's off her high horse
now./ Contrast: ON ONE'S HIGH HORSE.
[off one's nut] See: OFF ONE'S HEAD.
[off one's rocker] or [off one's trolley] {adj. phr.}, {informal}
Not thinking correctly; crazy; silly; foolish. * /Tom is off his
rocker if he thinks he can run faster than Bob can./ * /If you think
you can learn to figure skate in one lesson, you're off your trolley./
[off one's trolley] See: OFF ONE'S ROCKER.
[off season] See: LOW SEASON. Contrast: HIGH SEASON, ON SEASON.
[offshoot] {n.} A derivative; a side product. * /The discovery of
nuclear reactors was ah offshoot of research in quantum physics./
[off the air] {adj. phr.} Not broadcasting; observing radio
silence. * /The talk show is off the air on Wednesdays and Fridays./
[off the bat] See: RIGHT AWAY or RIGHT OFF THE BAT.
[off the beam] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. (Of an airplane) Not in the
radio beam that marks the path to follow between airports; flying in
the wrong direction. * /A radio signal tells the pilot of an airplane
when his plane is off the beam./ 2. {slang} Wrong; mistaken. * /Maud
was off the beam when she said that the girls didn't like her./
Contrast: ON THE BEAM.
[off the beaten track] {adv. phr.} Not well known or often used;
not gone to or seen by many people; unusual. * /The theater is off the
beaten track./ * /We are looking for a vacation spot that is off the
beaten track./ Compare: OUT OF THE WAY.
[off the cuff] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Without preparing ahead of
time what you will, say; without preparation. * /Some presidents like
to speak off the cuff to newspaper reporters but others prefer to
think questions over and write their answers./
[off-the-cuff] {adj.}, {informal} Not prepared ahead of time. -
Used of a speech or remarks. * /Jack was made master of ceremonies
because he was a good off-the-cuff speaker./
[off the ground] See: GET OFF THE GROUND.
[off the handle] See: FLY OFF THE HANDLE.
[off the hog] See: LIVE HIGH OFF THE HOG.
[off the hook] {adv. phr.} Out of trouble; out of an awkward or
embarrassing situation. * /Thelma found she had made two dates for the
same night; she asked Sally to get her off the hook by going out with
one of the boys./
[off the record(1)] {adv. phr.} Confidentially. * /"Off the
record," the boss said, "you will get a good raise for next year, but
you'll have to wait for the official letter."/ Contrast: ON RECORD, GO
[off the record(2)] {adj. phr.} Not to be published or told;
secret; confidential. * /The president told the reporters his remarks
were strictly off the record./ - Sometimes used with hyphens, before
the noun. * /The governor was angry when a newspaper printed his
off-the-record comments./
[off the top of one's head] {adv.} or {adj. phr.}, {informal}
Without thinking hard; quickly. * /Vin answered the teacher's question
off the top of his head./ * /When Lorraine was asked to recite, she
talked off the top of her head./
[off the wagon] {adj. phr.}, {slang} No longer refusing to drink
whiskey or other alcoholic beverages; drinking liquor again, after
stopping for a while. * /When a heavy drinker quits he must really
quit. One little drink of whiskey is enough to drive him off the
wagon./ Contrast: ON THE WAGON.
[off the wall] {adj. phr.} Strange; out of the ordinary; stupid. *
/He has been making off-the-wall remarks all day; something must he
the matter with him./
[of it] See: WHAT OF IT.
[of late] {adv. phr.}, {formal} In the recent past; not long ago; a
short time ago; lately; recently. * /There have been too many high
school dropouts of late./
[of necessity] {adv. phr.} Because there is no other way; because
it must be; necessarily. * /Being a professional actor of necessity
means working nights and Sundays./
[of no avail] See: TO NO AVAIL.
[of old(1)] {adj. phr.} Of ancient times; of long ago. * /Knights
of old had to wear armor in battle./
[of old(2)] {adv. phr.} From earlier experience. * /You won't get
any money from Freddie. I know him of old./
[of oneself] See: GIVE OF ONESELF.
[of one's life] {adj. phr.} The best or worst; greatest. - Usually
describing a time or effort. * /At Disneyland, Tommy had the time of
his life./ * /His race for the presidency was the political fight of
his life./
[of one's own accord] or [of one's own free will] {adv. phr.}
Without suggestion or help from anyone else; without being told;
voluntarily. * /On her mother's birthday, Betsy did the dishes of her
own accord./ * /But Johnny hates baths. I can't believe he would take
one of his own free will./
[of one's own free will] See: OF ONE'S OWN ACCORD.
[of service] {adj. phr.} Valuable as a source of aid; helpful;
useful. * /When a visitor seems lost or confused, the courteous
student will ask "May I be of service?"/ * /A good jackknife is often
of service to a camper./
[of sorts] or [of a sort] {adj. phr.} Not especially good; not very
good; of common quality. * /Joel was a magician of sorts, and popular
at parties./
[of the first water] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Of the finest quality;
superior; very good; best. * /The jeweler chose diamonds of the first
water for the queen's crown./ * /The dance program at graduation was
of the first water./ Compare: FIRST-CLASS.
[of the same mind] {adv. phr.} In agreement; in consonance. * /It
is a good thing when father and son are of the same mind regarding
business and politics./
[oil the wheels] See: GREASE THE WHEELS.
[ointment] See: PLY IN THE OINTMENT.
[old as the hills] {adj. phr.} Very old; ancient. * /"Why didn't
you laugh?" she asked. "Because that joke is as old as the hills," he
[old boy network] {n. phr.} A system whereby men who went to the
same school help each other to get good jobs, regardless of their
ability or training. * /Peter got his lucrative job thanks to the old
boy network rather than because of his qualifications./ Compare: OLD
[old boy] or [old chap] {n.}, {chiefly British} One of the men
educated at the same institution and bound by strong ties of loyalty
to each other. * /He got the job because the boss was another old
[old college try] {n. phr.} An attempt to win a favor from another
by mentioning the fact that one had gone to the same college or
university as the party from whom the favor is requested. * /Since he
needed a job, he decided to use the old college try when he contacted
Jerry, but it didn't work./ Compare: OLD BOY NETWORK.
[old country] {n. phr.} Primarily Europe, but also any country
other than the United States where one originally came from. * /Al's
wife was born in Chicago but Al himself is from the old country,
[old flame] {n. phr.} An erstwhile lover. * /Did you know that Meg
was one of Howard's old flames?/
[old guard] {n. phr.} People whose ideas may be out of date, but
who have been in power for a long time. * /There will not be any
change in policy at the company, as long as the old guard still works
[old hand] {n. phr.} An experienced and highly skilled expert at
some particular job. * /Uncle Joe is an old hand at repairing car
[old hat] {adj.}, {informal} Old-fashioned; not new or different. *
/By now, putting satellites in orbit is old hat to space scientists./
* /Andrea thought her mother's ideas about dating were old hat./
[old maid] {n. phr.} A spinster; a woman who has never married. *
/Because my old maid aunt is a terrific cook as well as a good-looking
woman, nobody understands why she never married./
[old money] Contrast: NEW MONEY.
[old school tie] See: OLD BOY NETWORK, OLD COLLEGE TRY.
[old story] {n.} An everyday occurrence; something that often
happens. * /Jane's temper tantrums were an old story./ * /It's an old
story when a woman divorces her husband for too much drinking./
[old-timer] {n.} An old person who remembers bygone days, matters,
and personalities. * /There was an old-timer at the party who told us
interesting details about World War II./ Contrast: OLD GUARD, OLD
[old world] {n. phr.} Europe, the continent; a continental manner.
* /Tom had an old world manner that thoroughly charmed all the
ladies./ Compare: OLD COUNTRY.
[olive branch] {n. phr.} An overture; a symbol of peace. * /Tired
of the constant fighting, the majority government extended an olive
branch to the militant minority./
[on account] {adv. phr.} As part payment of a debt; to lessen the
amount owed. * /John paid $10 down and $5 on account each month for
his bicycle./
[on account of] {prep.} As a result of; because of. * /The picnic
was held in the gym on account of the rain./ Compare: ON ONE'S
[on a dime] {adv. phr.}, {informal} In a very small space. * /Bob
can turn that car on a dime./ * /Tom says his new sports car will stop
on a dime./
[on-again, off-again] See: OFF-AGAIN, ON-AGAIN.
[on air] See: WALK ON AIR.
[on a limb] See: OUT ON A LIMB.
[on all four] See: HIT ON ALL FOUR.
[on all fours] {adv. phr.} 1. On all four legs; on hands and knees.
* /Fido sat up to "beg" but dropped down on all fours to eat the dog
biscuit Sam gave him./ * /Billy's father got down on all fours and
gave the baby a ride./ 2. {informal} On a level of equality; of the
same value. * /Wigs may be widely used, but they are still not on all
fours with beautiful natural hair./
[on an average] or [on the average] {adv. phr.} In most cases;
usually. * /On an average Dan's mother has to ask him three times
before he helps with the dishes./ * /On the average, Mr. Blank trades
in his car for a new one every three years./
[on and off] See: OFF AND ON.
[on an even keel] {adv. phr,}, {informal} In a well-ordered way or
condition; orderly. * /When the football rally seemed almost ready to
become a riot, the principal stepped to the platform and got things
back on an even keel./
[on a pedestal] {adv. phr.} Lovingly honored and cared for. * /Mrs.
Raymond's children served her breakfast in bed on Mother's Day and
later took her out to dinner. She felt on a pedestal./ * /Bill is
always waiting on his fiancee and bringing her flowers and candy. He
has certainly put her on a pedestal./
[on approval] {adv. phr.} With the understanding that the thing may
be refused. * /Mr. Grey bought his camera on approval./ * /The company
offered to send a package of stamps on approval./
[on a scratched horse] See: PUT ONE'S MONEY ON A SCRATCHED HORSE.
[on a shoestring] {adv. phr.} With little money to spend; on a very
low budget. * /The couple was seeing Europe on a shoestring./
[on a volcano] See: SIT ON A VOLCANO.
[on behalf of] See: IN BEHALF OP.
[on board(1)] {prep.} On (a ship). * /Joan was not on board the
ship when it sailed./
[on board(2)] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} On a ship. * /The captain was
not on board when the S.S. Flandre sailed./ * /A ship was leaving the
harbor, and we saw the people on board waving./
[on borrowed time] See: LIVE ON BORROWED TIME.
[on call] {adj. phr.} 1. Having to be paid on demand. * /Jim didn't
have the money ready even though he knew the bill was on call./ 2.
Ready and available. * /This is Dr. Kent's day to be on call at the
hospital./ * /The nurse is on call for emergency cases./
[once and for all] {adv. phr.} 1. One time and never again; without
any doubt; surely; certainly; definitely. * /Let me say, for once and
for all, you may not go to the party Saturday./ * /For once and for
all, I will not go swimming with you./ 2. Permanently. * /Bill and Tom
asked the teacher to settle the argument once and for all./ * /The
general decided that two bombs would destroy the enemy and end the war
once and for all./
[once bitten, twice shy] See: BURNT CHILD DREADS THE FIRE.
[once for all] See: ONCE AND FOR ALL.
[once in a blue moon] {adv. phr.} Very rarely; very seldom; almost
never. * /Coin collecting is interesting, hut you find a valuable coin
only once in a blue moon./ * /Once in a blue moon someone grows a very
pale marigold, but no truly white marigolds have been raised./
[once in a while] {adv. phr.} Not often; not regularly; sometimes;
occasionally. * /We go for a picnic in the park once in a while./ *
/Once in a while the puppy would run away, but usually he stayed in
[once-over] {n.}, {slang} 1. A quick look; a swift examination of
someone or something. - Usually used with "give" or "get". * /The new
boy got the once-over from the rest of the class when he came in./ *
/Bob gave his paper the once-over before handing it in./ 2. or
[once-over-lightly] A quick or careless job, especially of cleaning or
straightening; work done hastily for now. * /Ann gave her room a quick
once-over-lightty with the broom and dust cloth./ * /"Just give my
hair the once-over," Al said to the barber./ Compare: LICK AND A
[once upon a time] {adv. phr.} Sometime before now, long ago. *
/Once upon a time she was thought to be the most talented actress in
the country./ - Often used at the beginning of fairy stories. * /Once
upon a time there lived a king who had an ugly daughter./
[on cloud nine] {adj. phr.}, {slang} Too happy to think of anything
else; very happy. * /Ada has been on cloud nine since the magazine
printed the story she wrote./ * /We were on cloud nine when our team
won the state championship./ Compare: ON TOP OF THE WORLD, WALK ON
[on condition that] {conj.} Providing that; if. * /I will lend you
the money on condition that you pay it back in one month./ * /She
agreed to act in the play on condition that she could keep her
[on deck] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. On a floor of a ship open to the
outdoors. * /The passengers were playing shufflehoard on deck./ * /The
sailors kept busy cleaning and painting on deck./ 2. {informal} Ready
to do something; present. * /The scout leader told the boys to be on
deck at 8:00 Saturday morning for the hike./ * /Dick was at bat, and
Bob was on deck./
[on deposit] {adv. phr.} In a bank. * /I have almost $500 on
deposit in my account./ * /The children save their pennies and each
month place them on deposit./
[on duty] {adj. phr.} Doing one's job; supervising. * /Two soldiers
are on duty guarding the gates./ * /There is always one teacher on
duty during study hour./ Contrast: OFF DUTY.
[one and the same] {adj. phr.} The same; identical. * /Erle Stanley
Gardner and A.A. Fair are one and the same person./ * /The spider lily
and the Peruvian Daffodil are one and the same./
[one-armed bandit] {n.}, {slang} A slot machine, like those used in
Las Vegas and other gambling places. * /Joe was playing the one-armed
bandit all day - and he lost everything he had./
[on earth] See: IN THE WORLD.
[on easy street] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Having enough money to
live very comfortably; rather rich. * /After years of hard work, the
Grants found themselves on easy street./ * /Jim's novel was a success
and put him on easy street./ Compare: IN CLOVER, IN THE CHIPS,
[one damn thing after another] or [ODTAA] (pronounced owed-tay) {n.
phr.} If there is one problem, there will be more. * /First I lost my
wallet, then a kid broke the window, and, lastly, my car refused to
start. It was just one damn thing after another!/ Compare: IF IT'S NOT
[on edge] {adj. phr.} Excited or nervous; impatient. * /The
magician kept the children on edge all through his show./ * /We were
all on edge as we listened to the TV for news of the election
results./ * /Father was on edge after driving home through the heavy
holiday traffic./ See: SET ONE'S TEETH ON EDGE. Contrast: AT EASE(2).
[one eye on] {informal} Watching or minding (a person or thing)
while doing something else; part of your attention on. - Used after
"have", "keep", or "with". * /Jane had one eye on the baby as she
ironed./ * /Bill kept one eye on his books and the other on the
clock./ * /Chris tried to study with one eye on the TV set./ Compare:
[one foot in the grave] {n. phr.} Near to death. * /The dog is
fourteen years old, blind, and feeble. He has one foot in the grave./
* /Grandfather has never been sick a day in his life, but Mother cares
for him as if he had one foot in the grave./
[one for the books] {n, phr.}, {informal} Very unusual; a
remarkable something. * /The newspaper reporter fumed in a story that
was one for the books./ * /Their trip through the Rocky Mountains was
one for the books./
[one-horse] {adj. phr.} Insignificant; modest; provincial. *
/Arnold's business is a one-horse operation; he never had a single
[one man's meat is another man's poison] What is good for one
person is not necessarily good for another. - A proverb, * /Even
though Jeff likes to swim in ice cold water, his brother Tun hates it.
This is understandable, however, because one's man's meat is another
[on end] {adj. phr.} Seemingly endless. - Used with plural nouns of
time. * /Judy spent hours on end writing and rewriting her essay./ *
/During July and August there was no rain for weeks on end./
[one-night stand] {n. phr.} 1. A single performance given by a
traveling company while on a tour. * /After they went bankrupt in the
big cities, the traveling jazz quartet played one-night stands in the
country./ 2. A brief affair or sexual encounter. * /"With AIDS all
around us?" said Jane. "Nobody is having one-night stands anymore."/
[one of these days] or [some of these days] {adv. phr.} Someday;
sometime soon. * /One of these days Herbert will be famous./ * /I'm
going to do that sewing some of these days./
[one on the city] {n.}, {slang} A glass of water (which is provided
free of charge, as a free gift from the city). * /What will you have?
- Oh, just give me one on the city./
[one's money's worth] {n. phr.} A fair return on one's money spent
or invested. * /I wouldn't say that the trip was a great bargain, but
I feel that we got our money's worth./
[one's own row] See: HOE ONE'S OWN ROW.
[one-two] {n.} 1. A succession of two punches, the first a short
left, followed by a hard right punch, usually in the jaw. * /Ali gave
Frazir the one-two./ 2. Any quick or decisive action which takes the
opposition by surprise, thereby ensuring victory. * /He gave us the
old one-two and won the game./
[one up] {adj. phr.} Having an advantage; being one step ahead, *
/John graduated from high school; he is one up on Bob, who dropped
out./ * /The Platters are one up on their neighbors. They own the only
color television set in their neighborhood./
[one-upmanship] {v.}, {informal} Always keeping ahead of others;
trying to keep an advantage. * /No matter what I do, I find that Jim
has already done it better. He's an expert at one-upmanship./ * /Jack
took the news to the principal while we were still talking about it.
He's very quick to practice one-upmanship./ Compare: ONE UP. (The word
one-upmanship was made up by a British humorist, Stephen Potter, on
the pattern of such words as sportsmanship and workmanship.)
[on faith] {adv. phr.} Without question or proof. * /He said he was
twenty-one years old and the employment agency took him on faith./ *
/He looked so honest that we accepted his story on faith./
[on file] {adv. phr.} Placed in a written or electronic file; on
record. * /We are sorry we cannot hire you right now but we will keep
your application on file./
[on fire] See: SET THE WORLD ON FIRE.
[on foot] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. By walking. * /Sally's bicycle
broke and she had to return home on foot./ 2. Being planned. * /The
reporter said that a civil rights demonstration was on foot./ * /Plans
have been set on foot for a party for Miss Jackson, because she is
[on guard] {adj. phr.} Watchful; watching. * /The police warned
people to he on guard for pickpockets during the Christmas rush./ *
/Two men are on guard at the door./ Contrast: OFF GUARD.
[on hand] {adv. phr.} 1a. Nearby; within reach. * /Always have your
dictionary on hand when you study./ 1b. Here. * /Soon school will end
and vacation will be on hand./ 2. Present. * /Mr. Blake's secretary is
always on hand when he appears in public./ 3. In your possession;
ready. * /The Girl Scouts have plenty of cookies on hand./ * /Tim had
no cash on hand to pay for the gas./ Compare: IN STORE.
[on high cotton] See: ON TOP OF THE WORLD also SITTING ON HIGH
[on hold] {adv. phr.} 1. Left waiting while making a telephone
call. * /"Sorry sir," the secretary said, "I'll have to put you on
hold for a minute."/ 2. Waiting; temporarily halted. * /"Put your
marriage plans on hold, son, and wait until after graduation," his
father said seriously./
[on ice] {adv.} or {adj. phr.}, {slang} 1. The same as won; sure to
be won. * /The score was 20-10 in the last inning, and our team had
the game on ice./ 2. Away for safekeeping or later use; aside. * /You
will have to put your vacation plans on ice until your debts are
paid./ * /The senator was voted out of office. He is on ice until the
next election./
[on in years] See: ALONG IN YEARS.
[onion] See: KNOW ONE'S WAY AROUND(2).
[on occasion] {adv. phr.} Sometimes; occasionally. * /We go to New
York on occasion./ * /On occasion we feel like celebrating and have a
[on one hand] {adv. phr.} Looking at a thing in one of two possible
ways; from one point of view. - Usually used with "on the other hand".
* /John wants to be a printer or a teacher; on one hand, printing pays
better; on the other hand, schools need good teachers./
[on one's account] {adv. phr.} For your good; because you want to
help or please someone. * /Barry studied hard on his mother's
account./ * /I hope you didn't bring tea to the picnic just on my
account./ * /The teacher stayed in school a little late on Tom's
account./ Compare: OF ONE'S OWN ACCORD, ON ACCOUNT OF.
[on one's back] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Making insistent demands of
you; being an annoyance or bother. * /My wife has been on my back for
weeks to fix the front door screen./ * /I can't get any work done with
the children on my back from morning until night./ * /Jim could do a
better job if his boss weren't on his back so often./ Contrast: OFF
[on one's bad side] or [on the bad side of one] {adj. phr.},
{informal} Not liked by someone; not friendly with a person. *
/Sally's boyfriend got on Father's bad side by keeping Sally out too
late after the dance./ Contrast: ON ONE'S GOOD SIDE.
[on one's behalf] See: ON BEHALF OF.
[on one's chest] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Hidden in your thoughts or
feelings and bothering you; making you feel worried or upset; that is
something you want to talk to someone about. * /Jane looks unhappy
because she has the quarrel with Susan on her chest./ * /"Well, Dave,"
said the coach, "You look sad - what's on your chest?"/ Compare: ON
[on one's coattails] {adv. phr.} Because of another's merits,
success, or popularity. * /Bob and Jim are best friends. When Jim was
invited to join a fraternity, Bob rode in on his coattails./ * /Many
people vote straight for all the candidates in the same political
party. Most people voted for President K., so Governor B. rode in on
K.'s coattails./
[on oneself] See: TAKE ON ONESELF.
[on one's feet] {adv. phr.} 1. Standing or walking; not sitting or
lying down; up. * /Before the teacher finished asking the question,
George was on his feet ready to answer it./ * /In a busy gasoline
station, the attendant is on his feet all day./ Compare: TO ONE'S
FEET. Contrast: OFF ONE'S FEET. 2. Recovering; getting better from
sickness or trouble. * /Jack is back on his feet after a long
illness./ * /Susan was on her feet soon after the operation./ * /The
bank loaned the store money to get it back on its feet after the
[on one's good behavior] {adv. phr.} Behaving right to make a good
impression. * /While his father was around the boy was on his good
behavior, but when the father left the boy soon got into mischief./ *
/The minister is coming to dinner, and Mother wants us to be on our
good behavior./
[on one's good side] or [on the good side of one] {adj. phr.},
{informal} Friendly with someone; liked by a person. * /John thought
that he would get a good grade if he got on the good side of the
teacher./ * /Successful workers stay on the good side of their
bosses./ Contrast: ON ONE'S BAD SIDE.
[on one's hands] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} In your care or
responsibility; that you must do something about. * /Mrs. Blake left
her five children with me while she shopped. I could not get anything
done with the children on my hands./ * /After everyone bought tickets
to the dance, the club treasurer had over $100 on his hands./ * /The
electricity went off while Mother was cooking supper, and she had a
problem on her hands./ * /I had time on my hands before the bus came,
so I bought a newspaper to read./ Contrast: OFF ONE'S HANDS. See: SIT
[on one's head] or [upon one's head] {adv. phr.} On one's self. *
/When the school board fired the superintendent of schools, they
brought the anger of the parents upon their heads./ * /Billy had been
naughty all day, but he really brought his parents' anger down on his
head by pushing his little sister into a mud puddle./ Compare: ABOUT
[on one's heel] See: TURN ON ONE'S HEEL.
[on one's high horse] {adj. phr.}, {informal} 1. Acting as if you
are better than others; being very proud and scornful. * /Martha was
chairman of the picnic committee, and at the picnic she was on her
high horse, telling everyone what to do./ * /Mrs. Jones asked to see a
less expensive hat. The salesgirl got up on her high horse and said
the shop did not sell cheap merchandise./ 2. Refusing to be friendly
because you are angry; in a bad temper. * /Joe was on his high horse
because he felt Mary wasn't giving him enough attention./ Contrast:
[on one's honor] {adj. phr.} Bound by one's honesty; trusted. *
/The students were not supervised during the examination. They were on
their honor not to cheat./ * /The house father put the boys on their
honor not to smoke in the dormitory./
[on one's knees] {adj. phr.} 1. Pleading; begging very hard. * /The
boys were on their knees for hours before their parents agreed to
their camping plans./ * /The Jacksons won't contribute to the Red
Cross unless you get on your knees./ 2. In a very weak condition; near
failure. * /When the graduates of the school heard that it was on its
knees they gave money generously so that it would not close./
[on one's last legs] {adj. phr.} Failing; near the end. * /The
blacksmith's business is on its last legs./ * /The dog is old and
sick. He is on his last legs./ Compare: ONE FOOT IN THE GRAVE, ON
[on one's mind] {adv. phr.} In one's thoughts. * /I'm glad you want
to talk about this. It's been on my mind for weeks./ * /What's on your
mind?/ Compare: IN MIND.
[on one's nerves] See: GET ON ONE'S NERVES.
[on one's own] {adj. phr.} With no help from others. * /It is a
happy day when you're allowed to drive a car on your own./ * /Being on
your own may be a frightening experience./ Compare: GO IT(2).
[on one's own account] or {informal} [on one's own hook] {adv.
phr.} 1. For yourself; as a free agent; independently. * /After they
had picked out the class gift, members of the committee did some
shopping on their own account./ 2. See: OF ONE'S OWN ACCORD.
[on one's own feet] See: STAND ON ONE'S OWN FEET.
[on one's own hook] See: ON ONE'S OWN ACCOUNT.
[on one's own time] {adv. phr.} During one's free time; not during
working or school hours. * /If you want to play football, you'll have
to do it on your own time./
[on one's part] or [on the part of one] {adj. phr.} 1. Of or by
you; of someone's. * /When Miss Brown said I was a good student, that
was pure kindness on her part./ * /The other team blamed their defeat
on unfairness on the part of the referee./ 2. See: FOR ONE'S PART.
[on one's shoulders] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} In your care; as your
responsibility. * /The success of the program rests on your
shoulders./ * /He acts as if he had the cares of the world on his
[on one's toes] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Alert; ready to act. * /The
successful ball player is always on his toes./ Compare: HEADS-UP, ON
[on one's uppers] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Very poor. * /Mr. White
had been out of work for several months and was on his uppers./
[on one's way] See: ON THE WAY.
[on pain of] also [under pain of] {prep.}, {formal} At the risk of;
under penalty of. * /The workers went on strike on pain of losing
their jobs./ * /The rebels had to swear under pain of death never to
confess where their comrades were hiding./
[on paper] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} Judging by appearances only and
not by past performance; in theory; theoretically. * /On paper, the
American colonies should have lost the Revolutionary War./ * /The
football team lost many games, even though they looked good on paper./
[on pins and needles] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Worried; nervous. *
/Jane's mother was on pins and needles because Jane was very late
getting home from school./ * /Many famous actors are on pins and
needles before the curtain opens for a play./
[on purpose] {adv. phr.} For a reason; because you want to; not
accidentally. * /Jane did not forget her coat; she left it in the
locker on purpose./ * /The clown fell down on purpose./
[on record] {adj. phr.} 1. An official or recorded statement or
fact; said for everyone to know. * /We do not know when the famous
writer was born, but the date of his death is on record./ * /The two
candidates went on television to put their ideas on record./ 2. Known
to have said or done a certain thing. - Usually used with "as". * /The
mayor went on record as opposing a tax raise./ * /The governor is on
record as favoring the new highway./ * /That congressman is on record
as an enemy of waste in government./ Contrast: OFF THE RECORD.
[on sale] {adj. phr.} Selling for a special low price. * /Tomato
soup that is usually sold for sixty cents a can is now on sale for
fifty cents./ * /John and Mary couldn't sell all of the lemonade at
twenty cents a cup so they have it on sale for ten cents a cup./
[on schedule(1)] {adv. phr.} As planned or expected; at the right
time. * /The school bus arrived at school on schedule./ * /The four
seasons arrive on schedule each year./ Compare: ON TIME.
[on schedule(2)] {adj. phr.} Punctual; as planned. * /The new
airline claims to have more on schedule arrivals than the
[on season] See: HIGH SEASON. Contrast: OFF SEASON.
[on second thought] See: SECOND THOUGHT.
[on sight] See: AT SIGHT.
[on table] See: WAIT AT TABLE or WAIT ON TABLE.
[on the air] {adj.} or {adv. phr.} Broadcasting or being broadcast
on radio or TV. * /His show is on the air at six o'clock./ * /The ball
game is on the air now./
[on the alert] {adj. phr.} Alert; watchful; careful. * /Campers
must be on the alert for poison ivy and poison oak./ * /Drivers must
be on the alert for traffic signals./ Compare: ON ONE'S TOES.
[on the average] See: ON AN AVERAGE.
[on the back] See: PAT ON THE BACK.
[on the ball] {adj. phr.}, {informal} 1. Paying attention and doing
things well. - Used after "is" or "get". * /Ben is really on the ball
in school./ * /The coach told Jim he must get on the ball or he cannot
stay on the team./ Compare: GET WITH IT, HEADS-UP, KEEP ONE'S EYE ON
THE BALL. 2. That is a skill or ability; making you good at things. -
Used after "have". * /John will succeed in life; he has a lot on the
ball./ * /The coach was eager to try out his new team and see what
they had on the ball./
[on the bandwagon] {adj. phr.}, {informal} In or into the newest
popular group or activity; in or into something you join just because
many others are joining it. - Often used after "climb", "get", or
"jump". * /When all George's friends decided to vote for Bill, George
climbed on the bandwagon too./ See: JUMP ON THE BANDWAGON.
[on the barrelhead] See: CASH ON THE BARRELHEAD.
[on the beam] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. (Of an airplane) In the
radio beam that marks the path to follow between airports; flying in
the right direction. * /A radio signal tells the pilot of an airplane
when he is flying on the beam./ 2. {slang} Doing well; just right;
good or correct. * /Kenneth's answer was right on the beam./ Contrast:
[on the bench] 1. Sitting in a law court as a judge. * /Judge
Wyzanski is on the bench this morning./ 2. Sitting among the
substitute players. * /The coach had to keep his star player on the
bench with a sprained ankle./ Compare: BENCH WARMER.
[on the blink] {adj. phr.} Faulty; malfunctioning; inoperative. *
/I need to call a competent repairman because my computer is on the
blink again./
[on the block] {adj. phr.} To be sold; for sale. * /The vacant
house was on the block./ * /Young cattle are grown and sent to market
to be placed on the block./
[on the brain] {adj. phr.}, {slang} Filling your thoughts; too much
thought about; almost always in mind. * /Mary Ann has boys on the
brain./ * /Joe's hobby is ham radio and he has radio on the brain most
of the time./
[on the brink of] {adv. phr.} Facing a new event that's about to
happen. * /"I am on the brink of a new discovery," our physics
professor proudly announced./
[on the button] {adv., adj.}, {slang} At the right place; at the
heart of the matter. * /John's remark was right on the button./
Compare: ON THE DOT.
[on the cards] See: IN THE CARDS.
[on the carpet] See: CALL ON THE CARPET.
[on the cheap] {adv. phr.} Inexpensively; on a tight budget. * /She
buys most of her clothes on the cheap in secondhand stores./
[on the chin] See: TAKE IT ON THE CHIN.
[on the contrary] {adv. phr.} Exactly the opposite; rather;
instead. * /The principal thought that the children went to the zoo;
on the contrary, they went to the bakery./ * /"You don't like
football, do you?" "On the contrary, I like it very much."/ Compare:
[on the cuff] {adj.} or {adv. phr.}, {informal} Agreeing to pay
later; to be paid for later; on credit. * /Peter lost the money that
Mother gave him to buy meat, and the store would not let him have meat
on the cuff./ * /Many people buy cars and television sets on the
[on the dole] {adv. phr.} Drawing unemployment benefits. * /When
Jim lost his job he got on the dole and is still on it./
[on the dot] also [on the button] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Exactly
on time; not early and not late. * /Susan arrived at the party at 2:00
P.M. on the dot./ * /Ben's plane arrived on the dot./
[on the double!] {adv. phr.} Hurry up! * /"Let's go! On the
double!" the pilot cried, as he started up the engine of the small
[on the eve of] {prep.} Just before (an event). * /On the eve of
the election, the president proposed a plan to cut taxes./
[on the face of it] {adv. phr.} Apparently; as it seems. * /On the
face of it, Joe's claim that he can swim five miles is true./ * /His
statement that he is a millionaire is, on the face of it, false./
[on the fence] {adj.} or {adv. phr.} Not able, or not wanting to
choose; in doubt; undecided. - Often used with "sit". * /Jack sat on
the fence for a week last spring before he finally joined the track
team instead of the baseball team./ * /Mrs. Jones has decided to vote
for the Democrats, but Mr. Jones is still on the fence./ See:
[on the fly(1)] {adv. phr.} 1. While in the air; in flight. * /The
bird caught a bug on the fly./ * /Joe was called out because the
catcher caught the ball on the fly./ 2. {informal} Between other
activities; while busy with many things. * /The president was so busy
that he had to dictate letters on the fly./ * /John is very busy, and
people who want to talk to him have to catch him on the fly./ Compare:
[on the fly(2)] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Busy; going somewhere in a
hurry; going about doing things. * /Getting the house ready for the
visitors kept Mother on the fly all day./ * /The housekeeper of our
school is always on the fly./
[on the go] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Active and busy. * /Successful
businessmen are on the go most of the time./ * /Healthy, happy people
are usually on the go./ Compare: ON THE MOVE.
[on the heels of] {prep.} Just after; following (something,
especially an event). - Often used with "hard" for emphasis. * /Hard
on the heels of the women's liberation parade, homosexuals declared a
"gay pride week."/
[on the hour] {adv. phr.} Each time the hour has zero minutes and
zero seconds. * /The uptown bus goes past the school on the hour./ *
/The woman must take her pill on the hour./
[on the house] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Paid for by the owner. * /At
the opening of the new hotel, the champagne was on the house./ *
/Oscar was the first customer at the diner, so his lunch was on the
[on the increase] See: ON THE WAX. Contrast: ON THE DECREASE, ON
[on the job] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Working hard; not wasting
time. * /Joe was on the job all of the time that he was at work./ *
/The school paper came out on time because the editors were on the
[on the knees of the gods] See: IN THE LAP OF THE GODS.
[on the lam] {adj.} or {adv. phr.}, {slang} Running away,
especially from the law; in flight. * /The bank robber was on the lam
for ten months before the police caught him./ - Sometimes used in the
phrase "take it on the lam". * /After a big quarrel with her father,
the girl took it on the lam./
[on the level] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Honest and fair; telling the
whole truth. * /Our teacher respects the students who are on the level
with her./ * /Joyce wondered if the fortune-teller was on the level./
[on the line] See: LAY ON THE LINE or PUT ON THE LINE.
[on the lookout] {adj. phr.} Watching closely. * /The little boy
was on the lookout for his father./ * /Forest rangers are always on
the lookout for forest fires./ * /The doctor is on the lookout for a
new secretary./
[on the loose] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Free to go; not shut in or
stopped by anything. * /The zookeeper forgot to close the gate to the
monkey cage and the monkeys were on the loose./ * /All of the seniors
were on the loose on "Senior Skip Day."/
[on the make] {adj.}, {slang} 1. Promiscuous or aggressive in one's
sexual advances. * /I can't stand Murray; he's always on the make./ 2.
Pushing to get ahead in one's career; doing anything to succeed. *
/The new department head is a young man on the make, who expects to be
company president in ten years./
[on the map] See: PUT ON THE MAP.
every self-respecting university has a linguistics department./
[off center] {adv. phr.} Not exactly in the middle. * /Mary hung
the picture off center, because it was more interesting that way./
[off-center] {adj.}, {informal} Different from the usual pattern;
not quite like most others; odd. * /Roger's sense of humor was a bit
off-center./ Compare: OFF-KEY.
[off-color] or [off-colored] {adj.} 1. Not of the proper hue or
shade; not matching a standard color sample. * /The librarian
complained that the painter had used an off-color green on the walls./
2. {informal} Not of the proper kind for polite society; in bad taste;
dirty. * /When Joe finished his off-color story, no one was pleased./
[off day] {n. phr.} A period when one is not functioning at his or
her best; a period of weakness. * /The champion was obviously having
an off day; otherwise she would have been able to defeat her
opponent./ Contrast: DAY OFF.
[off duty] {adj.} Not supposed to be at work; having free time; not
working. * /Sailors like to go sight-seeing, when they are off duty in
a foreign port./ * /It seems that all the taxis in New York are off
duty whenever it rains./ - Often used with hyphens, before a noun. *
/The bank robber was captured by an off-duty policeman./ Contrast: ON
[off feed] or [off one's feed] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Not feeling
well; lacking in vitality; droopy; moody. * /Mary was worried; her
canary was off feed./ * /Jerry seemed to be off his feed; he did not
joke and laugh with the others./
[off (one/he/she/it) goes!] {v. phr.} Said of a person, a vehicle,
or a memorable thing who/which has started leaving or moving, both as
a statement of fact (declarative assertion) or as a command
(imperative). * /When the boat hit the water in the formal launching
ceremony, they cried out simultaneously, "Off she goes!"/
[off guard] {adj.} In a careless attitude; not alert to coming
danger; not watching. * /In the second that the boxer was off guard,
his opponent landed a knockout punch./ * /Timmy s question caught Jean
off guard, and she told him the secret before she knew it./ Contrast:
[offhand] {adj.} 1. Informal; casual; careless. * /Dick found Bob's
offhand manner inappropriate for business./ 2. In an improvised
fashion. * /Offhand, I would guess that at least five thousand people
attended the festival./
[off in a flash] See: IN A FLASH.
[off-key] {adj.}, {informal} 1. Not proper; queer. * /When George
told jokes at the funeral, everyone thought his action was off-key./
2. In a false key. * /John always sings off-key./ Compare: OUT OF
[off limits] See: OUT OF BOUNDS.
[off one's back] {adj. phr.} 1. {informal} Stopped from bothering
one; removed as an annoyance or pest. * /"Having a kid brother always
following me is a nuisance," Mary told her mother. "Can't you get him
off my back?"/ * /The singer was so popular with teenagers that he
took a secret vacation, to keep them off his back./ Contrast: ON ONE'S
[off one's chest] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Told to someone and so
not bothering you anymore; not making you feel worried or upset,
because you have talked about it. * /After Dave told the principal
that he had cheated on the test, he was glad because it was off his
chest./ * /Father felt that Tom wasn't helping enough around the
house, so he got it off his chest by giving Tom a list of things to
do./ Compare: MAKE A CLEAN BREAST OF. Contrast: ON ONE'S CHEST.
[off one's hands] {adv. phr.} No longer in your care or possession.
* /Ginny was glad to have the sick dog taken off her hands by the
doctor./ Contrast: ON ONE'S HANDS.
[off one's head] {adj. phr.} Crazy; mad. * /We had no doubt that
the old man was off his head when we saw him jumping into the lake
with his winter coat on./
[off one's high horse] {adj. phr.}, {informal} 1. Not acting proud
and scornful; humble and agreeable. * /The girls were so kind to Nancy
after her mother died that she came down off her high horse and made
friends with them./ 2. Acting friendly again; not angry and unpleasant
any more; agreeable. * /Sally wouldn't speak to anyone all afternoon
because she couldn't go to the movies, but she's off her high horse
now./ Contrast: ON ONE'S HIGH HORSE.
[off one's nut] See: OFF ONE'S HEAD.
[off one's rocker] or [off one's trolley] {adj. phr.}, {informal}
Not thinking correctly; crazy; silly; foolish. * /Tom is off his
rocker if he thinks he can run faster than Bob can./ * /If you think
you can learn to figure skate in one lesson, you're off your trolley./
[off one's trolley] See: OFF ONE'S ROCKER.
[off season] See: LOW SEASON. Contrast: HIGH SEASON, ON SEASON.
[offshoot] {n.} A derivative; a side product. * /The discovery of
nuclear reactors was ah offshoot of research in quantum physics./
[off the air] {adj. phr.} Not broadcasting; observing radio
silence. * /The talk show is off the air on Wednesdays and Fridays./
[off the bat] See: RIGHT AWAY or RIGHT OFF THE BAT.
[off the beam] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. (Of an airplane) Not in the
radio beam that marks the path to follow between airports; flying in
the wrong direction. * /A radio signal tells the pilot of an airplane
when his plane is off the beam./ 2. {slang} Wrong; mistaken. * /Maud
was off the beam when she said that the girls didn't like her./
Contrast: ON THE BEAM.
[off the beaten track] {adv. phr.} Not well known or often used;
not gone to or seen by many people; unusual. * /The theater is off the
beaten track./ * /We are looking for a vacation spot that is off the
beaten track./ Compare: OUT OF THE WAY.
[off the cuff] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Without preparing ahead of
time what you will, say; without preparation. * /Some presidents like
to speak off the cuff to newspaper reporters but others prefer to
think questions over and write their answers./
[off-the-cuff] {adj.}, {informal} Not prepared ahead of time. -
Used of a speech or remarks. * /Jack was made master of ceremonies
because he was a good off-the-cuff speaker./
[off the ground] See: GET OFF THE GROUND.
[off the handle] See: FLY OFF THE HANDLE.
[off the hog] See: LIVE HIGH OFF THE HOG.
[off the hook] {adv. phr.} Out of trouble; out of an awkward or
embarrassing situation. * /Thelma found she had made two dates for the
same night; she asked Sally to get her off the hook by going out with
one of the boys./
[off the record(1)] {adv. phr.} Confidentially. * /"Off the
record," the boss said, "you will get a good raise for next year, but
you'll have to wait for the official letter."/ Contrast: ON RECORD, GO
[off the record(2)] {adj. phr.} Not to be published or told;
secret; confidential. * /The president told the reporters his remarks
were strictly off the record./ - Sometimes used with hyphens, before
the noun. * /The governor was angry when a newspaper printed his
off-the-record comments./
[off the top of one's head] {adv.} or {adj. phr.}, {informal}
Without thinking hard; quickly. * /Vin answered the teacher's question
off the top of his head./ * /When Lorraine was asked to recite, she
talked off the top of her head./
[off the wagon] {adj. phr.}, {slang} No longer refusing to drink
whiskey or other alcoholic beverages; drinking liquor again, after
stopping for a while. * /When a heavy drinker quits he must really
quit. One little drink of whiskey is enough to drive him off the
wagon./ Contrast: ON THE WAGON.
[off the wall] {adj. phr.} Strange; out of the ordinary; stupid. *
/He has been making off-the-wall remarks all day; something must he
the matter with him./
[of it] See: WHAT OF IT.
[of late] {adv. phr.}, {formal} In the recent past; not long ago; a
short time ago; lately; recently. * /There have been too many high
school dropouts of late./
[of necessity] {adv. phr.} Because there is no other way; because
it must be; necessarily. * /Being a professional actor of necessity
means working nights and Sundays./
[of no avail] See: TO NO AVAIL.
[of old(1)] {adj. phr.} Of ancient times; of long ago. * /Knights
of old had to wear armor in battle./
[of old(2)] {adv. phr.} From earlier experience. * /You won't get
any money from Freddie. I know him of old./
[of oneself] See: GIVE OF ONESELF.
[of one's life] {adj. phr.} The best or worst; greatest. - Usually
describing a time or effort. * /At Disneyland, Tommy had the time of
his life./ * /His race for the presidency was the political fight of
his life./
[of one's own accord] or [of one's own free will] {adv. phr.}
Without suggestion or help from anyone else; without being told;
voluntarily. * /On her mother's birthday, Betsy did the dishes of her
own accord./ * /But Johnny hates baths. I can't believe he would take
one of his own free will./
[of one's own free will] See: OF ONE'S OWN ACCORD.
[of service] {adj. phr.} Valuable as a source of aid; helpful;
useful. * /When a visitor seems lost or confused, the courteous
student will ask "May I be of service?"/ * /A good jackknife is often
of service to a camper./
[of sorts] or [of a sort] {adj. phr.} Not especially good; not very
good; of common quality. * /Joel was a magician of sorts, and popular
at parties./
[of the first water] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Of the finest quality;
superior; very good; best. * /The jeweler chose diamonds of the first
water for the queen's crown./ * /The dance program at graduation was
of the first water./ Compare: FIRST-CLASS.
[of the same mind] {adv. phr.} In agreement; in consonance. * /It
is a good thing when father and son are of the same mind regarding
business and politics./
[oil the wheels] See: GREASE THE WHEELS.
[ointment] See: PLY IN THE OINTMENT.
[old as the hills] {adj. phr.} Very old; ancient. * /"Why didn't
you laugh?" she asked. "Because that joke is as old as the hills," he
[old boy network] {n. phr.} A system whereby men who went to the
same school help each other to get good jobs, regardless of their
ability or training. * /Peter got his lucrative job thanks to the old
boy network rather than because of his qualifications./ Compare: OLD
[old boy] or [old chap] {n.}, {chiefly British} One of the men
educated at the same institution and bound by strong ties of loyalty
to each other. * /He got the job because the boss was another old
[old college try] {n. phr.} An attempt to win a favor from another
by mentioning the fact that one had gone to the same college or
university as the party from whom the favor is requested. * /Since he
needed a job, he decided to use the old college try when he contacted
Jerry, but it didn't work./ Compare: OLD BOY NETWORK.
[old country] {n. phr.} Primarily Europe, but also any country
other than the United States where one originally came from. * /Al's
wife was born in Chicago but Al himself is from the old country,
[old flame] {n. phr.} An erstwhile lover. * /Did you know that Meg
was one of Howard's old flames?/
[old guard] {n. phr.} People whose ideas may be out of date, but
who have been in power for a long time. * /There will not be any
change in policy at the company, as long as the old guard still works
[old hand] {n. phr.} An experienced and highly skilled expert at
some particular job. * /Uncle Joe is an old hand at repairing car
[old hat] {adj.}, {informal} Old-fashioned; not new or different. *
/By now, putting satellites in orbit is old hat to space scientists./
* /Andrea thought her mother's ideas about dating were old hat./
[old maid] {n. phr.} A spinster; a woman who has never married. *
/Because my old maid aunt is a terrific cook as well as a good-looking
woman, nobody understands why she never married./
[old money] Contrast: NEW MONEY.
[old school tie] See: OLD BOY NETWORK, OLD COLLEGE TRY.
[old story] {n.} An everyday occurrence; something that often
happens. * /Jane's temper tantrums were an old story./ * /It's an old
story when a woman divorces her husband for too much drinking./
[old-timer] {n.} An old person who remembers bygone days, matters,
and personalities. * /There was an old-timer at the party who told us
interesting details about World War II./ Contrast: OLD GUARD, OLD
[old world] {n. phr.} Europe, the continent; a continental manner.
* /Tom had an old world manner that thoroughly charmed all the
ladies./ Compare: OLD COUNTRY.
[olive branch] {n. phr.} An overture; a symbol of peace. * /Tired
of the constant fighting, the majority government extended an olive
branch to the militant minority./
[on account] {adv. phr.} As part payment of a debt; to lessen the
amount owed. * /John paid $10 down and $5 on account each month for
his bicycle./
[on account of] {prep.} As a result of; because of. * /The picnic
was held in the gym on account of the rain./ Compare: ON ONE'S
[on a dime] {adv. phr.}, {informal} In a very small space. * /Bob
can turn that car on a dime./ * /Tom says his new sports car will stop
on a dime./
[on-again, off-again] See: OFF-AGAIN, ON-AGAIN.
[on air] See: WALK ON AIR.
[on a limb] See: OUT ON A LIMB.
[on all four] See: HIT ON ALL FOUR.
[on all fours] {adv. phr.} 1. On all four legs; on hands and knees.
* /Fido sat up to "beg" but dropped down on all fours to eat the dog
biscuit Sam gave him./ * /Billy's father got down on all fours and
gave the baby a ride./ 2. {informal} On a level of equality; of the
same value. * /Wigs may be widely used, but they are still not on all
fours with beautiful natural hair./
[on an average] or [on the average] {adv. phr.} In most cases;
usually. * /On an average Dan's mother has to ask him three times
before he helps with the dishes./ * /On the average, Mr. Blank trades
in his car for a new one every three years./
[on and off] See: OFF AND ON.
[on an even keel] {adv. phr,}, {informal} In a well-ordered way or
condition; orderly. * /When the football rally seemed almost ready to
become a riot, the principal stepped to the platform and got things
back on an even keel./
[on a pedestal] {adv. phr.} Lovingly honored and cared for. * /Mrs.
Raymond's children served her breakfast in bed on Mother's Day and
later took her out to dinner. She felt on a pedestal./ * /Bill is
always waiting on his fiancee and bringing her flowers and candy. He
has certainly put her on a pedestal./
[on approval] {adv. phr.} With the understanding that the thing may
be refused. * /Mr. Grey bought his camera on approval./ * /The company
offered to send a package of stamps on approval./
[on a scratched horse] See: PUT ONE'S MONEY ON A SCRATCHED HORSE.
[on a shoestring] {adv. phr.} With little money to spend; on a very
low budget. * /The couple was seeing Europe on a shoestring./
[on a volcano] See: SIT ON A VOLCANO.
[on behalf of] See: IN BEHALF OP.
[on board(1)] {prep.} On (a ship). * /Joan was not on board the
ship when it sailed./
[on board(2)] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} On a ship. * /The captain was
not on board when the S.S. Flandre sailed./ * /A ship was leaving the
harbor, and we saw the people on board waving./
[on borrowed time] See: LIVE ON BORROWED TIME.
[on call] {adj. phr.} 1. Having to be paid on demand. * /Jim didn't
have the money ready even though he knew the bill was on call./ 2.
Ready and available. * /This is Dr. Kent's day to be on call at the
hospital./ * /The nurse is on call for emergency cases./
[once and for all] {adv. phr.} 1. One time and never again; without
any doubt; surely; certainly; definitely. * /Let me say, for once and
for all, you may not go to the party Saturday./ * /For once and for
all, I will not go swimming with you./ 2. Permanently. * /Bill and Tom
asked the teacher to settle the argument once and for all./ * /The
general decided that two bombs would destroy the enemy and end the war
once and for all./
[once bitten, twice shy] See: BURNT CHILD DREADS THE FIRE.
[once for all] See: ONCE AND FOR ALL.
[once in a blue moon] {adv. phr.} Very rarely; very seldom; almost
never. * /Coin collecting is interesting, hut you find a valuable coin
only once in a blue moon./ * /Once in a blue moon someone grows a very
pale marigold, but no truly white marigolds have been raised./
[once in a while] {adv. phr.} Not often; not regularly; sometimes;
occasionally. * /We go for a picnic in the park once in a while./ *
/Once in a while the puppy would run away, but usually he stayed in
[once-over] {n.}, {slang} 1. A quick look; a swift examination of
someone or something. - Usually used with "give" or "get". * /The new
boy got the once-over from the rest of the class when he came in./ *
/Bob gave his paper the once-over before handing it in./ 2. or
[once-over-lightly] A quick or careless job, especially of cleaning or
straightening; work done hastily for now. * /Ann gave her room a quick
once-over-lightty with the broom and dust cloth./ * /"Just give my
hair the once-over," Al said to the barber./ Compare: LICK AND A
[once upon a time] {adv. phr.} Sometime before now, long ago. *
/Once upon a time she was thought to be the most talented actress in
the country./ - Often used at the beginning of fairy stories. * /Once
upon a time there lived a king who had an ugly daughter./
[on cloud nine] {adj. phr.}, {slang} Too happy to think of anything
else; very happy. * /Ada has been on cloud nine since the magazine
printed the story she wrote./ * /We were on cloud nine when our team
won the state championship./ Compare: ON TOP OF THE WORLD, WALK ON
[on condition that] {conj.} Providing that; if. * /I will lend you
the money on condition that you pay it back in one month./ * /She
agreed to act in the play on condition that she could keep her
[on deck] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. On a floor of a ship open to the
outdoors. * /The passengers were playing shufflehoard on deck./ * /The
sailors kept busy cleaning and painting on deck./ 2. {informal} Ready
to do something; present. * /The scout leader told the boys to be on
deck at 8:00 Saturday morning for the hike./ * /Dick was at bat, and
Bob was on deck./
[on deposit] {adv. phr.} In a bank. * /I have almost $500 on
deposit in my account./ * /The children save their pennies and each
month place them on deposit./
[on duty] {adj. phr.} Doing one's job; supervising. * /Two soldiers
are on duty guarding the gates./ * /There is always one teacher on
duty during study hour./ Contrast: OFF DUTY.
[one and the same] {adj. phr.} The same; identical. * /Erle Stanley
Gardner and A.A. Fair are one and the same person./ * /The spider lily
and the Peruvian Daffodil are one and the same./
[one-armed bandit] {n.}, {slang} A slot machine, like those used in
Las Vegas and other gambling places. * /Joe was playing the one-armed
bandit all day - and he lost everything he had./
[on earth] See: IN THE WORLD.
[on easy street] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Having enough money to
live very comfortably; rather rich. * /After years of hard work, the
Grants found themselves on easy street./ * /Jim's novel was a success
and put him on easy street./ Compare: IN CLOVER, IN THE CHIPS,
[one damn thing after another] or [ODTAA] (pronounced owed-tay) {n.
phr.} If there is one problem, there will be more. * /First I lost my
wallet, then a kid broke the window, and, lastly, my car refused to
start. It was just one damn thing after another!/ Compare: IF IT'S NOT
[on edge] {adj. phr.} Excited or nervous; impatient. * /The
magician kept the children on edge all through his show./ * /We were
all on edge as we listened to the TV for news of the election
results./ * /Father was on edge after driving home through the heavy
holiday traffic./ See: SET ONE'S TEETH ON EDGE. Contrast: AT EASE(2).
[one eye on] {informal} Watching or minding (a person or thing)
while doing something else; part of your attention on. - Used after
"have", "keep", or "with". * /Jane had one eye on the baby as she
ironed./ * /Bill kept one eye on his books and the other on the
clock./ * /Chris tried to study with one eye on the TV set./ Compare:
[one foot in the grave] {n. phr.} Near to death. * /The dog is
fourteen years old, blind, and feeble. He has one foot in the grave./
* /Grandfather has never been sick a day in his life, but Mother cares
for him as if he had one foot in the grave./
[one for the books] {n, phr.}, {informal} Very unusual; a
remarkable something. * /The newspaper reporter fumed in a story that
was one for the books./ * /Their trip through the Rocky Mountains was
one for the books./
[one-horse] {adj. phr.} Insignificant; modest; provincial. *
/Arnold's business is a one-horse operation; he never had a single
[one man's meat is another man's poison] What is good for one
person is not necessarily good for another. - A proverb, * /Even
though Jeff likes to swim in ice cold water, his brother Tun hates it.
This is understandable, however, because one's man's meat is another
[on end] {adj. phr.} Seemingly endless. - Used with plural nouns of
time. * /Judy spent hours on end writing and rewriting her essay./ *
/During July and August there was no rain for weeks on end./
[one-night stand] {n. phr.} 1. A single performance given by a
traveling company while on a tour. * /After they went bankrupt in the
big cities, the traveling jazz quartet played one-night stands in the
country./ 2. A brief affair or sexual encounter. * /"With AIDS all
around us?" said Jane. "Nobody is having one-night stands anymore."/
[one of these days] or [some of these days] {adv. phr.} Someday;
sometime soon. * /One of these days Herbert will be famous./ * /I'm
going to do that sewing some of these days./
[one on the city] {n.}, {slang} A glass of water (which is provided
free of charge, as a free gift from the city). * /What will you have?
- Oh, just give me one on the city./
[one's money's worth] {n. phr.} A fair return on one's money spent
or invested. * /I wouldn't say that the trip was a great bargain, but
I feel that we got our money's worth./
[one's own row] See: HOE ONE'S OWN ROW.
[one-two] {n.} 1. A succession of two punches, the first a short
left, followed by a hard right punch, usually in the jaw. * /Ali gave
Frazir the one-two./ 2. Any quick or decisive action which takes the
opposition by surprise, thereby ensuring victory. * /He gave us the
old one-two and won the game./
[one up] {adj. phr.} Having an advantage; being one step ahead, *
/John graduated from high school; he is one up on Bob, who dropped
out./ * /The Platters are one up on their neighbors. They own the only
color television set in their neighborhood./
[one-upmanship] {v.}, {informal} Always keeping ahead of others;
trying to keep an advantage. * /No matter what I do, I find that Jim
has already done it better. He's an expert at one-upmanship./ * /Jack
took the news to the principal while we were still talking about it.
He's very quick to practice one-upmanship./ Compare: ONE UP. (The word
one-upmanship was made up by a British humorist, Stephen Potter, on
the pattern of such words as sportsmanship and workmanship.)
[on faith] {adv. phr.} Without question or proof. * /He said he was
twenty-one years old and the employment agency took him on faith./ *
/He looked so honest that we accepted his story on faith./
[on file] {adv. phr.} Placed in a written or electronic file; on
record. * /We are sorry we cannot hire you right now but we will keep
your application on file./
[on fire] See: SET THE WORLD ON FIRE.
[on foot] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. By walking. * /Sally's bicycle
broke and she had to return home on foot./ 2. Being planned. * /The
reporter said that a civil rights demonstration was on foot./ * /Plans
have been set on foot for a party for Miss Jackson, because she is
[on guard] {adj. phr.} Watchful; watching. * /The police warned
people to he on guard for pickpockets during the Christmas rush./ *
/Two men are on guard at the door./ Contrast: OFF GUARD.
[on hand] {adv. phr.} 1a. Nearby; within reach. * /Always have your
dictionary on hand when you study./ 1b. Here. * /Soon school will end
and vacation will be on hand./ 2. Present. * /Mr. Blake's secretary is
always on hand when he appears in public./ 3. In your possession;
ready. * /The Girl Scouts have plenty of cookies on hand./ * /Tim had
no cash on hand to pay for the gas./ Compare: IN STORE.
[on high cotton] See: ON TOP OF THE WORLD also SITTING ON HIGH
[on hold] {adv. phr.} 1. Left waiting while making a telephone
call. * /"Sorry sir," the secretary said, "I'll have to put you on
hold for a minute."/ 2. Waiting; temporarily halted. * /"Put your
marriage plans on hold, son, and wait until after graduation," his
father said seriously./
[on ice] {adv.} or {adj. phr.}, {slang} 1. The same as won; sure to
be won. * /The score was 20-10 in the last inning, and our team had
the game on ice./ 2. Away for safekeeping or later use; aside. * /You
will have to put your vacation plans on ice until your debts are
paid./ * /The senator was voted out of office. He is on ice until the
next election./
[on in years] See: ALONG IN YEARS.
[onion] See: KNOW ONE'S WAY AROUND(2).
[on occasion] {adv. phr.} Sometimes; occasionally. * /We go to New
York on occasion./ * /On occasion we feel like celebrating and have a
[on one hand] {adv. phr.} Looking at a thing in one of two possible
ways; from one point of view. - Usually used with "on the other hand".
* /John wants to be a printer or a teacher; on one hand, printing pays
better; on the other hand, schools need good teachers./
[on one's account] {adv. phr.} For your good; because you want to
help or please someone. * /Barry studied hard on his mother's
account./ * /I hope you didn't bring tea to the picnic just on my
account./ * /The teacher stayed in school a little late on Tom's
account./ Compare: OF ONE'S OWN ACCORD, ON ACCOUNT OF.
[on one's back] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Making insistent demands of
you; being an annoyance or bother. * /My wife has been on my back for
weeks to fix the front door screen./ * /I can't get any work done with
the children on my back from morning until night./ * /Jim could do a
better job if his boss weren't on his back so often./ Contrast: OFF
[on one's bad side] or [on the bad side of one] {adj. phr.},
{informal} Not liked by someone; not friendly with a person. *
/Sally's boyfriend got on Father's bad side by keeping Sally out too
late after the dance./ Contrast: ON ONE'S GOOD SIDE.
[on one's behalf] See: ON BEHALF OF.
[on one's chest] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Hidden in your thoughts or
feelings and bothering you; making you feel worried or upset; that is
something you want to talk to someone about. * /Jane looks unhappy
because she has the quarrel with Susan on her chest./ * /"Well, Dave,"
said the coach, "You look sad - what's on your chest?"/ Compare: ON
[on one's coattails] {adv. phr.} Because of another's merits,
success, or popularity. * /Bob and Jim are best friends. When Jim was
invited to join a fraternity, Bob rode in on his coattails./ * /Many
people vote straight for all the candidates in the same political
party. Most people voted for President K., so Governor B. rode in on
K.'s coattails./
[on oneself] See: TAKE ON ONESELF.
[on one's feet] {adv. phr.} 1. Standing or walking; not sitting or
lying down; up. * /Before the teacher finished asking the question,
George was on his feet ready to answer it./ * /In a busy gasoline
station, the attendant is on his feet all day./ Compare: TO ONE'S
FEET. Contrast: OFF ONE'S FEET. 2. Recovering; getting better from
sickness or trouble. * /Jack is back on his feet after a long
illness./ * /Susan was on her feet soon after the operation./ * /The
bank loaned the store money to get it back on its feet after the
[on one's good behavior] {adv. phr.} Behaving right to make a good
impression. * /While his father was around the boy was on his good
behavior, but when the father left the boy soon got into mischief./ *
/The minister is coming to dinner, and Mother wants us to be on our
good behavior./
[on one's good side] or [on the good side of one] {adj. phr.},
{informal} Friendly with someone; liked by a person. * /John thought
that he would get a good grade if he got on the good side of the
teacher./ * /Successful workers stay on the good side of their
bosses./ Contrast: ON ONE'S BAD SIDE.
[on one's hands] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} In your care or
responsibility; that you must do something about. * /Mrs. Blake left
her five children with me while she shopped. I could not get anything
done with the children on my hands./ * /After everyone bought tickets
to the dance, the club treasurer had over $100 on his hands./ * /The
electricity went off while Mother was cooking supper, and she had a
problem on her hands./ * /I had time on my hands before the bus came,
so I bought a newspaper to read./ Contrast: OFF ONE'S HANDS. See: SIT
[on one's head] or [upon one's head] {adv. phr.} On one's self. *
/When the school board fired the superintendent of schools, they
brought the anger of the parents upon their heads./ * /Billy had been
naughty all day, but he really brought his parents' anger down on his
head by pushing his little sister into a mud puddle./ Compare: ABOUT
[on one's heel] See: TURN ON ONE'S HEEL.
[on one's high horse] {adj. phr.}, {informal} 1. Acting as if you
are better than others; being very proud and scornful. * /Martha was
chairman of the picnic committee, and at the picnic she was on her
high horse, telling everyone what to do./ * /Mrs. Jones asked to see a
less expensive hat. The salesgirl got up on her high horse and said
the shop did not sell cheap merchandise./ 2. Refusing to be friendly
because you are angry; in a bad temper. * /Joe was on his high horse
because he felt Mary wasn't giving him enough attention./ Contrast:
[on one's honor] {adj. phr.} Bound by one's honesty; trusted. *
/The students were not supervised during the examination. They were on
their honor not to cheat./ * /The house father put the boys on their
honor not to smoke in the dormitory./
[on one's knees] {adj. phr.} 1. Pleading; begging very hard. * /The
boys were on their knees for hours before their parents agreed to
their camping plans./ * /The Jacksons won't contribute to the Red
Cross unless you get on your knees./ 2. In a very weak condition; near
failure. * /When the graduates of the school heard that it was on its
knees they gave money generously so that it would not close./
[on one's last legs] {adj. phr.} Failing; near the end. * /The
blacksmith's business is on its last legs./ * /The dog is old and
sick. He is on his last legs./ Compare: ONE FOOT IN THE GRAVE, ON
[on one's mind] {adv. phr.} In one's thoughts. * /I'm glad you want
to talk about this. It's been on my mind for weeks./ * /What's on your
mind?/ Compare: IN MIND.
[on one's nerves] See: GET ON ONE'S NERVES.
[on one's own] {adj. phr.} With no help from others. * /It is a
happy day when you're allowed to drive a car on your own./ * /Being on
your own may be a frightening experience./ Compare: GO IT(2).
[on one's own account] or {informal} [on one's own hook] {adv.
phr.} 1. For yourself; as a free agent; independently. * /After they
had picked out the class gift, members of the committee did some
shopping on their own account./ 2. See: OF ONE'S OWN ACCORD.
[on one's own feet] See: STAND ON ONE'S OWN FEET.
[on one's own hook] See: ON ONE'S OWN ACCOUNT.
[on one's own time] {adv. phr.} During one's free time; not during
working or school hours. * /If you want to play football, you'll have
to do it on your own time./
[on one's part] or [on the part of one] {adj. phr.} 1. Of or by
you; of someone's. * /When Miss Brown said I was a good student, that
was pure kindness on her part./ * /The other team blamed their defeat
on unfairness on the part of the referee./ 2. See: FOR ONE'S PART.
[on one's shoulders] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} In your care; as your
responsibility. * /The success of the program rests on your
shoulders./ * /He acts as if he had the cares of the world on his
[on one's toes] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Alert; ready to act. * /The
successful ball player is always on his toes./ Compare: HEADS-UP, ON
[on one's uppers] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Very poor. * /Mr. White
had been out of work for several months and was on his uppers./
[on one's way] See: ON THE WAY.
[on pain of] also [under pain of] {prep.}, {formal} At the risk of;
under penalty of. * /The workers went on strike on pain of losing
their jobs./ * /The rebels had to swear under pain of death never to
confess where their comrades were hiding./
[on paper] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} Judging by appearances only and
not by past performance; in theory; theoretically. * /On paper, the
American colonies should have lost the Revolutionary War./ * /The
football team lost many games, even though they looked good on paper./
[on pins and needles] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Worried; nervous. *
/Jane's mother was on pins and needles because Jane was very late
getting home from school./ * /Many famous actors are on pins and
needles before the curtain opens for a play./
[on purpose] {adv. phr.} For a reason; because you want to; not
accidentally. * /Jane did not forget her coat; she left it in the
locker on purpose./ * /The clown fell down on purpose./
[on record] {adj. phr.} 1. An official or recorded statement or
fact; said for everyone to know. * /We do not know when the famous
writer was born, but the date of his death is on record./ * /The two
candidates went on television to put their ideas on record./ 2. Known
to have said or done a certain thing. - Usually used with "as". * /The
mayor went on record as opposing a tax raise./ * /The governor is on
record as favoring the new highway./ * /That congressman is on record
as an enemy of waste in government./ Contrast: OFF THE RECORD.
[on sale] {adj. phr.} Selling for a special low price. * /Tomato
soup that is usually sold for sixty cents a can is now on sale for
fifty cents./ * /John and Mary couldn't sell all of the lemonade at
twenty cents a cup so they have it on sale for ten cents a cup./
[on schedule(1)] {adv. phr.} As planned or expected; at the right
time. * /The school bus arrived at school on schedule./ * /The four
seasons arrive on schedule each year./ Compare: ON TIME.
[on schedule(2)] {adj. phr.} Punctual; as planned. * /The new
airline claims to have more on schedule arrivals than the
[on season] See: HIGH SEASON. Contrast: OFF SEASON.
[on second thought] See: SECOND THOUGHT.
[on sight] See: AT SIGHT.
[on table] See: WAIT AT TABLE or WAIT ON TABLE.
[on the air] {adj.} or {adv. phr.} Broadcasting or being broadcast
on radio or TV. * /His show is on the air at six o'clock./ * /The ball
game is on the air now./
[on the alert] {adj. phr.} Alert; watchful; careful. * /Campers
must be on the alert for poison ivy and poison oak./ * /Drivers must
be on the alert for traffic signals./ Compare: ON ONE'S TOES.
[on the average] See: ON AN AVERAGE.
[on the back] See: PAT ON THE BACK.
[on the ball] {adj. phr.}, {informal} 1. Paying attention and doing
things well. - Used after "is" or "get". * /Ben is really on the ball
in school./ * /The coach told Jim he must get on the ball or he cannot
stay on the team./ Compare: GET WITH IT, HEADS-UP, KEEP ONE'S EYE ON
THE BALL. 2. That is a skill or ability; making you good at things. -
Used after "have". * /John will succeed in life; he has a lot on the
ball./ * /The coach was eager to try out his new team and see what
they had on the ball./
[on the bandwagon] {adj. phr.}, {informal} In or into the newest
popular group or activity; in or into something you join just because
many others are joining it. - Often used after "climb", "get", or
"jump". * /When all George's friends decided to vote for Bill, George
climbed on the bandwagon too./ See: JUMP ON THE BANDWAGON.
[on the barrelhead] See: CASH ON THE BARRELHEAD.
[on the beam] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. (Of an airplane) In the
radio beam that marks the path to follow between airports; flying in
the right direction. * /A radio signal tells the pilot of an airplane
when he is flying on the beam./ 2. {slang} Doing well; just right;
good or correct. * /Kenneth's answer was right on the beam./ Contrast:
[on the bench] 1. Sitting in a law court as a judge. * /Judge
Wyzanski is on the bench this morning./ 2. Sitting among the
substitute players. * /The coach had to keep his star player on the
bench with a sprained ankle./ Compare: BENCH WARMER.
[on the blink] {adj. phr.} Faulty; malfunctioning; inoperative. *
/I need to call a competent repairman because my computer is on the
blink again./
[on the block] {adj. phr.} To be sold; for sale. * /The vacant
house was on the block./ * /Young cattle are grown and sent to market
to be placed on the block./
[on the brain] {adj. phr.}, {slang} Filling your thoughts; too much
thought about; almost always in mind. * /Mary Ann has boys on the
brain./ * /Joe's hobby is ham radio and he has radio on the brain most
of the time./
[on the brink of] {adv. phr.} Facing a new event that's about to
happen. * /"I am on the brink of a new discovery," our physics
professor proudly announced./
[on the button] {adv., adj.}, {slang} At the right place; at the
heart of the matter. * /John's remark was right on the button./
Compare: ON THE DOT.
[on the cards] See: IN THE CARDS.
[on the carpet] See: CALL ON THE CARPET.
[on the cheap] {adv. phr.} Inexpensively; on a tight budget. * /She
buys most of her clothes on the cheap in secondhand stores./
[on the chin] See: TAKE IT ON THE CHIN.
[on the contrary] {adv. phr.} Exactly the opposite; rather;
instead. * /The principal thought that the children went to the zoo;
on the contrary, they went to the bakery./ * /"You don't like
football, do you?" "On the contrary, I like it very much."/ Compare:
[on the cuff] {adj.} or {adv. phr.}, {informal} Agreeing to pay
later; to be paid for later; on credit. * /Peter lost the money that
Mother gave him to buy meat, and the store would not let him have meat
on the cuff./ * /Many people buy cars and television sets on the
[on the dole] {adv. phr.} Drawing unemployment benefits. * /When
Jim lost his job he got on the dole and is still on it./
[on the dot] also [on the button] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Exactly
on time; not early and not late. * /Susan arrived at the party at 2:00
P.M. on the dot./ * /Ben's plane arrived on the dot./
[on the double!] {adv. phr.} Hurry up! * /"Let's go! On the
double!" the pilot cried, as he started up the engine of the small
[on the eve of] {prep.} Just before (an event). * /On the eve of
the election, the president proposed a plan to cut taxes./
[on the face of it] {adv. phr.} Apparently; as it seems. * /On the
face of it, Joe's claim that he can swim five miles is true./ * /His
statement that he is a millionaire is, on the face of it, false./
[on the fence] {adj.} or {adv. phr.} Not able, or not wanting to
choose; in doubt; undecided. - Often used with "sit". * /Jack sat on
the fence for a week last spring before he finally joined the track
team instead of the baseball team./ * /Mrs. Jones has decided to vote
for the Democrats, but Mr. Jones is still on the fence./ See:
[on the fly(1)] {adv. phr.} 1. While in the air; in flight. * /The
bird caught a bug on the fly./ * /Joe was called out because the
catcher caught the ball on the fly./ 2. {informal} Between other
activities; while busy with many things. * /The president was so busy
that he had to dictate letters on the fly./ * /John is very busy, and
people who want to talk to him have to catch him on the fly./ Compare:
[on the fly(2)] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Busy; going somewhere in a
hurry; going about doing things. * /Getting the house ready for the
visitors kept Mother on the fly all day./ * /The housekeeper of our
school is always on the fly./
[on the go] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Active and busy. * /Successful
businessmen are on the go most of the time./ * /Healthy, happy people
are usually on the go./ Compare: ON THE MOVE.
[on the heels of] {prep.} Just after; following (something,
especially an event). - Often used with "hard" for emphasis. * /Hard
on the heels of the women's liberation parade, homosexuals declared a
"gay pride week."/
[on the hour] {adv. phr.} Each time the hour has zero minutes and
zero seconds. * /The uptown bus goes past the school on the hour./ *
/The woman must take her pill on the hour./
[on the house] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Paid for by the owner. * /At
the opening of the new hotel, the champagne was on the house./ *
/Oscar was the first customer at the diner, so his lunch was on the
[on the increase] See: ON THE WAX. Contrast: ON THE DECREASE, ON
[on the job] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Working hard; not wasting
time. * /Joe was on the job all of the time that he was at work./ *
/The school paper came out on time because the editors were on the
[on the knees of the gods] See: IN THE LAP OF THE GODS.
[on the lam] {adj.} or {adv. phr.}, {slang} Running away,
especially from the law; in flight. * /The bank robber was on the lam
for ten months before the police caught him./ - Sometimes used in the
phrase "take it on the lam". * /After a big quarrel with her father,
the girl took it on the lam./
[on the level] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Honest and fair; telling the
whole truth. * /Our teacher respects the students who are on the level
with her./ * /Joyce wondered if the fortune-teller was on the level./
[on the line] See: LAY ON THE LINE or PUT ON THE LINE.
[on the lookout] {adj. phr.} Watching closely. * /The little boy
was on the lookout for his father./ * /Forest rangers are always on
the lookout for forest fires./ * /The doctor is on the lookout for a
new secretary./
[on the loose] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Free to go; not shut in or
stopped by anything. * /The zookeeper forgot to close the gate to the
monkey cage and the monkeys were on the loose./ * /All of the seniors
were on the loose on "Senior Skip Day."/
[on the make] {adj.}, {slang} 1. Promiscuous or aggressive in one's
sexual advances. * /I can't stand Murray; he's always on the make./ 2.
Pushing to get ahead in one's career; doing anything to succeed. *
/The new department head is a young man on the make, who expects to be
company president in ten years./
[on the map] See: PUT ON THE MAP.