[on the market] {adj. phr.} For sale. * /In the summer many fresh
vegetables are on the market./ * /The Goodwins put their house on the
market in January, but they did not sell it till August./
[on the mend] {adj. phr.} Healing; becoming better. * /John's
broken leg is on the mend./ * /Mary's relationship with Joan is on the
[on die money] {adv. phr.} Exactly right; exactly accurate. *
/Algernon won the lottery; the numbers he picked were right on the
money./ Compare: ON THE NOSE.
[on the move] {adj.} or {adv. phr.} 1. Moving around from place to
place; in motion. * /It was a very cold day, and the teacher watching
the playground kept on the move to stay warm./ * /It was vacation
time, and the highways were full of families on the move./ 2. Moving
forward; going somewhere. * /The candidate promised that if people
would make him president, he would get the country on the move./
[on the nose] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Just right; exactly. *
/Stanley hit the ball on the nose./ * /The airplane pilot found the
small landing field on the nose./
[on the other foot] See: SHOE ON THE OTHER FOOT.
[on the other hand] {adv. phr.} Looking at the other side; from
another point of view. - Used to introduce an opposite or different
fact or idea. * /Jim wanted to go to the movies; his wife, on the
other hand, wanted to stay home and read./ * /Mr. Harris may still
want a boy to mow his lawn; on the other hand, he may have found
someone to do it./ Compare: ON ONE HAND.
[on the outs] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Not friendly; having a
quarrel. * /Mary and Sue were on the outs./ * /Being on the outs with
a classmate is very upsetting./ Syn.: AT ODDS.
[on the point of] {prep.} Ready to begin; very near to. - Usually
used with a verbal noun. * /The coach was on the point of giving up
the game when our team scored two points./ * /The baby was on the
point of crying when her mother finally came home./ Compare: ABOUT TO,
[on the Q.T.] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Secretly; without anyone's
knowing. * /George and Paul formed a club on the Q.T./ * /The teachers
got the principal a present strictly on the Q.T./ (from quiet.)
[on the road] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Traveling; moving from one
place to another. * /When we go on vacation, we take a lunch to eat
while on the road./ * /Mr. Smith is on the road for his insurance
company./ 2. Changing; going from one condition to another. * /Mary
was very sick for several weeks, but now she is on the road to
recovery./ * /Hard study in school put John on the road to success./
[on the rocks] {adj. phr.} 1. {informal} Wrecked or ruined. * /Mr.
Jones' business and marriage were both on the rocks./ 2. With ice
only. * /At the restaurant, Sally ordered orange juice on the rocks./
[on the ropes] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Against the ropes of a
boxing ring and almost not able to stand up. * /The fighter was on the
ropes and could hardly lift his gloves./ 2. Almost defeated; helpless;
near failure. * /The new supermarket took most of the business from
Mr. Thomas's grocery, and the little store was soon on the ropes./
[on the run] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. In a hurry; hurrying. * /Jane
called "Help!" and Tom came on the run./ * /Modern mothers are usually
on the run./ 2. Going away from a fight; in retreat; retreating. *
/The enemy soldiers were on the run./
[on the safe side] {adv. phr.} Provided for against a possible
emergency; well prepared. * /"Please double-check these proofs, Mr.
Brown," the printer said, "just to be on the safe side."/
[on the shelf] {adv.} or {adj. phr.}, {informal} Laid aside; not
useful anymore. * /When a girl grows up, she puts childish habits on
the shelf./ * /Mr. Myron's company put him on the shelf when he
reached the age of 65./
[on the side] {adv. phr.}, {informal} 1. In addition to a main
thing, amount or quantity; extra. * /He ordered a hamburger with
onions and French fries on the side./ * /His job at the hospital did
not pay much, so he found another on the side./ * /The cowboys in the
rodeo competed for prize money and also made bets on the side./ 2. or
[on the --- side] Tending toward; rather. * /Grandmother thought
Jane's new skirt was on the short side./
[on the sly] {adv. phr.} So that other people won't know; secretly.
* /The boys smoked on the sly./ * /Mary's mother did not approve of
lipstick, but Mary used it on the sly./
[on the spot] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. or [upon the spot] At that
exact time and at the same time or place; without waiting or leaving.
* /The news of important events is often broadcast on the spot over
television./ * /When Tom ruined an expensive machine, his boss fired
him on the spot./ Compare: AT ONCE, IN ONE'S TRACKS, THEN AND THERE.
2. {informal} also [in a spot] In trouble, difficulty, or
embarrassment. * /Mr. Jones is on the spot because he cannot pay back
the money he borrowed./ * /Bill is on the spot; he invited George to
visit him, but Bill's parents said no./ Compare: BACK TO THE WALL. 3.
{slang} In danger of murder; named or listed for death. * /After he
talked to the police, the gangsters put him on the spot./
[on the spur of the moment] {adv. phr.} On a sudden wish or
decision; suddenly; without thought or preparation. * /John had not
planned to take the trip; he just left on the spur of the moment./ *
/Mary saw a help-wanted advertisement and applied for the job on the
spur of the moment./
[on the stage] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} In or into the work of being
an actor or actress. * /John's brother is on the stage./ * /Mary went
on the stage./
[on the strength of] {prep.} With faith or trust in; depending
upon; with the support of. * /On the strength of Jim's promise to
guide us, we decided to climb the mountain./ * /Bill started a
restaurant on the strength of his experience as a cook in the army./
[on the string] or [on a string] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Under your
influence or control; obedient to every wish. * /The baby had his
mother on a string./ * /She was pretty and popular, with two or three
boys on the string all the time./
[on the take] {adv. phr.} Bribable; corrupt. * /Officer O'Keefe was
put on three months' probation because it was alleged that he was on
the take./
[on the tip of one's tongue] {adv. phr.} About to say something,
such as a name, a telephone number, etc., but unable to remember it
for the moment. * /"His name is on the tip of my tongue," Tom said.
"It will come to me in a minute."/
[on the town] {adv.} or {adj. phr.}, {informal} In or into a town
to celebrate; having a good time or enjoying the amusements in a town.
* /When the sailors got off their ship they went out on the town./
[on the track of] or [on the trail of] Hunting or looking for;
trying to find; following. * /The hunter is on the track of a deer./ *
/The lawyer is on the trail of new proof in the case./ * /Jim collects
old stamps; he is on the track of one in Midville this afternoon./
[on the trail of] See: ON THE TRACK OF.
[on the trigger] See: QUICK ON THE TRIGGER.
[on the up and up] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Honest; trustworthy;
sincere. * /We felt that he was honest and could be trusted. This
information is on the up and up./ Compare: ON THE LEVEL.
[on the vine] See: DIE ON THE VINE or WITHER ON THE VINE.
[on the wagon] {adv. phr.} Participating in an alcohol addiction
program; not touching any alcoholic beverage. * /Jim's doctor and his
family finally managed to convince him that he was an alcoholic and
should go on the wagon./ Contrast: FALL OFF THE WAGON.
[on the wane and on the wax] {adv. phr.} Decreasing and increasing.
- Said of the moon. * /The moon is regularly on the wane and on the
wax at regular intervals lasting half a month./
[on the warpath] {adj. phr.}, {informal} 1. Very angry. * /When
Mother saw the mess in the kitchen she went on the warpath./ * /Betty
has been on the warpath ever since she found out she was not invited
to the party./ 2. Making an attack; fighting. * /The government is on
the warpath against narcotics./ * /The police are on the warpath
against speeders./
[on the watch] {adj. phr.} Alert; watchful. * /The customs
inspector was on the watch for diamond smugglers./ * /Mary was on the
watch for bargains at the auction./ Compare: EYE OUT, LOOK OUT(2).
[on the way] or [on one's way] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} Coming; going
toward a place or goal; started. * /Help was on the way./ * /The train
left and Bill was on his way to New York./ * /He is well on the way to
becoming a fine mechanic./
[on the whole] {adv. phr.} 1. In the most important things; in most
ways. * /On the whole, Billy did very well in school this year./ *
/Everybody agreed that on the whole it was a good show./ Syn.: IN
ALL(2), FOR THE MOST PART. 2. In most cases; usually. * /On the whole,
men are stronger than women./ * /On the whole, children begin walking
when they are about one year old./ Syn.: BY AND LARGE, IN GENERAL.
[on the wing] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. In the air; while flying. *
/The duck flew away, but John shot it on the wing./ 2. {informal} In
constant motion; always very busy. * /Susan was on the wing doing
things to get ready for her trip./ * /Mr. Jones had a busy schedule
and his secretary had to catch him on the wing to sign the letters./
Syn.: ON THE FLY. 3. {informal} Moving from one place to another;
traveling; going somewhere. * /Mary's husband is a traveling salesman
and he's always on the wing./ * /They stayed in France for a week and
then they were on the wing again./ Syn.: ON THE GO, ON THE MOVE.
[on the words] See: HANG ON THE WORDS OF.
[on the wrong foot] See: GET OFF ON THE WRONG FOOT.
[on the wrong side of the bed] See: GET UP ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE
[on the wrong track] {adv. phr.} Lost; pursuing the wrong lead. *
/Professor MacAlister confessed that his chemical experiments were on
the wrong track./ Contrast: BARK UP THE WRONG TREE.
[on time] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. At the time arranged; not late;
promptly. * /The train left on time./ * /Mary is always on time for an
appointment./ Contrast: AHEAD OF TIME, BEHIND TIME. 2. On the
installment plan; on credit, paying a little at a time. * /John bought
a car on time./ * /You can buy things at the department store on
[on top] {adv.} or {adj. phr.}, {informal} In the lead; with
success; with victory. * /The horse that everyone had expected would
be on top actually came in third./ * /Although John had been afraid
that he was not prepared for the exam, he came out on top./
[on top of] {prep}. 1. On the top of; standing or lying on; on. *
/When the player on the other team dropped the ball, Bill fell on top
of it./ * /That high hill has a tower on top of it./ 2. {informal}
Very close to. * /The elevator was so crowded that everybody was on
top of each other./ * /I couldn't find my umbrella and then I realized
I was almost on top of it./ 3. {informal} In addition to; along with.
* /Mrs. Lane had many expenses and on top of everything else, her baby
became ill./ * /Mary worked at the store all day and on top of that
she had to baby-sit with her brother./ 4. {informal} Managing very
well; in control of. * /Although his new job was very complicated,
John was on top of it within a few weeks./ * /No matter what goes
wrong, Mary always stays on top of it./ 5. Knowing all about; not
falling behind in information about; up-to-date on. * /Mary stays on
top of the news by reading newspapers and magazines./ * /When he was
in California, Mr. Jones kept on top of things in his office by
telephoning every day./
[on top of the world] or [sitting on top of the world] also
(Southern) [sitting on high cotton] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Feeling
pleased and happy; feeling successful. * /John was on top of the world
when he found out that he got into college./ * /When Ruth won first
prize in the contest, she felt as though she was sitting on top of the
world./ * /The girls were sitting on high cotton because their
basketball team had won the trophy./ Compare: FLYING HIGH, WALK ON
[on trial] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. For testing or trying out for a
time before making a decision. * /I was lucky that I had bought the
machine on trial because I didn't like it and was able to return it./
* /Mother bought a new dishwasher on trial and was trying it out
before deciding whether to keep it./ 2. In a court being tried for a
crime before a judge or jury. * /John White was on trial for murder./
* /Mary was on trial before the Student Committee for spoiling school
[on words] See: PLAY ON WORDS.
[on your life] See: NOT ON YOUR LIFE.
[open and aboveboard] {adj. phr.} Honest. * /Jacob felt that the
firm he was doing business with wasn't entirely open and aboveboard./
[open and shut] See: CUT AND DRIED.
[open arms] See: RECEIVE WITH OPEN ARMS.
[open-door policy] {n. phr.} A policy that states that newcomers
are welcome to join the company, firm, or country in question. *
/During the nineteenth century the United States had an open-door
policy regarding immigration./
[open fire] {v. phr.} To begin shooting. * /The big warship turned
its guns toward the enemy ship and opened fire./ * /When the policeman
called to the robber to stop, he turned and suddenly opened fire./
[openhanded] {adj.} Generous; liberal. * /Although not wealthy
himself, Bob was always very openhanded with those who needed help./
[open heart] {n.} 1. No hiding of your feelings; frankness;
freedom. * /She spoke with an open heart of her warm feelings for her
pupils./ * /She told her troubles with an open heart./ Compare: HEART
ON ONE'S SLEEVE. 2. Kindness; generosity. * /She contributed to the
fund with an open heart./ * /Mr. Jones has an open heart for
underprivileged children./ Compare: OPEN ONE'S HEART.
[open its doors] {v. phr.} 1. To allow someone or something to
enter or join; become open. * /That college was started for women
only, but a few years ago it opened its doors to men./ 2. To begin
doing business; open. * /Proffitts Department Store is having a
birthday sale; it first opened its doors fifty years ago this month./
[open letter] {n. phr.} A public message in the form of a letter
addressed to a particular person or to a group. * /There was an open
letter to the president of the United States in today's morning
[open market] {n. phr.} Goods or securities available for purchase
by all. * /The stocks of certain companies are on the open market./
[open marriage] {n. phr.} An arrangement by mutual agreement
between husband and wife whereby they are both allowed to have
extramarital affairs. * /Chances are the open marriage arrangement
they had didn't work out too well so they are getting a divorce./
[open-minded] {adj.} Having no dogmatic or biased views on matters
of theory, religion, politics, etc. * /Fred is easy to talk to about
anything; he is a highly intelligent and open-minded person./
[open one's eyes] or [open up one's eyes] {v. phr.} To make a
person see or understand the truth; make a person realize; tell a
person what is really happening or what really exists. * /Mary didn't
believe that her cousin could be mean until the cousin opened Mary's
eyes by scratching and biting her./ * /John's eyes were opened up to
the world of nature when he visited his grandfather's farm./ Compare:
EYES OPEN, WISE UP. - [eye opener] {n.} Something that makes you
understand the truth. * /Pam's first visit to school was a real
[open one's heart] {v. phr.} 1. To talk about your feelings
honestly; confide in someone. * /After going around worrying, Mary
opened her heart to her mother./ * /John felt much better after he
opened his heart to Betty./ 2. To be sympathetic to; give love or help
generously. * /Mrs. Smith opened her heart to the poor little boy./ *
/After the moving speech by the UN official, the people opened their
hearts to the poor people of India./ Compare: OPEN HEART, WEAR ONE'S
[open onto] {v. phr.} To have a view of. * /Our apartment in
Chicago has a set of windows that open onto Lake Michigan./
[open Pandora's box] See: PANDORA'S BOX.
[open question] {n. phr.} A debatable issue. * /Whether assisted
suicide is legal and moral or not is still an open question, recent
publicity on the matter notwithstanding./
[open secret] {n.} Something that is supposed to be a secret but
that everyone knows. * /It is an open secret that Mary and John are
engaged./ * /Who will be appointed as the next president of the
college is an open secret./
[open sesame] {n. phr.}, {literary} Immediate means of entrance, or
unobstructed access to something. * /Tom mistakenly believed that his
wealth would be an open sesame to the world of creative arts./
[open shop] {n. phr.} A factory or firm that employs both union and
non-union labor. * /The firm refuses to adopt an open shop policy./
Contrast: CLOSED SHOP.
[open the door] {v. phr.} To allow more action or discussion; give
a chance. * /Learning to read and write opens the door to a better job
and better living conditions./ * /Raising the tax rates will open the
door to more help for older people./ Contrast: CLOSE THE DOOR.
[open the floodgates] {v. phr.} To let loose an outburst of human
activity or emotion. * /It would open the floodgates of anger and
discontent if the university raised tuition too soon./
[open up] {v.} 1. To show for the first time; make clear; reveal. *
/The story of Helen Keller's life opened up a whole new world to
Mary./ * /Einstein's theories opened up a whole new area for study./
2. To make available; present an opportunity; offer. * /The building
of the railroad opened up new lands to the pioneers./ * /John opened
up a whole new section of the Scrabble board./ 3. {informal} To go
faster. * /When they got out on the highway John opened up and drove
at 65 miles per hour./ 4. {informal} To begin to shoot. * /When they
got close to the enemy lines, they opened up with all they had./ 5.
{informal} To begin to talk frankly. * /After John learned to trust
Mr. Jones, he opened up and told him how he felt./ 6. To spread out. *
/After a while the road opened up and they traveled more quickly./ 7.
To become available. * /When she got her college diploma, many new
jobs opened up./
[open up one's eyes] See: OPEN ONE'S EYES.
[opinion] See: MATTER OP OPINION.
[opposite number] {n. phr.} A person occupying the same position as
someone in a different group, organization, or country. * /The
opposite number of the President of the United States in Germany is
the Chancellor of the Federal Republic./
[opposite sex] {n. phr.} The sex different from the one being
discussed or mentioned. * /Fred came out and said he was gay, having
never had any interest in the opposite sex./
[optional origin] {n.} Stipulation in international commodities
contract whereby the seller may ship from either his foreign or his
domestic resources. * /Be sure to enter that in the books as an
optional origin order./
[orbit] See: GO INTO ORBIT.
[order about] or [around] {v. phr.} To dictate arrogantly to
someone; domineer. * /Dan orders his younger colleagues around in a
most unpleasant way./
[ordinary] See: OUT OF THE ORDINARY.
[or other] {adv.} - Used to emphasize indefinite words or phrases
beginning with "some" (as "someone", "something", "somewhere",
"somehow", "sometime"). * /Somehow or other, Linda managed to get to
the show on time./ * /I'll think of something or other for the
program./ * /She found a beautiful cup and saucer somewhere or other./
* /I'll get around to cleaning the closets sometime or other./ *
/Someone or other will take the letters to the post office./
[or so] {adv.} About; or a little more. * /Mr. Brown will be back
in a day or so./ * /The book cost $5 or so./ * /There will be twenty
or so people at the party./ Compare: MORE OR LESS.
[other fish to fry] {n. phr.}, {informal} Other things to do; other
plans. * /They wanted John to be the secretary, but he had other fish
to fry./ * /Mary was invited to the party but she refused because she
had other fish to fry./
[other side of the tracks] See: WRONG SIDE OF THE TRACKS.
[out and about] See: UP AND ABOUT.
[out-and-out] {adj.} Extreme; complete; thorough. * /The candidate
was an out-and-out conservative./ * /It was out-and-out robbery to
charge twice the usual price for eggs just because they were scarce./
[out at the elbows] {adj. phr.} Poorly or shabbily dressed. * /Roy
walks around out at the elbows, but it's not because he is penniless,
but more in imitation of a certain style./
[out back] {adv. phr.} In one's backyard. * /On the Fourth of July
they were out back making preparations for their holiday barbecue./
[outback] {n.} 1. The remote and uncultivated wilderness areas of
Australia or New Zealand, with very few inhabitants. * /Mike and
Barbara roughed it in the Australian outback for nearly two years./ 2.
Any remote, sparsely populated region. * /Tom's old ranch in Texas is
next to an arid outback./
[out cold] {adv.} or {adj.}, {informal} Unconscious; in a faint. *
/The ball hit Dick in the head and knocked him out cold for ten
minutes./ * /They tried to lift Mary when she fell down, but she was
out cold./ Syn.: OUT LIKE A LIGHT(2). Compare: PASS OUT.
[outer space] {n.} What is outside of the earth's air. * /An
astronaut cannot live without oxygen when he goes into outer space./
[out for] {prep.} Joining, or planning to join; taking part in;
competing for a place in. * /John is out for the basketball team./ *
/Mary is going out for the school newspaper./ Compare: TRY OUT.
[out from under] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Free from something that
worries you; seeing the end; finished. - Usually used with "be" or
"get". * /Mary had so much to do in the new house she felt as though
she would never be out from under./ * /John had so many debts, he
couldn't get out from under./
[out in force] {adv. phr.} Present in very large numbers; en masse.
* /On the Fourth of July the police cars are out in force in the
Chicago area./
[out in left field] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Far from the right
answer; wrong; astray. * /Johnny tried to answer the teacher's
question but he was way out in left field./ * /Susan tried to guess
what the surprise was but she was way out in left field./ 2. Speaking
or acting very queerly; crazy. * /The girl next door was always queer,
but after her father died, she was really out in left field and had to
go to a hospital./ Compare: OUT OF ONE'S HEAD.
[out in the cold] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Alone; not included. *
/All the other children were chosen for parts in the play, but Johnny
was left out in the cold./ * /Everybody made plans for Christmas Day
and Mary found herself out in the cold./ Compare: HIGH AND DRY.
[out in the open] See: COME OUT IN THE OPEN.
[out like a light] {adj. phr.}, {informal} 1. Fast asleep; to sleep
very quickly. * /Tom got so much fresh air and exercise that he went
out like a light as soon as he lay down./ * /As soon as the lights
were turned off, Johnny was out like a light./ 2. In a faint;
unconscious. * /Johnny was hit by a ball and went out like a light./ *
/After she read that Tom had married another girl Jean was out like a
light for several minutes./ Compare: OUT COLD.
[out loud] {adv. phr.} In an ordinary speaking voice and not
whispering or talking quietly; so everybody can hear; aloud. * /The
teacher read the final grades out loud./ * /Mary spoke out loud so the
people standing nearby would hear./ * /Sometimes I find it helpful to
think out loud./
[out of] {prep.} 1a. From the inside to the outside of. * /John
took the apple out of the bag./ * /Get out of the car!/ * /The teacher
has gone out of town./ 1b. In a place away from. * /No, you can't see
Mr. Jones; he is out of the office today./ * /Our house is ten miles
out of town./ 2. From a particular condition or situation; not in;
from; in a way changed from being in. * /The drugstore is going out of
business./ * /The sick man is out of danger at last./ * /Bob is never
out of trouble./ 3. Beyond the range of. * /The plane is out of sight
now./ * /If you can't swim, don't go out of your depth./ 4. From (a
source). * /Mother asked Billy who started the fight, but she couldn't
get anything out of him./ * /The teacher gave a test to see what the
students got out of the lesson./ * /Mr. Jones made a fortune out of
cotton./ 5. Because of; as a result of. * /Mary scolded Joan out of
jealousy./ * /The cat ran away out of fear of the dog./ 6. Without;
not having. * /The store is out of coffee./ * /John's father is out of
work./ 7. From (a material). * /The house is built out of stone./ *
/His suit is made out of cotton and is cool./ 8. From among. * /The
man picked Joe out of the crowd./ * /Our team won eight out of ten
games last season./
[out of a bandbox] See: LOOK AS IF ONE HAS COME OUT OF A BANDBOX.
[out of account] See: LEAVE OUT OF ACCOUNT.
[out of a clear sky] or [out of a clear blue sky] See: OUT OF THE
[out of action] {adv. phr.} Useless; crippled; damaged so as to be
quiescent. * /American bombers put Nazi heavy industry out of action
during World War II./ * /When I broke my leg I was out of action for
the entire football season./
[out of all proportion] {adv. phr.} Disproportionate; lopsided. *
/The news coverage of the sensational celebrity double murder has
grown out of all proportion, obscuring the international news./
[out of bounds] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Outside of the boundary
lines in a game; not on or inside the playing field. * /Bill thought
he had scored a touchdown, but he had stepped out of bounds before he
reached the goal line./ 2. Outside of a circumscribed area for a
certain kind of work, such as construction or military site. * /The
principal told the students that the new gymnasium being built on the
school grounds was out of bounds./ * /The captain's cabin is out of
bounds to the passengers on the ship./ Contrast: WITHIN BOUNDS. 3.
Outside of safe or proper limits; not doing what is proper; breaking
the rules of good behavior. * /John was out of bounds when he called
Tom a liar in the meeting./ * /His request for a 25% salary raise was
totally out of bounds./
[out of breath] {adj.} or {adv. phr.} Not breathing easily or
regularly; gasping; panting. * /The fat man was out of breath after
climbing the stairs./ * /The mile run left Bill out of breath./
[out of character] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Not in agreement with a
person's character or personality; not in the way that a person
usually behaves or is expected to behave; not usual; unsuitable;
uncharacteristic. * /Mary is a nice girl. Her fit of temper was out of
character./ 2. Not in character; unsuitable for a part or character. *
/It isn't always out of character for a young actor to play an old
man, if he is a good actor./ Contrast: IN CHARACTER.
[out of circulation] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Not out in the company
of friends, other people, and groups; not active; not joining in what
others are doing. * /John has a job after school and is out of
circulation with his friends./ Contrast: IN CIRCULATION.
[out of commission] {adj. phr.} 1. Retired from active military
service; no longer on active duty. * /When the war was over, many
warships were placed out of commission./ Contrast: IN COMMISSION(1).
2. Not in use or not working; so that it cannot work or be used. *
/The strike put the airline out of commission for a week./ * /John
will have to walk to the store. His bicycle is out of commission./
Compare: OUT OF ORDER. Contrast: IN COMMISSION(2).
[out of condition] See: OUT OF SHAPE or OUT OF CONDITION.
[out of date] {adj. phr.} Old fashioned; superseded; no longer
valid; too old to be used. * /Father's suit is out of date; he needs a
new one./ * /The news magazines in the doctor's office were all out of
[out of fashion] {adj. phr.} Having passed from vogue; out of the
current mode. * /The miniskirt is now out of fashion in most quarters,
but it may very well come back some day./
[out of gas] {adv. phr.} 1. Out of fuel (said of automobiles). *
/Be sure you don't run out of gas when you go on a long distance trip
by car./ 2. Rundown; depleted of energy; in poor physical condition. *
/Mary said she had to take a break from her job as she was running
totally out of gas./
[out of gear] See: THROW OUT OF GEAR.
[out of hand] {adv. phr.} 1. Out of control. * /Bobby's birthday
party got out of hand and the children were naughty./ * /Small puppies
often get out of hand./ 2. Suddenly, quickly without examination of
possible truth or merit; without any consideration. - Often used after
"dismiss" or "reject". * /The senator rejected out of hand the
critics' call for his resignation./ Compare: OUT OF LINE. Contrast: IN
[out of hot water] See: HOT WATER.
[out of keeping] {adj. phr.} Not going well together; not agreeing;
not proper. * /Loud talk was out of keeping in the library./ * /It was
out of keeping for the kind man to kick the dog./ Contrast: IN
[out of kilter] {adj. phr.}, {informal} 1. Not balanced right; not
in a straight line or lined up right. * /The scale must be out of
kilter because when I weighed myself on it, it said 300 pounds./ *
/The wheels of my bicycle were out of kilter after it hit the tree./
Contrast: IN BALANCE. 2. Needing repair; not working right. * /My
watch runs too slowly; it must be out of kilter./ Syn.: OUT OF
[out of line(1)] {adv. phr.} Not in a straight line; away from a
true line. * /The two edges were out of line and there was a space
between them./ * /The sergeant ordered the soldier who was out of line
to get properly lined up./
[out of line(2)] {adj. phr.} Not obeying or agreeing with what is
right or usual; doing or being what people do not expect or accept;
outside ordinary or proper limits; not usual, right, or proper. *
/Little Mary got out of line and was rude to Aunt Elizabeth./ * /The
teacher asked Charlie not to tell one of the jokes because it was out
of line./ * /Mrs. Green thought the repair man's charge was out of
line./ Compare: OUT OF HAND, OUT OF ORDER. Contrast: IN LINE(2).
[out of line with] {prep.} Not in agreement with. * /The price of
the bicycle was out of line with what Bill could afford./
[out of luck] {adj. phr.} Being unlucky; having bad luck; having
something bad happen to you. * /Mr. Jones missed his train and was out
of luck in getting to the ball game on time./ * /All of the girls had
dates so Ben was out of luck./
[out of mind] See: OUT OF SIGHT, out OF MIND.
[out of nowhere] {adv. phr.} Without having been seen before;
suddenly and unexpectedly. * /Mr. Jones was driving too fast on the
express highway when a police patrol car appeared out of nowhere and
stopped him./ Syn.: OUT OF THE BLUE.
[out of one's blood] {adv. phr.} Separate from one's feelings,
interests, or desires. * /When Tom moved to the city, he couldn't get
the country out of his blood./ * /Mary is having a hard job getting
summer laziness out of her blood./ Contrast: IN ONE'S BLOOD.
[out of one's element] {adv. phr.} Outside of your natural
surroundings; where you do not belong or fit in. * /Wild animals are
out of their element in cages./ * /Chris is out of his element in
singing class./ Compare: OUT OF PLACE, BEYOND ONE'S DEPTH. Contrast:
[out of one's hair] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Rid of as a nuisance;
relieved of as an annoyance. * /Harry got the boys out of his hair so
he could study./ Compare: OUT OF ONE'S WAY. Contrast: IN ONE'S HAIR.
[out of one's hand] See: EAT OUT OF ONE'S HAND.
[out of one's head] or [out of one's mind] or [out of one's senses]
also [off one's head] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Acting in a crazy way;
especially, wildly crazy. * /The patient was feverish and out of his
head and had to be watched./ * /Her friends thought she was out of her
mind to marry that man./ Compare: OFF ONE'S ROCKER. Contrast: COME TO
[out of one's mind] See: OUT OF ONE'S HEAD.
[out of one's mouth] See: TAKE THE BREAD OUT OF ONE'S MOUTH, TAKE
[out of one's pocket] {adv. phr.} Having sustained a financial
loss; poorer by a said amount. * /The show was so bad that, besides
having a lousy time, I was also $35 out of my pocket./
[out of one's sails] See: TAKE THE WIND OUT OF ONE'S SAILS.
[out of one's senses] See: OUT OF ONE'S HEAD.
[out of one's shell] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Out of one's
bashfulness or silence; into friendly conversation. - Usually used
after "come". * /John wouldn't come out of his shell and talk to the
boys and girls at the party./ * /The other girls tried to draw Ella
out of her shell, but without success./ Contrast: IN ONE'S SHELL.
[out of one's skin] See: JUMP OU T OF ONE'S SKIN.
[out of one's way] See: OUT OF THE WAY(3).
[out of one's wits] See: SCARE OUT OF ONE'S WITS.
[out of (one's) reach] {adv. phr.} Unreachable; unattainable;
unobtainable. * /Sam wanted to be a United States senator but he came
to realize that such a dream was out of his reach./
[out of order] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. In the wrong order; not
coming after one another in the right way. * /Peter wrote the words of
the sentence out of order./ * /Don't get out of order, children. Stay
in your places in line./ Contrast: IN ORDER. 2. In poor condition; not
working properly. * /Our television set is out of order./ 3. Against
the rules; not suitable. * /The judge told the people in the courtroom
that they were out of order because they were so noisy./ * /The
children's whispering was out of order in the church./ Compare: OUT OF
Contrast: IN ORDER.
[out of place(1)] {adv. phr.} Not in the right or usual place or
position. * /Harry fell and knocked one of his teeth out of place./ *
/The teacher lined up the class and told them not to get out of
place./ Compare: OUT OF ORDER. Contrast: IN PLACE.
[out of place(2)] {adj. phr.} In the wrong place or at the wrong
time; not suitable; improper. * /Joan was the only girl who wore a
formal at the party, and she felt out of place./ * /It was out of
place for Russell to laugh at the old lady./ Compare: OUT OF ONE'S
[out-of-pocket expenses] {n. phr.} Expenses one has to pay for
oneself, not the company that sends one on a given assignment, such as
tips for waiters, cab drivers, etc. * /Luckily, my out-of-pocket
expenses didn't amount to more than $15./
[out of practice] {adj. phr.} Not in proper condition; unable to do
something well because of lack of practice. * /The basketball team got
out of practice during the Christmas holidays./ Compare: OUT OF SHAPE.
Contrast: IN PRACTICE.
[out of print] {adj. phr.} No longer obtainable from the publisher
because the printed copies have been sold out; no longer printed. *
/The book is out of print. An edition of one thousand copies was sold
and no more copies were printed./ Compare: OUT OF STOCK. Contrast: IN
[out of school] See: TELL TALES OUT OF SCHOOL.
[out of season] {adv. phr.} 1. Not at the right or lawful time for
hunting or catching. * /The boys were caught fishing out of season./
2. Not at the usual time for growing and selling. * /The corn we get
out of season is different from the kind we grow here./ Contrast: IN
[out of shape] or [out of condition] {adj. phr.} 1. Not in good
condition; not able to perform well. * /Father was out of shape when
he took a long hike with the boys, and he was stiff and sore the next
day./ * /Jack's pitching arm got out of condition during the winter,
when he wasn't using it./ Compare: OUT OF PRACTICE. 2. Not look the
same; changed. * /Someone sat on father's new hat and mashed it. It is
now out of shape./ Contrast: IN SHAPE.
[out of sight] {adv. phr.} 1. Not within one's field of vision. *
/The sailboat disappeared out of sight over the horizon./ 2. Extremely
expensive. * /The builder's estimate was so high that it was out of
sight./ 3. Unbelievable; fantastic; incredible (both in the positive
and the negative sense; an exaggeration.) * /Roxanne is such a
stunning beauty, it's simply out of sight./ * /Mr. Gargoyle is so
repulsive, it's out of sight./ 4. Unreachable; unrealizable; belonging
to the world of fiction and fantasy. * /Max's dreams about winning the
Senatorial election are really out of
sight; he admits it himself./ Compare: PIPE DREAM.
[out of sight, out of mind] If one doesn't see something for an
extended period of time, one tends to forget about it. - A proverb. *
/After Caroline moved out of town, Ray soon found other women to date.
As the saying goes, "out of sight, out of mind."/
[out of sorts] {adj. phr.} In an angry or unhappy mood; in a bad
temper; grouchy. * /Mary was out of sorts and wouldn't say good
morning./ * /Bob was out of sorts because he didn't get a bicycle for
his birthday./
[out of step] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Not in step; not matching
strides or keeping pace with another or others. * /George always
marches out of step with the music./ 2. Out of harmony; not keeping
up. - Often followed by "with". * /Just because you don't smoke, it
doesn't mean you are out of step with other boys and girls your age./
Contrast: IN STEP.
[out of stock] {adj. phr.} Having none for sale or use; no longer
in supply; sold out. * /When Father tried to get tires for an old car,
the man in the store said that size was out of stock and were not sold
anymore./ * /So many children have bought balloons that the store is
now out of stock./ Compare: OUT OF PRINT. Contrast: IN STOCK.
[out of the blue] or [out of a clear sky] or [out of a clear blue
sky] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Without any warning; by surprise;
unexpectedly. * /At the last minute Johnny came out of the blue to
catch the pass and score a touchdown./ * /The cowboy thought he was
alone but suddenly out of a clear sky there were bandits all around
[out of the corner of one's eye] {adv. phr.} Without looking at a
person or thing directly or openly; secretly; without being noticed. *
/The cat looked at the mouse out of the corner of his eye./ * /Mike
watched the boys across the street out of the corner of his eye as he
mowed the lawn./
[out of the frying pan into the fire] Out of one trouble into worse
trouble; from something bad to something worse. - A proverb. * /The
movie cowboy was out of the frying pan into the fire. After he escaped
from the robbers, he was captured by Indians./
[out of the hole] {adv.} or {adj. phr.}, {informal} 1a. With a
score better than zero in a game; especially a card game, to a score
above zero. * /It took us a long time to get out of the hole in the
card game./ 1b. Even with an opponent after being behind; out of
trouble in a sport or game. * /The team played very hard, but could
not get out of the hole./ 2. Out of debt; ahead financially. * /It was
a small business, but it was wisely managed, and it kept out of the
hole./ * /The first year was bad, but after that Fred got out of the
hole./ Contrast: IN THE HOLE.
[out of the ordinary] {adj. phr.} Outside or beyond common
experience; unusual; wonderful; extraordinary. * /The parade will be
something out of the ordinary because a real king will be there./ *
/This juggler was out of the ordinary because he could juggle with his
feet as well as his hands./
[out of the picture] {adv. phr.} No longer a possibility or in the
running; rejected. * /Mark assured Carol that his ex-wife was
completely out of the picture./
[out of the question] {adj. phr.} Not worth considering;
unthinkable; impossible. * /It sometimes snows as late as June in the
mountains, but the summer campers thought that snow was out of the
question./ * /The boys had no money, so it was out of the question for
them to go to the movies./
[out of the rain] See: KNOW ENOUGH TO COME IN OUT OF THE RAIN.
[out of the red] {adv. phr.} Having reached solvency; no longer in
debt. * /Under the new management, our company finally got out of the
red./ Contrast: IN THE HOLE, IN THE RED. Compare: IN THE BLACK.
[out of the running] {adj.} or {adv. phr.} Having no chance to win;
not among the real contenders; not among those to be considered. *
/John had been out of the running since his first date with Mary, but
he didn't realize it./ * /Jones's horse was put out of the running
early in the race./ Contrast: IN THE RUNNING.
[out of the swim] {adj. phr.} Not doing what others are doing; not
active in business or social affairs. * /Mary had to stay home and
take care of Mother while she was sick, and soon felt out of the
swim./ * /The toy manufacturer who is out of the swim will lose
money./ Contrast: IN THE SWIM.
[out of the way] {adv. phr.} 1. Not where people usually go;
difficult to reach. * /When little Tommy comes to visit her, Aunt
Sally puts her lamps and vases out of the way./ - Often used with
hyphens before a noun. * /Gold was found in an out-of-the-way village
in the mountains, and soon a good road and airfield were built./ *
/Jack and Fred found an old gun in an out-of-the-way corner of the
empty house./ Compare: OFF THE BEATEN TRACK. 2. Not what is usual or
proper; strange. * /To leave before the guest of honor would be out of
the way./ * /I'm sorry if I said something out of the way./ * /The
night watchman looked around the building, but he saw nothing out of
the way./ Compare: OUT OF PLACE. 3. or [out of one's way] Not able to
stop or bother you. * /Tommy wished the visitors were out of the way
so that he could have the candy for himself./ Compare: OUT OF ONE'S
[out of the woods] See: CROW BEFORE ONE IS OUT OF THE WOODS.
[out of thin air] {adv. phr.} Out of nothing or from nowhere. *
/The teacher scolded Dick because his story was made out of thin air./
* /On the way home from town, Tom saw a house standing on the lot that
had been empty that morning; it seemed to have appeared out of thin
air./ Compare: INTO THIN AIR.
[out of this world] {adj. phr.}, {slang} Wonderfully good or
satisfying; terrific; super. * /The dress in the store window was out
of this world!/ * /Mother was on TV last night. Isn't that out of this
[out of touch] {adj. phr.} Not writing or talking with each other;
not getting news anymore. * /Fred had got out of touch with people in
his hometown./ * /On his island Robinson Crusoe was out of touch with
world news./ Compare: LOSE TOUCH, LOSE TRACK. Contrast: IN TOUCH.
[out of town] {adv. phr.} Having left one's usual residence or
place of work on a longer trip. * /"Mr. Smith is out of town until
Monday," the secretary said. "May I take a message?"/
[out of tune] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Out of proper musical pitch;
too low or high in sound. * /The band sounded terrible, because the
instruments were out of tune./ 2. Not in agreement; in disagreement;
not going well together. - Often used with "with". * /What Jack said
was out of tune with how he looked; he said he was happy, but he
looked unhappy./ Compare: OFF-KEY. Contrast: IN TUNE.
[out of turn] {adv. phr.} 1. Not in regular order; at the wrong
time. * /John played out of turn./ * /By taking a day off out of turn,
Bob got the schedule mixed up./ 2. Too hastily or wrongly; at the
vegetables are on the market./ * /The Goodwins put their house on the
market in January, but they did not sell it till August./
[on the mend] {adj. phr.} Healing; becoming better. * /John's
broken leg is on the mend./ * /Mary's relationship with Joan is on the
[on die money] {adv. phr.} Exactly right; exactly accurate. *
/Algernon won the lottery; the numbers he picked were right on the
money./ Compare: ON THE NOSE.
[on the move] {adj.} or {adv. phr.} 1. Moving around from place to
place; in motion. * /It was a very cold day, and the teacher watching
the playground kept on the move to stay warm./ * /It was vacation
time, and the highways were full of families on the move./ 2. Moving
forward; going somewhere. * /The candidate promised that if people
would make him president, he would get the country on the move./
[on the nose] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Just right; exactly. *
/Stanley hit the ball on the nose./ * /The airplane pilot found the
small landing field on the nose./
[on the other foot] See: SHOE ON THE OTHER FOOT.
[on the other hand] {adv. phr.} Looking at the other side; from
another point of view. - Used to introduce an opposite or different
fact or idea. * /Jim wanted to go to the movies; his wife, on the
other hand, wanted to stay home and read./ * /Mr. Harris may still
want a boy to mow his lawn; on the other hand, he may have found
someone to do it./ Compare: ON ONE HAND.
[on the outs] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Not friendly; having a
quarrel. * /Mary and Sue were on the outs./ * /Being on the outs with
a classmate is very upsetting./ Syn.: AT ODDS.
[on the point of] {prep.} Ready to begin; very near to. - Usually
used with a verbal noun. * /The coach was on the point of giving up
the game when our team scored two points./ * /The baby was on the
point of crying when her mother finally came home./ Compare: ABOUT TO,
[on the Q.T.] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Secretly; without anyone's
knowing. * /George and Paul formed a club on the Q.T./ * /The teachers
got the principal a present strictly on the Q.T./ (from quiet.)
[on the road] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Traveling; moving from one
place to another. * /When we go on vacation, we take a lunch to eat
while on the road./ * /Mr. Smith is on the road for his insurance
company./ 2. Changing; going from one condition to another. * /Mary
was very sick for several weeks, but now she is on the road to
recovery./ * /Hard study in school put John on the road to success./
[on the rocks] {adj. phr.} 1. {informal} Wrecked or ruined. * /Mr.
Jones' business and marriage were both on the rocks./ 2. With ice
only. * /At the restaurant, Sally ordered orange juice on the rocks./
[on the ropes] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Against the ropes of a
boxing ring and almost not able to stand up. * /The fighter was on the
ropes and could hardly lift his gloves./ 2. Almost defeated; helpless;
near failure. * /The new supermarket took most of the business from
Mr. Thomas's grocery, and the little store was soon on the ropes./
[on the run] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. In a hurry; hurrying. * /Jane
called "Help!" and Tom came on the run./ * /Modern mothers are usually
on the run./ 2. Going away from a fight; in retreat; retreating. *
/The enemy soldiers were on the run./
[on the safe side] {adv. phr.} Provided for against a possible
emergency; well prepared. * /"Please double-check these proofs, Mr.
Brown," the printer said, "just to be on the safe side."/
[on the shelf] {adv.} or {adj. phr.}, {informal} Laid aside; not
useful anymore. * /When a girl grows up, she puts childish habits on
the shelf./ * /Mr. Myron's company put him on the shelf when he
reached the age of 65./
[on the side] {adv. phr.}, {informal} 1. In addition to a main
thing, amount or quantity; extra. * /He ordered a hamburger with
onions and French fries on the side./ * /His job at the hospital did
not pay much, so he found another on the side./ * /The cowboys in the
rodeo competed for prize money and also made bets on the side./ 2. or
[on the --- side] Tending toward; rather. * /Grandmother thought
Jane's new skirt was on the short side./
[on the sly] {adv. phr.} So that other people won't know; secretly.
* /The boys smoked on the sly./ * /Mary's mother did not approve of
lipstick, but Mary used it on the sly./
[on the spot] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. or [upon the spot] At that
exact time and at the same time or place; without waiting or leaving.
* /The news of important events is often broadcast on the spot over
television./ * /When Tom ruined an expensive machine, his boss fired
him on the spot./ Compare: AT ONCE, IN ONE'S TRACKS, THEN AND THERE.
2. {informal} also [in a spot] In trouble, difficulty, or
embarrassment. * /Mr. Jones is on the spot because he cannot pay back
the money he borrowed./ * /Bill is on the spot; he invited George to
visit him, but Bill's parents said no./ Compare: BACK TO THE WALL. 3.
{slang} In danger of murder; named or listed for death. * /After he
talked to the police, the gangsters put him on the spot./
[on the spur of the moment] {adv. phr.} On a sudden wish or
decision; suddenly; without thought or preparation. * /John had not
planned to take the trip; he just left on the spur of the moment./ *
/Mary saw a help-wanted advertisement and applied for the job on the
spur of the moment./
[on the stage] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} In or into the work of being
an actor or actress. * /John's brother is on the stage./ * /Mary went
on the stage./
[on the strength of] {prep.} With faith or trust in; depending
upon; with the support of. * /On the strength of Jim's promise to
guide us, we decided to climb the mountain./ * /Bill started a
restaurant on the strength of his experience as a cook in the army./
[on the string] or [on a string] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Under your
influence or control; obedient to every wish. * /The baby had his
mother on a string./ * /She was pretty and popular, with two or three
boys on the string all the time./
[on the take] {adv. phr.} Bribable; corrupt. * /Officer O'Keefe was
put on three months' probation because it was alleged that he was on
the take./
[on the tip of one's tongue] {adv. phr.} About to say something,
such as a name, a telephone number, etc., but unable to remember it
for the moment. * /"His name is on the tip of my tongue," Tom said.
"It will come to me in a minute."/
[on the town] {adv.} or {adj. phr.}, {informal} In or into a town
to celebrate; having a good time or enjoying the amusements in a town.
* /When the sailors got off their ship they went out on the town./
[on the track of] or [on the trail of] Hunting or looking for;
trying to find; following. * /The hunter is on the track of a deer./ *
/The lawyer is on the trail of new proof in the case./ * /Jim collects
old stamps; he is on the track of one in Midville this afternoon./
[on the trail of] See: ON THE TRACK OF.
[on the trigger] See: QUICK ON THE TRIGGER.
[on the up and up] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Honest; trustworthy;
sincere. * /We felt that he was honest and could be trusted. This
information is on the up and up./ Compare: ON THE LEVEL.
[on the vine] See: DIE ON THE VINE or WITHER ON THE VINE.
[on the wagon] {adv. phr.} Participating in an alcohol addiction
program; not touching any alcoholic beverage. * /Jim's doctor and his
family finally managed to convince him that he was an alcoholic and
should go on the wagon./ Contrast: FALL OFF THE WAGON.
[on the wane and on the wax] {adv. phr.} Decreasing and increasing.
- Said of the moon. * /The moon is regularly on the wane and on the
wax at regular intervals lasting half a month./
[on the warpath] {adj. phr.}, {informal} 1. Very angry. * /When
Mother saw the mess in the kitchen she went on the warpath./ * /Betty
has been on the warpath ever since she found out she was not invited
to the party./ 2. Making an attack; fighting. * /The government is on
the warpath against narcotics./ * /The police are on the warpath
against speeders./
[on the watch] {adj. phr.} Alert; watchful. * /The customs
inspector was on the watch for diamond smugglers./ * /Mary was on the
watch for bargains at the auction./ Compare: EYE OUT, LOOK OUT(2).
[on the way] or [on one's way] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} Coming; going
toward a place or goal; started. * /Help was on the way./ * /The train
left and Bill was on his way to New York./ * /He is well on the way to
becoming a fine mechanic./
[on the whole] {adv. phr.} 1. In the most important things; in most
ways. * /On the whole, Billy did very well in school this year./ *
/Everybody agreed that on the whole it was a good show./ Syn.: IN
ALL(2), FOR THE MOST PART. 2. In most cases; usually. * /On the whole,
men are stronger than women./ * /On the whole, children begin walking
when they are about one year old./ Syn.: BY AND LARGE, IN GENERAL.
[on the wing] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. In the air; while flying. *
/The duck flew away, but John shot it on the wing./ 2. {informal} In
constant motion; always very busy. * /Susan was on the wing doing
things to get ready for her trip./ * /Mr. Jones had a busy schedule
and his secretary had to catch him on the wing to sign the letters./
Syn.: ON THE FLY. 3. {informal} Moving from one place to another;
traveling; going somewhere. * /Mary's husband is a traveling salesman
and he's always on the wing./ * /They stayed in France for a week and
then they were on the wing again./ Syn.: ON THE GO, ON THE MOVE.
[on the words] See: HANG ON THE WORDS OF.
[on the wrong foot] See: GET OFF ON THE WRONG FOOT.
[on the wrong side of the bed] See: GET UP ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE
[on the wrong track] {adv. phr.} Lost; pursuing the wrong lead. *
/Professor MacAlister confessed that his chemical experiments were on
the wrong track./ Contrast: BARK UP THE WRONG TREE.
[on time] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. At the time arranged; not late;
promptly. * /The train left on time./ * /Mary is always on time for an
appointment./ Contrast: AHEAD OF TIME, BEHIND TIME. 2. On the
installment plan; on credit, paying a little at a time. * /John bought
a car on time./ * /You can buy things at the department store on
[on top] {adv.} or {adj. phr.}, {informal} In the lead; with
success; with victory. * /The horse that everyone had expected would
be on top actually came in third./ * /Although John had been afraid
that he was not prepared for the exam, he came out on top./
[on top of] {prep}. 1. On the top of; standing or lying on; on. *
/When the player on the other team dropped the ball, Bill fell on top
of it./ * /That high hill has a tower on top of it./ 2. {informal}
Very close to. * /The elevator was so crowded that everybody was on
top of each other./ * /I couldn't find my umbrella and then I realized
I was almost on top of it./ 3. {informal} In addition to; along with.
* /Mrs. Lane had many expenses and on top of everything else, her baby
became ill./ * /Mary worked at the store all day and on top of that
she had to baby-sit with her brother./ 4. {informal} Managing very
well; in control of. * /Although his new job was very complicated,
John was on top of it within a few weeks./ * /No matter what goes
wrong, Mary always stays on top of it./ 5. Knowing all about; not
falling behind in information about; up-to-date on. * /Mary stays on
top of the news by reading newspapers and magazines./ * /When he was
in California, Mr. Jones kept on top of things in his office by
telephoning every day./
[on top of the world] or [sitting on top of the world] also
(Southern) [sitting on high cotton] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Feeling
pleased and happy; feeling successful. * /John was on top of the world
when he found out that he got into college./ * /When Ruth won first
prize in the contest, she felt as though she was sitting on top of the
world./ * /The girls were sitting on high cotton because their
basketball team had won the trophy./ Compare: FLYING HIGH, WALK ON
[on trial] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. For testing or trying out for a
time before making a decision. * /I was lucky that I had bought the
machine on trial because I didn't like it and was able to return it./
* /Mother bought a new dishwasher on trial and was trying it out
before deciding whether to keep it./ 2. In a court being tried for a
crime before a judge or jury. * /John White was on trial for murder./
* /Mary was on trial before the Student Committee for spoiling school
[on words] See: PLAY ON WORDS.
[on your life] See: NOT ON YOUR LIFE.
[open and aboveboard] {adj. phr.} Honest. * /Jacob felt that the
firm he was doing business with wasn't entirely open and aboveboard./
[open and shut] See: CUT AND DRIED.
[open arms] See: RECEIVE WITH OPEN ARMS.
[open-door policy] {n. phr.} A policy that states that newcomers
are welcome to join the company, firm, or country in question. *
/During the nineteenth century the United States had an open-door
policy regarding immigration./
[open fire] {v. phr.} To begin shooting. * /The big warship turned
its guns toward the enemy ship and opened fire./ * /When the policeman
called to the robber to stop, he turned and suddenly opened fire./
[openhanded] {adj.} Generous; liberal. * /Although not wealthy
himself, Bob was always very openhanded with those who needed help./
[open heart] {n.} 1. No hiding of your feelings; frankness;
freedom. * /She spoke with an open heart of her warm feelings for her
pupils./ * /She told her troubles with an open heart./ Compare: HEART
ON ONE'S SLEEVE. 2. Kindness; generosity. * /She contributed to the
fund with an open heart./ * /Mr. Jones has an open heart for
underprivileged children./ Compare: OPEN ONE'S HEART.
[open its doors] {v. phr.} 1. To allow someone or something to
enter or join; become open. * /That college was started for women
only, but a few years ago it opened its doors to men./ 2. To begin
doing business; open. * /Proffitts Department Store is having a
birthday sale; it first opened its doors fifty years ago this month./
[open letter] {n. phr.} A public message in the form of a letter
addressed to a particular person or to a group. * /There was an open
letter to the president of the United States in today's morning
[open market] {n. phr.} Goods or securities available for purchase
by all. * /The stocks of certain companies are on the open market./
[open marriage] {n. phr.} An arrangement by mutual agreement
between husband and wife whereby they are both allowed to have
extramarital affairs. * /Chances are the open marriage arrangement
they had didn't work out too well so they are getting a divorce./
[open-minded] {adj.} Having no dogmatic or biased views on matters
of theory, religion, politics, etc. * /Fred is easy to talk to about
anything; he is a highly intelligent and open-minded person./
[open one's eyes] or [open up one's eyes] {v. phr.} To make a
person see or understand the truth; make a person realize; tell a
person what is really happening or what really exists. * /Mary didn't
believe that her cousin could be mean until the cousin opened Mary's
eyes by scratching and biting her./ * /John's eyes were opened up to
the world of nature when he visited his grandfather's farm./ Compare:
EYES OPEN, WISE UP. - [eye opener] {n.} Something that makes you
understand the truth. * /Pam's first visit to school was a real
[open one's heart] {v. phr.} 1. To talk about your feelings
honestly; confide in someone. * /After going around worrying, Mary
opened her heart to her mother./ * /John felt much better after he
opened his heart to Betty./ 2. To be sympathetic to; give love or help
generously. * /Mrs. Smith opened her heart to the poor little boy./ *
/After the moving speech by the UN official, the people opened their
hearts to the poor people of India./ Compare: OPEN HEART, WEAR ONE'S
[open onto] {v. phr.} To have a view of. * /Our apartment in
Chicago has a set of windows that open onto Lake Michigan./
[open Pandora's box] See: PANDORA'S BOX.
[open question] {n. phr.} A debatable issue. * /Whether assisted
suicide is legal and moral or not is still an open question, recent
publicity on the matter notwithstanding./
[open secret] {n.} Something that is supposed to be a secret but
that everyone knows. * /It is an open secret that Mary and John are
engaged./ * /Who will be appointed as the next president of the
college is an open secret./
[open sesame] {n. phr.}, {literary} Immediate means of entrance, or
unobstructed access to something. * /Tom mistakenly believed that his
wealth would be an open sesame to the world of creative arts./
[open shop] {n. phr.} A factory or firm that employs both union and
non-union labor. * /The firm refuses to adopt an open shop policy./
Contrast: CLOSED SHOP.
[open the door] {v. phr.} To allow more action or discussion; give
a chance. * /Learning to read and write opens the door to a better job
and better living conditions./ * /Raising the tax rates will open the
door to more help for older people./ Contrast: CLOSE THE DOOR.
[open the floodgates] {v. phr.} To let loose an outburst of human
activity or emotion. * /It would open the floodgates of anger and
discontent if the university raised tuition too soon./
[open up] {v.} 1. To show for the first time; make clear; reveal. *
/The story of Helen Keller's life opened up a whole new world to
Mary./ * /Einstein's theories opened up a whole new area for study./
2. To make available; present an opportunity; offer. * /The building
of the railroad opened up new lands to the pioneers./ * /John opened
up a whole new section of the Scrabble board./ 3. {informal} To go
faster. * /When they got out on the highway John opened up and drove
at 65 miles per hour./ 4. {informal} To begin to shoot. * /When they
got close to the enemy lines, they opened up with all they had./ 5.
{informal} To begin to talk frankly. * /After John learned to trust
Mr. Jones, he opened up and told him how he felt./ 6. To spread out. *
/After a while the road opened up and they traveled more quickly./ 7.
To become available. * /When she got her college diploma, many new
jobs opened up./
[open up one's eyes] See: OPEN ONE'S EYES.
[opinion] See: MATTER OP OPINION.
[opposite number] {n. phr.} A person occupying the same position as
someone in a different group, organization, or country. * /The
opposite number of the President of the United States in Germany is
the Chancellor of the Federal Republic./
[opposite sex] {n. phr.} The sex different from the one being
discussed or mentioned. * /Fred came out and said he was gay, having
never had any interest in the opposite sex./
[optional origin] {n.} Stipulation in international commodities
contract whereby the seller may ship from either his foreign or his
domestic resources. * /Be sure to enter that in the books as an
optional origin order./
[orbit] See: GO INTO ORBIT.
[order about] or [around] {v. phr.} To dictate arrogantly to
someone; domineer. * /Dan orders his younger colleagues around in a
most unpleasant way./
[ordinary] See: OUT OF THE ORDINARY.
[or other] {adv.} - Used to emphasize indefinite words or phrases
beginning with "some" (as "someone", "something", "somewhere",
"somehow", "sometime"). * /Somehow or other, Linda managed to get to
the show on time./ * /I'll think of something or other for the
program./ * /She found a beautiful cup and saucer somewhere or other./
* /I'll get around to cleaning the closets sometime or other./ *
/Someone or other will take the letters to the post office./
[or so] {adv.} About; or a little more. * /Mr. Brown will be back
in a day or so./ * /The book cost $5 or so./ * /There will be twenty
or so people at the party./ Compare: MORE OR LESS.
[other fish to fry] {n. phr.}, {informal} Other things to do; other
plans. * /They wanted John to be the secretary, but he had other fish
to fry./ * /Mary was invited to the party but she refused because she
had other fish to fry./
[other side of the tracks] See: WRONG SIDE OF THE TRACKS.
[out and about] See: UP AND ABOUT.
[out-and-out] {adj.} Extreme; complete; thorough. * /The candidate
was an out-and-out conservative./ * /It was out-and-out robbery to
charge twice the usual price for eggs just because they were scarce./
[out at the elbows] {adj. phr.} Poorly or shabbily dressed. * /Roy
walks around out at the elbows, but it's not because he is penniless,
but more in imitation of a certain style./
[out back] {adv. phr.} In one's backyard. * /On the Fourth of July
they were out back making preparations for their holiday barbecue./
[outback] {n.} 1. The remote and uncultivated wilderness areas of
Australia or New Zealand, with very few inhabitants. * /Mike and
Barbara roughed it in the Australian outback for nearly two years./ 2.
Any remote, sparsely populated region. * /Tom's old ranch in Texas is
next to an arid outback./
[out cold] {adv.} or {adj.}, {informal} Unconscious; in a faint. *
/The ball hit Dick in the head and knocked him out cold for ten
minutes./ * /They tried to lift Mary when she fell down, but she was
out cold./ Syn.: OUT LIKE A LIGHT(2). Compare: PASS OUT.
[outer space] {n.} What is outside of the earth's air. * /An
astronaut cannot live without oxygen when he goes into outer space./
[out for] {prep.} Joining, or planning to join; taking part in;
competing for a place in. * /John is out for the basketball team./ *
/Mary is going out for the school newspaper./ Compare: TRY OUT.
[out from under] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Free from something that
worries you; seeing the end; finished. - Usually used with "be" or
"get". * /Mary had so much to do in the new house she felt as though
she would never be out from under./ * /John had so many debts, he
couldn't get out from under./
[out in force] {adv. phr.} Present in very large numbers; en masse.
* /On the Fourth of July the police cars are out in force in the
Chicago area./
[out in left field] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Far from the right
answer; wrong; astray. * /Johnny tried to answer the teacher's
question but he was way out in left field./ * /Susan tried to guess
what the surprise was but she was way out in left field./ 2. Speaking
or acting very queerly; crazy. * /The girl next door was always queer,
but after her father died, she was really out in left field and had to
go to a hospital./ Compare: OUT OF ONE'S HEAD.
[out in the cold] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Alone; not included. *
/All the other children were chosen for parts in the play, but Johnny
was left out in the cold./ * /Everybody made plans for Christmas Day
and Mary found herself out in the cold./ Compare: HIGH AND DRY.
[out in the open] See: COME OUT IN THE OPEN.
[out like a light] {adj. phr.}, {informal} 1. Fast asleep; to sleep
very quickly. * /Tom got so much fresh air and exercise that he went
out like a light as soon as he lay down./ * /As soon as the lights
were turned off, Johnny was out like a light./ 2. In a faint;
unconscious. * /Johnny was hit by a ball and went out like a light./ *
/After she read that Tom had married another girl Jean was out like a
light for several minutes./ Compare: OUT COLD.
[out loud] {adv. phr.} In an ordinary speaking voice and not
whispering or talking quietly; so everybody can hear; aloud. * /The
teacher read the final grades out loud./ * /Mary spoke out loud so the
people standing nearby would hear./ * /Sometimes I find it helpful to
think out loud./
[out of] {prep.} 1a. From the inside to the outside of. * /John
took the apple out of the bag./ * /Get out of the car!/ * /The teacher
has gone out of town./ 1b. In a place away from. * /No, you can't see
Mr. Jones; he is out of the office today./ * /Our house is ten miles
out of town./ 2. From a particular condition or situation; not in;
from; in a way changed from being in. * /The drugstore is going out of
business./ * /The sick man is out of danger at last./ * /Bob is never
out of trouble./ 3. Beyond the range of. * /The plane is out of sight
now./ * /If you can't swim, don't go out of your depth./ 4. From (a
source). * /Mother asked Billy who started the fight, but she couldn't
get anything out of him./ * /The teacher gave a test to see what the
students got out of the lesson./ * /Mr. Jones made a fortune out of
cotton./ 5. Because of; as a result of. * /Mary scolded Joan out of
jealousy./ * /The cat ran away out of fear of the dog./ 6. Without;
not having. * /The store is out of coffee./ * /John's father is out of
work./ 7. From (a material). * /The house is built out of stone./ *
/His suit is made out of cotton and is cool./ 8. From among. * /The
man picked Joe out of the crowd./ * /Our team won eight out of ten
games last season./
[out of a bandbox] See: LOOK AS IF ONE HAS COME OUT OF A BANDBOX.
[out of account] See: LEAVE OUT OF ACCOUNT.
[out of a clear sky] or [out of a clear blue sky] See: OUT OF THE
[out of action] {adv. phr.} Useless; crippled; damaged so as to be
quiescent. * /American bombers put Nazi heavy industry out of action
during World War II./ * /When I broke my leg I was out of action for
the entire football season./
[out of all proportion] {adv. phr.} Disproportionate; lopsided. *
/The news coverage of the sensational celebrity double murder has
grown out of all proportion, obscuring the international news./
[out of bounds] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Outside of the boundary
lines in a game; not on or inside the playing field. * /Bill thought
he had scored a touchdown, but he had stepped out of bounds before he
reached the goal line./ 2. Outside of a circumscribed area for a
certain kind of work, such as construction or military site. * /The
principal told the students that the new gymnasium being built on the
school grounds was out of bounds./ * /The captain's cabin is out of
bounds to the passengers on the ship./ Contrast: WITHIN BOUNDS. 3.
Outside of safe or proper limits; not doing what is proper; breaking
the rules of good behavior. * /John was out of bounds when he called
Tom a liar in the meeting./ * /His request for a 25% salary raise was
totally out of bounds./
[out of breath] {adj.} or {adv. phr.} Not breathing easily or
regularly; gasping; panting. * /The fat man was out of breath after
climbing the stairs./ * /The mile run left Bill out of breath./
[out of character] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Not in agreement with a
person's character or personality; not in the way that a person
usually behaves or is expected to behave; not usual; unsuitable;
uncharacteristic. * /Mary is a nice girl. Her fit of temper was out of
character./ 2. Not in character; unsuitable for a part or character. *
/It isn't always out of character for a young actor to play an old
man, if he is a good actor./ Contrast: IN CHARACTER.
[out of circulation] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Not out in the company
of friends, other people, and groups; not active; not joining in what
others are doing. * /John has a job after school and is out of
circulation with his friends./ Contrast: IN CIRCULATION.
[out of commission] {adj. phr.} 1. Retired from active military
service; no longer on active duty. * /When the war was over, many
warships were placed out of commission./ Contrast: IN COMMISSION(1).
2. Not in use or not working; so that it cannot work or be used. *
/The strike put the airline out of commission for a week./ * /John
will have to walk to the store. His bicycle is out of commission./
Compare: OUT OF ORDER. Contrast: IN COMMISSION(2).
[out of condition] See: OUT OF SHAPE or OUT OF CONDITION.
[out of date] {adj. phr.} Old fashioned; superseded; no longer
valid; too old to be used. * /Father's suit is out of date; he needs a
new one./ * /The news magazines in the doctor's office were all out of
[out of fashion] {adj. phr.} Having passed from vogue; out of the
current mode. * /The miniskirt is now out of fashion in most quarters,
but it may very well come back some day./
[out of gas] {adv. phr.} 1. Out of fuel (said of automobiles). *
/Be sure you don't run out of gas when you go on a long distance trip
by car./ 2. Rundown; depleted of energy; in poor physical condition. *
/Mary said she had to take a break from her job as she was running
totally out of gas./
[out of gear] See: THROW OUT OF GEAR.
[out of hand] {adv. phr.} 1. Out of control. * /Bobby's birthday
party got out of hand and the children were naughty./ * /Small puppies
often get out of hand./ 2. Suddenly, quickly without examination of
possible truth or merit; without any consideration. - Often used after
"dismiss" or "reject". * /The senator rejected out of hand the
critics' call for his resignation./ Compare: OUT OF LINE. Contrast: IN
[out of hot water] See: HOT WATER.
[out of keeping] {adj. phr.} Not going well together; not agreeing;
not proper. * /Loud talk was out of keeping in the library./ * /It was
out of keeping for the kind man to kick the dog./ Contrast: IN
[out of kilter] {adj. phr.}, {informal} 1. Not balanced right; not
in a straight line or lined up right. * /The scale must be out of
kilter because when I weighed myself on it, it said 300 pounds./ *
/The wheels of my bicycle were out of kilter after it hit the tree./
Contrast: IN BALANCE. 2. Needing repair; not working right. * /My
watch runs too slowly; it must be out of kilter./ Syn.: OUT OF
[out of line(1)] {adv. phr.} Not in a straight line; away from a
true line. * /The two edges were out of line and there was a space
between them./ * /The sergeant ordered the soldier who was out of line
to get properly lined up./
[out of line(2)] {adj. phr.} Not obeying or agreeing with what is
right or usual; doing or being what people do not expect or accept;
outside ordinary or proper limits; not usual, right, or proper. *
/Little Mary got out of line and was rude to Aunt Elizabeth./ * /The
teacher asked Charlie not to tell one of the jokes because it was out
of line./ * /Mrs. Green thought the repair man's charge was out of
line./ Compare: OUT OF HAND, OUT OF ORDER. Contrast: IN LINE(2).
[out of line with] {prep.} Not in agreement with. * /The price of
the bicycle was out of line with what Bill could afford./
[out of luck] {adj. phr.} Being unlucky; having bad luck; having
something bad happen to you. * /Mr. Jones missed his train and was out
of luck in getting to the ball game on time./ * /All of the girls had
dates so Ben was out of luck./
[out of mind] See: OUT OF SIGHT, out OF MIND.
[out of nowhere] {adv. phr.} Without having been seen before;
suddenly and unexpectedly. * /Mr. Jones was driving too fast on the
express highway when a police patrol car appeared out of nowhere and
stopped him./ Syn.: OUT OF THE BLUE.
[out of one's blood] {adv. phr.} Separate from one's feelings,
interests, or desires. * /When Tom moved to the city, he couldn't get
the country out of his blood./ * /Mary is having a hard job getting
summer laziness out of her blood./ Contrast: IN ONE'S BLOOD.
[out of one's element] {adv. phr.} Outside of your natural
surroundings; where you do not belong or fit in. * /Wild animals are
out of their element in cages./ * /Chris is out of his element in
singing class./ Compare: OUT OF PLACE, BEYOND ONE'S DEPTH. Contrast:
[out of one's hair] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Rid of as a nuisance;
relieved of as an annoyance. * /Harry got the boys out of his hair so
he could study./ Compare: OUT OF ONE'S WAY. Contrast: IN ONE'S HAIR.
[out of one's hand] See: EAT OUT OF ONE'S HAND.
[out of one's head] or [out of one's mind] or [out of one's senses]
also [off one's head] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Acting in a crazy way;
especially, wildly crazy. * /The patient was feverish and out of his
head and had to be watched./ * /Her friends thought she was out of her
mind to marry that man./ Compare: OFF ONE'S ROCKER. Contrast: COME TO
[out of one's mind] See: OUT OF ONE'S HEAD.
[out of one's mouth] See: TAKE THE BREAD OUT OF ONE'S MOUTH, TAKE
[out of one's pocket] {adv. phr.} Having sustained a financial
loss; poorer by a said amount. * /The show was so bad that, besides
having a lousy time, I was also $35 out of my pocket./
[out of one's sails] See: TAKE THE WIND OUT OF ONE'S SAILS.
[out of one's senses] See: OUT OF ONE'S HEAD.
[out of one's shell] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Out of one's
bashfulness or silence; into friendly conversation. - Usually used
after "come". * /John wouldn't come out of his shell and talk to the
boys and girls at the party./ * /The other girls tried to draw Ella
out of her shell, but without success./ Contrast: IN ONE'S SHELL.
[out of one's skin] See: JUMP OU T OF ONE'S SKIN.
[out of one's way] See: OUT OF THE WAY(3).
[out of one's wits] See: SCARE OUT OF ONE'S WITS.
[out of (one's) reach] {adv. phr.} Unreachable; unattainable;
unobtainable. * /Sam wanted to be a United States senator but he came
to realize that such a dream was out of his reach./
[out of order] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. In the wrong order; not
coming after one another in the right way. * /Peter wrote the words of
the sentence out of order./ * /Don't get out of order, children. Stay
in your places in line./ Contrast: IN ORDER. 2. In poor condition; not
working properly. * /Our television set is out of order./ 3. Against
the rules; not suitable. * /The judge told the people in the courtroom
that they were out of order because they were so noisy./ * /The
children's whispering was out of order in the church./ Compare: OUT OF
Contrast: IN ORDER.
[out of place(1)] {adv. phr.} Not in the right or usual place or
position. * /Harry fell and knocked one of his teeth out of place./ *
/The teacher lined up the class and told them not to get out of
place./ Compare: OUT OF ORDER. Contrast: IN PLACE.
[out of place(2)] {adj. phr.} In the wrong place or at the wrong
time; not suitable; improper. * /Joan was the only girl who wore a
formal at the party, and she felt out of place./ * /It was out of
place for Russell to laugh at the old lady./ Compare: OUT OF ONE'S
[out-of-pocket expenses] {n. phr.} Expenses one has to pay for
oneself, not the company that sends one on a given assignment, such as
tips for waiters, cab drivers, etc. * /Luckily, my out-of-pocket
expenses didn't amount to more than $15./
[out of practice] {adj. phr.} Not in proper condition; unable to do
something well because of lack of practice. * /The basketball team got
out of practice during the Christmas holidays./ Compare: OUT OF SHAPE.
Contrast: IN PRACTICE.
[out of print] {adj. phr.} No longer obtainable from the publisher
because the printed copies have been sold out; no longer printed. *
/The book is out of print. An edition of one thousand copies was sold
and no more copies were printed./ Compare: OUT OF STOCK. Contrast: IN
[out of school] See: TELL TALES OUT OF SCHOOL.
[out of season] {adv. phr.} 1. Not at the right or lawful time for
hunting or catching. * /The boys were caught fishing out of season./
2. Not at the usual time for growing and selling. * /The corn we get
out of season is different from the kind we grow here./ Contrast: IN
[out of shape] or [out of condition] {adj. phr.} 1. Not in good
condition; not able to perform well. * /Father was out of shape when
he took a long hike with the boys, and he was stiff and sore the next
day./ * /Jack's pitching arm got out of condition during the winter,
when he wasn't using it./ Compare: OUT OF PRACTICE. 2. Not look the
same; changed. * /Someone sat on father's new hat and mashed it. It is
now out of shape./ Contrast: IN SHAPE.
[out of sight] {adv. phr.} 1. Not within one's field of vision. *
/The sailboat disappeared out of sight over the horizon./ 2. Extremely
expensive. * /The builder's estimate was so high that it was out of
sight./ 3. Unbelievable; fantastic; incredible (both in the positive
and the negative sense; an exaggeration.) * /Roxanne is such a
stunning beauty, it's simply out of sight./ * /Mr. Gargoyle is so
repulsive, it's out of sight./ 4. Unreachable; unrealizable; belonging
to the world of fiction and fantasy. * /Max's dreams about winning the
Senatorial election are really out of
sight; he admits it himself./ Compare: PIPE DREAM.
[out of sight, out of mind] If one doesn't see something for an
extended period of time, one tends to forget about it. - A proverb. *
/After Caroline moved out of town, Ray soon found other women to date.
As the saying goes, "out of sight, out of mind."/
[out of sorts] {adj. phr.} In an angry or unhappy mood; in a bad
temper; grouchy. * /Mary was out of sorts and wouldn't say good
morning./ * /Bob was out of sorts because he didn't get a bicycle for
his birthday./
[out of step] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Not in step; not matching
strides or keeping pace with another or others. * /George always
marches out of step with the music./ 2. Out of harmony; not keeping
up. - Often followed by "with". * /Just because you don't smoke, it
doesn't mean you are out of step with other boys and girls your age./
Contrast: IN STEP.
[out of stock] {adj. phr.} Having none for sale or use; no longer
in supply; sold out. * /When Father tried to get tires for an old car,
the man in the store said that size was out of stock and were not sold
anymore./ * /So many children have bought balloons that the store is
now out of stock./ Compare: OUT OF PRINT. Contrast: IN STOCK.
[out of the blue] or [out of a clear sky] or [out of a clear blue
sky] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Without any warning; by surprise;
unexpectedly. * /At the last minute Johnny came out of the blue to
catch the pass and score a touchdown./ * /The cowboy thought he was
alone but suddenly out of a clear sky there were bandits all around
[out of the corner of one's eye] {adv. phr.} Without looking at a
person or thing directly or openly; secretly; without being noticed. *
/The cat looked at the mouse out of the corner of his eye./ * /Mike
watched the boys across the street out of the corner of his eye as he
mowed the lawn./
[out of the frying pan into the fire] Out of one trouble into worse
trouble; from something bad to something worse. - A proverb. * /The
movie cowboy was out of the frying pan into the fire. After he escaped
from the robbers, he was captured by Indians./
[out of the hole] {adv.} or {adj. phr.}, {informal} 1a. With a
score better than zero in a game; especially a card game, to a score
above zero. * /It took us a long time to get out of the hole in the
card game./ 1b. Even with an opponent after being behind; out of
trouble in a sport or game. * /The team played very hard, but could
not get out of the hole./ 2. Out of debt; ahead financially. * /It was
a small business, but it was wisely managed, and it kept out of the
hole./ * /The first year was bad, but after that Fred got out of the
hole./ Contrast: IN THE HOLE.
[out of the ordinary] {adj. phr.} Outside or beyond common
experience; unusual; wonderful; extraordinary. * /The parade will be
something out of the ordinary because a real king will be there./ *
/This juggler was out of the ordinary because he could juggle with his
feet as well as his hands./
[out of the picture] {adv. phr.} No longer a possibility or in the
running; rejected. * /Mark assured Carol that his ex-wife was
completely out of the picture./
[out of the question] {adj. phr.} Not worth considering;
unthinkable; impossible. * /It sometimes snows as late as June in the
mountains, but the summer campers thought that snow was out of the
question./ * /The boys had no money, so it was out of the question for
them to go to the movies./
[out of the rain] See: KNOW ENOUGH TO COME IN OUT OF THE RAIN.
[out of the red] {adv. phr.} Having reached solvency; no longer in
debt. * /Under the new management, our company finally got out of the
red./ Contrast: IN THE HOLE, IN THE RED. Compare: IN THE BLACK.
[out of the running] {adj.} or {adv. phr.} Having no chance to win;
not among the real contenders; not among those to be considered. *
/John had been out of the running since his first date with Mary, but
he didn't realize it./ * /Jones's horse was put out of the running
early in the race./ Contrast: IN THE RUNNING.
[out of the swim] {adj. phr.} Not doing what others are doing; not
active in business or social affairs. * /Mary had to stay home and
take care of Mother while she was sick, and soon felt out of the
swim./ * /The toy manufacturer who is out of the swim will lose
money./ Contrast: IN THE SWIM.
[out of the way] {adv. phr.} 1. Not where people usually go;
difficult to reach. * /When little Tommy comes to visit her, Aunt
Sally puts her lamps and vases out of the way./ - Often used with
hyphens before a noun. * /Gold was found in an out-of-the-way village
in the mountains, and soon a good road and airfield were built./ *
/Jack and Fred found an old gun in an out-of-the-way corner of the
empty house./ Compare: OFF THE BEATEN TRACK. 2. Not what is usual or
proper; strange. * /To leave before the guest of honor would be out of
the way./ * /I'm sorry if I said something out of the way./ * /The
night watchman looked around the building, but he saw nothing out of
the way./ Compare: OUT OF PLACE. 3. or [out of one's way] Not able to
stop or bother you. * /Tommy wished the visitors were out of the way
so that he could have the candy for himself./ Compare: OUT OF ONE'S
[out of the woods] See: CROW BEFORE ONE IS OUT OF THE WOODS.
[out of thin air] {adv. phr.} Out of nothing or from nowhere. *
/The teacher scolded Dick because his story was made out of thin air./
* /On the way home from town, Tom saw a house standing on the lot that
had been empty that morning; it seemed to have appeared out of thin
air./ Compare: INTO THIN AIR.
[out of this world] {adj. phr.}, {slang} Wonderfully good or
satisfying; terrific; super. * /The dress in the store window was out
of this world!/ * /Mother was on TV last night. Isn't that out of this
[out of touch] {adj. phr.} Not writing or talking with each other;
not getting news anymore. * /Fred had got out of touch with people in
his hometown./ * /On his island Robinson Crusoe was out of touch with
world news./ Compare: LOSE TOUCH, LOSE TRACK. Contrast: IN TOUCH.
[out of town] {adv. phr.} Having left one's usual residence or
place of work on a longer trip. * /"Mr. Smith is out of town until
Monday," the secretary said. "May I take a message?"/
[out of tune] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Out of proper musical pitch;
too low or high in sound. * /The band sounded terrible, because the
instruments were out of tune./ 2. Not in agreement; in disagreement;
not going well together. - Often used with "with". * /What Jack said
was out of tune with how he looked; he said he was happy, but he
looked unhappy./ Compare: OFF-KEY. Contrast: IN TUNE.
[out of turn] {adv. phr.} 1. Not in regular order; at the wrong
time. * /John played out of turn./ * /By taking a day off out of turn,
Bob got the schedule mixed up./ 2. Too hastily or wrongly; at the