Norman Rose,Churchill : an Unruly Life,London, Simon and Schuster, 1994.
Stephen Roskill,Churchill and the Admirals,London, Collins, 1977.
Peter Sainsbury,Churchill and Roosevelt at War,London, Macmillan, 1974; второе издание вышло в 1995 году.
Maxwell Philipp Schoenfeld,The War Ministry of Winston Churchill,Ames, Iowa State University, 1972.
Anthony Seldon,Churchill's Indian Summer: the Conservative Government 1951—1955,London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1981.
Robert Sencourt,Winston Churchill,London, Faber and Faber, 1940.
Arthur Lee Jr Smith,Churchill's German Army: Wartime Strategy and Cold War Politics 1943—1947,Beverly Hills, Sage, 1977.
Ronald A. Smith,Churchill: Images of Greatness,London, Kevin Francis [1990].
David Stafford,Churchill and Secret Service,London, John Murray, 1997.
Graham Stewart,Burying Caesar: Churchill, Chamberlain and the Battle for the Tory Party,London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1999.
Herbert Leslie Stewart,Sir Winston Churchill as Writer and Speaker,London, Sidgwick and Jackson, 1954.
Mary Soames,Winston Churchill: his Life as a Painter. A Memoir by his Daughter,London, Collins, 1990.
Anthony Storr,Churchill's Black Dog and Other Phenomena of the Human Mind, London, Collins, 1989.
John Strawson,Churchill and Hitler in Victory and Defeat,London, Constable, 1997.
Alan John Percival Taylor и др.,Churchill: Four Faces and the Man,New York, Dial Press, и London, Allen Lane, 1969.
David A. Thomas,Churchill the Member for Woodford,London, Frank Cass, 1994.
Carlos Thompson,The Assassination of Winston Churchill,Gerrards Cross, Colin Smythe, 1969.
Kenneth W. Thompson,Winston Churchill's World View: Statesmanship and Power,Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Press, 1983.
Reginald William Thompson,Churchill and Morton,London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1976.
Reginald William Thompson,Generalissimo Churchill,London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1973.
Reginald William Thompson,The Yankee Marlborough,London, Allen and Unwin, 1963; пер. на фр.:Winston Churchill,Paris, France-Empire, 1965.
В. Г. Трухановский,Уинстон Черчилль,Москва, Пpoгpecc, 1978.
Fred Urqhuart ed.,Winston Churchill: a Cartoon Biography,London, Cassell, 1955.
Leon J. Waszak,Agreement in Principle: the Wartime Partnership of General Wladyslaw Sikorski and Winston Churchill,New York, Lang, 1996.
Manfred Weidhrn,A Harmony of Interests. Explorations in the Mind of Sir Winston Churchill,Cranbury N. J., Fairleigh Dickinson Press, 1992.
John Wheeler-Bennett ed.,Action this Day. Working with Churchill,London, Macmillan, 1968.
Thomas Wilson,Churchill and the Prof,London, Cassell, 1995.
Frederick Woods,The Making of Many Books: Churchill as a Writer,London, Library of Imperial History, 1975.
Frederick Woods,Artillery of Words: the Writings of Sir Winston Churchill,London, Leo Cooper, 1992.
John W. Young ed.,The Foreign Policy of Churchill's Peacetime Administration, 1951 —1955,Leicester, Leicester University Press, 1988.
John W. Young ed.,Winston Churchill 's Last Campaign: Britain and the Cold War 1951—1955,Oxford. Clarendon Press, 1996.
Kenneth Young,Churchill and Beaverbrook.London, Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1966.
Статьи и заметки современников об Уинстоне Черчилле
Свидетельства, воспоминания современников, сборники писем
Альбомы фотографий
Stephen Roskill,Churchill and the Admirals,London, Collins, 1977.
Peter Sainsbury,Churchill and Roosevelt at War,London, Macmillan, 1974; второе издание вышло в 1995 году.
Maxwell Philipp Schoenfeld,The War Ministry of Winston Churchill,Ames, Iowa State University, 1972.
Anthony Seldon,Churchill's Indian Summer: the Conservative Government 1951—1955,London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1981.
Robert Sencourt,Winston Churchill,London, Faber and Faber, 1940.
Arthur Lee Jr Smith,Churchill's German Army: Wartime Strategy and Cold War Politics 1943—1947,Beverly Hills, Sage, 1977.
Ronald A. Smith,Churchill: Images of Greatness,London, Kevin Francis [1990].
David Stafford,Churchill and Secret Service,London, John Murray, 1997.
Graham Stewart,Burying Caesar: Churchill, Chamberlain and the Battle for the Tory Party,London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1999.
Herbert Leslie Stewart,Sir Winston Churchill as Writer and Speaker,London, Sidgwick and Jackson, 1954.
Mary Soames,Winston Churchill: his Life as a Painter. A Memoir by his Daughter,London, Collins, 1990.
Anthony Storr,Churchill's Black Dog and Other Phenomena of the Human Mind, London, Collins, 1989.
John Strawson,Churchill and Hitler in Victory and Defeat,London, Constable, 1997.
Alan John Percival Taylor и др.,Churchill: Four Faces and the Man,New York, Dial Press, и London, Allen Lane, 1969.
David A. Thomas,Churchill the Member for Woodford,London, Frank Cass, 1994.
Carlos Thompson,The Assassination of Winston Churchill,Gerrards Cross, Colin Smythe, 1969.
Kenneth W. Thompson,Winston Churchill's World View: Statesmanship and Power,Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Press, 1983.
Reginald William Thompson,Churchill and Morton,London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1976.
Reginald William Thompson,Generalissimo Churchill,London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1973.
Reginald William Thompson,The Yankee Marlborough,London, Allen and Unwin, 1963; пер. на фр.:Winston Churchill,Paris, France-Empire, 1965.
В. Г. Трухановский,Уинстон Черчилль,Москва, Пpoгpecc, 1978.
Fred Urqhuart ed.,Winston Churchill: a Cartoon Biography,London, Cassell, 1955.
Leon J. Waszak,Agreement in Principle: the Wartime Partnership of General Wladyslaw Sikorski and Winston Churchill,New York, Lang, 1996.
Manfred Weidhrn,A Harmony of Interests. Explorations in the Mind of Sir Winston Churchill,Cranbury N. J., Fairleigh Dickinson Press, 1992.
John Wheeler-Bennett ed.,Action this Day. Working with Churchill,London, Macmillan, 1968.
Thomas Wilson,Churchill and the Prof,London, Cassell, 1995.
Frederick Woods,The Making of Many Books: Churchill as a Writer,London, Library of Imperial History, 1975.
Frederick Woods,Artillery of Words: the Writings of Sir Winston Churchill,London, Leo Cooper, 1992.
John W. Young ed.,The Foreign Policy of Churchill's Peacetime Administration, 1951 —1955,Leicester, Leicester University Press, 1988.
John W. Young ed.,Winston Churchill 's Last Campaign: Britain and the Cold War 1951—1955,Oxford. Clarendon Press, 1996.
Kenneth Young,Churchill and Beaverbrook.London, Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1966.
Статьи и заметки современников об Уинстоне Черчилле
Paul Addison,Churchill in British politics 1940—1955, в книге John Malcolm W. Bean ed.,The Political Culture of Modem Britain: Essays in Memory of Stephen Koss, London, Hamish Hamilton, 1988, 243—261.
Paul Addison,Journey to the Centre: Churchill and Labour in Coalition 1940—1945, в книге Alan Sked and Chris Cook ed.,Crisis and Controversy: Essays in Honour of A. J. P. Taylor, London, Macmillan, 1976, 165—193.
Paul Addison,The Political Beliefs of Winston Churchill, «Transactions of the Royal Historical Society», 30, 1980, 23—47.
Paul Addison,Winston Churchill and the Working Class, в книге Jay Winter ed.,The Working Class in Modern Britain, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1983, 43—64.
Richard Aldrich,Conspiracy or Confusion? Churchill, Roosevelt and Pearl Harbor, «Intelligence and National Security», VII, 3, July 1992, 335—346.
Christopher Andrew,Churchill and Intelligence, «Intelligence and National Security», III, 3, July 1988, 181—193.
Jeffery Arnett,Winston Churchill: the Quintessential Sensation Seeker, «Political Psychology», XII, 4, December 1991, 609—621.
Colin F. Baxter,Winston Churchill: Military Strategist?, «Military Affairs», 47, February 1983, 7—10.
Francois Bedarida,Revisionnisme a l'anglaise: Winston Churchill, «L'Histoire», septembre 1993, 72—74.
Francois Bedarida,Churchill, в книге Jean-Pierre Azema et Francois Bedarida,1938—1948: Les Annees de tourmente Diction — naire critique, Paris, Flammarion, 1995, 553—559.
Tuvia Ben-Moshe,Churchill's Strategic Conception during the First World War, «Journal of Strategic Studies», XII, 1, March 1989, 5—21.
Tuvia Ben-Moshe,Winston Churchill and the «Second Front»: a Reappraisal, «Journal of Modrn History», 52, 3, September 1990, 503—537.
Carl Bridge,Churchill, Hoare, Derby and the Committee of Privileges, April to June 1934, «Historical Journal», 22, 1, 1979, 215—227.
Kathryn Brown,Intelligence and the Decision to Collect it: Churchill's Wartime Diplomatie Signals Intelligence, «Intelligence and National Security», X, 3, July 1995, 449—467.
T. D. Burridge,A Postscript to Potsdam the Churchill-Laski Electoral Clash, June 1945, «Journal of Contemporary History», XII, 4, 1977, 725—739.
David Cannadine,Winston Agonistes, «New York Review of Books», 15 June 1989, 36—42; переиздано в «History in Our Times», New Haven, Yale University Press, 1998.
John Charmley,Essay and Reflection: Churchill as War Hero, «International History Review», 12, February 1991, 96—104.
Eliot A. Cohen,Churchill and Coalition Strategy in World War II, издано в Paul Kennedy ed., «Grand Strategies in War and Peace», New Haven, Yale University Press, 1991.
Nicholas J. D'Ombrain,Churchill at the Admiralty and Committee of Imperial Defence, «Journal of the Royal United Services Institution», 105, March 1970, 38—41.
A. Danchev,«Dilly-Dally», or Having the Last Word: Field-Marshal Sir John Dill and Prime Minister Winston Churchill, «Journal of Contemporary History», 22, 1, 1987, 21—44.
David Day,Churchill and his War Rivals, «History Today», 41, April 1991, 15—21.
David Dilks,Allied Leadership in the Second World War: Churchill, «Survey», 1/2, 1975, 19—25.
David Dilks,The Twilight War and the Fall of France: Chamberlain and Churchill in 1940,«Transactions of the Royal Historical Society», 28, 1978, 36—65.
David Dilks,Churchill as Negociator at Yalta,издано в Olla Brundu, «Yalta: un mito che resiste», Rome, Edizioni dell'Ateneo, 1988, 91—116.
David Dilks,Churchill and France: an Affair of the Heart,Paris, British Embassy, 1999.
John Ehrman,Lloyd George and Churchill as War Ministers,«Transactions of the Royal Historical Society», 11, 1961, 101—115.
Arthur Funk,Churchill, Eisenhower and the French Resistance,«Military Affairs», XLV, 1, fevrier 1981.
A.B. Gaunson,Churchill, de Gaulle, Spears and the Levant Affair, 1941,«Historical Journal», 27, 3, 1984, 697—713.
Bentley В. Gilbert,Winston Churchill versus the Webbs: the Origins of British Unemployment Insurance,«American Historical Review», 71, 3, April 1966, 846—862.
Martin Gilbert, «The Most Horrible Crime»:Churchill's Prophetic, Passionate and Persistent Response to the Holocaust,«Times Literary Supplement», 7 June 1996.
Martin Gilbert,Winston Churchill,«Modern History Review», IV, 3, February 1993.
John Gooch,An Emblematic Prime Minister,«Times Higher Education Supplement», 1 July 1983.
Gabriel Gorodetsky,Churchill's Warning to Stalin: a Reappraisal,«Historical Journal», 24, 4, 1986, 979—990.
Gabriel Gorodetsky,The Hess Affair and Anglo-Soviet Relations on the Eve of «Barbarossa»,«English Historical Review», 101, 2, April 1986, 405—420.
William В. Hamilton,Churchill: Actor as Historian,«South Atlantic Quarterly», July 1951.
Cameron Hazlehurst,Churchill as Social Reformer: the Liberal Phase,«Australian Historical Studies», April 1976.
Michael Howard,Churchill and the Era of National Unity,издано в «The Lessons of History», Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1991, 152—165.
E. J. Hughes,Winston Churchill and the Formation of the United Nations Organization,«Journal of Contemporary History», IX, 4, 1974, 177—194.
Ronald Hyam,Winston Churchill Before 1914,«Historical Journal», 12, 1969, 164—173.
Robert Rhodes James,The Epic Concluded,«Encounter», 71, 2, 1988, 38—42.
Tage Kaarsted,Churchill and the Small States of Europe: the Danish Case,издано в Charles Brewer ed., «World War Two: the Final Year», New York, St. Martin's Press, 1998.
David Kaiser,Churchill, Roosevelt and the Limits of Power,«International Security», X, 1, Summer 1985, 204—221.
Warren Kimball,Naked Reverse Right: Roosevelt, Churchill and Eastern Europe,«Diplomatic History», 9, 1, 1985, 1—24.
Martin Kitchen,Winston Churchill and the Soviet Union during the Second World War,«Historical Journal», 30, 2, 1987, 415—436.
Jonathan Knight,Churchill and the Approach to Mussolini and Hitler in May 1940: a Note,«British Journal of International Studies», 2, 1977.
Walter La Feber,Roosevelt, Churchill and Indochina 1942—1945,«American Historical Review», 80, 1975, 1277—1295.
James Leutze,The Secret of the Churchill-Roosevelt Correspondence, September 1939 — May 1940,«Journal of Contemporary History», 10, 1975, 465—491.
Basil Liddell Hart,Churchill in War,«Encounter», April 1966, 14—22.
Piers Mackesy,Churchill on Narvik,«Journal of the Royal United Services Institution», 115, December 1970, 28—33.
Gloria E. Maguire,Notre «mal de tete commun»: Churchill, Roosevelt et de Gaulle,«Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine», 42, 4, octobre-decembre 1995, 593—608.
Lucy Masterman,Churchill: the Liberal Phase,«History Today», November-December 1964.
R. McCormack,Missed Opportunities: Winston Churchill, the Air Ministry and Africa 1919—1921,«International History Review», XI,2,1989, 205—228.
Arno J. Mayer,The Power Politician and Counterrevolutionary,издано в Kurt H. Wolff and Barrington Jr Moore ed., «The Critical Spirit», Boston, Beacon Press, 1967, 328—342.
Gerald Pawle,Christmas with Churchill,«Blackwood's Magazine», December 1973.
John H. Plumb,Churchill: the Historian[1969], издано в «The Making of an Historian: the Collected Essays of J.H. Plumb», том 1, Hemel Hempstead, Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1988, 225—253.
Richard H. Powers,Churchill's Parliamentary Commentary on British Foreign Policy 1935—1938,«Journal of Modern History», 26, 2, 1954, 179—182.
Roland Quinault,Churchill and Russia,«War and Society», 9, May 1991, 99—120.
John Ramsden,Winston Churchill and the Leadership of the Conservative party 1940—1951,«Contemporary Record», IX, 1, Summer 1995, 99—119.
Goronwy Rees,After the Ball Was Over,«Encounter», November 1965, 3—9.
Albert Resis,The Churchill-Stalin Secret «Percentages» Agreement on the Balkans, Moscow, October 1944,«American Historical Review», 83, 2, April 1978, 368—387.
David Reynolds,Churchill and the British «Decision» to Fight On in 1940: Right Policy Wrong Reasons,издано в Richard Langhorne ed., «Diplomacy and Intelligence during the Second World War», Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1985, 147—167.
David Reynolds,Roosevelt, Churchill and the Wartime Anglo-American Alliance 1939—1945,издано в W. Roger Louis and Hedley Bull ed., «The Special Relationship: Anglo-American Relations since 1945», Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1986, 17—41.
David Reynolds,Churchill the Appeaser? Between Hider, Roosevelt and Stalin in World War Two,издано в Michael Dockrill and Brian McKercher ed., «Diplomacy and world power: Studies in British Foreign Policy 1890—1950», Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1996, 197—220.
David Reynolds,Churchill and Allied Grand Strategy in Europe 1944—1945,издано в Charles Brower ed., «World War Two: the Final Year», New York, St. Martin's Press, 1998.
Marvin Rintala,Renamed Roses: Lloyd George, Churchill and the House of Lords,«Biography», 8, 3, 1985.
Marvin Rintala,The Love of Power and the Power of Love: Churchill's Childhood,«Political Psychology», 5, 3, 1984.
Stephen Roskill,Marder, Churchill and the Admiralty, 1939—1942,«Journal of the Royal United Services Institute», 4, 117, December 1972, 49—53.
Alfred L. Rowse,Churchill Considered Historically,«Encounter». January 1966, 45—50.
Henry B. Ryan, ANew Look at Churchill's «Iron Curtain» Speech,«Historical Journal», 22, 4, 1979, 895—920.
Anthony Seldon,The Churchill Administration 1951 —1955,издано в Peter Hennessy and Anthony Seldon ed., «Ruling Performance: British Governments from Attlee to Thatcher», Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1987, 63—97.
Thanasis Sfikas,Winston Churchill and the Greeks,«Journal of Contemporary History», 26, 2, 1991, 307—332.
Joseph M. Siracusa,The Night Stalin and Churchill Divided Europe: the View from Washington,«Review of Politics», 43, 3, July 1981, 381—409.
Louis W. Tordella and Edwin Fishel,A New Pearl Harbor Villain: Churchill,«International Journal of Intelligence and Counter-intelligence», VI, 3, Fall 1993.
Philip Towle,Winston Churchill and British Disarmament Policy,«Journal of Strategic Studies», II, 3, December 1979, 335—347.
Reed Whittemore,Churchill and the Limitations of Myth,«Yale Review», 44, 2, December 1954, 248—263.
K. M. Wilson,The War Office, Churchill and the Belgian Option, August to December 1911, «Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research», 50, 1977, 218—228.
John W. Young,Churchill's Bid for Peace with Moscow, 1954,«History», 73, 1988, 425—448.
John W. Young,Churchill's «No» to Europe: the Rejection of European Union by Churchill's Post-War Government 1951—1952, «Historical Journal», 28, 4, 1985, 923—937.
John W. Young,Churchill, the Russians and the Western Alliance: the Three-Power Conference at Bermuda, December 1953,«English Historical Review», 101, October 1986, 889—912.
Kenneth Younger,Off the Ball,«Encounter», February 1966, 94—96.
Paul Addison,Journey to the Centre: Churchill and Labour in Coalition 1940—1945, в книге Alan Sked and Chris Cook ed.,Crisis and Controversy: Essays in Honour of A. J. P. Taylor, London, Macmillan, 1976, 165—193.
Paul Addison,The Political Beliefs of Winston Churchill, «Transactions of the Royal Historical Society», 30, 1980, 23—47.
Paul Addison,Winston Churchill and the Working Class, в книге Jay Winter ed.,The Working Class in Modern Britain, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1983, 43—64.
Richard Aldrich,Conspiracy or Confusion? Churchill, Roosevelt and Pearl Harbor, «Intelligence and National Security», VII, 3, July 1992, 335—346.
Christopher Andrew,Churchill and Intelligence, «Intelligence and National Security», III, 3, July 1988, 181—193.
Jeffery Arnett,Winston Churchill: the Quintessential Sensation Seeker, «Political Psychology», XII, 4, December 1991, 609—621.
Colin F. Baxter,Winston Churchill: Military Strategist?, «Military Affairs», 47, February 1983, 7—10.
Francois Bedarida,Revisionnisme a l'anglaise: Winston Churchill, «L'Histoire», septembre 1993, 72—74.
Francois Bedarida,Churchill, в книге Jean-Pierre Azema et Francois Bedarida,1938—1948: Les Annees de tourmente Diction — naire critique, Paris, Flammarion, 1995, 553—559.
Tuvia Ben-Moshe,Churchill's Strategic Conception during the First World War, «Journal of Strategic Studies», XII, 1, March 1989, 5—21.
Tuvia Ben-Moshe,Winston Churchill and the «Second Front»: a Reappraisal, «Journal of Modrn History», 52, 3, September 1990, 503—537.
Carl Bridge,Churchill, Hoare, Derby and the Committee of Privileges, April to June 1934, «Historical Journal», 22, 1, 1979, 215—227.
Kathryn Brown,Intelligence and the Decision to Collect it: Churchill's Wartime Diplomatie Signals Intelligence, «Intelligence and National Security», X, 3, July 1995, 449—467.
T. D. Burridge,A Postscript to Potsdam the Churchill-Laski Electoral Clash, June 1945, «Journal of Contemporary History», XII, 4, 1977, 725—739.
David Cannadine,Winston Agonistes, «New York Review of Books», 15 June 1989, 36—42; переиздано в «History in Our Times», New Haven, Yale University Press, 1998.
John Charmley,Essay and Reflection: Churchill as War Hero, «International History Review», 12, February 1991, 96—104.
Eliot A. Cohen,Churchill and Coalition Strategy in World War II, издано в Paul Kennedy ed., «Grand Strategies in War and Peace», New Haven, Yale University Press, 1991.
Nicholas J. D'Ombrain,Churchill at the Admiralty and Committee of Imperial Defence, «Journal of the Royal United Services Institution», 105, March 1970, 38—41.
A. Danchev,«Dilly-Dally», or Having the Last Word: Field-Marshal Sir John Dill and Prime Minister Winston Churchill, «Journal of Contemporary History», 22, 1, 1987, 21—44.
David Day,Churchill and his War Rivals, «History Today», 41, April 1991, 15—21.
David Dilks,Allied Leadership in the Second World War: Churchill, «Survey», 1/2, 1975, 19—25.
David Dilks,The Twilight War and the Fall of France: Chamberlain and Churchill in 1940,«Transactions of the Royal Historical Society», 28, 1978, 36—65.
David Dilks,Churchill as Negociator at Yalta,издано в Olla Brundu, «Yalta: un mito che resiste», Rome, Edizioni dell'Ateneo, 1988, 91—116.
David Dilks,Churchill and France: an Affair of the Heart,Paris, British Embassy, 1999.
John Ehrman,Lloyd George and Churchill as War Ministers,«Transactions of the Royal Historical Society», 11, 1961, 101—115.
Arthur Funk,Churchill, Eisenhower and the French Resistance,«Military Affairs», XLV, 1, fevrier 1981.
A.B. Gaunson,Churchill, de Gaulle, Spears and the Levant Affair, 1941,«Historical Journal», 27, 3, 1984, 697—713.
Bentley В. Gilbert,Winston Churchill versus the Webbs: the Origins of British Unemployment Insurance,«American Historical Review», 71, 3, April 1966, 846—862.
Martin Gilbert, «The Most Horrible Crime»:Churchill's Prophetic, Passionate and Persistent Response to the Holocaust,«Times Literary Supplement», 7 June 1996.
Martin Gilbert,Winston Churchill,«Modern History Review», IV, 3, February 1993.
John Gooch,An Emblematic Prime Minister,«Times Higher Education Supplement», 1 July 1983.
Gabriel Gorodetsky,Churchill's Warning to Stalin: a Reappraisal,«Historical Journal», 24, 4, 1986, 979—990.
Gabriel Gorodetsky,The Hess Affair and Anglo-Soviet Relations on the Eve of «Barbarossa»,«English Historical Review», 101, 2, April 1986, 405—420.
William В. Hamilton,Churchill: Actor as Historian,«South Atlantic Quarterly», July 1951.
Cameron Hazlehurst,Churchill as Social Reformer: the Liberal Phase,«Australian Historical Studies», April 1976.
Michael Howard,Churchill and the Era of National Unity,издано в «The Lessons of History», Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1991, 152—165.
E. J. Hughes,Winston Churchill and the Formation of the United Nations Organization,«Journal of Contemporary History», IX, 4, 1974, 177—194.
Ronald Hyam,Winston Churchill Before 1914,«Historical Journal», 12, 1969, 164—173.
Robert Rhodes James,The Epic Concluded,«Encounter», 71, 2, 1988, 38—42.
Tage Kaarsted,Churchill and the Small States of Europe: the Danish Case,издано в Charles Brewer ed., «World War Two: the Final Year», New York, St. Martin's Press, 1998.
David Kaiser,Churchill, Roosevelt and the Limits of Power,«International Security», X, 1, Summer 1985, 204—221.
Warren Kimball,Naked Reverse Right: Roosevelt, Churchill and Eastern Europe,«Diplomatic History», 9, 1, 1985, 1—24.
Martin Kitchen,Winston Churchill and the Soviet Union during the Second World War,«Historical Journal», 30, 2, 1987, 415—436.
Jonathan Knight,Churchill and the Approach to Mussolini and Hitler in May 1940: a Note,«British Journal of International Studies», 2, 1977.
Walter La Feber,Roosevelt, Churchill and Indochina 1942—1945,«American Historical Review», 80, 1975, 1277—1295.
James Leutze,The Secret of the Churchill-Roosevelt Correspondence, September 1939 — May 1940,«Journal of Contemporary History», 10, 1975, 465—491.
Basil Liddell Hart,Churchill in War,«Encounter», April 1966, 14—22.
Piers Mackesy,Churchill on Narvik,«Journal of the Royal United Services Institution», 115, December 1970, 28—33.
Gloria E. Maguire,Notre «mal de tete commun»: Churchill, Roosevelt et de Gaulle,«Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine», 42, 4, octobre-decembre 1995, 593—608.
Lucy Masterman,Churchill: the Liberal Phase,«History Today», November-December 1964.
R. McCormack,Missed Opportunities: Winston Churchill, the Air Ministry and Africa 1919—1921,«International History Review», XI,2,1989, 205—228.
Arno J. Mayer,The Power Politician and Counterrevolutionary,издано в Kurt H. Wolff and Barrington Jr Moore ed., «The Critical Spirit», Boston, Beacon Press, 1967, 328—342.
Gerald Pawle,Christmas with Churchill,«Blackwood's Magazine», December 1973.
John H. Plumb,Churchill: the Historian[1969], издано в «The Making of an Historian: the Collected Essays of J.H. Plumb», том 1, Hemel Hempstead, Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1988, 225—253.
Richard H. Powers,Churchill's Parliamentary Commentary on British Foreign Policy 1935—1938,«Journal of Modern History», 26, 2, 1954, 179—182.
Roland Quinault,Churchill and Russia,«War and Society», 9, May 1991, 99—120.
John Ramsden,Winston Churchill and the Leadership of the Conservative party 1940—1951,«Contemporary Record», IX, 1, Summer 1995, 99—119.
Goronwy Rees,After the Ball Was Over,«Encounter», November 1965, 3—9.
Albert Resis,The Churchill-Stalin Secret «Percentages» Agreement on the Balkans, Moscow, October 1944,«American Historical Review», 83, 2, April 1978, 368—387.
David Reynolds,Churchill and the British «Decision» to Fight On in 1940: Right Policy Wrong Reasons,издано в Richard Langhorne ed., «Diplomacy and Intelligence during the Second World War», Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1985, 147—167.
David Reynolds,Roosevelt, Churchill and the Wartime Anglo-American Alliance 1939—1945,издано в W. Roger Louis and Hedley Bull ed., «The Special Relationship: Anglo-American Relations since 1945», Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1986, 17—41.
David Reynolds,Churchill the Appeaser? Between Hider, Roosevelt and Stalin in World War Two,издано в Michael Dockrill and Brian McKercher ed., «Diplomacy and world power: Studies in British Foreign Policy 1890—1950», Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1996, 197—220.
David Reynolds,Churchill and Allied Grand Strategy in Europe 1944—1945,издано в Charles Brower ed., «World War Two: the Final Year», New York, St. Martin's Press, 1998.
Marvin Rintala,Renamed Roses: Lloyd George, Churchill and the House of Lords,«Biography», 8, 3, 1985.
Marvin Rintala,The Love of Power and the Power of Love: Churchill's Childhood,«Political Psychology», 5, 3, 1984.
Stephen Roskill,Marder, Churchill and the Admiralty, 1939—1942,«Journal of the Royal United Services Institute», 4, 117, December 1972, 49—53.
Alfred L. Rowse,Churchill Considered Historically,«Encounter». January 1966, 45—50.
Henry B. Ryan, ANew Look at Churchill's «Iron Curtain» Speech,«Historical Journal», 22, 4, 1979, 895—920.
Anthony Seldon,The Churchill Administration 1951 —1955,издано в Peter Hennessy and Anthony Seldon ed., «Ruling Performance: British Governments from Attlee to Thatcher», Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1987, 63—97.
Thanasis Sfikas,Winston Churchill and the Greeks,«Journal of Contemporary History», 26, 2, 1991, 307—332.
Joseph M. Siracusa,The Night Stalin and Churchill Divided Europe: the View from Washington,«Review of Politics», 43, 3, July 1981, 381—409.
Louis W. Tordella and Edwin Fishel,A New Pearl Harbor Villain: Churchill,«International Journal of Intelligence and Counter-intelligence», VI, 3, Fall 1993.
Philip Towle,Winston Churchill and British Disarmament Policy,«Journal of Strategic Studies», II, 3, December 1979, 335—347.
Reed Whittemore,Churchill and the Limitations of Myth,«Yale Review», 44, 2, December 1954, 248—263.
K. M. Wilson,The War Office, Churchill and the Belgian Option, August to December 1911, «Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research», 50, 1977, 218—228.
John W. Young,Churchill's Bid for Peace with Moscow, 1954,«History», 73, 1988, 425—448.
John W. Young,Churchill's «No» to Europe: the Rejection of European Union by Churchill's Post-War Government 1951—1952, «Historical Journal», 28, 4, 1985, 923—937.
John W. Young,Churchill, the Russians and the Western Alliance: the Three-Power Conference at Bermuda, December 1953,«English Historical Review», 101, October 1986, 889—912.
Kenneth Younger,Off the Ball,«Encounter», February 1966, 94—96.
Свидетельства, воспоминания современников, сборники писем
Leo Amery,My Political Life,London, Hutchinson (в трех томах), 1953—1955.
[Asquith Herbert Henry] Lord Oxford and Asquith,Memories and Reflections,London, Cassell (в двух томах), 1928.
Margot Asquith,Autobiography,ed. Mark Bonham Carter, London, Thornton Butterworth (в двух томах), 1920—1922.
Emmanuel d'Astier de La Vigerie,Les Grands,Paris, Gallimard, 1961: «Churchill», 47—66.
Lord Avon,The Eden Memoirs,London, Cassell (в трех томах), 1960—1965; пер. на фр.Memoires,Paris, Plon (в трех томах), 1960—1965.
John Barnes and David Nicholson ed.,The Leo Amery Diaries 1896—1955,London, Hutchinson (в двух томах), 1980—1988.
ВВС,A Selection of the Broadcasts Given in Memory of Winston Churchill,London, ВВС. 1965.
Robert Blake ed.,The Private Papers of Douglas Haig, 1914—1919,London, Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1952.
Wilfred Scawen Blunt,My Diaries 1888—1914,Alfred Knopf, 1921.
Violet Bonham Carter,Winston Churchill as I Knew Him,London, Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1965; переиздание: London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1995.
Robert Boothby,My Yesterday, Your Tomorrow.London, Hutchinson, 1962.
Robert Boothby,Recollections of a Rebel,London, Hutchinson, 1978.
Peter G. Boyle ed.,The Churchill-Eisenhower Correspondence 1953—1955,Chapel Hill, North Carolina University Press. 1990.
Michael and Eleonore Brocks ed.,H. H. Asquith: Letters to Venetia Stanley,Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1985.
Anthony Montague Browne,Long Sunset: Memoirs of Winston Churchill's Last Private Secretary,London, Cassell, 1995.
Arthur Bryant ed.,The Turn of the Tide 1939—1943 (The Alanbrooke Diaries),London, Collins, 1957.
Arthur Bryant,Triumph in the West 1943—1945 (The Alanbrooke Diaries),London, Collins, 1959.
Lord Butler,The Art of the Possible,London, Hamish Hamilton, 1971.
Charles Edward Callwell,Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson: his Life and Diaries,London, Cassell (в двух томах), 1927.
Captain «X» [Andrew Dewar Gibb],With Winston Churchill at the Front, London and Glasgow, Gowans and Gray, 1924.
Richard Casey,Personal Experience 1939—1946, London, Constable, 1962.
William Scott Chalmers,The Life and Letters of David, Earl Beattv, Admiral of the Fleet, London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1951.
Alfred D. Jr Chandler and Stephen Ambrose ed.,The Papers of Dwight D. Eisenhower: the War Years, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press (в пяти томах), 1970.
Lord Chandos [Oliver Lyttelton],Memoirs, London, Bodley Head, 1962.
E.D.W. Chaplin ed.,Winston Churchill and Harrow. Memories of the Prime Minister's Schooldays 1888—1892, London, Harrow School [1941].
John Charmley ed.,Descent to Suez: The Diaries of Sir Evelyn Shuckburgh 1951—1956, London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1987.
Churchill by his Contemporaries: an Observer Appreciation, London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1965.
Richard Cockett ed.,My Dear Max: the Letters of Brendan Bracken to Lord Beaverbrook 1925—1958, London, Historians Press, 1990.
Albert Cohen,Churchill d'Angleterre, «Message: Belgian Review», fevrier 1943 [автор использовал псевдоним Jean Mahan]; переиздание:Churchill d'Angleterre, Paris, Lieu commun, 1985.
John Colville,The Churchillians, London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1981.
John Colville,The Fringes of Power: Downing Street Diaries 1939—1955, London, Hodder and Stoughton (в двух томах), 1985.
A. Duff Cooper,Old Men Forget, London, Hart-Davis, 1954; пер. на фр.:Au-dela de l'oubli, Paris, Gallimard, 1960.
Diana Cooper,Trumpets from the Steep, London, Hart Davies, 1966.
Correspondance secrEte de Staline avec Roosevelt, Churchill, Truman et Attlee 1941 —1945, перевод с русского и английского, Paris, Plon (в двух томах), 1959.
Richard H. S. Crossman,The Charm of Politics, London, Hamish Hamilton, 1958.
Hugh Dalton,Memoirs, London, Muller (в трех томах), 1953—1962.
Edward David,Inside Asquith's Cabinet: from the Diaries of Charles Hobhouse, London, Murray, 1977.
Michael Davie ed.,The Diaries of Evelyn Waugh, London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1976.
Richard Harding Davis,Real Soldiers of Fortune, New York, Collier, 1906.
David Dilks ed.,The Diaries of Sir Alexander Cadogan 1938—1945, London, Cassell, 1971.
Charles Eade ed.,Winston Churchill by his Contemporaries, London, Hutchinson, 1953.
Robert Ferrell ed.,The Eisenhower Diaries, New York, Norton, 1981.
Alfred G. Gardiner,Certain People of Importance, London, Cape, 1925.
Alfred G. Gardiner,Pillars of Society, London, Nisbet, 1913.
Alfred G. Gardiner,Prophets, Priests and Kings, London, Alston Rivers, 1908.
Charles de Gaulle,M emoires de guerre, Paris, Plon (в трех томах), 1954—1959.
Martin Gilbert ed.,Churchill(Great Lives Observed), Englewood Cliffs N J., Prentice Hall, 1967.
David Green,Sir Winston Churchill at Blenheim Palace: an Anthology, Oxford, Alden Press, 1959.
Percy James Grigg,Prejudice and Judgment, London, Cape, 1948.
Richard Burton Haidane,Autobiography, London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1929.
Paul G. Halpm ed.,The Keyes Papers: Selections from the Private and Official Correspondence of Admiral of the Fleet Baron Keyes of Zeebrugge(в трех томах), London, Navy Records Society, 1972—1981.
W. Averell Harriman and Elie Abel,Special Envoy to Churchill and Stalin 1941 —1946,New York, Random House, 1975.
John Harvey ed.,The Diplomatic Diaries of Oliver Harvey 1937—1940,London, Collins, 1970.
John Harvey ed.,The War Diaries of Oliver Harvey 1941 —1945, London, Collins, 1978.
Leslie Hollis and James Leasor,War at the Top,London, Heinemann, 1959.
David Hunt,On the Spot. An Ambassador Remembers,London, Davies, 1975.
Lord Ismay,The Memoirs of General the Lord Ismay,London, Heinemann, 1960.
Robert Rhodes James ed.,«Chips»: the Diary of Sir Henry Channon,London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1967.
Keith Jefferys ed.,The Military Correspondence of Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson 1918—1922,London, Bodley Head, 1985.
Kevin Jeffery ed.,Labour and the Wartime Coalition: from the Diary of James Chuter Ede 1941—1945,London, Historians Press, 1987.
Thomas Jones,A Diary with Letters 1931—1950,Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1969.
Thomas Jones,Whitehall Diary 1916—1930,ed. Keith Middlemas, Oxford, Oxford University Press (в двух томах), 1969.
Peter К. Kemp ed.,The Papers of Admiral Sir John Fisher,London, Navy Records Society, 1960.
John Maynard Keynes,Essays and Sketches in Biography,London, Hart Davies, 1951.
John Maynard Keynes,The Economic Consequences of Mr. Churchill,London, Hogarth Press, 1925.
Warren F. Kimball ed.,Churchill and Roosevelt: the Complete Correspondence 1933—1945,Princeton, Princeton University Press (в трех томах), 1984.
Shane Leslie,The End of a Chapter,London, Constable, 1929.
Shane Leslie,Long Shadows,London, Murray, 1966.
David Lloyd George,War Memoirs,London, Nicholson and Watson (в шести томах), 1933—1936.
Francis L. Loewenheim, H.D. Langley and M. Jonas ed.,Roosevelt and Churchill: their Secret Wartime Correspondence,London, Barrie and Jenkins, 1975.
Roderick MacLeod and Dennis Kelly ed.,The Ironside Diaries 1937—1940,London Constable, 1962.
Harold Macmillan,Memoirs,London, Macmillan, (в шести томах), 1966—1973; сокращенный перевод на фр.:M emoires de guerre 1939—1945,Paris, Plon, 1968.
Harold Macmillan,War Diaries: the Mediterranean 1943—1945,London, Macrnillan, 1984.
James Marchant ed.,Winston Spencer Churchill Servant of Crown and Commonwealth,London, Cassell, 1954.
Arthur Marder ed.,Fear Cod and Dread Nought: the Correspondence of Admiral of the Fleet Lord Fisher of Kilverstone,London, Cape (в трех томах), 1952—1959.
Edward Marsh,A Number of People,London, Heinemann, 1939.
John Martin,Downing Street: the War Years,London, Bloomsbury, 1991.
Norman McGowan,My Years with Churchill,London, Souvenir Press. 1958.
Phyllis Moir,I Was Winston Churchill's Private Secretary,New York, Wilfred Funk, 1941; пер. на фр.:Churchill, cet inconnu,Paris, societe francaise d'editions litteraires et techniques, 1948.
Bernard L. Montgomery,The Memoirs of Field Marshal the Viscount Montgomery,London, Collins, 1958.
Edmund Murray,IWasChurchill's Bodyguard,London, W.H. Allen, 1987.
Elizabeth Nel,Mr. Churchill's Secretary,London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1958.
Herbert George Nicholas ed.,Washington Despatches 1941—1945,Chicago, Chicago University Press, 1981.
Harold Nicolson,Diaries and Letters 1930—1962,London, Collins (в трех томах), 1966—1968.
Gerald Pawle,The War and Colonel Warden,London, Harrap, 1963; пер. на фр.:Le Vieux Lion au microscope,Paris, Presses de la Cite, 1963.
Graham Payn et Sheridan Morley ed.,The Noel Coward Diaries,London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1983.
Ben Pimlott ed.,The Political Diary of Hugh Dalton 1918—1940,London, Cape, 1986.
Ben Pimlott ed.,The Second World War Diary of Hugh Dalton 1940—1945,London, Cape, 1986.
Mark Pottle ed.,Champion Redoubtable: the Diaries and Letters of Violet Bonham Carter 1914—1945,London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1998.
John Ramsden ed.,Real Old Tory Politics: the Political Diaries of Sir Robert Sanders, Lord Bayford, 1910—1935,London, Historian's Press, 1984.
B. Ranft ed.,The Beatty Papers: Selections from the Private and Official Papers of Admiral of the Fleet Earl Beatty, 1902 —1927,London, Scolar Press (в двух томах), 1989—1993.
The Riddell Diaries 1908—1923,ed. J.M. McEwen, London, Athlone Press, 1986.
Lord Riddell's War Diary 1914—1918,London, Ivor Nicholson and Watson, 1933.
Lord Riddell's Intimate Diary of the Peace Conference and after 1918—1923,London, Gollancz, 1933.
Lord Riddell,More Pages from my Diary 1908—1914,London, Country Life, 1934.
Andrew Roberts,Eminent Churchillians,London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1994.
Norman Rose ed.,«Baffy»: the Diaries of Blanche Dugdale 1936—1947,London, Vallentine Mitchell, 1973.
James Arthur Salter,Personalities in Politics,London, Faber and Faber, 1947.
Secret History of World War II: the Ultra-Secret Wartime Cables and Letters of Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin,London, W.H. Allen, 1987.
Robert E. Sherwood,The White House Papers of Harry L. Hopkins,London, Eyre and Spottiswoode (в двух томах), 1948—1950.
Osbert Sitwell,The Winstonburg Line. Three Satires,London, Henderson, 1919.
Frederick Edwin Smith, 1st Earl of Birkenhead,Contemporary Personalities,London, Cassell, 1924.
Charles P. Snow,Variety of Men,London, Macmillan, 1967.
Edward Louis Spears,Assignment to Catastrophe,London, Heinemann (в двух томах), 1954; пер. на фр.: Temoignage sur une catastrophe, Paris, Presses de la Cite, 1964.
Peter Stansky ed.,Churchill: a Profile,London and New York, Macmillan, 1973.
Lord Swinton,Sixty Years of Power,London, Hutchinson, 1966.
Lord Swinton ed.,Lloyd George. A Diary by Frances Stevenson,London, Hutchinson, 1971.
Lord Swinton ed.,My Darling Pussy: the Letters of Lloyd George and Frances Stevenson, 1 913 —1941 ,Weidenfeldand Nicolson, 1975.
A. Temple-Patterson ed.,The Jellicoe Papers: Selections from the Private and Official Correspondence of Admiral of the Fleet Earl Jellicoe, 1893—1935,London, Navy Records Society (в двух томах), 1966—1968.
Lord Templewood [sir Samuel Hoare],Nine Troubled Years,London, Collins, 1954.
Walter Henry Thompson,I Was Churchill's Shadow,London, Christopher Johnson, 1951; пер. на фр.:Churchill par son ombre,Paris, Correa, 1952.
Beatrice Webb,Diaries 1912—1932,ed. Margaret Cole, London, Longmans (в двух томах), 1952—1956.
Beatrice Webb,Diaries, 1873—1943,ed. Norman and Jeanne Mackenzie, London, Virago (в четырех томах), 1982—1985.
Beatrice Webb,Our Partnership,ed. Barbara Drake, London, Longmans, 1948.
Trevor Wilson ed.,The Political Diaries of С . Р . Scott 1911—1928,London, Collins, 1970.
Lord Woolton,Memoirs,London, Cassell, 1959.
Kenneth Young ed.,The Diaries of Sir Robert Bruce Lockhart 1915—1965,London, Macmillan (в двух томах), 1973—1980.
Philip Ziegler ed.,Personal Diary of Adm iral the Lord Mountbatten 1943— 1947,London, Collins, 1988.
[Asquith Herbert Henry] Lord Oxford and Asquith,Memories and Reflections,London, Cassell (в двух томах), 1928.
Margot Asquith,Autobiography,ed. Mark Bonham Carter, London, Thornton Butterworth (в двух томах), 1920—1922.
Emmanuel d'Astier de La Vigerie,Les Grands,Paris, Gallimard, 1961: «Churchill», 47—66.
Lord Avon,The Eden Memoirs,London, Cassell (в трех томах), 1960—1965; пер. на фр.Memoires,Paris, Plon (в трех томах), 1960—1965.
John Barnes and David Nicholson ed.,The Leo Amery Diaries 1896—1955,London, Hutchinson (в двух томах), 1980—1988.
ВВС,A Selection of the Broadcasts Given in Memory of Winston Churchill,London, ВВС. 1965.
Robert Blake ed.,The Private Papers of Douglas Haig, 1914—1919,London, Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1952.
Wilfred Scawen Blunt,My Diaries 1888—1914,Alfred Knopf, 1921.
Violet Bonham Carter,Winston Churchill as I Knew Him,London, Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1965; переиздание: London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1995.
Robert Boothby,My Yesterday, Your Tomorrow.London, Hutchinson, 1962.
Robert Boothby,Recollections of a Rebel,London, Hutchinson, 1978.
Peter G. Boyle ed.,The Churchill-Eisenhower Correspondence 1953—1955,Chapel Hill, North Carolina University Press. 1990.
Michael and Eleonore Brocks ed.,H. H. Asquith: Letters to Venetia Stanley,Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1985.
Anthony Montague Browne,Long Sunset: Memoirs of Winston Churchill's Last Private Secretary,London, Cassell, 1995.
Arthur Bryant ed.,The Turn of the Tide 1939—1943 (The Alanbrooke Diaries),London, Collins, 1957.
Arthur Bryant,Triumph in the West 1943—1945 (The Alanbrooke Diaries),London, Collins, 1959.
Lord Butler,The Art of the Possible,London, Hamish Hamilton, 1971.
Charles Edward Callwell,Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson: his Life and Diaries,London, Cassell (в двух томах), 1927.
Captain «X» [Andrew Dewar Gibb],With Winston Churchill at the Front, London and Glasgow, Gowans and Gray, 1924.
Richard Casey,Personal Experience 1939—1946, London, Constable, 1962.
William Scott Chalmers,The Life and Letters of David, Earl Beattv, Admiral of the Fleet, London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1951.
Alfred D. Jr Chandler and Stephen Ambrose ed.,The Papers of Dwight D. Eisenhower: the War Years, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press (в пяти томах), 1970.
Lord Chandos [Oliver Lyttelton],Memoirs, London, Bodley Head, 1962.
E.D.W. Chaplin ed.,Winston Churchill and Harrow. Memories of the Prime Minister's Schooldays 1888—1892, London, Harrow School [1941].
John Charmley ed.,Descent to Suez: The Diaries of Sir Evelyn Shuckburgh 1951—1956, London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1987.
Churchill by his Contemporaries: an Observer Appreciation, London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1965.
Richard Cockett ed.,My Dear Max: the Letters of Brendan Bracken to Lord Beaverbrook 1925—1958, London, Historians Press, 1990.
Albert Cohen,Churchill d'Angleterre, «Message: Belgian Review», fevrier 1943 [автор использовал псевдоним Jean Mahan]; переиздание:Churchill d'Angleterre, Paris, Lieu commun, 1985.
John Colville,The Churchillians, London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1981.
John Colville,The Fringes of Power: Downing Street Diaries 1939—1955, London, Hodder and Stoughton (в двух томах), 1985.
A. Duff Cooper,Old Men Forget, London, Hart-Davis, 1954; пер. на фр.:Au-dela de l'oubli, Paris, Gallimard, 1960.
Diana Cooper,Trumpets from the Steep, London, Hart Davies, 1966.
Correspondance secrEte de Staline avec Roosevelt, Churchill, Truman et Attlee 1941 —1945, перевод с русского и английского, Paris, Plon (в двух томах), 1959.
Richard H. S. Crossman,The Charm of Politics, London, Hamish Hamilton, 1958.
Hugh Dalton,Memoirs, London, Muller (в трех томах), 1953—1962.
Edward David,Inside Asquith's Cabinet: from the Diaries of Charles Hobhouse, London, Murray, 1977.
Michael Davie ed.,The Diaries of Evelyn Waugh, London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1976.
Richard Harding Davis,Real Soldiers of Fortune, New York, Collier, 1906.
David Dilks ed.,The Diaries of Sir Alexander Cadogan 1938—1945, London, Cassell, 1971.
Charles Eade ed.,Winston Churchill by his Contemporaries, London, Hutchinson, 1953.
Robert Ferrell ed.,The Eisenhower Diaries, New York, Norton, 1981.
Alfred G. Gardiner,Certain People of Importance, London, Cape, 1925.
Alfred G. Gardiner,Pillars of Society, London, Nisbet, 1913.
Alfred G. Gardiner,Prophets, Priests and Kings, London, Alston Rivers, 1908.
Charles de Gaulle,M emoires de guerre, Paris, Plon (в трех томах), 1954—1959.
Martin Gilbert ed.,Churchill(Great Lives Observed), Englewood Cliffs N J., Prentice Hall, 1967.
David Green,Sir Winston Churchill at Blenheim Palace: an Anthology, Oxford, Alden Press, 1959.
Percy James Grigg,Prejudice and Judgment, London, Cape, 1948.
Richard Burton Haidane,Autobiography, London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1929.
Paul G. Halpm ed.,The Keyes Papers: Selections from the Private and Official Correspondence of Admiral of the Fleet Baron Keyes of Zeebrugge(в трех томах), London, Navy Records Society, 1972—1981.
W. Averell Harriman and Elie Abel,Special Envoy to Churchill and Stalin 1941 —1946,New York, Random House, 1975.
John Harvey ed.,The Diplomatic Diaries of Oliver Harvey 1937—1940,London, Collins, 1970.
John Harvey ed.,The War Diaries of Oliver Harvey 1941 —1945, London, Collins, 1978.
Leslie Hollis and James Leasor,War at the Top,London, Heinemann, 1959.
David Hunt,On the Spot. An Ambassador Remembers,London, Davies, 1975.
Lord Ismay,The Memoirs of General the Lord Ismay,London, Heinemann, 1960.
Robert Rhodes James ed.,«Chips»: the Diary of Sir Henry Channon,London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1967.
Keith Jefferys ed.,The Military Correspondence of Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson 1918—1922,London, Bodley Head, 1985.
Kevin Jeffery ed.,Labour and the Wartime Coalition: from the Diary of James Chuter Ede 1941—1945,London, Historians Press, 1987.
Thomas Jones,A Diary with Letters 1931—1950,Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1969.
Thomas Jones,Whitehall Diary 1916—1930,ed. Keith Middlemas, Oxford, Oxford University Press (в двух томах), 1969.
Peter К. Kemp ed.,The Papers of Admiral Sir John Fisher,London, Navy Records Society, 1960.
John Maynard Keynes,Essays and Sketches in Biography,London, Hart Davies, 1951.
John Maynard Keynes,The Economic Consequences of Mr. Churchill,London, Hogarth Press, 1925.
Warren F. Kimball ed.,Churchill and Roosevelt: the Complete Correspondence 1933—1945,Princeton, Princeton University Press (в трех томах), 1984.
Shane Leslie,The End of a Chapter,London, Constable, 1929.
Shane Leslie,Long Shadows,London, Murray, 1966.
David Lloyd George,War Memoirs,London, Nicholson and Watson (в шести томах), 1933—1936.
Francis L. Loewenheim, H.D. Langley and M. Jonas ed.,Roosevelt and Churchill: their Secret Wartime Correspondence,London, Barrie and Jenkins, 1975.
Roderick MacLeod and Dennis Kelly ed.,The Ironside Diaries 1937—1940,London Constable, 1962.
Harold Macmillan,Memoirs,London, Macmillan, (в шести томах), 1966—1973; сокращенный перевод на фр.:M emoires de guerre 1939—1945,Paris, Plon, 1968.
Harold Macmillan,War Diaries: the Mediterranean 1943—1945,London, Macrnillan, 1984.
James Marchant ed.,Winston Spencer Churchill Servant of Crown and Commonwealth,London, Cassell, 1954.
Arthur Marder ed.,Fear Cod and Dread Nought: the Correspondence of Admiral of the Fleet Lord Fisher of Kilverstone,London, Cape (в трех томах), 1952—1959.
Edward Marsh,A Number of People,London, Heinemann, 1939.
John Martin,Downing Street: the War Years,London, Bloomsbury, 1991.
Norman McGowan,My Years with Churchill,London, Souvenir Press. 1958.
Phyllis Moir,I Was Winston Churchill's Private Secretary,New York, Wilfred Funk, 1941; пер. на фр.:Churchill, cet inconnu,Paris, societe francaise d'editions litteraires et techniques, 1948.
Bernard L. Montgomery,The Memoirs of Field Marshal the Viscount Montgomery,London, Collins, 1958.
Edmund Murray,IWasChurchill's Bodyguard,London, W.H. Allen, 1987.
Elizabeth Nel,Mr. Churchill's Secretary,London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1958.
Herbert George Nicholas ed.,Washington Despatches 1941—1945,Chicago, Chicago University Press, 1981.
Harold Nicolson,Diaries and Letters 1930—1962,London, Collins (в трех томах), 1966—1968.
Gerald Pawle,The War and Colonel Warden,London, Harrap, 1963; пер. на фр.:Le Vieux Lion au microscope,Paris, Presses de la Cite, 1963.
Graham Payn et Sheridan Morley ed.,The Noel Coward Diaries,London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1983.
Ben Pimlott ed.,The Political Diary of Hugh Dalton 1918—1940,London, Cape, 1986.
Ben Pimlott ed.,The Second World War Diary of Hugh Dalton 1940—1945,London, Cape, 1986.
Mark Pottle ed.,Champion Redoubtable: the Diaries and Letters of Violet Bonham Carter 1914—1945,London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1998.
John Ramsden ed.,Real Old Tory Politics: the Political Diaries of Sir Robert Sanders, Lord Bayford, 1910—1935,London, Historian's Press, 1984.
B. Ranft ed.,The Beatty Papers: Selections from the Private and Official Papers of Admiral of the Fleet Earl Beatty, 1902 —1927,London, Scolar Press (в двух томах), 1989—1993.
The Riddell Diaries 1908—1923,ed. J.M. McEwen, London, Athlone Press, 1986.
Lord Riddell's War Diary 1914—1918,London, Ivor Nicholson and Watson, 1933.
Lord Riddell's Intimate Diary of the Peace Conference and after 1918—1923,London, Gollancz, 1933.
Lord Riddell,More Pages from my Diary 1908—1914,London, Country Life, 1934.
Andrew Roberts,Eminent Churchillians,London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1994.
Norman Rose ed.,«Baffy»: the Diaries of Blanche Dugdale 1936—1947,London, Vallentine Mitchell, 1973.
James Arthur Salter,Personalities in Politics,London, Faber and Faber, 1947.
Secret History of World War II: the Ultra-Secret Wartime Cables and Letters of Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin,London, W.H. Allen, 1987.
Robert E. Sherwood,The White House Papers of Harry L. Hopkins,London, Eyre and Spottiswoode (в двух томах), 1948—1950.
Osbert Sitwell,The Winstonburg Line. Three Satires,London, Henderson, 1919.
Frederick Edwin Smith, 1st Earl of Birkenhead,Contemporary Personalities,London, Cassell, 1924.
Charles P. Snow,Variety of Men,London, Macmillan, 1967.
Edward Louis Spears,Assignment to Catastrophe,London, Heinemann (в двух томах), 1954; пер. на фр.: Temoignage sur une catastrophe, Paris, Presses de la Cite, 1964.
Peter Stansky ed.,Churchill: a Profile,London and New York, Macmillan, 1973.
Lord Swinton,Sixty Years of Power,London, Hutchinson, 1966.
Lord Swinton ed.,Lloyd George. A Diary by Frances Stevenson,London, Hutchinson, 1971.
Lord Swinton ed.,My Darling Pussy: the Letters of Lloyd George and Frances Stevenson, 1 913 —1941 ,Weidenfeldand Nicolson, 1975.
A. Temple-Patterson ed.,The Jellicoe Papers: Selections from the Private and Official Correspondence of Admiral of the Fleet Earl Jellicoe, 1893—1935,London, Navy Records Society (в двух томах), 1966—1968.
Lord Templewood [sir Samuel Hoare],Nine Troubled Years,London, Collins, 1954.
Walter Henry Thompson,I Was Churchill's Shadow,London, Christopher Johnson, 1951; пер. на фр.:Churchill par son ombre,Paris, Correa, 1952.
Beatrice Webb,Diaries 1912—1932,ed. Margaret Cole, London, Longmans (в двух томах), 1952—1956.
Beatrice Webb,Diaries, 1873—1943,ed. Norman and Jeanne Mackenzie, London, Virago (в четырех томах), 1982—1985.
Beatrice Webb,Our Partnership,ed. Barbara Drake, London, Longmans, 1948.
Trevor Wilson ed.,The Political Diaries of С . Р . Scott 1911—1928,London, Collins, 1970.
Lord Woolton,Memoirs,London, Cassell, 1959.
Kenneth Young ed.,The Diaries of Sir Robert Bruce Lockhart 1915—1965,London, Macmillan (в двух томах), 1973—1980.
Philip Ziegler ed.,Personal Diary of Adm iral the Lord Mountbatten 1943— 1947,London, Collins, 1988.
Альбомы фотографий
Три наиболее полных альбома:
Randolph S. Churchill and Helmut Gernsheim,Churchill: his Life in Photographs,London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1955.
Martin Gilbert,Churchill: a Photographic Portrait,London, Heinemann and Penguin, 1974.
Mary Soames,A Churchill Family Album,London, Penguin, 1982.
Посетители бара «Зеленый дракон» в Хартфордшире слушают выступления Черчилля по радио. 1941.
Солдаты бывшего 4-го гусарского полка (в котором некогда служил Черчилль), преобразованного в танковый, приветствуют своего однополчанина.Египет. 1942.
Немецкая карикатура: после конференции на Касабланке; Черчилль и Рузвельт держат своих собак (де Голля и Жиро) на поводке.
Совещание с командующими союзническими войсками: справа от Черчилля — Иден и генерал Брук; слева — генералы Маршалл и Эйзенхауэр. Позади — маршал авиации Теддер, адмирал Каннингем, генералы Александер и Монтгомери.
Тегеран: Черчилль празднует свое 69-летие в посольстве Великобритании.30 ноября 1943.
По дороге к месту высадки союзников в Нормандии.12 июня 1944.
«Багровая гавань».
Елисейские Поля приветствуют британского премьер-министра.11 ноября 1944.
Переправа через Рейн в сопровождении генерала Симпсона, командующего 9-й армией Соединенных Штатов. Март 1945.
На развалинах бункера Гитлера в Берлине: Черчилль, окруженный советскими и британскими офицерами, пытается сесть на стул фюрера.
Черчилль, Трумэн и Сталин на Потсдамской конференции.Июль 1945.
На европейском конгрессе в Гааге.Май 1948.
За мольбертом в Италии.1949.
Ратуша в Гастингсе: Черчилль Выражает благодарность за подаренный ему портрет, на котором он изображен в мундире хранителя пяти портов (к числу которых относится и Гастингс).1957.
Сэр Уинстон и леди Черчилль принимают королеву Англии и герцога Эдинбургского, посетивших прощальный обед на Даунинг стрит 4 апреля 1955 года.
Черчилль со своей собакой Руфусом в Чартвелле.
Колесница с останками Черчилля пересекает Парламентскую площадь. 30 января 1965.
Randolph S. Churchill and Helmut Gernsheim,Churchill: his Life in Photographs,London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1955.
Martin Gilbert,Churchill: a Photographic Portrait,London, Heinemann and Penguin, 1974.
Mary Soames,A Churchill Family Album,London, Penguin, 1982.
Посетители бара «Зеленый дракон» в Хартфордшире слушают выступления Черчилля по радио. 1941.
Солдаты бывшего 4-го гусарского полка (в котором некогда служил Черчилль), преобразованного в танковый, приветствуют своего однополчанина.Египет. 1942.
Немецкая карикатура: после конференции на Касабланке; Черчилль и Рузвельт держат своих собак (де Голля и Жиро) на поводке.
Совещание с командующими союзническими войсками: справа от Черчилля — Иден и генерал Брук; слева — генералы Маршалл и Эйзенхауэр. Позади — маршал авиации Теддер, адмирал Каннингем, генералы Александер и Монтгомери.
Тегеран: Черчилль празднует свое 69-летие в посольстве Великобритании.30 ноября 1943.
По дороге к месту высадки союзников в Нормандии.12 июня 1944.
«Багровая гавань».
Елисейские Поля приветствуют британского премьер-министра.11 ноября 1944.
Переправа через Рейн в сопровождении генерала Симпсона, командующего 9-й армией Соединенных Штатов. Март 1945.
На развалинах бункера Гитлера в Берлине: Черчилль, окруженный советскими и британскими офицерами, пытается сесть на стул фюрера.
Черчилль, Трумэн и Сталин на Потсдамской конференции.Июль 1945.
На европейском конгрессе в Гааге.Май 1948.
За мольбертом в Италии.1949.
Ратуша в Гастингсе: Черчилль Выражает благодарность за подаренный ему портрет, на котором он изображен в мундире хранителя пяти портов (к числу которых относится и Гастингс).1957.
Сэр Уинстон и леди Черчилль принимают королеву Англии и герцога Эдинбургского, посетивших прощальный обед на Даунинг стрит 4 апреля 1955 года.
Черчилль со своей собакой Руфусом в Чартвелле.
Колесница с останками Черчилля пересекает Парламентскую площадь. 30 января 1965.