The Organisation of the Warsaw Pact (documents and materials 1955-85),
Sofia, 1985.
Participations of Workersin the Management of Enterprises in the
Socialist Countries. Partisdat. 1987.
Collection of current court law in the Kingdom of Bulgaria,
(1878-1918). Sofia , 1918.
Medieval Philosophy (Anthology). Sofia, 1994.
The State of the Planet (Report of the Institute for the Observation of
World Development on the Problems of the Establishments of a Society Capable
of Supporting itself.) Sofia, 1991.
The Secret Report of Khrushchev to the 20th Congress of the CPSU -
1956, Sofia, 1991.
Spain - The Constitution and Public Legislation. Sofia, 1992.
Constitutions of the World. Sofia, 1994.
Bourgeois Philosophy of the 20th Century. Moscow, 1974.
The Mutual Connections and Influences of Domestic and Foreign Policy.
The Soviet Association of Political Science. Moscow. 1982.
The History of Foreign Art. Moscow, 1980.
The History of the Middle Ages, Moscow, 1980.
The History of the Ancient World. Parts 1 and 2, Moscow, 1982.
The Science and the Technology of Modern Capitalism. Moscow, 1987.
Political Portraits. Moscow, 1991.
Legislation in the Economy. Collection of Regulatory Acts. Moscow,
Azam Dr. Zohra, Towards the 21st Century, Pakistan - Women, Education
and Social Change. Karachi, 1993.
Dr. Ravi Batra. Progressive Utilisation Theory: An Economic Solution to
Poverty in the Third World. Manila, 1989.
Beschloss, M. St.Talbott. At the Highest Levels (The Inside Story of
the Cold War). USA, 1993.
Bullock, A. Hitler - A Study in Tyranny. USA, 1995.
Clinton, Bill, Al Gore. Putting People First (How can we all change
America). USA, 1992.
Cuthbertson, Ian M. and J.Leibowitz. Minorities: The New Europe's Old
Issue. USA, 1993.
Davidson, J.D. Sir, W. Rees, Moeny Blood in the Streets (Investment
Profits in a World Gone Mad). New York. 1987.
Davis, Stan. Bill Davidson. 2020 vision. New York. 1991.
Dobrinksy, R., M.Landesmann. Tranforming Economies and European
Integration. UK.1995.
Dudley, J.W., H.Martens, 1993 and Beyond (New Strategies for the
Enlarged Single Market). London, 1993.
Forstner, H.R. Ballance, Competing in a Global Economy. UNIDO 1990.
Frieden, J., D.A. Lake. International Political Economy (Perspectives
on Global Power and Wealth). St.Martin's Press, New York, 1991.
Frieden, J., D.A. Lake. International Political Economy, New York,
Frydman, R. Andrzej Rapaczynski, J.S. Earle. The Privatisation Process
in Russia, Ukraine and the Baltic States, UK. 1993.
Gerhart, W.F. Principles of Insurance. N.Y. 1917.
Gilland, St., D. Law. The Global Political Economy (Perspectives,
Problems and Policies). Baltimore, 1988.
Henderson, H. Paradigms in Progress (Life Beyond Economics).
Idianapolis, 1993.
Herman, Robert. Economics. USA, 1987.
Hyland, W.G. The Cold War (Fifty Years of Conflict) Canada, 1991.
Isham, Heyward, Remaking Russia (Voices from Within). USA, 1995.
Kaskiernia, J. Stany Zjednoczone. Warsaw. 1992.
Jones, B. Sleepers Awake! (Technology and the Future of Work). Oxford,
Kaiser, R.G. Why Gorbachev Happened (His Triumphs, His Failure and his
Fall). New York, 1992
Karlsson, M., L. Ingelsam. The World's Largest Machine. Stockholm. 1995
Kennedy, P. The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers. New York, 1989.
Kim, Tae-Chang and J.Dator. Creating a New History for Future
Generations. Institute for the Integrated Study of Future Generations. 1995.
Kolko, G. Century of War (politics, conflicts and society since 1914).
New Yoirk, 1994.
Ludwig von Mises. Socialism. Moscow, 1981.
McCoy, J. B., L.A. Frieder, R.B. Hedges Jr.. Bottomline Banking
(Meeting the Challenges for Survival and Success). England, 1994.
Merritt, G. Eastern Europe and the USSR (The Challenges of Freedom).
London, 1991.
Mannermaa, M., S. Inayatullah, R. Slaughter. Coherence and Chaos in our
Uncommon Future. - Turku. Finland. 1993.
Naisbitt, J., P. Aberdeen. Megatrends 2000 (Ten New Directions for the
1990's). New York, 1990.
Pool, J. Charles, St.Constitution. Stamos. International Economic
Policy (Beyond the Trade and Debt Crisis). Canada, 1989.
Spain, P., J.R. Talbot. Handbook of American Companies. 1996.
Summers, M. Economic Alternatives for Eastern Europe. New Economics
Toffler. A. Power Shift. (Knowledge Wealth and Violence at the Edge of
the 21st Century). USA 1990.
Toffler, A. War and Anti-War. N.Y. 1994.
Vanhanen, T. Strategies of Democratisation. USA, 1992.
Walleginsky, D. The 20th Century. USA, 1995.
Weillenfeld, Werner. Jospeph Janning. Europe in Global Change.
Gutersloh. 1993.
Wundt. W. Allgmeine Logik und Erkenntnistheorie. Stuttgart, 1906.
Yakovets, Y.V. At the Sources of a New Civilisation. International
Kondratieff Foundation. Moskow, 1993.
Zaldivar, C., MoCastells. Spain Beyond the Myths. Madrid, 1992.
Zon, H. Alternative Scenarios for Central Europe. London, 1994.
Science and Sustainability. Selected Papers on IIASA's 20th
Anniversary, Vienna.1992.
The World Almanac (and Book of Facts). USA, 1992.
Public Administration in Japan, Tokyo, 1982.
Banking in Switzerland, Zurich, 1990.
Why Future Generations Now, Conference 3-14th June 1992. Rio de
Janeiro, Brasil.
( These figures are collated from various sources. It should be noted
that accurate population counts began after the 18th century. Despite the
approximate nature of the figures up to that point, the trend towards growth
is unmistakeable. See Britannica Micropaedia. Population. World Data.
2 A.Toynbee. Selected Works: Bibliotheca Idei. Sofia. University
Publishers, 1992, page 32.
3 The term civilisation (the level of development, the rejection of
barbarism) appears to have been first used in 1704 (civiliser - French) to
make more cultured, to remove from the state of barbarism. See also.
J.Lukac. The End of the Twentieth Century, page 284.
4 This figure is based on the analyses carried out by Toynby and also
on comparisons I have carried out using the Encyclopedia Britannica. See.
Propaedia. The history of Mankind.
5 Plato. The Republic. Books 2 and 4. S. Nauka I izkustvo. 1981.
6 K. Kautski. Origins of christianity. S., 1995. p. 366
7 P.Kennedy. The Rise and the Fall of the Great Power. N.Y. p.56
8 P.Kennedy. The Rise and the Fall of the Great Powers (see table)
9 Although between Hobson, Hilferding and Lenin there are certain
differences about the historical fate of imperialism, their works relating
to its origin and features are worth of academic recognition. [see.
J.Hobson, Imperialism, L.1902, R.Hilferding, Financial Capital, L.1910.
V.Lenin, Imperialism as the supreme state of capitalism, Essay No.5, Volume
10 P.Kennedy. The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers [see table]
11 P.Kennedy. The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers. Table 28, p.299.
N. Y. 1887.
* Under 50 000. Source: Political Economy, Moscow, 1975. P. 150.
12 Bzezinski. The Great Failure, Sofia 1991, pages 21-54
13 The concept of the evolutionary rebirth of monopolistic capitalism,
of a society of trusts and cartels within a single world "super trust" or in
other words a united world society governed from a single centre (a single
super trust). The author of this concept was K.Kautski, 1915
14 According to the Brent Wood (USA) agreement in 1944 a system of
international financial organisations was established resulting in the
American dollar becoming the leading currency in international finances. In
the 1980's this "system" was profoundly changed
15 See V.I. Lenin, collected works, vol.27, page 408
16 See also Z. Brzezinsky. The Great Collapse. S., 1981 (Statistics).
17 In the summer of 1986, the Bulgarian leader, T.Zhivkov published
what for the time was a courageous reformist article entitled the "July
Conception". It received much criticism from Mikhail Gorbachev and his
entourage since it raised questions about the leading role of the communist
party. Of course the Bulgarian leaders bowed under the pressure of
"comradely advice".
18 See Z. Brzezinsky. The Great Collapse. Appendiy.
19 Hundreds of books have been written on the subject of the
development of the Stalinist regime. Some of them give a particulary vivid
description of the essence of this process - e.g. D.Volkogonov - Stalin.
Triumph and Tragedy - 4 volumes. Moscow 1991.
20 Ludwig Von Mizes. Socialism. M., 1994. Introduction.
21 This can be seen in all of the speeches made by Mikhail Gorbachev.
For Example M.S. Gorbachev. On the process of implementing the decisions of
the XXVII congress of the CPSU and tasks connected with the advancement of
Perestroika. Moscow 1988.
22 There is no doubt the Gorbachev was frequently advised to use the
army to restore "law and order" and the status quo. Ifhe had given in to
such advice this would not only have returned the reform process to its
initial starting point but would also have caused conflicts involving the
spilling of blood.
23 At this time G. Yanaev was Vice President of the USSR. V. Pavlov was
Prime Minister and V. Kruchkov -- Head of the KGB.
24 According to a number of writers, including the last advisor the
Soviet president - Andrei Grachov, the decisive factors for the resignation
of Mikhail Gorbachev were the opinion of the Minister of Defence,
B.Shaposhnikov and his support for Boris Yeltsin. In a conversation I had in
December 1995 A.Grachov once more re-iterated his astonishment at this fact
and described it as the key factor in the collapse of the USSR.
25 The Madrid summit meeting of the member states of the EU spoke
eloquently of this. Even if the deadline for the introduction of the common
currency is postponed there is apparently no doubt of its eventual
26 The statistics in this paragraph are taken from the Economist -
World in figures L., 1994
27 K. Marx. Das Kapital. V.1. C., 1984. P.484.
28 This was the dominant thesis of the leaders of on the leading
parties in Bulgaria -- the union of democratic forces between 1990--1993.
29 J. Grey. Liberalism. Sofia. 1991. P. 92.
30 V. Lenin. Complete Works. V. 29. P. 121.
31 These three conclusions were developed for the first time in my
books "Socialisation and democratic centralism" (1987) and "Socialism and
Self Management" (1989)".
32 A.Toffler. Forecasts and pre-conditions, Sofia, 1991, page 64
33 A.Toffler - Ibid
34 See Fortune, 1995, April, August
35 The Best Companies To Work For In America. N.Y. 1993. P. 285.
36 Samuel Huntington. The Clash of Civilisations? Democratic review
ed.2-3, 1995, page 167
37 Foreign Affairs, vol.72, No.4, page 16
38 A. Toffler. "The Shock of the Future". S., 1991.
39 See Creating A New History For Future Generations. Ed. By T. Him and
J. Dator. Kyoto. 1994.
40 J. K. Galbraith. The Anatomy of Power. S., 1993, p. 54.
41 A. Toffler. Forecasts and Preconditions.
42 Employee Ownership. National Center for Employee ownership, 1985, p.
43 Calculated on the basis of "Germany's top 500", Frankfurt/Main 1995.
44 A. Toffler. Forecasts and Preconditions.
45 P.Drucker. Post-capitalist society. Harper, 1994, p.96
46 J.Stalin. Economic problems of the development of socialism in the
USSR (in his book, J.V.Stalin on the Socialist Economy). Sofia 1955. 47.
P.Drucker. Post Capitalist Society. N.Y.,1994
47 P. Drucker. Post Capitalist Society. N. Y., 1994.
48 See. H.Genov. The Path of the Dragon. Sofia, 1992.
49 L.R.Braun. K.Braun and S.Pastel. I. The Condition of the Planet (A
Picture of a Stable Society). S.1990.II. Thinking about Future Generations.
50 R.Allen. Mathematical economics. (Russian translation) Moscow. 1963.
51 Leon Walras. Elements of Pure Economics. L.1954.
52 What I am referring to here is Marx's claim that during the
historical processes "the civil society will come again to engulf the
state". This conclusion which he came to during the period of the Paris
Commune (France 1871) was entirely ignored by the majority of his followers
and especially the founder of "real socialism".
53 Member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU with
responsibility for ideology during the term of Gorbachev.
54 St. Gill and D. Law. The Global political economy, p. 151.
55 UNCTAD World Investment Report. 1993.
56 The world in 1996. L., 1995, p. 113.
57 Based on statistics by M.Porter. The Competitive Advantage. N.Y.,
58 Jacques Atalie. The Millenium. Sofia. P. 52.
59 The Federal Reserve system fulfils the role of the central bank in
the USA. It is currently under the directorship of A.Greenspan.
60 Based on "The Economist" World in Figures, L.1994.
61 Based on the "The Economist","World in Figures" L.1994.
62 Inc. Middle East.
63 Republics of the Former Soviet Union.
64 The military balance 1994--5. UK;Brassey.
65 Jacques Atalie. The Millenium. S., 1992, page 15.
Sofia, 1985.
Participations of Workersin the Management of Enterprises in the
Socialist Countries. Partisdat. 1987.
Collection of current court law in the Kingdom of Bulgaria,
(1878-1918). Sofia , 1918.
Medieval Philosophy (Anthology). Sofia, 1994.
The State of the Planet (Report of the Institute for the Observation of
World Development on the Problems of the Establishments of a Society Capable
of Supporting itself.) Sofia, 1991.
The Secret Report of Khrushchev to the 20th Congress of the CPSU -
1956, Sofia, 1991.
Spain - The Constitution and Public Legislation. Sofia, 1992.
Constitutions of the World. Sofia, 1994.
Bourgeois Philosophy of the 20th Century. Moscow, 1974.
The Mutual Connections and Influences of Domestic and Foreign Policy.
The Soviet Association of Political Science. Moscow. 1982.
The History of Foreign Art. Moscow, 1980.
The History of the Middle Ages, Moscow, 1980.
The History of the Ancient World. Parts 1 and 2, Moscow, 1982.
The Science and the Technology of Modern Capitalism. Moscow, 1987.
Political Portraits. Moscow, 1991.
Legislation in the Economy. Collection of Regulatory Acts. Moscow,
Azam Dr. Zohra, Towards the 21st Century, Pakistan - Women, Education
and Social Change. Karachi, 1993.
Dr. Ravi Batra. Progressive Utilisation Theory: An Economic Solution to
Poverty in the Third World. Manila, 1989.
Beschloss, M. St.Talbott. At the Highest Levels (The Inside Story of
the Cold War). USA, 1993.
Bullock, A. Hitler - A Study in Tyranny. USA, 1995.
Clinton, Bill, Al Gore. Putting People First (How can we all change
America). USA, 1992.
Cuthbertson, Ian M. and J.Leibowitz. Minorities: The New Europe's Old
Issue. USA, 1993.
Davidson, J.D. Sir, W. Rees, Moeny Blood in the Streets (Investment
Profits in a World Gone Mad). New York. 1987.
Davis, Stan. Bill Davidson. 2020 vision. New York. 1991.
Dobrinksy, R., M.Landesmann. Tranforming Economies and European
Integration. UK.1995.
Dudley, J.W., H.Martens, 1993 and Beyond (New Strategies for the
Enlarged Single Market). London, 1993.
Forstner, H.R. Ballance, Competing in a Global Economy. UNIDO 1990.
Frieden, J., D.A. Lake. International Political Economy (Perspectives
on Global Power and Wealth). St.Martin's Press, New York, 1991.
Frieden, J., D.A. Lake. International Political Economy, New York,
Frydman, R. Andrzej Rapaczynski, J.S. Earle. The Privatisation Process
in Russia, Ukraine and the Baltic States, UK. 1993.
Gerhart, W.F. Principles of Insurance. N.Y. 1917.
Gilland, St., D. Law. The Global Political Economy (Perspectives,
Problems and Policies). Baltimore, 1988.
Henderson, H. Paradigms in Progress (Life Beyond Economics).
Idianapolis, 1993.
Herman, Robert. Economics. USA, 1987.
Hyland, W.G. The Cold War (Fifty Years of Conflict) Canada, 1991.
Isham, Heyward, Remaking Russia (Voices from Within). USA, 1995.
Kaskiernia, J. Stany Zjednoczone. Warsaw. 1992.
Jones, B. Sleepers Awake! (Technology and the Future of Work). Oxford,
Kaiser, R.G. Why Gorbachev Happened (His Triumphs, His Failure and his
Fall). New York, 1992
Karlsson, M., L. Ingelsam. The World's Largest Machine. Stockholm. 1995
Kennedy, P. The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers. New York, 1989.
Kim, Tae-Chang and J.Dator. Creating a New History for Future
Generations. Institute for the Integrated Study of Future Generations. 1995.
Kolko, G. Century of War (politics, conflicts and society since 1914).
New Yoirk, 1994.
Ludwig von Mises. Socialism. Moscow, 1981.
McCoy, J. B., L.A. Frieder, R.B. Hedges Jr.. Bottomline Banking
(Meeting the Challenges for Survival and Success). England, 1994.
Merritt, G. Eastern Europe and the USSR (The Challenges of Freedom).
London, 1991.
Mannermaa, M., S. Inayatullah, R. Slaughter. Coherence and Chaos in our
Uncommon Future. - Turku. Finland. 1993.
Naisbitt, J., P. Aberdeen. Megatrends 2000 (Ten New Directions for the
1990's). New York, 1990.
Pool, J. Charles, St.Constitution. Stamos. International Economic
Policy (Beyond the Trade and Debt Crisis). Canada, 1989.
Spain, P., J.R. Talbot. Handbook of American Companies. 1996.
Summers, M. Economic Alternatives for Eastern Europe. New Economics
Toffler. A. Power Shift. (Knowledge Wealth and Violence at the Edge of
the 21st Century). USA 1990.
Toffler, A. War and Anti-War. N.Y. 1994.
Vanhanen, T. Strategies of Democratisation. USA, 1992.
Walleginsky, D. The 20th Century. USA, 1995.
Weillenfeld, Werner. Jospeph Janning. Europe in Global Change.
Gutersloh. 1993.
Wundt. W. Allgmeine Logik und Erkenntnistheorie. Stuttgart, 1906.
Yakovets, Y.V. At the Sources of a New Civilisation. International
Kondratieff Foundation. Moskow, 1993.
Zaldivar, C., MoCastells. Spain Beyond the Myths. Madrid, 1992.
Zon, H. Alternative Scenarios for Central Europe. London, 1994.
Science and Sustainability. Selected Papers on IIASA's 20th
Anniversary, Vienna.1992.
The World Almanac (and Book of Facts). USA, 1992.
Public Administration in Japan, Tokyo, 1982.
Banking in Switzerland, Zurich, 1990.
Why Future Generations Now, Conference 3-14th June 1992. Rio de
Janeiro, Brasil.
( These figures are collated from various sources. It should be noted
that accurate population counts began after the 18th century. Despite the
approximate nature of the figures up to that point, the trend towards growth
is unmistakeable. See Britannica Micropaedia. Population. World Data.
2 A.Toynbee. Selected Works: Bibliotheca Idei. Sofia. University
Publishers, 1992, page 32.
3 The term civilisation (the level of development, the rejection of
barbarism) appears to have been first used in 1704 (civiliser - French) to
make more cultured, to remove from the state of barbarism. See also.
J.Lukac. The End of the Twentieth Century, page 284.
4 This figure is based on the analyses carried out by Toynby and also
on comparisons I have carried out using the Encyclopedia Britannica. See.
Propaedia. The history of Mankind.
5 Plato. The Republic. Books 2 and 4. S. Nauka I izkustvo. 1981.
6 K. Kautski. Origins of christianity. S., 1995. p. 366
7 P.Kennedy. The Rise and the Fall of the Great Power. N.Y. p.56
8 P.Kennedy. The Rise and the Fall of the Great Powers (see table)
9 Although between Hobson, Hilferding and Lenin there are certain
differences about the historical fate of imperialism, their works relating
to its origin and features are worth of academic recognition. [see.
J.Hobson, Imperialism, L.1902, R.Hilferding, Financial Capital, L.1910.
V.Lenin, Imperialism as the supreme state of capitalism, Essay No.5, Volume
10 P.Kennedy. The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers [see table]
11 P.Kennedy. The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers. Table 28, p.299.
N. Y. 1887.
* Under 50 000. Source: Political Economy, Moscow, 1975. P. 150.
12 Bzezinski. The Great Failure, Sofia 1991, pages 21-54
13 The concept of the evolutionary rebirth of monopolistic capitalism,
of a society of trusts and cartels within a single world "super trust" or in
other words a united world society governed from a single centre (a single
super trust). The author of this concept was K.Kautski, 1915
14 According to the Brent Wood (USA) agreement in 1944 a system of
international financial organisations was established resulting in the
American dollar becoming the leading currency in international finances. In
the 1980's this "system" was profoundly changed
15 See V.I. Lenin, collected works, vol.27, page 408
16 See also Z. Brzezinsky. The Great Collapse. S., 1981 (Statistics).
17 In the summer of 1986, the Bulgarian leader, T.Zhivkov published
what for the time was a courageous reformist article entitled the "July
Conception". It received much criticism from Mikhail Gorbachev and his
entourage since it raised questions about the leading role of the communist
party. Of course the Bulgarian leaders bowed under the pressure of
"comradely advice".
18 See Z. Brzezinsky. The Great Collapse. Appendiy.
19 Hundreds of books have been written on the subject of the
development of the Stalinist regime. Some of them give a particulary vivid
description of the essence of this process - e.g. D.Volkogonov - Stalin.
Triumph and Tragedy - 4 volumes. Moscow 1991.
20 Ludwig Von Mizes. Socialism. M., 1994. Introduction.
21 This can be seen in all of the speeches made by Mikhail Gorbachev.
For Example M.S. Gorbachev. On the process of implementing the decisions of
the XXVII congress of the CPSU and tasks connected with the advancement of
Perestroika. Moscow 1988.
22 There is no doubt the Gorbachev was frequently advised to use the
army to restore "law and order" and the status quo. Ifhe had given in to
such advice this would not only have returned the reform process to its
initial starting point but would also have caused conflicts involving the
spilling of blood.
23 At this time G. Yanaev was Vice President of the USSR. V. Pavlov was
Prime Minister and V. Kruchkov -- Head of the KGB.
24 According to a number of writers, including the last advisor the
Soviet president - Andrei Grachov, the decisive factors for the resignation
of Mikhail Gorbachev were the opinion of the Minister of Defence,
B.Shaposhnikov and his support for Boris Yeltsin. In a conversation I had in
December 1995 A.Grachov once more re-iterated his astonishment at this fact
and described it as the key factor in the collapse of the USSR.
25 The Madrid summit meeting of the member states of the EU spoke
eloquently of this. Even if the deadline for the introduction of the common
currency is postponed there is apparently no doubt of its eventual
26 The statistics in this paragraph are taken from the Economist -
World in figures L., 1994
27 K. Marx. Das Kapital. V.1. C., 1984. P.484.
28 This was the dominant thesis of the leaders of on the leading
parties in Bulgaria -- the union of democratic forces between 1990--1993.
29 J. Grey. Liberalism. Sofia. 1991. P. 92.
30 V. Lenin. Complete Works. V. 29. P. 121.
31 These three conclusions were developed for the first time in my
books "Socialisation and democratic centralism" (1987) and "Socialism and
Self Management" (1989)".
32 A.Toffler. Forecasts and pre-conditions, Sofia, 1991, page 64
33 A.Toffler - Ibid
34 See Fortune, 1995, April, August
35 The Best Companies To Work For In America. N.Y. 1993. P. 285.
36 Samuel Huntington. The Clash of Civilisations? Democratic review
ed.2-3, 1995, page 167
37 Foreign Affairs, vol.72, No.4, page 16
38 A. Toffler. "The Shock of the Future". S., 1991.
39 See Creating A New History For Future Generations. Ed. By T. Him and
J. Dator. Kyoto. 1994.
40 J. K. Galbraith. The Anatomy of Power. S., 1993, p. 54.
41 A. Toffler. Forecasts and Preconditions.
42 Employee Ownership. National Center for Employee ownership, 1985, p.
43 Calculated on the basis of "Germany's top 500", Frankfurt/Main 1995.
44 A. Toffler. Forecasts and Preconditions.
45 P.Drucker. Post-capitalist society. Harper, 1994, p.96
46 J.Stalin. Economic problems of the development of socialism in the
USSR (in his book, J.V.Stalin on the Socialist Economy). Sofia 1955. 47.
P.Drucker. Post Capitalist Society. N.Y.,1994
47 P. Drucker. Post Capitalist Society. N. Y., 1994.
48 See. H.Genov. The Path of the Dragon. Sofia, 1992.
49 L.R.Braun. K.Braun and S.Pastel. I. The Condition of the Planet (A
Picture of a Stable Society). S.1990.II. Thinking about Future Generations.
50 R.Allen. Mathematical economics. (Russian translation) Moscow. 1963.
51 Leon Walras. Elements of Pure Economics. L.1954.
52 What I am referring to here is Marx's claim that during the
historical processes "the civil society will come again to engulf the
state". This conclusion which he came to during the period of the Paris
Commune (France 1871) was entirely ignored by the majority of his followers
and especially the founder of "real socialism".
53 Member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU with
responsibility for ideology during the term of Gorbachev.
54 St. Gill and D. Law. The Global political economy, p. 151.
55 UNCTAD World Investment Report. 1993.
56 The world in 1996. L., 1995, p. 113.
57 Based on statistics by M.Porter. The Competitive Advantage. N.Y.,
58 Jacques Atalie. The Millenium. Sofia. P. 52.
59 The Federal Reserve system fulfils the role of the central bank in
the USA. It is currently under the directorship of A.Greenspan.
60 Based on "The Economist" World in Figures, L.1994.
61 Based on the "The Economist","World in Figures" L.1994.
62 Inc. Middle East.
63 Republics of the Former Soviet Union.
64 The military balance 1994--5. UK;Brassey.
65 Jacques Atalie. The Millenium. S., 1992, page 15.