low-intellectual functioning in cells of the first order the fng. units were filling
in with more willingness cells of a higher level, assisting the augmentation of their
number. All that was meeting the laws of the motion of Matter in quality-time
to a certain extent.
Caused by a differentiation of cells a further integration of
the society led not only to the structural growth of then existing fnl. pyramids, but to
the multiplying of their number. The optimality of formation and reconstruction of each
pyramid as well as the filling in of its cells with appropriate fng. units was entirely
dependent on the organisational capabilities of the highest signal subsystem of the
cerebra of individuals, who were filling in cells of administration of an appropriate
pyramid, while the conditions of private business undertakings, inherent to the
capitalistic system of relations, were influencing favourably to a certain extent on
the organisational rivalry. To newly established fnl. pyramids should be attributed so
important, as a bank, which exerted through control over the operation of finances a
certain influence on the development of these or other branches of economy.
Simultaneously the evolution of sections of the highest
signal subsystems of the man's cerebrum was continuing, increasing the efficiency of
his functioning and acquiring the capability to the irritation on the enlarged list of
stimuli, including such as promotion up along the vertical of a pyramid, an improvement
of his welfare, attainment of popularity and glory, and others. The stimulus of promotion
constituted a developing searching instinct of the individual, facilitating him to find
a fnl. cell in the structural depth of pyramids, corresponding by the set of algorithms
to his fnl. abilities. The diversification of kinds of stimulation of functioning in each
cell while keeping money recompense as basic, was being realised with their simultaneous
uniting into diverse combinations, from the optimality of which a degree of excitability
of appropriate subsystems of the cerebrum of every fng. unit was depending. The broadening
at the same time of a variety of sections of perception of the highest signal subsystems
with the specialisation of them by groups of problems-irritants had as its basis also
a self-defending function, as the excitement of the CNS from the whole range of
ever-increasing problems would have led otherwise to the destruction of the delicate
mechanism of creative functioning.
Meanwhile, the fine nuancing of the above said specialisation
of subsystems of the cerebrum to a certain kind of irritants and stimulators did not have
any outward distinguishing features and therefore could be defined only during the process
of functioning by its results. Owing to this, at first the revealing and selection of the
most individuals fitted for a given kind of functioning were carried out by means of the
competition, later - with the help of various psychological tests.
As a result of the hypersystemic reorganisation reached by
humanity, it has achieved for a hundred and fifty years' duration of functioning of
hyperorganisms of the third type such progress, which exceeded all the attainments
obtained before during a thousand years of the feudal epoch. The evolution of these
self-regulating hypersystems went on up to nowadays and its rate met to a certain extent
the laws of the motion of Matter in quality-time, but the capitalistic (in the
initial phase of its development) principle of the filling in of pyramids' fnl. cells
with fng. units naturally could not become the summit of the systemic organisation of
human society. The reason for that was lying in its foundation, that is in the private
property for capital, which was handed down as inheritance without the taking into
account of phenogenotypical peculiarities of the posterity, directly influencing on
fnl. abilities of every new generation of fng. units. Because of this the more and more
capital capacious means of production of the developing industry were creating now and
then an insuperable barrier between fnl. cells of their proprietors-managers and fng.
units - individuals with a highest signal subsystem of the cerebrum specialised on
organisation and management, but who did not own the capital. This barrier was not less
insuperable also during the filling in with fng. units of the fnl. cells of governments'
pyramids of capitalist countries, where very expensive election campaigns as well as the
lack of the scientifically founded selection of candidates by their fnl. abilities and
preparations were leading at times to the election of accidental people from propertied
ones or from those, who had their patronage, to important public posts. But even a most
prominent lawyer, a representative of military or business circles, or even a party
functioner cannot always be a good minister or a vice-president. However, if during the
period of feudal separation and patriarchality the cases of the filling in of upper cells
of governments' pyramids with low-effective fng. units had little influence on the
development of a hypersystem as a whole, then now at a higher level of integration of
social organisms even low-efficient functioning though of one of the fng. units on the
top of pyramids could affect the process of social development ruinously, and the higher
cell this unproductive fng. unit was occupying, the bigger the negative effect he began
to make.
Thus, the availability of excessive freedom in capitalistic
comprehension, from one side, making difficult a further systemic integration of the
society as well as the private possession and inheritance of capital, from the other side,
began to stand in the way of a further hypersystemic development of the human civilization
and to hamper the motion of Matter in quality-time. Owing to this, the capitalist
social structures of the initial period were in a fever from time to time because of
social-economic shocks, being determinated by the action of the laws of phenogenodynamics
and accompanied by such unhealthy phenomena as various crises and slumps in economy,
bankruptcy, growth of inflation, lock-outs, chronic unemployment. To keep a social-dynamic
balance in capitalist hypersystems of the early period such extreme measures of
self-regulation of this formation started to be used more and more often as a
nationalisation of some sectors of economy, which signalled of the incapability of
previous leaders of administration of appropriate governing pyramids to organise
their normal functioning and development. Both the competing tendencies of capitalist
integration of the initial period - monopolisation and nationalisation - along with the
private initiative of decentralised sectors of economy, however, were not in a position
to provide a full hypersystemic homeostasis in appropriate countries while there existed
in them the possession and inheritance together with capital of fnl. cells of organisers
as well and a lack of sufficient understanding of the necessity as well as a scientifically
founded methodology of filling in these cells with the maximum appropriate fng. units,
that is with those having a necessary spectrum of fnl. centres of the cerebrum's highest
signal subsystems, directed on solving problems of the organisation of a given
hyperorganism. At the same time the said problems ought to be its permanent irritants.
To Contents ]
[ Part IV ]
[ To Contents ]
Igor I. Kondrashin Dialectics of Matter |
IV. Systemic Architectonics of
Organisational Levels of Matter
"Since the creative thought is an important attribute, that A.D. Hall |
So then, all the material reality surrounding us is woven
from elements of the three categories - quality, space and time.
The motion along these categories provides the Evolution of Matter, without which
it cannot practically exist, and comes to the creation of the cascade hierarchy,
theoretically designated by us ... a ... B ... F ... K ...
and so on. The organisation of the elements of all known levels into complex systems
is not casual, but determinated by the motion of Matter in quality, that is along
the category, in order to comprehend which (in contradistinction to the two other ones
- space and time) it is possible for the human intellect only through
developing more and more in itself the highest spheres of scientific abstraction.
As we have ascertained, the fnl. differentiation and structural
integration of material formations are caused mainly by the motion of the actual point
of the Evolution of Matter in quality-time by the means of permanent augmentation
of new functions( Each newly acquired function becomes a positive moment in theborder="0">).
systemic evolution of Matter. But what provokes the appearance of functions themselves?
As the causality of this even forward motion of Matter, accompanied by the whole gamut
of events and phenomena of the surrounding world, the constant increase of some negative
potential inherent in the material reality, neutralised by the systemic evolution
of Matter with the help of new functions, serves. We shall not delve deeply in this
research also into this mystery of Matter, getting mixed up with really detected by man
anti-particles and anti-substance, however, it is unwise nowadays to reject the facts,
that this peculiarity of Matter is incarnated concretely in its motion also along one
more specific category - 'problems-time'. The nature of this motion is still to
be studied in prospect in more detail, but nevertheless it is possible to say safely
already now, that together with the even going of periods of time the accumulation of
the said negative systemic potential occurs and is outwardly invisible, but being felt
in reality fnl. cells become accounting units of it. The necessity of their well-timed
filling in with appropriate fng. units creates in the end the whole list of the
consecutively growing number of problems. Each newly appearing specific function during
the motion of Matter in quality-time, endowing with its characteristics a certain
fng. unit, is summoned 'to cover' by itself an appropriate fnl. cell, providing by that
a due 'solution' of a next in turn problem of filling in, marked on the coordinate
of problems-time. Systemic formations of fng. units, being created at every
organisational level, serve for the solution of complex problems of the structural
filling in of fnl. cells, at the same time their own organisational laws of neutralisation
of a negative systemic potential (physics, chemical, biological, social and so on) are
inherent in each of them, while the apogee of the systemic evolution of Matter as a whole
is always located within the limits of the latest qualitative level.
Examining the Evolution of Matter from the point of counting
off of today, it is not difficult to make certain, that the most actively it occurs at
the hypersystemic level and reduces first of all to the optimisation of the hypersystemic
organisation. This process is conditioned by the social laws of neutralisation of the
negative systemic potential and depends more and more on the organisational abilities
of the highest signal subsystems of the cerebrum of the Man. The velocity of the
causal motion in problems-time as well as of the neutralising it motion in
quality-space-time is described by the known energy formula; therefore for a
closed space of the Earth, in which the evolution of the all-human superhypersystem is
going meanwhile, the accumulation of the negative systemic potential, and together with
it of the number of problems of filling in, is occurring still in the same quadratic
dependence on the going of time, that iswidth="67" border="0">. The fnl. cells not filled today or filled in by not those
fng. units tomorrow, due to the growing of the negative systemic potential, all
the same will require their appropriate filling in.
The ignoring of the factor of growth of the number of problems
of the systemic filling in does not assist in their well-timed solution; to the unsolved
today in this or that hypersystem problems of arisen deficit and shortage there will be
added automatically besides somebody's will in much more quantity tomorrow's problems,
increasing in the hypersystem the negative systemic-organisational potential, and by
that destabilising its social homeostasis. The Matter does not know rest, it is always
in motion. Such is the logic of its Dialectics. That is why nowadays as never before it
is necessary to concentrate the most intent attention on the potential possibilities of
the fng. unit of the level K - the Man, the organising ability of the cerebrum of
whom is playing at the hypersystemic level a more and more dominating role both in the
solution of accumulating hypersystemic problems through 'the cognition of this necessity'
and in the prolongation of the Evolution of Matter as a whole.
Thus, man is the most complex self-regulating functional
system that arose as a result of the long synthesis of fnl. systems of all previous
sublevels. Man is the organisational peak of systems of all sublevels, extended under
him. His organism includes a great number of heterofunctional subsystems, the organs
and tissues of which constitute combinations of organic cells various by structure and
functions. Those ones in their turn it is possible to partition into molecules, carrying
various fnl. loads and consisting from a strictly definite number of various atoms. Atoms
themselves constitute precisely designated systems of various subatomic particles, being
complex combinations of various quarks. And so on till zero vibration of vacuum and
lower... But lower our knowledge is powerless yet to go down. All that the most grandiose
interlacement of systems and subsystems of various organisational levels is interacting
precisely between themselves within spatial-temporal intervals, submitting to acting
at every level own strictly definite regularities of organisational development, being
dictated by a growth of the negative systemic potential and regulating the order of the
filling in of each fnl. cell with an appropriate fng. unit capable of realising a set of
algorithms inherent in a given fnl. cell.
Despite its relative autonomy the system of man's organism
is in a permanent interlink with the environment. From there air, water and food enter
the organism regularly for the metabolic processes going in it. Man's food is a broad
combination of disintegrated components of organisms of the first and second generations,
from which he synthesises various fng. units for the filling in fnl. cells of his
subsystemic structures. The broader the spectrum of natural components being consumed
by him is, that is of those which the human organism adapted itself to assimilate over
many thousands of years, the more various the reactions of metabolism going within it
are, and the more complete is the set of fng. units being synthesised for the filling
in fnl. cells. That is why man in his nutrition has emphasised fruits of plants and
meat-milk articles, having a big enumeration of subelements and undergoing easily his
intrasystemic treatment. On the contrary, a simplified set of components or their
artificial synthesising, making it difficult for the organism to split them, can break
metabolic reactions, as a result of which some kinds of fng. units would remain
unreproduced and a part of fnl. cells - not filled at all or filled in with ersatz
units. All that, as it is known, leads to the increase of the negative potential of the
system of a given organism and can be a reason for its illness or even death. Therefore
it is necessary to devote a special systemic research to the problems of nourishment,
as also to the problems, for example, of alcoholism, smoking, etc., being the consequences
of the action of the negative potential of much developed in some organisms' subsystems
specialised on the splitting of alcohol or nicotine, requiring permanently for their fnl.
cells more and more new portions of fng. units - the 'raw materials' for working over.
One way or another, but to keep up his ability for active
functioning the man having 60 - 85 kgs of weight during his life is utilising (consuming,
eating, drinking) within 70 - 75 years on average about 40 tons of various foods and
as much again of water. Both the food and water being swallowed through the mouth are
undergoing in the man's organism the 100% treatment to fng. units and what is exuding
out of him is the conglomeration of elements of already worked off and decomposed fng.
units. Thus, during the man's life his organism is as if it were restored completely
1000 - 1200 times.
The everyday cycle of existence of the human organism lasting
24 hours is divided into periods of keeping awake and sleep. The period of keeping awake
includes the time of active functioning, taking food, receiving information and the time
for relaxation (restoration processes) as well as the unproductive and auxiliary spending
of time (standing in queues, going to a place of work and so on). The sleep of the man,
which includes the paradoxical and slow phases, bears not less by significance fnl. load,
connected mainly with nervous-psychical activity of the cerebrum, including the work of
the mechanism of memory as well as the recharging of bioaccumulative subsystems. That
is why the increasing of periods of active functioning, necessary rest, taking food and
sleeping influences positively on the coefficient of the effective use of every-day
balance of time of each fng. unit, and the growth of unproductive and auxiliary spending
of time - negatively. Thus, the everyday balance of time of each man is rather tense
and a relatively short period of time falls on the part of active functioning in a cell
of an appropriate fnl. pyramid. The maximum increase of this part without simultaneous
reduction of fnl. capabilities of fng. units - is one of the main tasks of the
rational organising.
Standing on the top of the systemic evolution of previous
organisational sublevels, the Man at the same time is situated at the foot of the
hypersystemic organisation of the following ones, filling in by himself fnl. cells
of their structures as a fng. unit. All known hyperorganisms are created by the
principle of being self-organised and self-regulated systems, however, as the basis
of interconnection between fnl. cells of each given structure as well as of the
regulation of alternation of an appropriate set of algorithms the biophysicochemical
processes, going constantly in the cerebrums of personificated group of people,
functioning as fng. units in its fnl. cells, are serving. Let us dwell briefly
on these processes.
It is known, that the most developed and evolutionary of the
youngest part of the cerebrum is its big hemispheres, occupying the largest part of the
man's cranium. On the outside the big hemispheres are covered with a thin layer of the
grey cerebral substance with the thickness of 3-4 mm - the cerebral cortex of the big
hemispheres, the surface of which in some people reaches 2500 cm2 (in a
chimpanzee - 560 cm2, in a dog - 130 cm2), while 2/3 of this
surface falls on the sides and the bottom of the fissures and only 1/3 is situated
on the surface. Under the cerebral cortex the white substance is disposed, consisting
of long sprouts of nervous cells - nerve-fibres, connecting various areas of the cortex
between themselves as well as the cortex itself with undercortex centres.
The cortex numbers until 100 milliards of neurones of various
dimensions, shape and structure. They are 'packed up' very tightly and thrifty (in 1
mm3 there are more than 30 thousand neurones) and constitute six layers that
differ by their functions. Owing to their sprouts and synapses the nervous cells of the
cortex come into numerous contacts with each other. The number of similar links in the
cortex is extremely great, if to take into consideration that the number of contacts of
each out of 100 milliards of nervous cells and its sprouts with other cells and their
sprouts can reach up to 6000. Therefore the cortex constitutes a single harmoniously
functioning whole. The nervous cells of the cortex cannot divide, that is to multiply.
A new-born baby has the same number of nervous cells as an adult organism. At the same
time, as from the age of 30-35 years old, the number of nervous cells that every man has,
is decreasing permanently: more than 50 thousand nervous cells are being destroyed every
day. The evolution of the cortex is going on the way of extension of its surface, the
complication of the structure of the cells and an increase in the number of contacts
between them.
The cerebral cortex is the direct material basis of the thinking
and consciousness of man, of his spirituality. In the cortex of both hemispheres of the
cerebrum the four parts are distinguished: frontal, occipital, sincipital and temporal.
The frontal lobes are the highest parts of the cerebrum. They appeared the latest during
the process of evolution and occupy with the man up to 30% of the cortex's surface, while
with a chimpanzee - 16, with a dog - 7, with a cat - 3 percent. The frontal lobes play the
most important role in the organisation of the purposeful activity, its subordination to
firm intentions, stimulating reasons (motives). The other parts are in charge of the
receiving, working over and storage of the information, coming from the correspondingly
irritated organs of sense.
The afferent nerve-fibres, coming to the cortex from lower parts
of the cerebrum, end mainly in the third and the fourth layers; only some of them span
also to the first layer as well. Because of the numerous links of the lower pyramidal
cells with the associative cells of the second and third layers they are receiving the
signals from the afferent nerve-fibres also through these cells. Thus, in the cerebral
cortex as well as in other parts of the nervous system, the neurones form closed cyclical