has been the reality of Ukraine since 1994.
   As in earlier letters, I fault you for not reporting such incidents as are in the above
   table that took place before 1994, and I fault you for precipitating such incidents that
   took place after 1994. Thus, to the blood that is already on your hands, I add the
   blood of Borys Derevyanko. You had the opportunity in your 1994 broadcast to come out
   on the side of the victims against the butchers, but you preferred to side with the
   butchers against the victims, and Borys Derevyanko has been one of the casualties of
   your decision.
   Lubomyr Prytulak
   cc: Yaakov Bleich, Ed Bradley, Jeffrey Fager, Don Hewitt, Steve Kroft, Andy Rooney,
   Lesley Stahl, Mike Wallace, Simon Wiesenthal.
   Morley Safer Letter 13 04Jul99 The Wiesenthal-Safer Calumny
   Thus, it is possible that you contributed to Maksym Tsarenko losing his hands, and to
   Volodymyr Katelnytsky together with his mother, and Borys Derevyanko, losing their
   Additional information on the Lviv massacre can be found in Alfred M. de Zayas, The
   Wehrmacht War Crimes Bureau, 1939-1945.
   July 4, 1999
   Morley Safer
   60 Minutes, CBS Television
   51 W 52nd Street
   New York, NY
   USA 10019
   Morley Safer:
   You Broadcast to 30 Million 60 Minutes
   Viewers that in the Days Prior to German
   Occupation, Ukrainians Killed Jews
   In your 23Oct94 60 Minutes broadcast, The Ugly Face of Freedom, you joined with
   Simon Wiesenthal in charging that in the days preceding the arrival of German forces
   in June 1941, Lviv Ukrainians killed thousands of Jews:
   SAFER: He [Simon Wiesenthal] remembers that even before the
   Germans arrived, Ukrainian police went on a 3-day killing spree.
   WIESENTHAL: And in this 3 days in Lvov alone between 5 and 6
   thousand Jews was killed.
   SAFER: But even before the Germans entered Lvov, the Ukrainian
   militia, the police, killed 3,000 people in 2 days here.
   Some 60 Minutes viewers may have been struck by the observation that while the 60
   Minutes expert witness - Simon Wiesenthal - claimed that the number of Jews killed
   was "between 5 and 6 thousand" in three days, you - supposedly the neutral
   interviewer - chose to reduce the number killed to "3,000" and the duration of the
   killing to two days - but without informing the viewer on what grounds you did so.
   One wonders what reason you would have had for undermining the testimony of your
   chief - and only - witness. One wonders what superior authority you discovered for
   your revised statistic, and why you did not bring this superior authority forward to
   testify in front of the CBS cameras instead of Simon Wiesenthal whose testimony you
   apparently distrusted and chose to contradict. And one wonders that you could have
   such low regard for the intelligence of 60 Minutes viewers that you would broadcast
   discrepant accounts without explaining the discrepancy.
   However, I Can't Find Anyone Else
   Substantiating the Wiesenthal-Safer
   Pre-German Lviv Pogrom
   In my reading, I have yet to come across a single account which supports the
   Wiesenthal-Safer claim of anywhere from 3,000 Jews killed in 2 days to 5,000-6,000
   Jews killed in 3 days in Lviv during the pre-German interval. Had the
   Wiesenthal-Safer pogrom taken place, then it would have been one of the biggest
   pogroms of the war, and possibly the very biggest, and thus obligatory to describe
   in every history of the Holocaust, if not in every history of the Second World War.
   What I found, in contrast, was statements contradicting the possibility of the
   Wiesenthal-Safer pogrom, most notably the following three made by Raul Hilberg:
   From the Ukraine Einsatzkommando 6 of Einsatzgruppe C reported as
   Almost nowhere can the population be persuaded to
   take active steps against the Jews. This may be
   explained by the fear of many people that the Red
   Army may return. Again and again this anxiety has
   been pointed out to us. Older people have remarked
   that they had already experienced in 1918 the
   sudden retreat of the Germans. In order to meet
   the fear psychosis, and in order to destroy the
   myth [...] which, in the eyes of many Ukrainians,
   places the Jew in the position of the wielder of
   political power, Einsatzkommando 6 on several
   occasions marched Jews before their execution
   through the city. Also, care was taken to have
   Ukrainian militiamen watch the shooting of Jews.
   This "deflation" of the Jews in the public eye did not have the
   desired effect. After a few weeks, Einsatzgruppe C complained once
   more that the inhabitants did not betray the movements of hidden
   Jews. The Ukrainians were passive, benumbed by the "Bolshevist
   terror." Only the ethnic Germans in the area were busily working
   for the Einsatzgruppe. (Raul Hilberg, The Destruction of the
   European Jews, 1961, p. 202)
   The Slavic population stood estranged and even aghast before the
   unfolding spectacle of the "final solution." There was on the
   whole no impelling desire to cooperate in a process of such utter
   ruthlessness. The fact that the Soviet regime, fighting off the
   Germans a few hundred miles to the east, was still threatening to
   return, undoubtedly acted as a powerful restraint upon many a
   potential collaborator. (Raul Hilberg, The Destruction of the
   European Jews, 1985, p. 308)
   First, truly spontaneous pogroms, free from Einsatzgruppen
   influence, did not take place; all outbreaks were either organized
   or inspired by the Einsatzgruppen. Second, all pogroms were
   implemented within a short time after the arrival of the killing
   units. They were not self-perpetuating, nor could new ones be
   started after things had settled down. (Raul Hilberg, The
   Destruction of the European Jews, 1985, p. 312)
   Fearing that substantiation for the Wiesenthal-Safer Lviv pogrom did exist somewhere
   and that I had merely overlooked it, I made enquiry to leading Holocaust historian,
   Raul Hilberg, on 15Sep97. Professor Hilberg was good enough in his reply of 15Dec97
   to outline for me instances that he knew of anti-Jewish activity conducted in that
   area at that time, and none of these instances gave credence to the Wiesenthal-Safer
   Lviv pogrom.
   Perhaps the most telling piece of evidence that the Wiesenthal-Safer Lviv pogrom was
   a fabrication is unearthed upon trying to substantiate it in Simon Wiesenthal's own
   writing. In one place, Simon Wiesenthal has the anti-Jewish activity postdating the
   arrival of the Germans, and mentions neither the number of fatalities nor the
   The Ukrainian police ... had played a disastrous role in Galicia
   following the entry of the German troops at the end of June and the
   beginning of July 1941. (Simon Wiesenthal, Justice Not Vengeance,
   1989, p. 34, emphasis added)
   And later in the same account, Simon Wiesenthal does mention a Lviv pogrom of three
   day's duration, but again without mentioning the number of fatalities, and again
   unambiguously placing it after the German occupation:
   Thousands of detainees were shot dead in their cells by the
   retreating Soviets. This gave rise to one of the craziest
   accusations of that period: among the strongly anti-Semitic
   population the rumour was spread by the Ukrainian nationalists that
   all Jews were Bolsheviks and all Bolsheviks were Jews. Hence it
   was the Jews who were really to blame for the atrocities committed
   by the Soviets.
   All the Germans needed to do was to exploit this climate of
   opinion. It is said that after their arrival they gave the
   Ukrainians free rein, for three days, to 'deal' with the Jews.
   (Simon Wiesenthal, Justice Not Vengeance, 1989, p. 36, emphasis
   Also, whereas on your 60 Minutes broadcast you gave the impression that Simon
   Wiesenthal was making his appearance on 60 Minutes in the role of an eyewitness to
   the Wiesenthal-Safer Lviv Pogrom, or at least as a researcher who had documented it,
   yet in the quotation immediately above, Simon Wiesenthal's use of "It is said that"
   gives the contrasting impression that he is no more than passing along a rumor
   concerning events that he has neither witnessed nor verified.
   In conclusion, the Wiesenthal-Safer story of a massive pre-German Lviv pogrom is not
   supported in historical writing, and is even contradicted by other testimony, some
   of it leading Holocaust historian Raul Hilberg's, and some of it your own expert
   witness Simon Wiesenthal's. Thus, unless you are able to substantiate the
   Wiesenthal-Safer pre-German Lviv pogrom, you will invite the conclusion that it
   never took place, and that your implanting it into the minds of 30 million 60
   Minutes viewers constituted an attempt on the part of two individuals Simon
   Wiesenthal and yourself - to fabricate a piece of history.
   In Fact, the Consensus Seems to be that in
   the Days Prior to German Occupation, it
   was the NKVD that was Killing Ukrainians
   In contrast to what appears to be a lack of substantiation of the Wiesenthal-Safer
   story that in the days prior to German occupation Ukrainians were murdering Jews, I
   do in my reading keep stumbling across quite a different story - that in the days
   prior to German occupation, it was the NKVD that was murdering Ukrainians. Below
   are 22 such statements. These statements were discovered not through any systematic
   or exhaustive search, but rather only through casual reading. A systematic and
   exhaustive search would turn up a much larger number of such statements.
   In order to demonstrate that the NKVD had a general policy of killing Ukrainians
   prior to retreating, of which the Lviv massacre was but a single instance, I include
   descriptions of such killings in several locations.
   "NKVD," in case you are interested, is an acronym for the Russian "Narodny
   Komisariat Vnutrenikh Del," which translates as "National Commissariat of Internal
   Affairs," and which bland title gives no hint of the NKVD's true role.
   Please note that the block quotation immediately below is attributable to Simon
   Wiesenthal, and that in it he demonstrates an awareness of the NKVD massacre of
   Ukrainians, such that omitting mention of this massacre on your 23Oct94 60 Minutes
   broadcast, The Ugly Face of Freedom, must be considered not an oversight, but a
   willful suppression of relevant information:
   (1) Thousands of detainees were shot dead.
   When the German attack came on 22 June the Soviets had no time to
   take with them the people they had locked up. So they simply
   killed them. Thousands of detainees were shot dead in their cells
   by the retreating Soviets. (Simon Wiesenthal, Justice Not
   Vengeance, 1989, p. 35)
   (2) The NKVD burned prisons with prisoners in them.
   While the movement to the East was taking place, the NKVD carried
   out mass arrests and executions, chiefly of Ukrainians - especially
   those who tried to avoid evacuation. In the jails most prisoners
   whose period of imprisonment was more than three years were shot;
   others were evacuated if possible. In several cities the NKVD
   burned prisons with prisoners in them. (Volodymyr Kubijovyc,
   editor, Ukraine: A Concise Encyclopaedia, University of Toronto
   Press, Toronto, 1963, Volume I, p. 878, Vsevolod Holubnychy and H.
   M. wrote this section)
   (3) Succeeded in annihilating some 10,000 political prisoners.
   The Bolsheviks succeeded in annihilating some 10,000 political
   prisoners in Western Ukraine before and after the outbreak of
   hostilities (massacres took place in the prisons in Lviv, Zolochiv,
   Rivne, Dubno, Lutsk, etc.). (Volodymyr Kubijovyc, editor, Ukraine:
   A Concise Encyclopaedia, University of Toronto Press, Toronto,
   Volume 1, p. 886)
   (4) Mainly members of the city's [Lviv's] intelligentsia.
   Before fleeing the German advance the Soviet occupational regime
   murdered thousands of Ukrainian civilians, mainly members of the
   city's [Lviv's] intelligentsia. (Encyclopedia of Ukraine, Volume
   3, p. 222)
   (5) NKVD slaughtered their prisoners en masse.
   The Soviets' hurried retreat had tragic consequences for thousands
   of political prisoners in the jails of Western Ukraine. Unable to
   evacuate them in time, the NKVD slaughtered their prisoners en
   masse during the week of 22-29 June 1941, regardless of whether
   they were incarcerated for major or minor offenses. Major
   massacres occurred in Lviv, Sambir, and Stanyslaviv in Galicia,
   where about 10,000 prisoners died, and in Rivne and Lutsk in
   Volhynia, where another 5000 perished. Coming on the heels of the
   mass deportations and growing Soviet terror, these executions added
   greatly to the West Ukrainians' abhorrence of the Soviets. (Orest
   Subtelny, Ukraine: A History, 1994, p. 461)
   (6) Liquidated with a shot at the scruff of the neck.
   Right after the entry we were shown 2,400 dead bodies of Ukrainians
   liquidated with a shot at the scruff of the neck at the city jail
   of Lemberg [Lviv] by the Soviets prior to their marching off.
   (Hans Frank, In the Face of the Gallows, p. 406)
   (7) The city stank.
   In Lvov, several thousand prisoners had been held in three jails.
   When the Germans arrived on 29 June, the city stank, and the
   prisons were surrounded by terrified relatives. Unimaginable
   atrocities had occurred inside. The prisons looked like
   abattoirs. It had taken the NKVD a week to complete their gruesome
   task before they fled. (Gwyneth Hughes and Simon Welfare, Red
   Empire: The Forbidden History of the USSR, 1990, p. 133)
   (8) Many of them were found mutilated.
   We learned that, before the Russian troops had left, a very great
   number of Lemberg [Lviv] citizens, Ukrainians and Polish
   inhabitants of other towns and villages had been killed in this
   prison and in other prisons. Furthermore, there were many corpses
   of German men and officers, among them many Air Corps officers, and
   many of them were found mutilated. There was a great bitterness
   and excitement among the Lemberg population against the Jewish
   sector of the population. (Erwin Schulz, from May until 26
   September, 1941 Commander of Einsatzkommando 5, a subunit of
   Einsatzgruppe C, in John Mendelsohn, editor, The Holocaust:
   Selected Documents in Eighteen Volumes, Garland, New York, 1982,
   Volume 18, p. 18)
   (9) The killed people in Lemberg [Lviv] amounted to about 5,000.
   On the next day, Dr. RASCH informed us to the effect that the
   killed people in Lemberg [Lviv] amounted to about 5,000. It has
   been determined without any doubt that the arrests and killings had
   taken place under the leadership of Jewish functionaries and with
   the participation of the Jewish inhabitants of Lemberg. That was
   the reason why there was such an excitement against the Jewish
   population on the part of the Lemberg citizens. (Erwin Schulz,
   from May until 26 September, 1941 Commander of Einsatzkommando 5, a
   subunit of Einsatzgruppe C, in John Mendelsohn, editor, The
   Holocaust: Selected Documents in Eighteen Volumes, Garland, New
   York, 1982, Volume 18, p. 18)
   (10) Hardly 20% of Ukrainian intelligentsia has remained.
   Chief of Einsatzgruppe B reports that Ukrainian insurrection
   movements were bloodily suppressed by the NKVD on June 25, 1941 in
   Lvov. About 3,000 were shot by NKVD. Prison burning. Hardly 20%
   of Ukrainian intelligentsia has remained. (Operational Situation
   Report USSR No. 10, July 2, 1941, in Yitzhak Arad, Shmuel
   Krakowski, and Shmuel Spector, The Einsatzgruppen Reports:
   Selections from the Dispatches of the Nazi Death Squads' Campaign
   Against the Jews July 1941-January 1943, Holocaust Library, New
   York, 1989, p. 2)
   (11) The corpses are dreadfully mutilated.
   Location: Lvov
   According to reliable information, the Russians, before
   withdrawing, shot 30,000 inhabitants. The corpses piled up and
   burned at the GPU prisons are dreadfully mutilated. The population
   is greatly excited: 1,000 Jews have already been forcefully
   gathered together. (Operational Situation Report USSR No. 11, July
   3, 1941, in Yitzhak Arad, Shmuel Krakowski, and Shmuel Spector, The
   Einsatzgruppen Reports: Selections from the Dispatches of the Nazi
   Death Squads' Campaign Against the Jews July 1941-January 1943,
   Holocaust Library, New York, 1989, p. 4)
   (12) The prisons in Lvov were crammed with the bodies of murdered
   Location: Zviahel (Novograd-Volynski)
   Before leaving, the Bolsheviks, together with the Jews,
   murdered several Ukrainians; as an excuse, they used the attempted
   Ukrainian uprising of June 25, 1941, which tried to free their
   According to reliable information, about 20,000 Ukrainians have
   disappeared from Lvov, 80% of them belonging to the intelligentsia.
   The prisons in Lvov were crammed with the bodies of murdered
   Ukrainians. According to a moderate estimate, in Lvov alone
   3-4,000 persons were either killed or deported.
   In Dobromil, 82 dead bodies were found, 4 of them Jews. The
   latter were former Bolsheviki informers who had been killed because
   of their complicity in this act. Near Dobromil an obsolete salt
   mine pit was discovered. It was completely filled with dead
   bodies. In the immediate neighborhood, there is a 6X15m mass
   grave. The number of those murdered in the Dobromil area is
   estimated to be approximately several hundred.
   In Sambor on June 26, 1941, about 400 Ukrainians were shot by
   the Bolsheviks. An additional 120 persons were murdered on June
   27, 1941. The remaining 80 prisoners succeeded in overpowering the
   Soviet guards, and fled. [...]
   As early as 1939, a larger number of Ukrainians was shot, and
   1,500 Ukrainians as well as 500 Poles were deported to the east.
   Russians and Jews committed these murders in very cruel ways.
   Bestial mutilations were daily occurrences. Breasts of women and
   genitals of men were cut off. Jews have also nailed children to
   the wall and then murdered them. Killing was carried out by shots
   in the back of the neck. Hand grenades were frequently used for
   these murders.
   In Dobromil, women and men were killed with blows by a hammer
   used to stun cattle before slaughter.
   In many cases, the prisoners must have been tortured cruelly:
   bones were broken, etc. In Sambor, the prisoners were gagged and
   thus prevented from screaming during torture and murder. The Jews,
   some of whom also held official positions, in addition to their
   economic supremacy, and who served in the entire Bolshevik police,
   were always partners in these atrocities.
   Finally, it was established that seven [German] pilots who had
   been captured were murdered. Three of them were found in a Russian
   military hospital where they had been murdered in bed by shots in
   the abdomen. [...]
   [...] Prior to their withdrawal, the Bolsheviks shot 2,800 out
   of 4,000 Ukrainians imprisoned in the Lutsk prison. According to
   the statement of 19 Ukrainians who survived the slaughter with more
   or less serious injuries, the Jews again played a decisive part in
   the arrests and shooting. [...]
   The investigations at Zlochev proved that the Russians, prior
   to their withdrawal, arrested and murdered indiscriminately a total
   of 700 Ukrainians, but, nevertheless, included the entire [local]
   Ukrainian intelligentsia. (Operational Situation Report USSR No.
   24, July 16, 1941, in Yitzhak Arad, Shmuel Krakowski, and Shmuel
   Spector, The Einsatzgruppen Reports: Selections from the Dispatches
   of the Nazi Death Squads' Campaign Against the Jews July
   1941-January 1943, Holocaust Library, New York, 1989, p. 29-33)
   (13) Ukrainians thrown into cauldrons of boiling water.
   Location: Pleskau [Pskov] [...]
   The population is in general convinced that it is mostly the
   Jews who should be held responsible for the atrocities that are
   committed everywhere. [...]
   As it was learned that the Russians before they left have
   either deported the Ukrainian intelligentsia, or executed them,
   that is, murdered them, it is assumed that in the last days before
   the retreat of the Russians, about 100 influential Ukrainians were
   murdered [in Pleskau]. So far the bodies have not been found - a
   search has been initiated.
   About 100-150 Ukrainians were murdered by the Russians in
   Kremenets. Some of these Ukrainians are said to have been thrown
   into cauldrons of boiling water. This has been deduced from the
   fact that the bodies were found without skin when they were
   exhumed. [...]
   [...] Before leaving Dubno, the Russians, as they had done in
   Lvov, committed extensive mass-murder.
   [...] Before their flight [from Tarnopol], as in Lvov and
   Dubno, the Russians went on a rampage there. Disinterments
   revealed 10 bodies of German soldiers. Almost all of them had
   their hands tied behind their backs with wire. The bodies revealed
   traces of extremely cruel mutilations such as gouged eyes, severed
   tongues and limbs.
   The number of Ukrainians who were murdered by the Russians,
   among them women and children, is set finally at 600. Jews and
   Poles were spared by the Russians. The Ukrainians estimate the
   total number of [Tarnopol] victims since the occupation of the
   Ukraine by the Russians at about 2,000. The planned deportation of
   the Ukrainians already started in 1939. There is hardly a family
   in Tarnopol from which one or several members have not
   disappeared. [...] The entire Ukrainian intelligentsia is
   destroyed. Since the beginning of the war, 160 members of the
   Ukrainian intelligentsia were either murdered or deported.
   Inhabitants of the town had observed a column of about 1,000
   civilians driven out of town by police and army early in the
   morning of July 1, 1941.
   As in Lvov, torture chambers were discovered in the cellars of
   the Court of Justice. Apparently, hot and cold showers were also
   used here (as in Lemberg [Lviv]) for torture, as several bodies
   were found, totally naked, their skin burst and torn in many
   places. A grate was found in another room, made of wire and set
   above the ground about 1m in height, traces of ashes were found
   underneath. A Ukrainian engineer, who was also to be murdered but
   saved his life by smearing the blood of a dead victim over his
   face, reports that one could also hear screams of pain from women
   and girls. (Operational Situation Report USSR No. 28, July 20,
   1941, in Yitzhak Arad, Shmuel Krakowski, and Shmuel Spector, The
   Einsatzgruppen Reports: Selections from the Dispatches of the Nazi
   Death Squads' Campaign Against the Jews July 1941-January 1943,
   Holocaust Library, New York, 1989, p.38-40)
   (14) Had their noses, ears, tongues and even genitals cut away.
   F. Fedorenko
   When the bolsheviks retreated before the German onslaught in
   the Second World War they took care in advance not to leave any
   prisoners behind when the Germans arrived.
   The prisoners were driven, en masse, under heavy NKVD guard
   deep into Russia or Siberia, day and night. Many of them were so
   tired that they could go no further. These were shot without
   compunction where they fell. Terrible things happened then.
   Sometimes, wives recognized their husbands among the evacuees, as
   the prisoners were being driven through the villages. There was
   great despair when they saw their loved ones taken under the
   muzzles of automatic guns, to far, unknown places.
   The villagers took care of those who did not die at once from
   the NKVD bullets, but this was a very dangerous thing to do before
   all the bolsheviks cleared out.
   But the NKVD could not evacuate all the prisoners, there were
   so many arrests, and jails were replenished constantly. In such a
   case the NKVD, before making a hasty retreat, would murder the
   prisoners in their cells.
   I recall that when the Germans came, in the fall of 1941, to a
   little town, Chornobil, on the Prypyat River, 62 miles west of
   Kiev, 52 corpses of recently murdered people, slightly covered with
   earth, were found in the prison yard.
   These corpses had their hands tied at the back with wire; some
   had their backs flayed, others had gouged eyes or nails driven into
   their heels; still others had their noses, ears, tongues and even
   genitals cut away. Instruments of torture which the communists
   used were found in the dungeon of the prison.
   Many of the tortured people were identified because they were
   mostly farmers from the local collectives who had been arrested by
   the NKVD for some unknown reason.
   For instance, one girl (whose name I cannot recall now) from
   the village of Zallissya, a mile and a quarter from Chornobil, was
   arrested because one day she failed to go to dig trenches. All
   were compelled at that time, to dig anti-tank trenches. The girl
   was sick but there was no doctor to examine her and the NKVD
   arrested her, never to return.
   Two days later, when the Germans arrived, she was found among
   the fifty-two corpses. (F. Fedorenko, My Testimony, in The Black
   Deeds of the Kremlin: A White Book, Ukrainian Association of
   Victims of Russian Communist Terror, Toronto, 1953, pp. 97-98)
   (15) Executed 180 persons.
   Andriy Vodopyan
   In this city in the NKVD prison factory the communists executed
   180 persons and buried them in two holes dug in the prison yard.
   The corpses were liberally treated with unslaked lime, especially
   the faces.
   My brother was sentenced to three months in jail for coming
   late to work. After serving 18 days in the factory prison he was
   set free, and a month later was drafted to the Red Army because
   this was in July 1941.
   Later, his wife and my mother found him among the corpses,
   identifying him by the left hand finger, underwear and papers he
   had on him.
   This atrocity came to light when prisoners who remained alive
   were liberated. They had also a very close call. Six days before
   the arrival of the German troops they heard muffled shots.
   The prison was secretly mined by NKVD agents in preparation for
   the German invaders. (Andriy Vodopyan, Crime in Staline, in The
   Black Deeds of the Kremlin: A White Book, Ukrainian Association of
   Victims of Russian Communist Terror, Toronto, 1953, p. 121)
   (16) Had their breasts cut off.
   Yuriy Dniprovy
   In the little town of Zolotnyky in the Ternopil region the
   bolsheviks murdered a captain of the former Ukrainian Galician Army
   (UHA) of 1918-1922, Mr. Dankiw, and clerks of the Ukrainian
   cooperative store, the sisters Magdalene, Sophia and Clementine
   Husar from the suburb of Vaha. Clementine and Magdalene were
   tortured in a beastly manner and had their breasts cut off.
   Other people executed at that time were: Slavko Demyd, Yosyp
   Vozny, Vasyl Burbela, Zynoviy Kushniryna, Pavlo Kushniryna and a
   non-commissioned officer of the UHA, Mr. Tsiholsky. (Yuriy
   Dniprovy, Innocent Victims, in The Black Deeds of the Kremlin: A
   White Book, Ukrainian Association of Victims of Russian Communist
   Terror, Toronto, 1953, p. 122)
   (17) The chopped bones and flesh of the victims fell into the sewers.
   P. K.
   (By an eyewitness)
   In the year 1942, when the Red Army, harassed by the German
   divisions, retreated from Katerynodar (Krasnodar), the regional
   NKVD division evacuated all the prisoners and sent them in the
   direction of Novorossiysk. The railway line between Katerynodar
   and the station of Krymska was jammed by nearly two hundred freight
   boxcars filled to capacity with political prisoners.
   Suspecting that all these prisoners might fall into German
   hands the Russian NKVD men, as a precautionary measure, poured
   gasoline on the cars and let them burn.
   Thus a few thousand people perished in inhuman torture merely
   because they were suspected of anti-communism.
   When the Germans entered Katerynodar they found in the regional
   divisional building of the NKVD in Sinny Bazar, a horrible torture
   chamber. In the vault of this building there was a dark passage
   which ended with a wooden platform which dipped down at a sharp
   angle. Right underneath it there was a machine which resembled a
   straw chopper. It was a disk equipped with a system of big knives
   that revolved at great speed. It was powered by a motor.
   After questioning, the innocent victims were driven by the NKVD
   agents towards the wooden platform and rolled under the knives of
   the hellish meatchopper. The chopped bones and flesh of the
   victims fell into the sewers and were carried away with a stream of
   sewage into the river Kuban.
   Having discovered this horrible place, the Germans gave
   permission to all who wished to view this inhuman device.
   Thousands of people visited the place, among them the author of
   these lines.
   Other nations direct their talents towards the discovery of
   better medicines, new materials, better means of communication to
   make living conditions better. The Russian people are using all
   their talents for the production of machines and new methods of
   mass murder and torture. (P. K., The infernal device of the
   Russian Communists (by an eyewitness), in The Black Deeds of the
   Kremlin: A White Book, Ukrainian Association of Victims of Russian
   Communist Terror, Toronto, 1953, pp. 123-124)
   (18) Some had nails driven into their skulls.
   M. Kowal
   I am Michael Kowal, from the town of Kaminka Strumylova in the
   Lviw Region in Ukraine. During the communist occupation of Western
   Ukraine I personally witnessed three arrests in my native town on
   June 22, 1941, those of Bohdan Mulkevich, and Michael Mulkevich who
   lived on Zamok Street, and Michael Mulkevich's blacksmith
   apprentice, presumably from the village of Rymaniw in the same
   Region. They were suspected of disloyalty to the communist regime.
   After the communist retreat from Kaminska-Strumylova they were
   found in the town prison with 33 other victims, murdered in a
   horribly sadistic manner. All the corpses were tied together with
   barbed wire and all bore signs of terrible beatings. Some had
   nails driven into their skulls. None of them had been shot to
   death. Their bodies, nude and badly mauled, were practically
   unrecognizable to their relatives.
   Bohdan Mulkevish's wife recognized her husband, but, trying to
   verify her identification by his gold teeth, found them missing.
   All the bodies were taken away for interment.
   That Same day 19 other bodies were discovered near the village
   of Todan about 9 or 10 kilometers from Kaminka-Strumylova. They
   were tied to trees and their chests were pierced with bayonets.
   These were all identified by relatives and taken away for burial.
   (M. Kowal, Bolshevik Murders, in The Black Deeds of the Kremlin: A
   White Book, Ukrainian Association of Victims of Russian Communist
   Terror, Toronto, 1953, p. 529)
   (19) Shot the children in cold blood.
   Andriy Vodopyan
   I was serving in the Soviet Russian Army. Our artillery unit
   was retreating before the Germans in the direction of Yeletsk. On
   September 18, 1941, our unit came to a wide ravine situated about
   14 miles from Chartsysk station, and about 60 miles from the city
   of Staline. The ravine stretched from the station of Chartsysk to
   the station of Snizhy. When we approached the ravine we were taken
   aback by a horrible sight. The whole ravine was filled with the
   bodies of children. They were lying in different positions. Most
   of them were from 14 to 16 years of age. They were dressed in
   black, and we recognized them as students of the F.S.U., a
   well-known trade and craft school. We counted 370 bodies
   altogether. All of them had been killed by machine gun fire.
   This group of children was being evacuated from Staline when
   the Germans neared the city. The children had marched 60 miles,
   and, exhausted and unable to continue walking, asked for
   transportation. The officers in charge promised to send them
   trucks. Instead of trucks, a detachment of the Russian political
   police (NKVD) arrived, and shot the children in cold blood with
   machine guns. This ravine, filled with hundreds of bodies of slain
   children, moved even the soldiers, accustomed as they were to the
   sight of death. (Andriy Vodopyan, A Ravine Filled With the Bodies
   of Children, in S. O. Pidhainy (ed.), The Black Deeds of the
   Kremlin: A White Book, Ukrainian Association of Victims of Russian
   Communist Terror, Toronto, 1953, p. 529)
   (20) Throwing hand-grenades into the crowded cells.
   Rev. J. Chyrva was imprisoned in 1941 when the Russian Communist armies were withdrawing from the city of Riwne. He happened to be
   cast into one of those jails in which the communists, fleeing from
   advancing German armies, attempted to rid themselves of as many
   prisoners as possible by throwing hand-grenades into the crowded
   cells. When the first grenade was thrown into the cell where Rev.
   J. Chyrva was kept, he was the first to fall - his foot shattered.
   On him fell many mutilated bodies, covering him, thus saving his
   life. Later, when people came into the cell, they found all the
   prisoners dead with the exception of Rev. J. Chyrva. He is alive
   today, a witness of that horrible manslaughter. (Rev. Lev Buchak,
   Persecution of Ukrainian Protestants under the Soviet Rule, in S.
   O. Pidhainy (ed.), The Black Deeds of the Kremlin: A White Book,
   Ukrainian Association of Victims of Russian Communist Terror,
   Toronto, 1953, p. 529)
   (21) Exhumed corpses were found without skin.
   The Bolsheviks had arrested thousands of Ukrainian patriots, and
   prior to their retreat, they killed them savagely. For some reason
   even highly regarded Jewish authors understate the number of
   Ukrainian victims of Bolshevik terror. Gerald Reitlinger gives a
   figure of three to four thousand in Lviv alone. Hilberg speaks of
   "the Bolsheviks deporting Ukrainians," but he does not furnish any
   overall figures. But on the basis of a German document (RSHA
   IV-A-1, Operational Report USSR no. 28, 20 July 1941, No-2943),
   which I was unable to verify, he recounts one particularly horrible
   In Kremenets 100-150 Ukrainians had been killed by the
   Soviets. When some of the exhumed corpses were found
   without skin, rumors circulated that the Ukrainians
   had been thrown into kettles of boiling water. The
   Ukrainian population retaliated by seizing 130 Jews
   and beating them to death with clubs.
   He also quotes the French collaborator Dr. Frederic as saying that
   the Bolsheviks killed eighteen thousand Ukrainian political
   prisoners in Lviv and its outskirts alone.
   Basing his remarks on an anonymous article entitled "The
   Ethnocide of Ukrainians in the USSR," in the dissident journal
   Ukrainian Herald, Issue 7-8, the Ukrainian-American publicist Lew
   Shankowsky gives the following number of victims of Bolshevik
   terror in Galicia and Volhynia: as many as forty thousand killed in
   the prisons of Lviv, Lutsk, Rivne, Dubno, Ternopil, Stanyslaviv
   (now Ivano-Frankivsk), Stryi, Drohobych, Sambir, Zolochiv and other
   towns and settlements. The fact of the matter is that, justifiably
   or not, some Ukrainians felt that some Jews were in the employ of
   the Stalinist secret police, the NKVD. For instance, it was
   pointed out to me by a resident of Western Ukraine that a high NKVD
   official in Lviv, a certain Barvinsky, was Jewish, despite his
   Ukrainian name. (Yaroslav Bilinsky, Methodological Problems and
   Philosophical Issues in the Study of Jewish-Ukrainian Relations
   During the Second World War, pp. 373-394, in Howard Aster and Peter
   J. Potichnyj (eds.), Ukrainian-Jewish Relations in Historical
   Perspective, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, Edmonton,
   1990, footnotes deleted)
   (22) From 15,000 to 40,000 prisoners were killed
   In their hasty and often panic-stricken retreat, the Soviet
   authorities were not about to evacuate the thousands of prisoners
   they had arrested, mostly during their last months of rule in
   western Ukraine. Their solution, implemented at the end of June
   and in early July 1941, was to kill all inmates regardless of
   whether they had committed minor or major crimes or were being held
   for political reasons. According to estimates, from 15,000 to
   40,000 prisoners were killed during the Soviet retreat from eastern
   Galicia and western Volhynia. (Paul Robert Magocsi, A History of
   Ukraine, University of Washington Press, Seattle, 1996, p. 624)
   However, the Membership of this NKVD was
   Predominantly Jewish
   What was the membership of this NKVD that we see above being so repeatedly blamed
   for the massacre of Ukrainians in the days before occupation by German forces? In
   my analysis of data presented by Yuri Shapoval, I arrive at the conclusion that the
   senior membership in Ukraine of the organization one of whose names became the NKVD
   was as follows:
   Out of every 10 senior members of the Cheka-GPU-NKVD in Ukraine:
   6 were Jewish,
   2 were Russian,
   1 was Ukrainian, and
   1 was other.
   Statements made by others support the conclusion that the NKVD was predominantly a
   Jewish organization. For example, Yoram Sheftel, Ivan Demjanjuk's Israeli defense
   attorney, reports that in connection with his visit to the Simferopol, Ukraine, KGB
   headquarters in 1990, a plaque memorializing the "KGB" dead of the war showed that
   all thirty of the thirty names were Jewish:
   On the right-hand wall was a stone memorial plaque engraved with
   the names of about thirty KGB men from Simferopol who had fallen in
   the Great Patriotic War, as the Soviets call World War II. I was
   shocked and angry as I read the names: the first was Polonski and
   the last Levinstein, and all those between were ones like
   Zalmonowitz, Geller and Kagan - all Jews. The best of Jewish youth
   in Russia, the cradle of Zionism, had sold itself and its soul to
   the Red Devil. (The Demjanjuk Affair: The Rise and Fall of a
   Show-Trial, Victor Gollancz, London, 1994, p. 301)
   Of course Sheftel's sample of 30 is not necessarily a sample that is representative
   of the entire NKVD in Ukraine; however the Jewish domination of the entire NKVD is
   not a rare or dubious hypothesis, but is one, rather, that is upheld from more than
   one direction:
   As a Jew, I'm interested in another question entirely: Why were
   there so many Jews among the NKVD-MVD investigators - including
   many of the most terrible? It's a painful question for me but I
   cannot evade it. (Yevgenia Albats, The State Within a State: The
   KGB and its Hold on Russia, Past, Present and Future, 1994, p. 147)
   Jews abounded [also] at the lower levels of the Party machinery
   especially in the Cheka and its successors, the GPU, the OGPU and
   the NKVD.... It is difficult to suggest a satisfactory reason for
   the prevalence of Jews in the Cheka. It may be that having
   suffered at the hand of the former Russian authorities they wanted
   to seize the reins of real power in the new state for themselves.
   (Leonard Shapiro, The Role of Jews in the Russian Revolutionary
   Movement, Slavonic and East European Review, 1961, 40, p. 165)
   But if in the pre-German interval Ukrainians were being killed by the NKVD, and if
   the NKVD was disproportionately, or even overwhelmingly, Jewish, then one might
   summarize by saying that in the pre-German interval, Ukrainians were being killed by
   I Expand My Summary Table Once Again
   The table which I have been developing in my letters to you of 30Jun99 and 01Jul99
   can now be elaborated with the uppermost entry:
   Date of my letter
   Subject of my letter
   Date of Attack
   Violence that you should have reported in your 23Oct94 The Ugly Face of Freedom
   The Wiesenthal-Safer Calumny
   Summer 1941
   Who murdered Volodymyr Ivasiuk?
   April 1979
   Who murdered Vadim Boyko?
   February 14, 1992
   Violence that you might have caused by your 23Oct94 The Ugly Face of Freedom
   Who blew the hands off Maksym Tsarenko?
   Summer 1995
   Who murdered Volodymyr Katelnytsky?
   July 7-8, 1997
   Who murdered Borys Derevyanko?
   August 11, 1997
   The new "The Wiesenthal-Safer Calumny" entry in the table above is of particular
   importance not only because of the large number of victims involved, but also
   because it demonstrates your going beyond the fault of overlooking Ukrainians being
   victimized, to the greater fault of replacing the real killing of a large number of
   Ukrainians by Jews with an imaginary killing of a large number of Jews by
   And I Find My Earlier Conclusions
   What a convincing broadcast your The Ugly Face of Freedom would have been if all the
   instances in the above table had been ones of Jews or Russians being tortured and
   mutilated and murdered by Ukrainians, instead of the other way around! However, in
   your broadcast you documented not a single such story featuring Ukrainians