victimizing Jews or Russians. Evidence of Ukrainians being victimized was
   plentiful, but you ignored it. Much worse, in the case of the pre-German violence,
   you reversed it.
   Unless you are able to offer some credible defense, Mr. Safer, two conclusions that
   have already gained a foothold threaten to climb to wide acceptance:
   (1) that your 23Oct94 60 Minutes broadcast The Ugly Face of 60 Minutes demonstrated
   your lack of competence and integrity; and
   (2) that your broadcast served to demonstrate to Ukraine's assassins not only that
   violence against Ukrainians goes unreported in the world press, but also that it is
   even buried under fabricated reports of violence committed by Ukrainians. By means
   of this demonstration, you informed Ukraine's assassins that they might expect
   impunity for their work against Ukrainians, and in this way you encouraged them to
   violence that they might otherwise have feared to commit. Thus, it is possible that
   you contributed to Maksym Tsarenko losing his hands, and to Volodymyr Katelnytsky
   together with his mother, and Borys Derevyanko, losing their lives.
   Lubomyr Prytulak
   cc: Yaakov Bleich, Ed Bradley, Jeffrey Fager, Don Hewitt, Steve Kroft, Andy Rooney,
   Lesley Stahl, Mike Wallace, Simon Wiesenthal.
   Morley Safer Letter 14 25Jul99 Who did Israel Roitman murder?
   "By the time the Banderite's face was turned into a bloody-hairy pulp, we were
   exhausted. The Banderite slumped to his knees, then fell flat on his face. We shot him."
   - Israel Roitman
   July 25, 1999
   Morley Safer
   60 Minutes, CBS Television
   51 W 52nd Street
   New York, NY
   USA 10019
   Morley Safer:
   I bring to your attention the following boastful confession of
   former SMERSH agent, Israel Roitman
   The translation of Isreal Roitman's autobiographical account below, originally published
   in the Russian-language periodical Our View in Thornhill, Ontario in 1998, recounts the
   experience of a Jew participating in the torture and murder of a Ukrainian during the
   Second World War, and boasts that this one crime was only the first of many:
   by Israel Roitman
   Our View
   Once, on the occasion of a talk with students, I was asked: "Did you also kill
   What could I answer? It remained only to smile sadly, and my memory recalled the
   first cruelty. Afterward, there were many more, but the first is unforgettable.
   It happened, if memory serves, in the Zolochiv region which lies along the
   Ternopil-Lviv highway (Western Ukraine). The military SMERSH ("Death to Spies", as
   military counter-intelligence was named during the war) instructed us intelligence
   officers to investigate the cause of death of one of our sabotage units. On the
   second or third day, we came upon the tracks of the perpetrators who were responsible
   for the death of our comrades, and caught them relaxing in broad daylight in a large
   house on a forest farmstead. There were three men sitting around a table with
   moonshine and snacks: a thin, tall German, a heavily-armed policeman, and a
   fat-faced, unshaven Banderite [Ukrainian fighting for Ukrainian independence] wearing
   a service cap with a yellow-light blue [colors of the Ukrainian flag] cockade and
   some kind of stripes sewn on his sleeve. It goes without saying: a merry band.
   We had to shoot the policeman right there in the house, his abundance of weapons not
   helping him a bit. We took the German and the Banderite out into the yard. The
   Banderite, a huge man with long hands large as shovels, just stood there with a
   crooked smile. On his unshaven face, his eyes darted nervously about like gimlets.
   Evidently, the worsening situation was completely unexpected by him and he didn't
   know what to do, and couldn't hit upon any course of action. Of course, under
   different circumstances, he could have tossed us boys around like puppies, but this
   time the inveterate beast could not do so: we were the ones with the weapons.
   Oh, yes! By that time, we had seen a lot of these nationalists, as they were
   contemptuously called, the "Samostiynyks" ["Independents"] (the motto of the
   Ukrainian Nationalists was "For an Independent Ukraine"). These were veritable
   beasts, worse than some Fritzes [Germans].
   Volodka Seliverstov hit him first, in the solar plexus. The Banderite groaned,
   gripped his stomach with his hands, and doubled over like a folding knife. Then
   followed a knee upper-cut to the face. A sobbing was heard and the Banderite started
   falling backwards. But we didn't let him fall. There were five of us. We stood in
   a small circle and knocked him from one to another. We struck silently with backhand
   blows, putting into them all our accumulated rage and hatred. We struck viciously,
   probably like hunters striking huge and especially dangerous maddened beasts. By the
   time the Banderite's face was turned into a bloody-hairy pulp, we were exhausted.
   The Banderite slumped to his knees, then fell flat on his face. We shot him. The
   German, we delivered safely across the front line and turned him over to the SMERSH
   people. (We followed the same practice afterwards. When police, Banderites,
   Vlasovites, or Germans fell into our hands, we usually delivered the latter
   untouched, but the traitors we executed ourselves on the spot.)
   The original of the beginning of Israel Roitman's article appears below, the portion
   translated above shown enclosed in a box:
   I Expand My Summary Table Once Again
   The table which I have been developing in my previous three letters to you can now be
   elaborated with the Israel Roitman entry. As Roitman gives no dates for his crimes, I
   conjecture that they began in 1941; as Roitman could have continued his service in the
   Soviet secret police for several decades, there is no telling what span of time his
   crimes occupied:
   Date of my letter
   Subject of my letter
   Date of Attack
   Violence that you should have reported in your 23Oct94 The Ugly Face of Freedom
   The Wiesenthal-Safer Calumny
   Summer 1941
   Who did Israel Roitman murder?
   Who murdered Volodymyr Ivasiuk?
   April 1979
   Who murdered Vadim Boyko?
   February 14, 1992
   Violence that you might have encouraged by your 23Oct94 The Ugly Face of Freedom
   Who blew the hands off Maksym Tsarenko?
   Summer 1995
   Who murdered Volodymyr Katelnytsky?
   July 7-8, 1997
   Who murdered Borys Derevyanko?
   August 11, 1997
   And I Find My Earlier Conclusions Strengthened
   In your 23Oct94 60 Minutes broadcast, The Ugly Face of Freedom, you urged the conclusion
   that Ukraine was a place where Ukrainians kill Jews. However, you found that conclusion
   difficult to substantiate. The conclusion that you would have found easy to
   substantiate - as Israel Roitman demonstrates by his lack of inhibition in stepping
   forward - is the opposite one that Ukraine is a place where Jews kill Ukrainians. What
   Israel Roitman demonstrates is not only that Jews tortured and murdered Ukrainians, but
   also that even today, even in Canada, they continue to view the torture and murder of
   Ukrainians as their right, and they recount how they did so not with self-doubting
   guilt, but with self-righteous pride.
   To Israel Roitman, a Ukrainian fighting for Ukrainian independence was, and continues to
   be, a "veritable beast," and the chief effect of your broadcast was to demonstrate to
   the world that your own opinion is not much different.
   Lubomyr Prytulak
   cc: Ed Bradley, Jeffrey Fager, Don Hewitt, Steve Kroft, Andy Rooney, Lesley Stahl, Mike
   Morley Safer Letter 15 27Jul99 Who did Leonid Wolf murder?
   Although you have lost all claim to journalistic competence and integrity, at least you can
   console yourself with not being alone and unappreciated. Indeed, you are a valued
   member of a large and successful team. Grigory Luchansky, Vadim Rabinovich, and
   Leonid Wolf undoubtedly know of your work, and they thank you for it.
   July 27, 1999
   Morley Safer
   60 Minutes, CBS Television
   51 W 52nd Street
   New York, NY
   USA 10019
   Morley Safer:
   I bring to your attention the following Kyiv Post article:
   I reproduce the Kyiv post article in its entirely on the chance that it will be useful
   to 60 Minutes researchers interested in developing a good story. However, for purposes
   of this letter alone, we are primarily interested in information on Leonid Wolf which is
   contained in the three segments in blue:
   Who is Leonid Wolf and what is behind
   government action?
   News Analysis
   Post Staff Writer
   01 July 1999
   In making wealthy businessman Vadim Rabinovich persona non grata on June 24, the
   Ukrainian government created a mystery. By simultaneously announcing that it had
   taken a similar action against Leonid Borisovich Wolf back in December, it created
   another one.
   The government linked Wolf to numerous unsolved contract killings. But it did not
   specify the link between Wolf and Rabinovich, other than to name them in the same
   press release announcing that both Israeli citizens are banned from Ukraine.
   That leaves the public, as usual, out of the loop about what the twin actions mean
   and what evidence the Ukrainian government is holding. While Wolf could not be
   reached for comment, Rabinovich denied the Ukrainian government's allegations in a
   June 30 news conference in Tel Aviv.
   The unanswered questions are numerous: What led the Ukrainian government to bar
   Rabinovich from the nation for five years? What are his ties to Wolf? What evidence
   links Wolf to murders?
   The ban on the two men also raises larger questions about government motives: Coupled
   with the pending embezzlement charges against former Prime Minister Pavlo Lazarenko
   and an aide, is the Ukrainian government finally getting tough on corruption? Or is
   it simply being unfair to successful businessmen who happened to fall out of favor?
   Those questions in turn raise the most unpredictable question of all: What's next?
   The official State Security Service (SBU) press release appears straightforward:
   "Today Ukraine's Security Service, according to materials in its possession and in
   the interests of Ukraine's national security, has forbidden the entrance the citizen
   of Israel Vadim Zinoviovich Rabinovich, (passport numbers) from entering Ukraine for
   the period of five years beginning 24 June 1999, for causing especially serious
   damage to the Ukrainian economy.
   "Moreover, on 17 December 1998, the SBU closed the right of entrance into Ukrainian
   territory to Israeli citizen Leonid Borisovich Wolf, who is considered a member of a
   professional organized criminal group, which is suspected of carrying out contract
   killings in the Odessa, Kyiv, and Dnipropetrovsk regions."
   The relationship between Rabinovich and Wolf was not spelled out, nor was the reason
   why the Ukrainian government chose to announce the decisions in the same news
   release. Who is this Leonid Wolf?
   A search of Ukrainian media archives for the last 10 years turned up nothing.
   Ukraine's SBU and Ministry of Internal Affairs flatly declined comment, as did
   Israeli Embassy spokesmen.
   However, according to Kyiv law enforcement and Odessa business sources, Wolf is a
   Ukrainian native who was born in the 1940s. He emigrated to Israel in the late 1970s
   and became a citizen there.
   By the early 1990s, the sources said, Wolf was playing a key role in developing
   Ukraine into an international smuggling hub. His business activities were said to
   include shipping, oil trading, narcotics, export of weapons, chemicals, metals, and
   agricultural commodities - sometimes in cooperation with Soviet-era mobsters,
   sometimes with the assistance of local officials.
   Wolf first came into contact with Vadim Rabinovich in Israel in the early 1990s, one
   Ukrainian police source said.
   One of Wolf's important business associates, the police source said, is one of the
   former Soviet Union's most notorious alleged criminals, Grigory Luchansky. That, if
   true, could be the link between him and Rabinovich.
   Luchansky was born in the 1940s, possibly in Latvia, according to several sources
   contacted by the Post. He became a career KGB officer and served overseas in a
   variety of posts. By the mid-1980s, Luchansky set up and ran Vienna-based Nordex, a
   KGB-owned and operated business designed to launder money for overseas intelligence
   Nordex's primary trading partner in Ukraine was government-owned Ukragrotekhservis,
   U.S. Congressman Dan Burton alleged during congressional hearings in April 1997.
   Burton identified Rabinovich as Luchansky's key Ukrainian lieutenant, serving in a
   variety of capacities including, until 1995, Nordex vice president.
   Rabinovich has stated repeatedly that he severed relations with Luchansky in 1995 due
   to Nordex's poor international reputation. He has consistently denied participating
   in any criminal activity while he worked for Nordex.
   An April 1997 Time magazine article identified Luchansky as "the most pernicious
   unindicted criminal in the world."
   Luchansky's trading activities in the former Soviet Union encompass weapons, oil,
   narcotics, natural gas, chemicals, precious metals, fertilizers, agricultural
   commodities, and consumer goods.
   Other Luchansky enterprises reportedly include prostitution, drug manufacture,
   racketeering, influence peddling and fixed privatization auctions.
   Nordex grossed $2 billion in 1994, investing some of its income in enterprises
   ranging from a Moscow beer brewery to a Kyiv tire plant, a Magnitogorsk steel mill,
   an Austrian health spa and even a Uruguayan car dealership, according to various
   media reports.
   Luchansky's biggest business coup came in 1993, when he engineered a fuel-for-food
   deal between Russia and Ukraine.
   In 1995, after meeting at a Democratic Party fundraiser with U.S. President Bill
   Clinton and sparking a U.S. political scandal, Luchansky fell under increasingly
   intense international investigation.
   In 1996 a $35 million gold mine deal brokered by Luchansky between the Kazakhstan
   government and a Canadian mining company flopped, cutting into Nordex earnings.
   Nordex has reportedly suffered in the wake of the emerging-markets economic crisis.
   Luchansky maintains a residence in the Israeli seaside town of Netanya, a Mecca for
   Soviet-region emigres and scene of intense Russian mob activity, the Jerusalem Post
   newspaper reported.
   The Post was unable to contact Luchansky for comment and his whereabouts are unknown.
   I Expand My Summary Table Once Again
   The table which I have been developing in my previous four letters to you can now be
   elaborated with the Leonid Wolf entry. As the SBU press release gives no dates for the
   Leonid Wolf assassinations, I am assuming that they took place in the last five years:
   Date of my letter
   Subject of my letter
   Date of Attack
   Violence that you should have reported in your 23Oct94 The Ugly Face of Freedom
   The Wiesenthal-Safer Calumny
   Summer 1941
   Who did Israel Roitman murder?
   Who murdered Volodymyr Ivasiuk?
   April 1979
   Who murdered Vadim Boyko?
   February 14, 1992
   Violence that you might have encouraged by your 23Oct94 The Ugly Face of Freedom
   Who blew the hands off Maksym Tsarenko?
   Summer 1995
   Who murdered Volodymyr Katelnytsky?
   July 7-8, 1997
   Who murdered Borys Derevyanko?
   August 11, 1997
   Who did Leonid Wolf murder?
   And I Find My Earlier Conclusions Strengthened
   For your 23Oct94 60 Minutes broadcast The Ugly Face of Freedom, you went to Ukraine
   determined to broadcast the story - no matter what the evidence - of Ukrainians
   oppressing and murdering Jews. In order to do so, you had to blind yourself to the
   plentiful evidence that exactly the opposite was taking place. The reality is that
   Ukraine is being plundered and assaulted by a Jewish mafia based in Israel. You can
   begin your investigation of this phenomenon with the cases of the following three
   Israeli citizens: (1) "the most pernicious unindicted criminal in the world" Grigory
   Luchansky, (2) his "key Ukrainian lieutenant" Vadim Rabinovich, and (3) "contract
   killer" Leonid Wolf. Please note that in your smearing of Ukraine, you were unable to
   come up with evidence of a Ukrainian mafia based in Ukraine and victimizing Israel. The
   evidence was the opposite, but you were not interested in evidence.
   But since the subject of our discussion is not merely crime, but rather cross-ethnic
   violence, I restrict my attention to assassin Leonid Wolf, and with respect to Leonid
   Wolf, I ask you to note that you were unable to come up with evidence of a Ukrainian
   assassin who roamed Israel murdering as he went, especially one whom Israel, fearing the
   vengeance of a powerful Ukraine, neglected to arrest and put on trial, but merely banned
   from Israeli soil for a time.
   Mr. Safer, Ukraine's plunderers and assassins cannot operate in a vacuum. They need
   support. They need Swiss banks to stash their loot. They need Israel to provide them
   with sanctuary. They need journalists to smear their victims. And so, although you
   have lost all claim to journalistic competence and integrity, at least you can console
   yourself with not being alone and unappreciated. Indeed, you are a valued member of a
   large and successful team. Grigory Luchansky, Vadim Rabinovich, and Leonid Wolf
   undoubtedly know of your work, and they thank you for it.
   Lubomyr Prytulak
   cc: Ed Bradley, Jeffrey Fager, Don Hewitt, Steve Kroft, Andy Rooney, Lesley Stahl, Mike
   Morley Safer Letter 16 23Oct99 Fifth anniversary commemoration
   If, to imagine a comparable case, CBS management jointly owned a chicken-packing
   plant that had been cited for sanitation violations, then it would be unethical for 60
   Minutes to run a story defending the plant without disclosing its ownership.
   October 23, 1999
   Morley Safer
   60 Minutes, CBS Television
   51 W 52nd Street
   New York, NY
   USA 10019
   Morley Safer:
   Fifth anniversary of The Ugly Face of Freedom
   Now that we have arrived at the fifth anniversary of your 23Oct94 60 Minutes broadcast
   The Ugly Face of Freedom, I think that all might agree that five years has given us
   sufficient time to reflect on that broadcast, to arrive at a reasonable understanding of
   its defects, and to decide what corrective action remains for 60 Minutes to undertake.
   It is the purpose of the present letter to propose that the corrective action should be
   a 12-minute 60 Minutes story under the title The Ugly Face of 60 Minutes, and
   necessarily hosted by yourself.
   Given the severe time limitation of a 12-minute segment, not to mention the public's
   lack of interest in excessive detail, The Ugly Face of 60 Minutes will be forced to
   overlook scores of lesser inaccuracies and biases, and will be forced to omit mention of
   any defects that contain the least element of doubt. Rather, The Ugly Face of 60
   Minutes will have no option but to outline only those major defects and errors
   concerning which there is no dispute. Below is my listing of the points which - being
   the most important and the least disputable - are ones that The Ugly Face of 60 Minutes
   should include.
   Who did it?
   The authorship of The Ugly Face of Freedom was Jewish. The Ugly Face of 60
   Minutes should start by acknowledging that The Ugly Face of Freedom was not just an
   attack upon Ukrainians and upon the nation of Ukraine, but that it was a Jewish attack.
   You will be able to convince your viewers of this merely by disclosing that every last
   person bearing responsibility for the story, from the very top of the chain of command
   to the very bottom, was Jewish:
   (1) Laurence Tisch, Chairman and CEO of CBS
   (2) Eric Ober, President of CBS News
   (3) Don Hewitt, Executive Producer of 60 Minutes
   (4) Jeffrey Fager, Producer of The Ugly Face of Freedom
   (5) Morley Safer, Program Host
   (6) Simon Wiesenthal, one of the two featured program witnesses
   (7) Yaakov Bleich, the other of the two featured program witnesses
   Moreover, The Ugly Face of 60 Minutes should acknowledge that it was unethical for CBS
   to run a story on Ukraine without acknowledging its conflict of interest - the conflict
   being that it is an integral part of Jewish culture to nourish fear and hatred of
   Ukrainians, and yet 60 Minutes which was owned and operated by Jews undertook to
   broadcast what purported to be an objective, investigative-journalism story on Ukraine.
   If, to imagine a comparable case, CBS management jointly owned a chicken-packing plant
   that had been cited for sanitation violations, then it would be unethical for 60 Minutes
   to run a story defending the plant without disclosing its ownership.
   One of the authors of The Ugly Face of Freedom may have been a Gestapo
   agent. Of all the individuals in the above list, I see no need to discuss
   transgressions beyond those committed in creating the broadcast, except in one case
   where it is of the highest relevance - and that is the case of Simon Wiesenthal whom you
   bring forward to testify concerning Nazi collaboration when he himself appears to be a
   Nazi collaborator of major proportions, possibly with the blood of many on his hands,
   and possibly much of it Jewish blood. The Ugly Face of 60 Minutes should disclose the
   suspect nature of Wiesenthal's past, as for example the occasion on which Simon
   Wiesenthal was allowed by his German captors to keep two pistols, or the occasion on
   which other Jews were executed following their recapture after escaping, whereas Simon
   Wiesenthal was relieved of work and put on double rations. This information is highly
   relevant, as it suggests the possibility that Simon Wiesenthal used 60 Minutes to offer
   false testimony concerning Nazi collaboration partly in order to conceal his own guilt.
   What did they do?
   The attempt on the part of CBS Jews steeped in a culture of hatred toward Ukrainians to
   report on Ukraine resulted in outstanding distortions which can be corrected as follows:
   (1) In the pre-German interval, Ukrainians did not kill Jews. The Ugly Face of 60
   Minutes should disclose to its viewers that the Wiesenthal-Safer calumny - that prior to
   the arrival of German forces, Ukrainians killed some five to six thousand Jews - is
   without support.
   (2) In the pre-German interval, Jews did kill Ukrainians. The Ugly Face of 60
   Minutes should disclose that in the days prior to occupation by German forces, the
   Jewish-dominated NKVD tortured and murdered Ukrainians by the thousands.
   (3) The Yaakov Bleich stories cannot be substantiated. The Ugly Face of 60 Minutes
   should disclose that the Yaakov Bleich stories of elderly Jews being stabbed and left
   for dead in two different locations in Ukraine cannot be substantiated.
   (4) Stepan Bandera was a Ukrainian patriot. The Ugly Face of 60 Minutes should
   balance negative Stepan Bandera coverage by disclosing that Bandera was arrested by the
   Germans in the first days of their invasion of Ukraine, spent most of the war in German
   captivity, lost two brothers in Auschwitz, and upon release from German captivity toward
   the end of the war, devoted his efforts to fighting the Germans.
   (5) Symon Petliura protected Jews from anti-Ukrainian provocateurs. The Ugly
   Face of 60 Minutes should balance negative Symon Petliura coverage by quoting his own
   words, as for example this excerpt from his Army Order No. 131: "I most positively order
   that all those who are instigating you to pogroms be thrust out of the army, and as
   traitors to the fatherland be handed over to the court. Let the court punish them
   according to their crimes by giving them the severest lawful penalty."
   (6) The Galicia Division was an anti-Bolshevik combat unit. The Ugly Face of 60
   Minutes should disclose that the Galicia Division was not part of the SS, but only of
   the Waffen-SS, and so was a combat unit; that there were a total of 38 Waffen-SS
   divisions comprised of several nationalities, including four Dutch divisions, two
   Belgian, as well as French, Norwegian, and Russian; and that the Galicia Division did
   not "march off to fight for Hitler," but rather marched off to fight against the
   Bolshevik re-occupation of Western Ukraine.
   (7) The Holocaust story has been adulterated. The Ugly Face of 60 Minutes should
   disclose that the history of the Holocaust has been adulterated by the admixture of
   fantasies concocted by unprincipled opportunists - Jerzy Kosinski being the most widely
   known example, and the Wiesenthal-Safer calumny providing the instance closest to home.
   (8) CBS stone-walled. The Ugly Face of 60 Minutes should disclose that 60 Minutes
   illegally destroyed the 16,000 pieces of mail which protested The Ugly Face of Freedom,
   and that 60 Minutes also delayed for five years (and maybe a little bit longer) before
   informing its viewers of the defects in the original broadcast.
   (9) Mistranslation. Conceding for present purposes that 60 Minutes was not clearly in
   the wrong to always translate Zhyd as Kike, nevertheless The Ugly Face of 60 Minutes
   should disclose that when the editor of Za Vilnu Ukrainu used the word Yevrei, 60
   Minutes was obligated to translate that as Jew, and was clearly in the wrong to have
   translated it as Kike.
   (10) Ukrainian sacrifices to save Jews. The Ugly Face of 60 Minutes should tear up
   its picture of unrelieved Ukrainian hostility to Jews by disclosing that a large number
   of Ukrainians risked their lives, and gave their lives, to save Jews, and that no
   comparable reciprocity has ever been observed from the Jewish side. The case of
   Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky hiding large numbers of Jews on church property could be
   featured in this context, as could the Ukrainian Bodnar's saving the life of Simon
   (11) The chief Ukrainian roles during WW II were those of victim and of victor.
   The Ugly Face of 60 Minutes should tear up its picture of unrelieved Ukrainian sympathy
   for Nazism by disclosing that Ukrainians were among the foremost victims of the Nazis,
   suffering losses much greater than Jewish losses, and were in the forefront of the
   battle which defeated the Nazis.
   Why did they do it?
   Jews have motives for calumniating Ukraine. The Ugly Face of 60 Minutes should
   finally inform its viewers of Jewish motives for calumniating Ukrainians and Ukraine,
   among these being the following:
   (1) Brain drain. Magnified and incited Ukrainian anti-Semitism is needed in order to
   increase the brain drain from Ukraine to Israel.
   (2) Image of the Jew as victim. Inculcating the image of Jews as victims of the
   Nazis, and Ukrainians as the leading collaborators of the Nazis, serves to crowd out,
   and give the appearance of implausibility to, a series of other images: that Ukrainians
   were leading victims of the Nazis, that Ukrainians played a leading role in the defeat
   of the Nazis, that Jews collaborated with the Nazis more than Ukrainians did, that
   Ukrainians risked their lives and gave their lives to save Jews, and that in today's
   world, among the leading perpetrators of war crimes and crimes against humanity are the
   (3) The Lviv massacre. Promoting the false story of Ukrainians massacring Jews prior
   to the arrival of the Germans is particularly useful in winning disbelief of the true
   story that the Jewish-dominated NKVD massacred Ukrainians prior to the arrival of the
   (4) Bohdan Khmelnytsky. The Jewish calumniation of Ukrainians strengthens a frame
   of mind that will more readily accept the Jewish revision of the Bohdan Khmelnytsky
   uprising of 1648 from the accurate view that it was a rebellion against severe
   Polish-Jewish oppression to the false view that it was a spontaneous outburst of
   gratuitous and genocidal anti-Semitism.
   (5) US aid. The Jewish calumniation of Ukrainians weakens competition for US aid, as by
   discrediting Ukrainian president Leonid Kuchma who was at the time of the 60 Minutes
   broadcast paying an official visit to the US.
   (6) Group cohesion. The incitement of fear and hatred in Jews increases popular
   support for, and the flow of private donations to, Jewish leaders. A focus is needed
   for that fear and hatred. At the moment, Ukrainians have been chosen to be that focus.
   Most of the above assertions have been documented, sometimes at length, on the Ukrainian
   Archive at If you would like me to direct your attention to documentation
   concerning any particular assertion - whether that documentation is on the Ukrainian
   Archive or elsewhere - please let me know and I will be happy to oblige.
   Twelve minutes to restored credibility
   I think you will have no trouble accomodating all of the above points into a single 60
   Minutes segment. If you do, and if you broadcast that segment, you will turn your
   currently failing grades for competence and integrity into high As, and you will lift
   the status of 60 Minutes to a level never before reached in American journalism. If you
   do not, you will credit 60 Minutes with the dubious achievement of having broadcast the
   most concentrated segment of hate propaganda ever to make its appearance in the
   mainstream media.
   Lubomyr Prytulak
   cc: Ed Bradley, Jeffrey Fager, Don Hewitt, Steve Kroft, Andy Rooney, Lesley Stahl, Mike
   Morley Safer Letter 17 28Oct99 CBS must produce its evidence
   "At the end of June 1941 the NKVD massacred 10,000 prisoners in Lviv."
   Nicolas Werth
   In connection with the photograph below, the caption referring to "hundreds of bodies"
   at Vinnytsia may be somewhat of an underestimate, as other sources give higher counts,
   as for example in a Chronology of Major Events, opposite the date 13-17 July, 1943, the
   following entry: "An international medical commission with representation from neutral
   powers examines the graves of 9,439 victims of NKVD shootings (1937-8) in Vinnytsia"
   (Yury Boshyk, Ukraine during World War II: History and its aftermath, Canadian Institute
   of Ukrainian Studies, Edmonton, 1986, p. 257).
   October 28, 1999
   Morley Safer
   60 Minutes, CBS Television
   51 W 52nd Street
   New York, NY
   USA 10019
   Morley Safer:
   Jews massacred Ukrainians in pre-German Lviv
   One cannot read the history of the 1941 German invasion of Ukraine without endlessly
   bumping into accounts of the massacre of Ukrainians by the retreating Jewish-dominated
   NKVD. In reinforcement of the many quotations which I brought to your attention in my
   letter to you of 04Jul99, I presently enclose the chapter-long statement of Alfred M. de
   Zayas, and I add below the briefer statement of Nicolas Werth:
   The rapid German advance in the first months of the war forced the NKVD
   to evacuate several prisons, labor colonies, and camps that would
   otherwise have fallen into enemy hands. Between July and December
   1941, 210 colonies, 135 prisons, and 27 camps, containing nearly
   750,000 prisoners, were transferred to the east. Summarizing "gulag
   activity in the Great Patriotic War," the Gulag chief, Ivan Nasedkin,
   claimed that "on the whole, the evacuation of the camps was quite well
   organized." He went on to add, however, that "because of the shortage
   of transport, most of the prisoners were evacuated on foot, over
   distances that sometimes exceeded 600 miles." One can well imagine the
   condition in which the prisoners arrived at their destinations. When
   there was not enough time for a camp to be evacuated, as was often the
   case in the opening weeks of the war, the prisoners were simply
   executed. This was particularly the case in western Ukraine, where at
   the end of June 1941 the NKVD massacred 10,000 prisoners in Lviv, 1,200
   in the prison at Lutsk, 1,500 in Stanislwow, and 500 in Dubno. When
   the Germans arrived, they discovered dozens of mass graves in the
   regions of Lviv, Zhytomyr, and Vynnytsa. Using these "Judeo-Bolshevik
   atrocities" as a pretext, the Nazi Sonderkommandos in their turn
   immediately massacred tens of thousands of Jews.
   Nicolas Werth in Stephane Courtois, et al., The Black Book of
   Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression, Harvard University Press,
   Cambridge Massachusetts and London England, 1999, pp. 225-226.
   The Wiesenthal-Safer Calumny is a lie of Orwellian
   Of course my reason for bringing these two additional accounts to your attention is to
   underline the admission that journalistic ethics demands that you make - that your
   23Oct94 60 Minutes story The Ugly Face of Freedom got things exactly backwards. In the
   days prior to German occupation, it was Jews who were killing Ukrainians by the
   thousands. This is attested to by many. The Wiesenthal-Safer Calumny that in the
   days prior to German occupation, Lviv Ukrainians killed some five to six thousand Jews
   is attested to only by Simon Wiesenthal and yourself.
   CBS attempts to re-write history
   One motive for CBS Jews to broadcast the Ugly Face of Freedom appears to be to re-write
   a history that they find unflattering. The historical record shows that Communist rule
   over Ukraine was largely a Jewish-inflicted oppression and carnage of which the Lviv
   massacre constituted a single incident. The Wiesenthal-Safer Calumny, then, gives the
   impression of being, in part, an attempt to replace the accurate perception of Jews
   killing Ukrainians - or more generally, Jews killing Slavs - with the false image of
   Ukrainians killing Jews. However, the CBS effort was insufficient to erase from the
   historical record that the essence of Ukrainian-Jewish relations is captured not by the
   Ugly Face of Freedom, but by scenes such as the one below.
   Vynnytsa, Ukraine, June 1943. Here trenches dating from 1937-38 were opened and hundreds of bodies exhumed.
   The authorities had built a park and summer theater on the site. Similar trenches were discovered in Zhytomyr,
   Kamenets-Podolski, and other areas. Such macabre discoveries continue even today. In 1997, 1,100 bodies were
   exhumed in St. Petersburg, and another 9,000 were found in a mass grave in the forests of Karelia.
   Stephane Courtois, et al., The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression, Harvard University Press,
   Cambridge Massachusetts and London England, 1999, between pp. 202 and 203.
   It's time for CBS to produce its evidence.
   If you have evidence which demonstrates that the Wiesenthal-Safer accusation is true, I
   invite you to break your five-year silence by placing it beside the evidence that I have
   adduced so that comparisons can be made and the truth can be discovered. Send me your
   evidence, and I will publish it on the Ukrainian Archive web site the same day, and web
   visitors will be able to judge for themselves who is right. If you have no evidence on
   your side, I invite you to break your five-year silence by withdrawing the
   Wiesenthal-Safer Calumny.
   If you continue to remain silent, the public will continue to judge not only that you
   were in the wrong, but that you lack the integrity to admit it as well.
   Lubomyr Prytulak
   cc: Ed Bradley, Jeffrey Fager, Don Hewitt, Steve Kroft, Andy Rooney, Lesley Stahl, Mike
   Morley Safer Letter 18 05Apr00 Flip side of French drinking
   "In 1991, Morley Safer's '60 Minutes' report on the possible heart
   protective effects of drinking red wine led to a 44 percent increase
   in red wine sales among Americans." - David Jernigan
   "While men in Sweden can expect to live 76.5 years on average, a
   French man's average lifespan is 74.1 years." - Cardiologist
   Michel de Lorgeril
   April 05, 2000
   Morley Safer
   60 Minutes, CBS Television
   51 W 52nd Street
   New York, NY
   USA 10019
   Morley Safer:
   The weight of scientific evidence contradicts
   your French Paradox conclusions
   My letter to you of 21Apr99 on the question "Does drinking wine promote longevity?"
   demonstrated that your conclusion that drinking 3 to 5 glasses of wine per day promotes
   longevity could be seen to be unwarranted from no more than the data that you adduced in
   its support. Today, I was astonished to read literature published by the Marin
   Institute indicating that research literature that you have failed to bring to public
   attention, either in your two French Paradox broadcasts or afterward, reveals that the
   bulk of the evidence points to conclusions opposite to the ones that you advocated.
   Below, I reproduce excerpts which illustrate the nature of this evidence from two Marin
   Institute articles:
   The Flip Side of French Drinking
   by Hilary Abramson (c) 2000 The Marin Institute
   Johnny Carson [who underwent quadruple heart bypass surgery last year] has some advice for
   David Letterman [who is recovering from a quintuple bypass]:
   "Drink more red wine."
   That's the message Carson left for Letterman while he was in the hospital.
   - Associated Press
   One of the fathers of the "French Paradox" believes the time has come to "ban" the
   expression his research team published in the mid '80s.
   One of his countrymen, whose work helped make famous the paradox of having a high
   saturated fat diet and lower than expected death rate from heart disease nearly a
   decade ago on "60 Minutes," says that attributing a low rate of heart disease to
   daily consumption of wine or other forms of alcohol is wrong.
   A growing number of French health researchers have news for the rest of the world: It
   is myth that the French are healthier than most everyone else because they drink. In
   truth, the French are drowning in the grape and paying a hefty price for it.
   "There is no scientific consensus today over the protective effect of alcohol," says
   Dominique Gillot, France's secretary of state for health. "The link between the
   quantity of alcohol consumed and increase of risk of diseases, particularly cancer,
   is, on the other hand, scientifically validated."
   The fact is that according to data from the world's largest study of heart disease,
   conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO) during the past decade in 21
   countries with 10 million men and women, French heart disease statistics appear to
   have been underestimated and the "French Paradox" overestimated. France's rate of
   heart disease is actually similar to that of neighboring Italy, Spain, and southern
   Germany - lower than many countries in the world, but hardly as remarkable as
   reported in the 80s and early 90s.
   The French drink one-and-a-half times more per capita than Americans and their death
   rate from liver cirrhosis is more than one-and-a-half times greater than that in the
   United States. According to WHO, France has the sixth highest adult per capita
   alcohol consumption in the world. (The U.S. ranks 32nd.) Alcohol may be involved in
   nearly half of the deaths from road accidents, half of all homicides, and one-quarter
   of suicides, according to the French equivalent of the U.S. Institutes of Health.
   And while coronary heart disease may be less pervasive in that country of 60 million
   people than in many others, it is still the number one cause of death.
   Within the past year, several other revelations have highlighted this
   little-publicized, other side of French drinking:
   According to the first French economic study of its kind, France is more like
   the U.S. than Americans might realize in that alcohol also ranks first - above
   tobacco - in its cost to society. Tobacco takes more of a toll than alcohol in
   the rest of Europe, Canada and Australia.
   The high premature death rate of French men is largely due to alcohol abuse. It
   is nearly double the premature death rate of French women, and the magnitude of
   the difference is the highest in Europe, according to the French government's
   most recent report on health.
   French youth, who can legally drink at age 16, prefer beer and distilled spirits
   to wine and have increased their consumption five-fold since 1996 in part
   because 12- to 14-year-olds are drinking and binge drinking. This has led to a
   new government "War Against Drugs" that includes alcohol.
   The French Paradox. Even in English the expression sounded romantic to 33.7 million
   Americans who first heard it in a report by Morley Safer on "60 Minutes" in November
   1991. Although the French eat fatty foods and smoke more than Americans, said Safer,
   "if you're a middle-aged American man, your chances of dying of a heart attack are
   three times greater than a Frenchman of the same age. Obviously, they're doing
   something right - something Americans are not doing... Now it's all but confirmed:
   Alcohol - in particular red wine - reduces the risk of heart disease."
   Within four weeks, U.S. sales of red wine rocketed by 44 percent. American Airlines
   reported being unable to stock enough red wine to meet demand. By February 1992, a
   Gallup poll showed that 58 percent of Americans were aware of research linking