something normal. .... I am really worried by all this. As well as by something else. Will our Canada stay free and democratic after such outraged violation of
   the rights and human dignity of Russian Jewry, who were unfortunate enough to get entrapped?"
   As an example to support our statements let's consider my immigration case: Accoding to the section 2(1) of the Immigration Act ( as enacted by R.S.C.
   1985 (4th Supp.), c.28, s.1): "Convention refugee" means any person who (a) By reason of a well - founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion,
   nationality, membership in a particular social group or political opinion, (i) is outside the country of the person's nationality and is unable or, by reason of the
   fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country... - Although the panel had not find any lies or contradictions in the testimonies of the three
   of us; - Although I had been persecuted and threatened for my political opinion; - Although our statements had been supported by much material from Israeli
   Press; - Although few eyewitnesses had testified on my behalf before the panel; - Although we have physical evidences of attacks on my son and me;
   Although there had been a sexual assault of my wife; - Although the police had never protected us (me and my son) and my spouse from physical attacks and
   sexual assault, but opposite, the police had beaten me several times; Although my son became an invalid (uncontrolable urine flow at night time) after he has
   been physical assaulted by his peers because he is not a Jew and obviously not circumcised; - Although we did our best to get rooted in Israel for two years,
   we had to leave this country after the final threat to pay with my wife's and son's lives if I don't stop my intentions to defend human and civil rights of the new
   repatriants, the panel had determind us not to be convention refugees! If we are not suitable to this status, so who are? My case is not an exception between
   the decisions of the Refugee Boards. The refusal to make positive decisions in definition of the status for refugees from Israel became a rule in Toronto even
   when a person is found credible and persecuted (case of Mrs. Tamara Minakina I.D. No. 2316-6978, T94-07405). Our refugee process had been
   extremely long and stressful. The hearing had continued over two years ( five full days), then we had to wait for the decision for 19 months ( total almost four
   years), and for an another year I had waited for the Judicial Review. As a result, we must leave Canada, although we, especially my teenage son, have
   become much more Canadian then even Russian or Israeli. During these years the situation in Israel had worsened for people like us: hardliners and the
   ultraorthodox had come to power and had passed laws against christians. They constantly declare that Israel is a state created by Jews for Jews only. Many
   prominent politicians and human rights activists like me (parliament and government members Shulamit Alony, Yosi Sarid and others) have received death
   threats. Certainly my family and me would face a great risk to our lives there. We are ready to present numerous documents that prove that our situation in
   Israel was unbearable and that we indeed qualify to receive refugee status according to the Refugee Convention. Such an attitude towards our cases by
   Toronto's IRB leads us to a conclusion that there is a bias in this office against any refugee claimant from Israel and that their decisions are not objective. We
   are ready to discuss this issue at any level in front of any auditorium in order to prove that IRB of Toronto has violated the promises, which Canada gave to
   the United Nations (to give refuge to the persecuted or discriminated people). I am writing about the case of my family, but there are others who have also
   encountered the same unjust inhumane and unreasonable threatment from the IRB. I know that Canada has high humanitarian values.
   I'm attaching some documents I hope you will be interested to read ( letter from Mrs. Sarmite D. Bulte, Member of Parliament and letters from my lawyer Mr. Gerald W. Postelnik) Sincerely, Alexander Orlovsky family
   Alexander Orlovsky - 41 I.D. No. 2839 - 1984 ; Tribunal's No. T93-12990 Rima Orlovsky - 43 I.D. No. 2839 - 1992 ; Tribunal's No. T93-12991
   Alexey Orlovsky - 18 I.D. No. 2839 - 1993 ; Tribunal's No. T93-12992
   Canadian Jewish Congress calls upcoming conference speaker an anti-Semite
   TORONTO - A group that's organized a health conference in Toronto says it wants proof The Consumer Health Organization of Canada has invited US based author Eustace Mullins to speak at the Total Health conference later this month.
   He will speak on "the Rockefeller medical monopoly."
   The Canadian Jewish Congress says Mullins is a high-profile racist who has written anti-Semitic and anti-black tracts.
   Conference organizer Libby Gardon says if the CJC can prove its allegation they'll reconsider their invitation to Mullins. "Of course they have to have proof. What right do they have to smear somebody without proof?"
   Gardon says she's known Mullins for years and she's never heard him utter an anti-Semitic word. She calls him a gentle soul.
   Bernie Farber, of the CJC, says he's sent the proof. A 100-page package of information on Mullins, including excerpts from his writings.
   Farber says if the conference doesn't cancel Mullins, he'll ask the immigration department to keep the man out of Canada.
   The Total Health conference is dedicate to showcasing alternative and natural health products and services.
   4. Politically and Criminally Motivated Jewish Medical Mafia
   Medical Racketeering and Covert Information
   THE MEDICAL MAFIA: How To Get Out of It Alive and Take Back Our Health and Wealth
   by Guylaine Lanctot, M.D.
   The medical establishment works closely with the drug multinationals whose main objective is profits, and whose worst nightmare would be an epidemic of good health. Lots of drugs MUST be sold. In order to achieve this, anything goes: lies, fraud, and kickbacks.
   Doctors are the principal salespeople of the drug companies. They are rewarded with research grants, gifts, and lavish perks. The principal buyers are the public - from infants to the elderly - who MUST be thoroughly medicated and any cost! Why do the authorities forbid alternative medicine? Because they are serving the industry, and the industry cannot make money with herbs, vitamins, and homeopathy. They cannot patent natural remedies. That is why they push synthetics. They control medicine, and that is why they are able to tell medical schools what they can and cannot teach. They have their own sets of laws, and they force people into them. That is a mafia. This sensational expose' also uncovers the truth behind vaccines, AIDS, cancer, the World Health Organization, the Rockefeller Foundation, the World Bank, and more. 250p.
   by Joachim Schafer.
   Guylaine Lanctot, author of The Medical Mafia, lost her medical license for writing that book. She was brought before a 'kangaroo court' whose verdict was predetermined despite the presence of Lanctot's numerous expert witnesses. This book provides a complete account of this incredible travesty of justice. 237p.
   by Robert Mendelsohn, M.D.
   This classic expose' on medical fraud, written by the world famous "people's doctor," is a remarkable contribution to humanity. The hair-raising chapters on "Ritual Mutilations," "Devil Priests," and more, will leave you reeling in disbelief. Added bonus: Learn how to protect yourself. The final chapters offer solutions and hope. 191p.
   DISEASE MONGERS: How Doctors, Drug Companies, and Insurers Are Making You Feel Sick
   by Lynn Payer.
   An excellent expose' on the commercialization of the medical profession. Uncovers how diagnostic tests are misused, how healthy people are persuaded to be sick, and just how big the medical business is! Well written. 292p.
   MURDER BY INJECTION: The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America
   by Eustace Mullins.
   A fascinating and frightening expose' of the medical monopoly in America. Implicates the AMA, FDA, CIA, and others. Unveils their criminal scheme to poison our bodies, deny our healthcare options, and increase profits at any price. 348p. (Hardback)
   IMMUNIZATION THEORY VS. REALITY: Expose' on Vaccinations
   by Neil Z. Miller.
   This profound health resource contains the most compelling, up-to-date information currently available on vaccines (1996 copyright). Written by the author of the powerful, best-selling Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective?, this gut-wrenching sequel reads like a startling investigational novel, and is guaranteed to stir your emotions and stimulate into action your deepest humanitarian instincts.
   Read about the suppressed history of vaccines, discover the exact ingredients in each shot, learn medical tactics designed to deceive parents, and marvel in disbelief over the wealth of contrary vaccine studies and supplementary references accessible to everyone, including authorities. Example: A recent study in Lancet (April 29, 1995) found a significant link between the measles vaccine and bowel disease. Those who received the vaccine were 3 times more likely to develop Crohn's disease and more than twice as likely to
   develop ulcerative colitis. [p. 131] This publication is exceptionally well-documented and offers solutions to the vaccine dilemma. 160p.
   EMERGING VIRUSES: AIDS EBOLA -- Nature, Accident or Genocide?
   by Dr. Len Horowitz.
   This compelling book reveals secret meetings on covert vaccine projects, the origin of new viruses, and exposes the inner workings of the Military-Medical-Industrial Complex. Follow the trail of the CIA, the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as military and medical policymakers. Includes details of African population control, biological weapons, Fort Detrick, NASA, NATO, and the National
   Cancer Institute involvement. Discover the manmade origin of the Ebola virus, read about Project MK-NAOMI, and much, much more. Meticulously documented, and written by a Harvard graduate researcher. 544p.
   CENSORED 2000: The News that Didn't Make the News -- The Year's Top 25 Censored Stories
   by Peter Phillips Project Censored.
   Hailed by Ralph Nader, and considered "required reading" by the Los Angeles Times, this award winning book covers the important stories you won't find in your newspaper or on the evening news. For example, the impending national ID card and what it means to you, how the U.S. is a leading exporter of torture devices, the multinational surveillance system that threatens our privacy, and lots
   more. 368p.
   by Eustace Mullins.
   Learn who really owns the "FED," how money is "created," and why our economy is systematically manipulated. Several easy-to-read charts and biographies of the major players enhance the text. Discover why this exceptional book was nearly censored. 191p. (Hardback)
   THE ROBOT'S REBELLION: The Story of the Spiritual Renaissance
   by David Icke.
   According to the author, WE are the robots. For generations the corrupt forces behind the Church, State, science, and commerce, have manipulated and controlled people of all nations through a merciless network of secret societies. They have also suppressed information about the existence of great beings from other dimensions, beings who want ordinary people to learn of their own extraordinary spiritual roots. This book is exceedingly thorough in revealing the corrupt organizations and individual players who "program" and control the masses with their corrupt ideas. The author also maps out a plan for our future. This rare expose' is not intended for those who wield and abuse power. It is for the world's unwilling robots who have it within themselves to rise up and take control of their own exciting and unique destiny. Imported from England. 347p.
   by David Icke.
   This incredible expose' lifts the veil on an astonishing web of interconnected manipulation to reveal that the same few people, secret societies, and organizations control the daily direction of our lives. They engineer the wars, violent revolutions, and political assassinations. They control the world market in hard drugs, deceive the population about UFOs, and "own" the media. Never before has this web, its personnel and methods, been revealed in such a detailed and devastating manner. Imported from England. Not available locally. 518p.
   Naked Empress or The Great Medical Fraud
   World Without Cancer
   The Politics of Cancer Therapy
   Murder By Injection: The Medical Conspiracy Against America
   Animal Experimentation: The Hidden Cause of Environmental Pollution
   Science on Trial: The Human Cost of Animal Experiments
   The Controlled Clinical Trial
   Corporate Crime in the Pharmaceutical Industry
   Poisonous Prescriptions
   Vaccination: 100 Years of Orthodox Research Shows that Vaccines Represent a Medical Assault on the Immune System
   Pasteur Exposed: The False Foundations of Modern Medicine
   The Cot Death Cover-Up?
   The Medical Mafia: How to Get Out of it Alive and Take Back Our Health and Wealth
   More reviews ...
   Naked Empress or The Great Medical Fraud
   by Hans Ruesch
   Following up his sensational SLAUGHTER OF THE INNOCENT, this new exposй of Hans Ruesch shows how with the help of press agentry and the venality of most of the mass media the public has been brainwashed into equating MEDICAL CARE with HEALTH, whereas in fact exactly the opposite applies: modern medicine has become the principal cause of disease today.
   So in one year 1.5 million Americans had to be hospitalised as a consequence of the intake of drugs that were supposed to "cure" them of one thing or other. Another case in point is cancer. The ably exploited fear of this dread disease, caused for the most part by products issuing from chemical, industrial and pharmaceutical laboratories, has become a solid gold source for researchers, drug manufacturers
   and doctors, who keep foisting their deleterious cut-burn-poison therapies on the frightened patients, most of whom die from the treatment before the cancer can kill them.
   Since the cause of most cancers is well-known, they could be avoided through prevention, which early education should provide. And yet, practically no public funds go into prevention because there is no money to be gained with it - only health. The big money is all in the pseudo "Research," done on millions of animals, which can only give fallacious answers, and in the treatment of the patients with violent, destructive, but immensely lucrative therapies imposed by official medicine.
   Certified reports of cancers completely cured by "soft", drugless treatments, usually based on natural diets, mostly various raw foods, have been piling up both in Europe and the USA. But all the competent and honest doctors who threaten the profits of the lucrative medical trade with inexpensive therapies are being viciously attacked, vilified as "quacks and charlatans," sometimes even barred from the profession, by the quacks and charlatans who make up the profit-oriented Medical Power.
   Animal experimentation, inevitably misleading, is of course the alibi that has been devised by this organisation for extorting huge grants
   for a phoney Research, and to safeguard the drug manufacturers from criminal prosecution whenever the deleterious effects of one
   more of their noxious products can no longer be concealed. Then they can always say "all the prescribed tests" (on animals) had been
   conscientiously undertaken. But not saying that they themselves, in collusion with the Health agencies and corrupt or misled politicos,
   have imposed those tests.
   Not more chemicals, but fewer chemicals, not an increase of drugs, but a drastic reduction of drugs, and not a multiplication of animal
   experiments, but a total abolition of all such "alibi" experiments, are the inescapable premise for a betterment of living conditions and
   an improvement of public health. The present book brings ample proof of this, besides unearthing some information that many powerful
   individuals in America and abroad would prefer to keep buried forever.
   The above reprinted from NAKED EMPRESS.
   World Without Cancer and The Politics of Cancer Therapy
   by G. Edward Griffin
   WORLD WITHOUT CANCER (first published 1974, latest edition 1996) is a book about the story of Laetrile, commonly called vitamin
   B17. Separated in two parts, WORLD WITHOUT CANCER firstly explores the remarkable success of Laetrile in treating cancer victims;
   and more importantly, the second part describes the politics of cancer therapy in which Griffin blows the lid off an all-powerful
   international chemical and drug cartel that has dominated the direction of health care since early this century. Not only has the
   Rockefeller-Farben combine been instrumental in fostering chemical-based drug treatment as the basis for health care, they have been
   the dominant adversary against safer non-drug treatments.
   Griffin's interest in the subject was aroused back in 1971 when his friend Dr John Richardson presented him with his findings on a
   control for cancer. The physician had stumbled across a revolutionary concept of cancer and a means of treating cancer. Using a safe
   natural substance called Laetrile, Dr Richardson had been able to successfully treat terminal cancer patients. However, the physician's
   "unorthodox" approach was fiercely opposed by other members of the medical profession including the American Medical Association,
   the American Cancer Society, and doctors on the staff of the hospital where he practiced. He was labelled a "quack" and was pressured
   to abandon his fruitful research and therapy. Upon questioning the motives behind the medical profession's opposition to an effective
   control for cancer, Griffin had started what turned out to be a 3-year research project which was to lead him to the uncovering of one of
   the most amazing stories of the Twentieth Century. His research covers world history, World War II, cartels, industry, the Nazis,
   foundations, and the information is taken primarily from government hearings. Hearings that took place between the years 1928 and
   1946. A very important time in world history that saw the conglomeration of the world's chemical and drug giants.
   Griffin's investigation revealed that "In the years prior to World War II, there came into existence an international cartel, centered in
   Germany, that dominated the entire world's chemical and drug industries. It had spread its operations to ninety-three countries and was
   a powerful economic and political force in all countries. It was known as I.G. Farben." When John D. Rockefeller interlocked his
   American-based, international empire with that of I.G. Farben in 1928 "there was created the largest and most powerful cartel the world
   has ever known. Not only has that cartel survived through the years, it has grown and prospered. Today it plays a major role in both the
   science and politics of cancer therapy."
   In order to expand their drug operations the Rockefellers set about "educating" the medical profession. "Abraham Flexner, author of the
   famous Flexner Report of 1910, led the crusade for upgrading the medical schools of America. All the while he was in the employ of
   Andrew Carnegie [a Rockefeller stooge] and John D. Rockefeller who had set up gigantic tax-exempt foundations for that purpose. The
   end result was that all medical schools became heavily oriented toward drugs and drug research, for it was through the increased sale
   of drugs that the donors realized a profit on their donations."
   The medical profession and universities weren't the Rockefeller's only target for infiltration. "A brief backward glance at the total
   landscape will help us to appreciate more fully the present extent of cartel influence, not only in the FDA [United States' Food and Drug
   Administration], but at all levels of the federal government, for it is an historical fact that the centers of political power long have been the
   easy target of cartel penetration and control.... The list of men who are or were in key positions within the Rockefeller group reads like a
   'Who's Who in Government'."
   Griffin is well known because of his unique talent for researching obscure and difficult topics and presenting them in clear, concise
   terms that all can understand. He is the author of numerous documentary books and films under diversified and controversial topics
   including the United Nations, the Supreme Court, US foreign policy, The John Birch Society, the Communist Party, and international
   banking. The information revealed WORLD WITHOUT CANCER adds to this impressive list of topics - his painstaking research and
   thorough analysis of the international chemical and drug cartel and their powerful allies is in our opinion one of the most authoritative
   and well-written treatise on this least understood subject.
   THE POLITICS OF CANCER THERAPY is an audio tape recording of a one-hour lecture by Griffin on the above subject. Based on the
   second part of WORLD WITHOUT CANCER, THE POLITICS OF CANCER THERAPY is a very good audio complement to his book, as
   it covers this very complex and interesting subject in an easy-to-understand manner.
   Murder By Injection: The Medical Conspiracy Against America
   by Eustace Mullins
   This book is a truly thorough account of the machinations underlying America's steadily deteriorating health, and is the result of some
   forty years of investigative research by the author Eustace Mullins. MURDER BY INJECTION reinforces and adds further light to the
   devastating exposйs, WORLD WITHOUT CANCER by G. Edward Griffin, THE DRUG STORY by Morris Bealle and Hans Ruesch's
   MURDER BY INJECTION explains how the ruthless Rockefeller Syndicate under the control of the world financial structure, chiefly the
   Rothschilds - plays the major political, health and educational roles in America. The book describes the various arms of the Rockefeller
   Syndicate and their functions: the Rockefeller Oil Trust, which incorporates much of the American military-industrial complex, has
   political control of the nation; the Rockefeller Medical Monopoly attains control of "health" care of America; and the Rockefeller
   Foundation, a web of affiliated tax exempt creations, effectively controls "education".
   Mullins specifies names throughout the book, many of them belonging to familiar public figures in America. Companies and their board
   of directors are listed with all their connections.
   Eustace Mullins says that in 1987 the United States still maintains an overwhelming lead in the production and sale of drugs. Eleven of the eighteen leading firms are located in the United States and the Drug Trust in the United States is controlled by the Rockefeller group. Mullins adds: "The major banks, defense firms, and prominent political figures interlock with the CIA and the drug firms." He further states that the Rockefeller interests, having established the American Drug Trust, had long been active not only in
   pharmaceutical drugs but in illegal drugs as well. Mullins writes: "No chronical of the world's important drug firms would be complete without relating the connection between drug firms and the world drug operation known as 'Dope, Inc.'."
   Mullins describes how the Rockefellers with the help of the American Medical Association and government officials gained control of
   America's "health" care industry in the early part of this century. "Educating" medical students was instrumental in their plan, Mullins writes: "Rockefeller's Education Board has spent more than $100 million to gain control of the nation's medical schools and turn our physicians to physicians of the allopathic school, dedicated to surgery and the heavy use of drugs."
   MURDER BY INJECTION describes in detail the many other dangerous and lucrative rackets that the Rockefeller Syndicate has foistered onto the unsuspecting public and which are responsible for the contamination of our land, oceans and rivers, our water and food supplies, and our bodies. For example Mullins writes: "While conducting wars of attrition against the leading exponents of better
   nutrition, the Food and Drug Administration and the American Medical Association have valiantly defended the use of chemical fertilizers... (which, according to Dr Alexis Carrel) 'without replacing all the exhausted elements of the soil, have indirectly contributed to change the nutritive value of cereal grains and vegetables.'"
   On vaccinations: "After the use of cowpox vaccine became widespread in England, a smallpox epidemic broke out which killed 22,081 people. The smallpox epidemics became worse each year that the vaccine was used. In 1872, 44,480 people were killed by it. England finally banned the vaccine in 1948, despite the fact that it was one of the most widely heralded 'contributions' which that country had made to modern medicine. This action came after many years of compulsory vaccination, during which period those who refused to submit to its dangers were hurried off to jail."
   On fluoridation: "What he [Oscar Ewing] wanted, and what he had been paid to bring about, was the national fluoridation of our drinking water... At the same time, Congressmen and other politicians in Washington were privately alerted by Ewing's minions that they should be careful about ingesting the fluoridated water. Supplies of bottled water from mountain springs then appeared in every office on
   Capitol Hill; these have been maintained continuously ever since, at the taxpayers' expense."
   On the consequences of the Rockefellers' control: "The criminal syndicalists are now looting the American nation of one trillion dollars each year, of which about one-third, more than three hundred billion dollars per year, represents the profitable depredations of the Drug Trust and its medical subsidiaries...
   "America became the greatest and most productive nation in the world. When the Rockefeller Syndicate began its takeover of our medical profession in 1910, our citizens went into a sharp decline. Today, we suffer from a host of debilitating ailments, both mental and physical, nearly all of which can be traced directly to the operations of the chemical and drug monopoly, and which pose the greatest threat to our continued existence as a nation."
   Although the book mainly deals with America, the situations described by Mullins in many respects equally applies to Australia, as in most other countries. The immense damning evidence that he presents makes MURDER BY INJECTION essential reading for those who are serious about understanding the true reasons behind our ailing health.
   Published by the National Council for Medical Research in 1988. Hard-cover, 348 pages.
   Animal Experimentation: The Hidden Cause of Environmental Pollution
   by Hoorik Davoudian
   Writing for the United States anti-vivisection organisation called SUPRESS the author makes a direct and comprehensive connection between animal research, chemical testing and production, and environmental pollution. Ms Davoudian who is a Hazardous Materials Manager for a government agency in California, exposes the scientific fraudulence of animal research and shows how it is routinely used and manipulated to make toxicants appear "safe" for human consumption. This concise 10-page booklet further shows how the
   inherently erroneous nature of vivisection renders environmental laws and regulations ineffective in controlling environmental pollution.
   Ms Davoudian came to the conclusion that vivisection is a scientific fraud when the very professors and researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles (where the author received her Science degree) admitted that "they were faced with great difficulties in extrapolating the results of their animal tests to human beings". After researching the issue, she determined that rather than a "difficult"
   task, these "scientists" were faced with a total impossibility.
   In explaining the REAL motives behind industry and government's insistence on using unscientific animal testing, Ms Davoudian reveals: "The non-conclusive, erroneous nature of animal testing creates a smoke screen an alibi which permits the continued manufacture of all kinds of toxic and hazardous chemicals. Vivisection conveys a false illusion of safety, but all it ensures is a continued demand for ever 'newer' and 'improved' products. The tragic result is that these seemingly 'safety tested' poisons are the very ones which pollute our air, water, food, and planet."
   On further explaining the role of vivisection, the author says: "From these 'studies', staggering amounts of ambiguous, contradictory, and invalid data are compiled. It is from these data that the 'scientist' draw their 'scientific' conclusions. And, of course, animal experimentation suits their purposes perfectly, because its non-conclusive and contradictory nature allows both the scientists and the chemical manufacturers to arrive at any kind of conclusion they desire.
   "For example, if they want to 'prove' that a particular chemical is not carcinogen, all they have to do is present the evidence from those animal tests that support this view. On the other hand, if they wish to prove that the same chemical is a carcinogen, then, with just as much conviction, they can present other laboratory tests that show the product to be carcinogenic."
   In addition to this, Ms Davoudian explains that the fraud of vivisection reaches beyond the process of chemical production and marketing and applies to the entire field of "environmental protection." Giving an example she says that "if a hazardous waste incinerator is to be built, the Environmental Impact Report (incorporating findings of animal studies), conducted by those in favor of the incinerator, will prove the 'harmlessness' of its air emissions with little difficulty. Yet a different Environmental Impact Report, conducted by the opposition, will prove the risks associated with the same incinerator to be unacceptable."
   The booklet is timely considering that recently the United States Institute of Environmental Health Services after reviewing their tests on laboratory animals has concluded that the Government should no longer rely on these tests because chemicals frequently have wholly different effects on animals and humans. Consequently the US environmental regulation has been thrown into question.
   Science On Trial
   by Dr Robert Sharpe
   The subtitle of this latest book by Robert Sharpe is The Human Cost of Animal Experiments, and that cost is great indeed. Drawing on extensive research, Sharpe, formerly a Senior Research Chemist at the Royal Postgraduate Medical School in London, presents a powerful body of evidence and argument to demonstrate that, far from being scientific, animal research is methodologically flawed, and has retarded advances in human health.
   The advocates of animal experimentation have mounted a sophisticated public relations campaign to justify the use of non-human animals as surrogates for human studies in a "controlled" environment, a claim rebutted by Sharpe. He reveals that the choice of animals is usually governed by factors such as cost, ease of management, and reproductive rates. Hence mice and rats, who scarcely resemble humans are the most popular choice.
   The book offers a wide range of empirical examples of the misleading results, false positives and missed opportunities arising from research based on a "logical fallacy". Millions of animals have been sacrificed for no apparent purpose, while research applicable to human beings has been ignored, often for decades. Animal studies attract a disproportionately large percentage of research funds compared with research of direct relevance to humans.
   For instance, forty years ago a famous study of the smoking habits of British doctors revealed that the chances of lung cancer increased with the number of cigarettes smoked. These findings were ignored in favour of animal studies in which, after fifty years of trying, scientists were unable to induce experimental cancers in animals by forced inhalation, feeding, or injection into the lungs.
   Benzene, arsenic and alcohol were correlated with human cancers long before animal studies were begun. In fact, in the case of arsenic, its suspected carcinogenicity was noted as far back as 1809. Workers in the metallurgical and other industries using arsenic were contracting cancer, but not until the 1980s were scientists able to induce cancer in experimental animals. [Which of course is a form of cancer dissimilar to the human cancer.] This was 180 years after arsenic was first suggested as a human carcinogen.
   Sharpe concludes that it would be nice to think that science could put its own house in order, "but in reality it will be an informed and determined public who finally provide the incentives for change. For all our sakes - Let's Liberate Science!"
   Reviewed by Margaret Setter in the Nov-Dec '94 issue of MEDITATION, the newsletter of the Medical Consumers Association of NSW.