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Михаил Ямпольский
ДЕМОН И ЛАБИРИНТ (Диаграммы, деформации, мимесис)
Корректор Н. Лаховская
ЛР No 061083 от 20.04.92 г. Издательство "Новое литературное
обозрение". Формат 60х90 1/16.
Бумага офсетная No 1. Офсетная печать. Усл. печ. л. 21. ВТИ Зак.2113.
Сканирование Янко Слава yankos@dol.ru
1966: С. W. Ceram. Archeologie du cinema. Paris, Plon.
Сервантес Мигель де Сааведра 1970: Хитроумный идальго Дон Кихот
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Сибони 1986: Daniel Sibony. Espace et inconscient. -- La Part de
1'Oeil, n° 2, 1986, p.133--145.
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francaise de Rousseau a Baudelaire. These de doctorat. т. 1. Paris, Ed. de
Скалли 1969: Vincent Scully. The Earth, the Temple, and the Gods. Greek
Sacred Architecture. New York -- Washington -- London, Praeger.
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1, March 1975, p. 53-67.
Старобински 1974: Jean Starobinski. "Je hais comme les portes
d'Hades..." -- Nouvelle revue de psychanalyse, n° 9, printemps 1974, p.
Стаффорд 1984: Barbara Maria Stafford. Characters in Stones, Marks on
Paper: Enlightenment Discourse on Natural and Artificial Taches. -- Art
Journal, v. 44, n° 3, Fall 1984, p. 233-244.
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Тард 1890: G. Tarde. Les lois de 1'imitation. Paris, Fe1ix Alcan.
Тауск 1988: Victor Tausk. On the Origin of the "Influencing Machine" in
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Bodies, History. Minneapolis. Minnesota University Press.
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Този 1984: Virgilio Tosi. II cinema prima di Lumiere. Torino, ERI
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Томпсон 1992: G.R. Thompson. The Arabesque Design of Arthur Gordon
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Kopley. Durham -- London, Duke University Press, p. 188--216.
Торт 1980: Patrick Tort. L'ordre et les monstres. Paris, Le Sycomore.
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1959: Сочинения в трех томах, т. 1. М.-Л., Гослитиздат.
Уиллемен 1994: Paul Willemen. Looks and Frictions. Bloomington--
Indianapolis-London, Indiana University Press -- BFI.
Фаджиоло 1980: Marcello Fagiolo. II giardino come teatro del mondo e
delta memoria. -- In: La citta effimera e 1'universo artificiale del
giardino: La Firenze dei Medici e 1'Italia dell' 500. A cura di Marcello
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Фенгер 1979: Donald Fanger. The Creation of Nikolai Gogol. Cambridge,
Mass. -- London, The Belknap Press.
Ференци 1938: Sandor Ferenczi. Thalassa. A Theory of Genitality. New
York, The Psychoanalitic Quarterly.
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Place and Void. Simplicius: Against Philoponus on the Eternity of the World.
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Фламмарион б.г.: -- Camille Flammarion. Clairs de Lune. Paris,
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Psychoanalitic Writings. N.Y., Collier Books, p. 229--250.
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Psycho-analysis. Recollection, Repetition and Working Through. -- In: S.
Freud. Therapy and Technique. New York, Collier Books, p. 167-180.
Фрейд 19636: Sigmund Freud. The "Uncanny". -- In: S. Freud. Studies in
Parapsychology. Ed. by Philip Rieff. New York, Collier Books, p. 19--62.
Фрейд 1963в: Sigmund Freud. Psychoanalytic Notes upon an
Autobiographical Account of a Case of Paranoia (Dementia Paranoides). -- In:
S. Freud. Three Case Histories. New York, Collier Books, p. 103--186.
Фрейд 1963г: Sigmund Freud. A Mythological Parallel to a Visual
Obsession. In: S. Freud. Character and Culture. Ed. by Ph. Rieff. New York,
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Михаил Ямпольский
ДЕМОН И ЛАБИРИНТ (Диаграммы, деформации, мимесис)
Корректор Н. Лаховская
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